MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 157

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Interpretation over and over again, although these three words are very simple for Nico Robin, Nico Robin still deciphered it no less than five times.

It was not until Nami, Fan Oka, and Sabas found Nico Robin standing in a daze, Nico Robin slowly said: "Golden Land! We found it!".

139 The Struggles Before Death

Nico Robin's words sounded like a dynamite in the ears of Nami, Van Oka, and Nico Robin.

The three of Nami were shocked for a while before they recovered!

"Robin! What did you just say? This is the Golden Land mentioned by the ancestors of Vinblanes Kulic four hundred years ago?"

Nami was very excited, she finally calmed down and asked nervously.

Hearing Nami Shanshan's opening, Fan Oka and Sabas also turned their attention to Nico Robin, waiting for Nico Robin to nod and acknowledge.

Nico Robin nodded lightly, and said again: "Look at the plaque in front of you, the three ancient characters engraved on it are the Golden Land!"

Everyone looked up and stared at the plaque pointed to by Nico Robin. Although they didn't know the three big characters, they looked for the three characters of Golden Country, and they were indeed similar.

Nami, Van Oka, and Sabas suddenly fell into a frenzy in their hearts. This place is really the Golden Land!

Noland four hundred years ago was not a big liar! The legendary Golden Township really exists!

Although Wu An had speculated in front of everyone when Nami and her group first entered the Island of Gods, but no matter how vividly Wu An said it, everyone was just thinking about it.

Just when Nami and her party were really standing on the ruins where the Golden Township was located, there was no doubt that a storm surged in the hearts of everyone.

After a long time, Nami said slowly, "Since this is the Golden Land, what about the gold?"

When everyone heard Nami's question, they looked around. Except for the relatively well-preserved buildings, there was a hint of gold there!

Seeing the disappointment on everyone's faces, Nico Robin said slowly: "If the speculation is true, I am afraid that the gold here has been taken away. Do you still remember what Captain Wu An said!"

Hearing Nico Robin's explanation, Nami, Van Oka, and Sabas couldn't help but think of the day they spent the night on the Island of the Gods. Wu An seemed to have mentioned that the golden pole of the Golden Country

It may have been cleaned up by Anilu.

"Right! Remember the spaceship we dived into before? The cabin above that spaceship々1"

Fan Oka seemed to have thought of something in his mind, and he hurriedly said a word, instantly solving the mystery.

The large amount of gold that Wu An led the crowd to see on the spaceship before was probably looted by Ainilu from the Golden Land!

Hearing this, Nami's face couldn't help showing a look of disappointment. Just now, she was happily preparing to loot, but I didn't expect that the Golden Township had already been picked by Anilu!

Everyone knew the destination of the gold in the Golden Township, and the scene suddenly fell into silence!

Just when Nami, Van Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin were sighing over all of this, a thunder suddenly burst out from a position not far from everyone! Surprised everyone!

Before she could think about the gold lost in Golden Land, Nami hurriedly said, "That thunder! Could it be that Anilu is still alive?"

Hearing Nami's guess, the faces of Fan Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin suddenly turned gloomy.

"Since we've come here, let's hurry up! According to my observation, the thunder just now doesn't seem to be very strong! Even if I want to come to Anilu, I'm afraid it's the end of the strong bow!"

Fan Okassanshan said something, and without waiting for Nami, Sabah and Nico Robin to react, he walked out one step ahead.

Seeing this, Nami, Sabas, and Nico Robin hurriedly ran over to keep up with Van Oka's pace.

A blue thunder bypassed the thirty Shandia warriors and hit Aisha with precision!

For some unknown reason, Anilu felt a sense of crisis on a little girl!

Luckily, Aisha was guarded by Laqi, who slammed Aisha's body behind her back, and she was greeted by the thunderbolt!

Originally thought that Anilu's attack would take her own life, but she really felt the power above the thunder, but Laqi found that her whole body was just numb!

The numbness lasted for about ten seconds, and the body returned to normal!

Although the feeling was very painful, but somehow saved her life, Aisha found that Laqi didn't die because of it, ran over quickly, and slammed into Laqi's arms.

The young Aisha burst into tears and said emotionally, "Sister Laqi! I thought it! Me! Woohoo!"

Raqi raised her arm with difficulty and patted Aisha's head lightly. Although she didn't know why, she did survive the thunder!

A single blow failed, and Anilu's dilapidated face suddenly showed a trace of anger!

"If I hadn't met that stowa from Qinghai, how could I have been so desolate!"

The more Anilu thought about it, the more angry he became, and he directly transferred all the anger in his heart to Wu An's head.

More than 30 Shandia warriors saw Anilu's weakness, and immediately set up their swords, spears, and spears, and swarmed up to see where Anilu was!

Facing the attack of thirty Shandia warriors, Anilu's face became even more angry, and there was a trace of thunder from his fingertips that submerged into his heart, and he used the stimulation of thunder to wake up his brain!

Anilu slowly raised his relatively well-preserved right hand, and after two seconds of guidance, a majestic thunder force instantly spread from his body to his right hand!

Feeling the filling energy, Anilu swung his right hand heavily, and a thunder bullet nearly the size of a human head shot out!

When the head-sized thunderbolt approached the thirty Shandia warriors, it exploded with lightning speed!

Thousands of hair-thin electric arcs spread out and quickly shot towards the surrounding Shandia warriors!

When the people (Li Qianzhao) saw the appearance of the end of Anilu's strong bow, they thought that he still had the strength to attack, and they were completely unprepared, and they immediately followed Anilu's way! The hair-thin electric arc disappeared into everyone's brains, and the charge organized by the thirty Shandia warriors stagnated in an instant, and the strong-willed warriors could still stand strong. Those fragile Shandia warriors went black and fell heavily to the ground!

\'Puck! "

A mouthful of blood spewed out of Anilu's mouth. Although one move solved the immediate dilemma, due to the overdraft of his body's potential, Anilu still suffered a lot of backlash!

Just when Anilu was distracted, Weber, who fell not far behind Anilu, also woke up from a coma.

Weber shook his head heavily, so that his consciousness gradually became clear. Seeing Anilu still standing not far away, his heart suddenly became more fierce! .

140 The Fall of Anilu

It has been two or three days since the expedition to the Island of God this time. Because of the disparity in strength, Weber has used the Dispute Shell twice in a row!

Although the lethality of such a thing as a platoon shell is unexpected, it does injure a thousand enemies and self-destruct 800!

The reason why Kongdao ordered the direct platoon beetle to appear is not only because of its power, there are many users who lost their lives because of the platoon batter!

The gods of the sky island are in front of him, Wei Bo looks at Anilu at the end of the strong bow with a grim expression, the thoughts in his mind are getting stronger and stronger!

"Now he has reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted, as long as he is giving him a blow!"

Weber slowly moved his gaze to his right hand, looking at the seemingly warm and harmless shell, his heart suddenly fell into a struggle!

"As long as there is a blow! He can't take it! Think of the fallen warriors! Think of the people who haven't seen Bass"

There was a ferocious look on Weber's face! Struggling to get up from the ground, tightly holding his left hand on his right arm, exhausting all the strength in his body, he quickly ran towards Anilu not far away!

Twenty meters! Ten meters! Five meters! 587 When Weber rushed to Ai Nilu with his right hand that was about to be scrapped, Ai Nilu suddenly turned his head, and a chilling sneer suddenly appeared on his dilapidated face!

"A savage who can only use brute force! What right do you have to covet the body of a god!"

After saying this, Anilu dodged to the right with difficulty, dodging the charging Webber dangerously and dangerously, his right hand clenched into a fist, and he slammed heavily towards Weber's back. !

Webber's face showed a strong unwillingness! I have already pressed all the code removal here! Rao is so! There is still no way to kill Anilu!


The hissing howl came from Webber's mouth, and he was unwilling!

Under the heavy blow of Ai Nilu, Weber's body was like a cannonball with a chamber, madly blazing towards the green vine man!

"Bang!" With a deafening sound, the platoon shell in Weber's hand exploded!

The powerful impact fell on the huge green vines, and with a loud bang, the huge green vines showed faint signs of trembling.

The originally small hole quickly spread around, and quickly tore into a huge hole!

Webber's entire body was paralyzed on the ground, and due to the excessive use of the dagger, the powerful side effect directly shook his entire right arm with blood.

Wei Bo's face was hideous, and his eyes were full of unwillingness when he looked at Anilu!

Laqi put down Aisha in her arms and hurried to Webber's side. Since Webber was already ashes, Lakey struggled to carry Webber on the ground with all her strength.

Wu An jumped over the green vines for a dozen times in a row. He was descending at a constant speed, but his feet suddenly slipped, and his whole body almost declined.

With a heavy step on his feet and his body in the air, Wu An followed the trajectory of the green vine man and looked up, but found that the towering green vine man was slightly biased.

Without waiting for Wu An to think about it, the whole vine man even poured in his direction!

The sudden change brought down Wu'an. In order to ensure his own safety, Wu'an hurriedly landed on the trunk of Green Tengman!

The hands are formed into claws, tightly clasping the skin of the green vine, and directly inserting ten fingers into it.

After Wu An fixed his body, he used both hands and feet, like a nimble spider, quickly climbed to the other end of the green vine man.

Looking at the direction, Wu An ran towards the bottom at a speed that broke the speed of sound. In less than ten seconds, Wu An literally ran for more than a thousand meters!

"Bang!" With a loud noise, the huge green rattan man fell down! The entire island of God trembled for it! Shake the peaceful sea of ​​clouds to badg!

With the fall of the green vine, a large amount of dust was lifted into the air, and the ground suddenly fell into chaos!

Fortunately, a strong wind blew, and when the dust in the sky was dispersed with the wind, Wu An slowly stood up from the ground!

Seeing Wu An falling from the sky, Anilu's nerves instantly tense!

Wu An sensed that someone was watching him, and turned his head to stare behind him, just in line with the eyes of Ainilu!

The two faced each other for a long time, and Wu An finally said slowly: "Your Highness, your life is really tough!"

Hearing Wu An's words, Ainilu felt tight, and for a while he didn't know how to deal with it!

Seeing that Ainilu remained silent, Wu An continued to say: "As of now, your strength is afraid that your strength is not tenable! What do you think? Anilu remained silent. After going around, I no longer have the strength to fight again! Just as the two faced off, Nami, Van Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin also rushed over from the ruins of the Golden Land.

Nami looked at Wu'an, who was intact, and at Ainilu, who was in a state of shattered body. A nervous heart finally calmed down! "Wu An, it's great that you're fine! What happened just now! Did you make it up?"

When Wu An heard Nami's voice, she turned her head and smiled at Nami, but Wu An said that it was not her own actions for the sound just now!

The shadow of a big bird swept across the ground, and the Wu'an Pirates looked up at the sky and found another acquaintance!

"Captain Wu'an! Fortunately, nothing happened to everyone. Otherwise, even if I lose my old life, I'm sorry to you!"

Sky Knight Gan Fuer jumped, jumped off Big Bird's back, and hurriedly ran to Wu An's group to apologize.

Wu An generously forgave the sky knight Gan Fuer, and said unceremoniously: "Senior, I will leave the matter in front of you to solve it!" After speaking, Wu An's eyes turned to Ai who was not far away. Nilu threw it over.

Sky Knight Gan Fu'er looked at Wu An's eyes for a moment, and was surprised to find the **** who had forced him to abdicate one by one, Ainilu!

Memories from six years ago flooded into my mind, and the sky knight Gan Fuer remembered the more than 40 guards who had just settled down, and his anger instantly ignited!

"Captain Wu An, today's kindness will be remembered by the old man! If there is anything that needs the old man's help in the future, the old man will not hesitate!"

Sky Knight Ganfor said these words resolutely, pulled out the long spear that he had been fighting for for many years, and walked towards Aini Road with great momentum!

"On that day, did you ever imagine that you would be in the situation you are in today?"

Without giving Enilu a chance to speak back, the cold spear penetrated Enilu's body! .

141 Rescue the wounded

Anilu's eyes widened in anger, trying to mobilize the power of thunder in his body, but he found that he couldn't mobilize it at all!

"Anilu! This shot is used to pay tribute to the more than 400 guards who have followed me for many years!"

Anilu watched the mouth of the sky knight Ganfur open and close, and there was no other sound in his ears except the buzzing.

The sky knight Ganfor held the spear tightly in his right hand, and his eyes were filled with hatred!

"Hey!" With a sound, the bright red spear was drawn out of Anilu's chest!

A mouthful of dark red blood rushed out of his mouth, Anilu's mouth was wide open, he had been severely injured one after another, and the vitality in his body had long been exhausted.

The final blow of the sky knight Ganfur easily took Anilu's life!

"Bang!" Anilu's body came in response, and even if he died, his dilapidated face was still full of unwillingness!

The sky knight Ganfor burst into tears and shouted loudly towards the sky: "Four hundred guards! Today! I avenge you!"

Wu An, Nami, Fan Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin stood quietly on the side, and no one bothered Sky Knight Ganfur.

After being in a state of high tension for a long time, Nami, Van Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin took a heavy breath, and then fell to the ground.

On the other hand, Wu An, the main force, did not show any signs of fatigue on his face, but in order to protect the safety of Nami for a while, Wu An dutifully guarded the four of them.

The dark clouds in the sky dissipated, and the sun reappeared over the empty island, spreading the warm sunshine all over the earth.

When the citizens above the sea of ​​clouds heard the news of Anilu's fall, they completely released their suppressed emotions for six years, and all returned to their original towns by boat.

In just half a day, almost all the buildings in the town were burnt down, but fortunately, the casualties were less than 3%.

After the sky knight Gan Fu was excited, he inserted the spear in his hand into the ground, and was about to return to Wu An when he suddenly found that there were three survivors not far away!

Previously, Weber accidentally broke the green vine man with a platoon, but was rescued by Laqi and Aisha at the critical moment.

Laqi and Aisha burst into tears, shaking Webber's body frantically!