MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 162

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After calming down a little, Major Drake said respectfully, "Lieutenant General! We just found a pirate ship that fell from the sky inside the fortress!"

Hearing Major Drake's words, Jonathan smiled slightly, then nodded lightly for Major Drake to continue.

"It's strange. After I ordered the soldiers to board the ship, I found that the pirate ship was empty and dilapidated. I don't know what the origin of the pirate ship was, and!"

Speaking of which, Major Drake pulled the huge sackcloth in front of him with his right hand, and with a flick of the sharp sword in his hand, a dazzling golden light flashed out of the sackcloth in an instant, filling every corner of the entire office!

Rao is Lieutenant General Jonathan, who has always been stable. At this moment, facing such a huge amount of gold, he is too shocked to speak! .

151 Raid Fortress Restaurant

"Major Drake! All this gold! Could it be all confiscated from that pirate ship of unknown origin?"

After hearing Jonathan's words, Major Drake nodded slightly, confirming Jonathan's guess.

Jonathan glanced at the gold all over the ground. In addition to the glittering gold, there were actually many precious gems in it!

Major Drake calmed down for a while, continued forward, and said to Jonathan: "Because there is no evidence to explain the origin of the pirate ship, now the rumors of the ghost ship have begun to spread inside the fortress?, I'm afraid!"

Hearing Major Drake's words, Jonathan instantly understood what Major Drake wanted to convey. At present, the Naval Fortress has just accepted a group of newly recruited navies. If the rumors are allowed to spread, I am afraid it will cause many adverse effects. .

If this disturbs the morale of the new navy, it will not be very good.

After thinking about it carefully, Lieutenant General Jonathan handed over this matter to Major Drake. This is not only Jonathan's trust in Major Drake, but also a kind of training for him.

Just as Major Drake was about to continue reporting his work, the door of the office was opened again!

A bright and attractive young woman pushed a small dining cart in her hand, walked across the door of the office as if no one was there, and walked straight towards Lieutenant General Jonathan.

Before the silver lid on the dining car was lifted, the smell of food permeated every corner of the office.

The bright and attractive young woman bypassed Major Drake, her eyes swept gently on Jonathan's face, looking at Jonathan's face full of intoxication, the young woman's red lips lightly parted, and said gently: "Lieutenant General Jonathan , it's time to eat!"

Standing by the side, Major Drake took a savage sip of the sour smell of love, and said with an unnatural face: "Since it's time for Lieutenant General Jonathan's meal, let's talk about work next time. Bar."

Lieutenant General Jonathan nodded slightly towards Major Drake, Major Drake gave a slight salute, and then slowly retreated from the door.

After Major Drake left, Lieutenant General Jonathan gently lifted the lid of the dining car, took a sip, and said affectionately to the young woman, "Madam, I haven't seen you for a long time, and your cooking skills have changed. Sophisticated!"

That's right, the young woman in the office is Jessica, the wife of Vice Admiral Jonathan, the chief chef of the Navy's G-8 headquarters!

Hearing Lieutenant General Jonathan's compliment, Jessica put the food from the dining car on the table one after another, and the corners of her mouth were slightly upturned, evoking a charming smile.

When Lieutenant General Jonathan saw carrots, bitter gourd, and eggplant being served on the table, the admiration in his eyes gradually disappeared, and turned into bitterness on his face.

"Ma'am, are these all prepared for me?"

Hearing Lieutenant General Jonathan's words, Jessica said slowly: "Yeah, I think you've been too tired recently, so I cooked it carefully, you must finish it!"

Jessica's words seemed to have issued a military order to Lieutenant General Jonathan, which made Lieutenant General Jonathan's face dumbfounded.

In the dark room, the shadows of the five black districts pouted the food they had just found, and said, "The treatment in this fortress is good! It's delicious!"

"Ma Liu, you can't stop your mouth when you eat, hurry up and eat more, wait for someone to come later, we will withdraw immediately!"

The person who spoke was Wu An. With his keen sense of smell, Wu An just identified the location of the kitchen in the living area of ​​the Navy. He noticed that the Navy had not come in for dinner, so he led Nami, Fan Oka, Sabah, and Ni. But the four Robins rushed in.

Hearing Wu An's reprimand, Sabas stopped talking, grabbed two big pig hooves and forced them into his mouth, showing a happy expression on his face.

"Jingle bells!"

The piercing bell rang, Wu An hurriedly swallowed the food in his hand, and shouted to Nami and her party inarticulately: "It is estimated that the restaurant is open for dinner! Don't eat, hurry up!"

Hearing Wu An's order, Sabas ruthlessly removed a piece of fat from the pig's hind legs, devoured it, and hurriedly followed Wu An's footsteps and escaped.

The lights were turned on, and the head chef led more than a dozen chefs into the kitchen. He was dizzy and dizzy at the shock of the scene in front of him, and his inner anger instantly ignited!

"Who! Who! What the **** did that **** do!"

?0 asking for flowers.....

Hearing the iron bell ringing in the restaurant, groups of navy soldiers walked into the restaurant in an orderly manner, and instantly a 100-meter long queue was lined up!

Seeing that delicious food is about to be enjoyed, all the navy soldiers have smiles on their faces.

Five minutes passed, and there was nothing at the dining window. Hundreds of navy soldiers felt restless when they saw that the food still hadn't been served.

It wasn't just the starving soldier who complained, the entire restaurant was set on fire.

"Where's the meal! I'm starving to death!"

"Why hasn't the meal been served today? I have to attend work later!"

In the kitchen, the head chef was like an ant on a hot pot. Hearing the noise outside, he suddenly had a headache. He walked back and forth more than 20 times, but couldn't think of a solution.


The pre-prepared food disappeared, and the whole kitchen was in a mess. If the chef was asked to find out who did the good thing, I am afraid that person would be torn apart by the chef!

Just when everyone was very anxious, a bright and moving young woman walked into the kitchen slowly.

"Chief chef? What's the situation, don't you know that people take food as their heaven? What time is it now, why haven't our navy soldiers eaten delicious food yet?"

As soon as the words fell, everyone in the kitchen focused their eyes on the young woman's face. It was Jessica who had just left the office of Lieutenant General Jonathan!

Wu An did not leave the kitchen after Nami, Fan Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin left the kitchen. Instead, he found a hidden place and quietly observed the scene in the restaurant.

Because the five members of the Wu'an Pirates enjoyed the dinner carefully prepared by more than a dozen chefs one step ahead, hundreds of navy soldiers in the restaurant ran out of food.

Seeing the panic in the restaurant, Wu An couldn't help laughing.

Laughter is contagious. When Nami, Fan Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin saw Wu An laugh so heartily, the four of them laughed along with Wu An.

This vote is really beautiful. Previously, everyone was forced to abandon the pirate ship and sneak into the icy waters to abscond. At this moment, seeing all the navy soldiers who have just been deflated, everyone's mood at the moment can be imagined.

152 The Repaired Pirate Ship

"This group of turtle grandchildren just deserved what they deserved. I think this situation will continue, and sooner or later, there will be troubles, haha, it's so cool!"

While laughing at the more than 100 naval soldiers in the restaurant, Sabas made fun of Wu An and others, not knowing what his happiness would look like.

Hearing Sabah's words, Wu An, Nami, Fan Oka, and Nico Robin laughed even more, not paying attention to the hidden appearance at all.

After waiting for everyone to be happy for a while, they finally restrained the smile on their faces.

Wu An swallowed the peanuts in his right hand into his stomach with a serious look on his face, and said to Nami's group, "Now that we have eaten enough, the next step is to look for our pirate ship. !"

Hearing Wu An's order, the smiles on the faces of Nami, Fan Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin gradually subsided, and they all showed serious expressions of "five nine zeros".

Seeing that everyone had calmed down, Wu An walked ahead and led a group of Wu An Pirates away from the restaurant and towards the dock group in the distance.

With the help of the cover of the night, Wu An and the others were agile again. Without disturbing any guards, the Wu'an Pirates group of five quietly approached the dock group.

After passing through three docks in a row, except for some naval warships that are being built and repaired, there is no shadow of any pirate ship.

Just as everyone was about to move on, Wu An suddenly stopped them and said, "There are not 100 or 50 docks here, so if you search for them one by one, I'm afraid they haven't found them yet, and the sky will dawn, so it's better to split up. "

Hearing Wu An's analysis, Nami, Van Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin nodded in unison.

If five people move separately, the efficiency of the operation will be directly increased by five times, and it will be much easier to find the location of the pirate ship.

Wu An saw that the group of people did not have any opinion, and immediately made a decision. The five members of the Wu'an Pirates immediately divided into five groups and quickly searched!

Wu An passed three docks one after another, but still did not find the shadow of the pirate ship. Just when he was about to turn around, he suddenly heard the conversation between the two guards.

"Have you heard? Major Drake caught a ghost ship tonight!"

"What ghost ship, it's just a broken ship, where are there ghosts and gods in this world, don't scare yourself!"

"Hey, brother, I have to say that you have long hair and short knowledge. I went to search it myself. What did we find on the ghost ship? Full of gold.

"What! Is this true? Where is this ghost ship now?"

"Hehe, of course it's true. Now that pirate ship is lying in dock No. 56. If you don't believe it, you can go and see it."

Hearing the words of the older guard, the younger guard immediately came up with the idea of ​​finding out, but when he thought that the ship's origin was unknown, and it might be a legendary ghost ship, he shuddered in his heart.

Wu An hid in the dark and listened to the conversation of the two guards.

There is a saying that goes, "You can't find a place to break through the iron shoes, and you won't have to work hard to get it!" This sentence is really suitable at this time!

Wu An had a thick smile on his face, and with a flicker of his body, he ran straight towards the No. 56 dock.

After all the aura around him was restrained, Wu An quietly lurked inside Dock No. 56, just in time to see the pirate ship he had been on for nearly two months.

"This time, it seems too easy."

Wu An thought so in his heart, and the figure quickly approached the pirate ship. When Wu An approached the pirate ship less than ten meters, he heard the sound of the wine bottle declining.

"Jumping from the tower!" With a sound, the beer bottle slid down the wooden ladder on the pirate ship and landed right at Wu An's feet.

Wu An frowned slightly, stepped on his feet heavily, his body jumped up instantly, and landed firmly on the deck of the pirate ship.

Just looking up, the mast that was originally broken due to the fall has been reinforced with two layers of steel plates and stands up again, and the dilapidated deck has also been fitted with many new planks.

Seeing the changes on the pirate ship, the frown on Wu An's face became even tighter.

"Is it possible that the people in this naval fortress really regard this ship as a ghost ship, and they want to repair it and plan to set up a museum for people to enjoy?"

Just when Wu An was thinking, an old man in his seventies suddenly came from a distance.

Wu An's spirit was instantly concentrated, and he was lost and found the trail. If he wanted to continue lurking, this person in front of him would never be left behind!

Seeing that the distance between the two was less than five meters, Wu Ande clenched his right fist tightly!

"Boy, if you don't see what you are doing on this broken ship, hurry back and read the book. You can't understand the theoretical knowledge. What will you use to pick up Grandpa's class in the future?"

The seventy-year-old old man suddenly opened his mouth and said inexplicable words, Wu An's right arm stagnated slightly, and then he quickly relaxed.0

A smell of alcohol came into Wu An's nose with the words of the old man, and Wu An immediately dismissed the idea of ​​being a killer.

It seems that the reason why this pirate ship can recover this look is probably the credit of this old man.

Out of his inner doubt, Wu An said slowly, "Grandpa, why did you repair this broken ship to look like this? When it was shipped today, I think it was about to be scrapped."

When the drunk old man heard Wu An's words, he slapped the wine bar vigorously, and slowly stretched out his right hand to touch the back of his head. When Wu An saw the appearance of the drunk old man, he felt very kind.

The drunk old man seemed to think for a while, and then said back: "Grandson, since this pirate ship entered the dock, I have seen things from above that others can't see, you are still young, you don't understand!"

Wu An listened to the drunk old man's words, and quickly made a thought action. Before Wu An could speak, the drunk old man continued to speak.

"These years, the navy has become less and less fond of pirate ships. When Lord 3.6 saw those warships that came back from the war, don't worry too much! You must be patient and learn Grandpa's craftsmanship well, so that you can save these pirates in the future. Destroyed ships!"

Although the old man was nine points drunk, the words he said contained twelve points of sincerity. Rao was Wu An, who did not understand shipbuilding craftsmanship. Hearing the old man's words, he couldn't help but feel moved.

"Boom!" The drunk old man couldn't bear the sleepiness of climbing his head any longer, and fell down beside Wu An.

Seeing the installation, Wu An stretched out a hand to support the old man's body, bent his legs slightly, and immediately took the old man away from the pirate ship. After he had placed it, Wu An left the dock.

The pirate ship has been found. Next, as long as Nami, Van Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin are found, everyone can leave the ship directly.

153 A group of waste

Wu An returned to the fortress. Compared to before, the fortress at this time seemed to have undergone some changes.

A large number of navies began to move, very hastily, and seemed to be chasing down some trespassers.

Intruder, isn't this me? Wu An felt a little bad. Could it be that they were discovered by the navy? Wu An was not sure, but no matter what, he could only bite the bullet and enter the fortress.

The towering fortress is like a military fortress. It is easy to get in, but difficult to get out. I don’t know how Fan Oka, Sabas and Nami alerted these navies. If you want to know what happened, you have to personally Just find out.

G8 is not easy to mess with, because the one stationed here is Vice Admiral Jonathan. Although this guy has not made a lot of shots, his strength is unquestionable. After all, many navy wins, so he can befriend Admiral Akainu. , Since it can be recognized by Akainu, it is an affirmation of his strength.

Going through the corridor and finally entering the outskirts of the fortress, if you want to go deeper, you still need a little means. Wu An is not in a hurry. He pays close attention to the movements of these navies, and finally let him find some clues. The purpose of these navies seems to be almost all is the same place.

"Quick, close the strait channel, don't let these **** pirates have a chance to escape." With a cry, many navies began to mobilize.

At the same time, as Wu An expected, Nami and the others were being pursued by a large number of navies, and the navy who were pursuing was commanded by Major Drake.

There are no weak soldiers under the strong generals. This Drake's strength is really good. Nami and the others were beaten and had no power to fight back. They could only flee in a hurry. In addition, this is a naval fortress. , it is easy to be attacked by the navy before and after.

"Nami, I said that the money in the navy warehouse is not so easy to get, but you just want to get rich, it's good, we were discovered by the navy."

Fan Oka kept shouting, and Nami also realized her mistake and was a little embarrassed, but she was very unwilling. She didn't expect these navies to be so insidious and to do tricks in the warehouse.

I don't know whose idea it was, but when she ran out of the purse, she happened to run into a woman, maybe it had something to do with that woman.

What made her even more hateful was that because things were too urgent, she only took 10 million Baileys, which seemed to be worth the loss.

"What are you still talking about, I can't stand it anymore, there are more and more navies."

While Robin used his flower fruit to repel the navy and stop the navy's footsteps, he also kept using the flower fruit to set up traps on the ground. Even so, he still couldn't restore the situation, which was also in line with Robin's style. She was good at assassination.

But in such a situation, it can't play a big role. As for Nami, not to mention, she is an excellent sailor, but her combat ability is still too poor.

Van Oka is a sniper. In the face of the endless navy, there is really nothing to do. The only one who can make a difference is Sabas. Unfortunately, he has been entangled by Navy Major Drake and can't help at all. busy.

"What are we going to do now, this is not the way to go." Fan Oka was full of bitterness, and he didn't want to be caught by the navy.