MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 160

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too strong! This pirate group is simply invincible!

Ten minutes have passed, and Nico Robin's interpretation work is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Wu An watched as the enthusiasm on Nico Robin's face gradually turned into disappointment. I am afraid that most of the ancient characters engraved on the base of the golden bell do not have what Nico Robin wanted!

Just as Nico Robin finished reading the comparison, his eyes fell on the sign at the bottom, and a hint of surprise appeared on his plain face!

"How! How-how! How is it possible!"

Nico Robin couldn't help losing his voice, and everyone present cast their eyes upon hearing Nico Robin's words!

Wu An reached out and patted Nico Robin's shoulder lightly, and asked suspiciously, "Robin, what's the matter? Is there some shocking secret above?"

Hearing Wu An's words, Nico Robin took a deep breath and calmed down her emotions slowly.

"The ancient text engraved on the base of the golden clock! It turned out to be the handwriting of Gol Do Roger!"

As soon as Nico Robin said this, the expressions on everyone's faces were without exception, even more exaggerated than Nico Robin's shock just now!

Gol?D?Roger! That is the existence that created the era of great navigation!

Goel Do Roger created an extremely powerful pirate group and completed the voyage of the great route, so he was recognized as the pirate king by everyone!

"Want my treasure! I can give you all of it if you want, go find it, I'll put all the treasure there!"

It was precisely because of this sentence from Gol Do Roger before his execution that countless people sailed to the sea and opened the prelude to the "Great Pirate Era"!

Could it be said that Gore D Roger also visited an empty island above ten thousand meters?

Hearing Gol Do Roger's name, Gan Fu's memory surged in his mind. Decades ago, it seemed that such a person had indeed been to the sky island!

"Gore D. Roger, I seem to have heard this name. He did come to the Sky Island a few decades ago!"

The inner thoughts were confirmed by Gan Fuer's words, and the shock in everyone's heart was strengthened again!

A few decades ago, there was once a person who came to the empty island on the upwelling current. That person was powerful, and Ganfur, a god, thought he was far inferior.

The only person who had been in contact with him, Ganfur, hadn't figured out his purpose, so he left the empty island in a hurry.

Now that I think about it, that person seems to have mentioned his name, which is the Gore D Roger that Nico Robin just said!

After listening to Ganfur's narration, Wu An, Nami, Van Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin were all confused, and even Ganfur, who had met at the time, did not understand the intention I can't even guess it myself.

For a long time, Wu An no longer thought about the purpose of Goel? Do Roger's coming to the sky island, the conversation changed, and then he said to Gan Fuer and Paigeya: "We have stayed in the sky island for a lot of time. Time, today, we are going to prepare to leave."

The news that the Wu'an Pirates set off immediately caught Gan Fuer and Paige Ya off guard, and Wu'an rejected the euphemistic retention, saying: "Send EUR from! Group, stay!" Stay*9: After 8#0>2!0;5&8/56, only Ganfur and Paigeya accepted this reality.

Just when Wu An and the others were about to leave, an embarrassing question arose. The Wu'an Pirates came to the empty island with the help of the upwelling current. Now that there is no upwelling current, how can everyone get on!

Aware of this problem, Wu An's face suddenly showed an embarrassed look, he could only turn his head in embarrassment, and asked Gan Fuer how to leave the empty island!

Hearing Wu An's doubts, Gan Fu'er recalled it carefully in his mind. There is indeed a place to leave the empty island, but if he wants to return to Qinghai safely, he has to rely on the help of the inflated octopus.

?0 asking for flowers.....

Coincidentally, where Ganfort used to live, there were a few puffed octopuses, and now it's ready to come in handy!

In another port of the sky island, Gan Fuer, Paigeya, and Conis stood on the coast and waved goodbye to Wu An and his group.

Although she had been comforted by Nami and Nico Robin for a while before, when it came time for the real parting, Cornice's face was still covered in tears.

Different from Nami and Nico Robin, Conis is very fragile at heart. She finally found two little fairies who can communicate with each other, and she will be separated after two days of getting along well, and her heart is not ordinary.

Cornice looked at her daughter who was almost crying, and felt pity in her heart.


After saying goodbye, Wu An gave the order to set sail. Sabas pulled the anchor with both hands and lifted the anchor with ease, while Van Oka raised all the white sails above the mast.

With the help of Xu Xu Qingfeng, the dilapidated pirate ship slowly left the coast.

Nami stood on the deck and stared into the distance, and because she couldn't worry about Cornis, she gently held her hands in a trumpet shape and held it to her mouth.

"Cornis! Don't worry! We'll be back! You have to be strong alone!"

Konice, who was standing on the coast and looked into the distance, heard Nami's comfort from afar, she quickly stopped the tears on her face, and shouted loudly: "I will take care of myself! You must remember your promise, Kongo. The island welcomes you at any time!"

The three big men, Wu An, Fan Oka, and Sabas, stood beside Nami and watched, and they couldn't help but be infected by the two women.

After Wu'an's pirate ship sailed away from the sight of Conis and others, Paige Ya comforted his daughter and left with Gan Fuer.

Not long after the Wu'an Pirates went out to sea, a top-heavy strange bird circled the pirate ship twice, and slowly landed on the side of Wu'an and others.

A gigantic bird's head pointed to the south, and it was the bird caught in the south by Wu'an's group before riding the upwelling current!

Seeing Nan Nan Jian Niao returning to the pirate ship, Wu An and his group all showed expressions of surprise on their faces.

"Is it possible that this bird has become an essence? Knowing that we are leaving the empty island, we have returned to the pirate ship specially." Wan.

147 Leaving the Sky Island

Nannan saw the bird with a proud look on Wu An's group. Although the huge head was still facing the south, the contempt in his eyes did not fail at all!

Seeing Nan Nan Jian Niao's uncle's appearance, Sabas couldn't help but said: "A little beast, he dares to put an uncle on this boat, I won't give you some color to see it, I'm afraid you don't know how high the sky is. !"

After all, Sabas walked straight towards Nannanjian Bird on the deck!

Feeling the chilling air on Sabas' body, Nannan Jianniao immediately flapped his wings to prepare to take off, but Sabas took the lead in grabbing Nannan Jianniao's legs!

Under the huge pincers, no matter how hard Nannan Jian Bird flapped his wings, his body could not move half a minute!

Sabas freed his other hand and quickly raised it to Nannan Jianniao's eyes!

Seeing that the tragedy of "May 90" is about to come, Nannan Jianniao gave up the struggle instantly, showing a righteous and awe-inspiring look! At most it is death!

However, five seconds passed, and Nannan Jianniao didn't feel any pain!

When he slowly opened his eyes, Sabah's palm slowly fell over and pressed heavily against Nannanjian Bird's head, causing his head to deviate from the north!

Wu An, Nami, Fan Oka, and Nico Robin saw the tender Sabas and couldn't help rubbing their eyes!

What is this guy Sabas doing? When did you learn the tenderness of a first-hand iron man?

"Sabas! What are you doing?"

Seeing that everyone was so confused, Wu An also raised their inner doubts on behalf of everyone!

When Sabas heard Wu An's words, the corners of his mouth curved upwards slightly, with a terrifying taste!

"Just watch it, I also have a whim, to see if this bird's head can change its direction!"

Hearing Sabah's explanation, Wu An, Nami Fan Oka, and Nico Robin immediately knew Sabah's purpose!

Forcing animals to do things that go against their nature, I have to say that Sabas is really childish!

"Sabas! How old are you! How can you be so mean!"

Understanding the purpose of Sabah's actions, Nami was the first to stand up and plead for Nannan Bird.

Although I don't know if this will cause damage to Nannanjian Bird, but no animal is willing to do such a forced thing!

Nan Nan Jian Niao's head was pressed by Sabah's broad palm at this moment, and the whole heavy head turned around and a half, and was forced to maintain a limit posture!

I didn't feel anything at first, but after a long time, I felt a strong ache in my neck, and after a while, Nan Nan Jian Niao's eyes finally revealed a little begging look!

Feeling the momentum of seeing birds in the south, from arrogance to compromise, Shabaston laughed out loud!

"Animals are animals, how can they be compared with humans!"

Considering that Nannan Jianniao's attitude before was too aggressive, Sabah's palm still maintains the previous state, and he will never give up until he can wear Nannan Jianniao's mind!

Nami, who was on the side, saw the tears in Nannan Jianniao's eyes, and her soft heart seemed to be dialed, and she immediately pleaded for Nannan Jianniao.

"Sabas, looking at its aggrieved appearance, I'm afraid it's also wrong, just teach it a lesson, it's better to let it go!"

Hearing Nami's intercession, Sabas cast his gaze towards Nannanjianiao again. Since Nami had already interceded for this beast, it would be a little heartfelt for him to bite and not let go!

The broad palm loosened slightly, and it was separated from Nannan Jianniao's head.

Nan Nan Jian Niao's big head turned around his neck for a dozen times, and finally pointed in the original direction!

Wu An, Nami, Fan Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin watched and couldn't help but feel amazed!

It seems that seeing a bird in the south is really not easy! Having this kind of thing is equivalent to having a compass that is not disturbed by a magnet!

When Wu An and the others were teasing Nannan to see birds on the deck, the pirate ship they were riding on was far away from the coast!

Looking back from a distance, the smaller and smaller empty island finally turned into a small dot, and finally disappeared on the sea level of the sea of ​​​​clouds.

As time passed, Nami clearly felt the speed of the pirate ship's speeding up!

If it is Wu An, Fan Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin, it can only be seen that the speed of the pirate ship has been enhanced because of the increased wind!

However, in the eyes of Nami, a natural navigator, the speed of the pirate ship not only increased after moving away from the coast, but the speed of the clouds under the pirate ship also changed slightly!

Although the change was very weak, Nami, a navigator, observed it very clearly!

Considering the change in the situation in the sea of ​​clouds, Nami turned to Wu An, Fan Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin with a serious face and said, "Everyone, be careful, the pirate ship traveled to this sea of ​​clouds, and the speed appeared. Significant increase! I suspect that the sea of ​​​​clouds has changed!"

Hearing Nami's words, Wu An and the others hurriedly gathered towards Nami!

Although Wu An's group didn't feel much, but the words came out of Nami's mouth, and Wu An's group also became solemn!

Nami is a natural navigator. She used her talent to avoid hidden reefs and shoals again and again!

Just when everyone was energized, Wu An and his four partners suddenly felt the hull of the pirate ship shake violently, and before everyone could react, they rushed out in the downhill direction!

Wu An regained his senses first, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to grab the mast to stop his figure, and his solid and powerful right arm quickly stretched out, pulling up Nami, who was about to fall to the ground!

"Everyone, be careful, and quickly find the objects around you to fix your body!"

Wu An's voice was stable without a trace of panic. It fell into everyone's ears as if he had given the 3.6 crowd a shot of cardiotonic. 0

The pirate ship rampaged at an extremely fast speed for nearly a minute, and then left the scope of the sea of ​​​​clouds!

Don't think that you are lucky to be out of the sea of ​​clouds. Wu'an's group is in the air above 10,000 meters at the moment.

Fall fast!

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

The sense of weightlessness came instantly, and Nami, Sabas, and Nico Robin couldn't help screaming!

On the other hand, Wu An and Fan Oka, the former held Nami tightly in his arms, while the latter held the control rod on the deck expressionlessly, and there was no sign of being frightened at all! .

148 Lost record pointer

When this sense of weightlessness lasted for nearly ten seconds, the bloated octopus that Nami had in the bag suddenly jumped up!

The tentacles of the eight meat puffs stretched more than 20 meters in an instant, completely surrounding the pirate ship!

Without waiting for Nami to react, the head of the inflated octopus seemed to have exploded, rapidly expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Puff puff!"

The sound of inhalation was incessant, and in the panic, the attention of Wu An, Nami, Fan Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin was instantly attracted by the swelling octopus.

Without waiting for everyone to reflect, the inflated octopus has swelled to nearly twice the size of the pirate ship, and the speed of the pirate ship's descent has also dropped significantly.

Waiting for the inflated octopus to stop expanding, Wu An and his party on the pirate ship finally lost the sense of fear caused by the rapid fall!

Taking a long breath, Nami took the lead and sighed: "It's terrible! The feeling just now, it seems that my heart is scared out!"

After listening to 10 Nami's words, Wu An, Fan Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin all felt the same way!

"Fortunately, when we left the sky island, we asked Ganfur to ask for the inflated octopus. Otherwise, I'm afraid we will become the first group of pirates to fall from the sky and die!" Sabas calmed down and sighed. After a while, he looked at the inflated octopus above his head.

The empty island is indeed a magical place, with all kinds of things with different functions.

Wu An looked at the inflated octopus above his head, and recalled the express shrimp that everyone took when they first arrived at the sky island.

Everyone sighed around the inflated octopus above their heads, and looked back at the bottom of the pirate ship.

Below the pirate ship, there is a blue glow, and outside the blue water, there are only a few finger-sized islands.

Perhaps it was because everyone was at an altitude of 1,000 meters, so they couldn't see clearly the environment below.

Wu An looked at the scenery below the pirate ship, and immediately turned to Nami and said, "Nami, look at the record pointer in your hand, can you tell where we are now."

Hearing Wu An's order, Nami subconsciously raised her left arm to her chest and looked at the recording pointer on her wrist, she was shocked!

Perhaps because of the frequent fighting in the sky island, the record pointer on Nami's hand was broken!

Knowing this bad news, all the members of the Wu'an Pirates stared wide-eyed, not knowing what to do.

After a long time, Wu An opened his mouth and said, "Everyone encountered too many emergencies when they were in the empty island, and it was inevitable that the recording pointer would be damaged. Now, we can only think of a way."

Wu An's tone of voice was very soft, but falling into Nami's ears made her mood worse.