MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 139

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Under the bombardment of Wu'an's hundred fists, the 100-meter giant python had long since asked for mercy many times, but Wu'an could not understand the snake language.

Moreover, Wu An was concentrating in the belly of the snake, comprehending the armed arrogance that touched the threshold, where would he have time to care about the state of a beast.

Afterwards, the 100-meter python was pierced by Wu An's digested fist, leaving such a large opening in the stomach.

With such a serious injury, the 100-meter python was killed almost instantly, but it was a relief from the grief-stricken situation.

Wu An looked at the corpse of the giant python from a distance. It would be a pity if it was left here like this.

However, the size of this giant python is really too big. Even if Wu An moved the pirate ship that was staying near the island of God, it would not be able to fit half of the tail of the 100-meter giant python.

Wu An, who originally had the good character of "diligence and thrift", thought that the strength of the 100-meter python could not be carried away, and suddenly showed a face full of doubts.

After some hard thinking, Wu An still couldn't think of a proper way to deal with it, and finally sighed helplessly, and said slowly:

"Hey! Since there is no way to transport it, we can only cheapen the rare and exotic beasts on this island of God!"

The matter of the 100-meter python has been resolved, and Nico Robin has reunited with everyone in the Pirates. In this way, the next step of the plan can be carried out.

Wu An turned his head to look at Nami and the group who bowed their heads in thought, and found that the movements of several people did not change in the slightest, and he was immediately satisfied.

However, the improvement of strength is not an overnight thing. If there is no huge opportunity, it is impossible in a short period of time.

In fact, no matter what the strength of the few people on board Wu Anla, everyone has their own strengths in a specific field. As for strength, just look at it.

Now that they have realized their own shortcomings, there is no need to reflect on them. Thinking of this, Wu An immediately got up and walked in the direction of Nami's group.

A dazzling golden light shot into Wu An's eyes, instantly arousing the killing intent in Wu An's body!

Wu An glanced at the surroundings solemnly, but did not find any abnormality, and instead looked towards the light just now.

I didn't know this, but when I saw it, I was startled, Wu An looked in the direction of the light with a serious face, and found a crown studded with various gems!

In the face of the sudden phenomenon, Wu An hurriedly ran over, picked up the crown on the ground and put it in front of him and looked at it carefully.

The main body above the crown was made of gold. Wu An gently squeezed the crown in his hand with his two fingers, and there were obvious indentations under his fingers.

Obviously, the crown is made of pure gold!

Looking at the top of this crown, one is inlaid with twelve dazzling gems of different colors, sapphire, ruby, emerald, purple agate, diamond...

Almost all of the various gems are about the size of a human eye, so this crown is destined to be a precious treasure.

However, when Wu An and his party came to this ancient ruins before, they did not find such treasures lying on the ground! It suddenly appeared, why?

Thinking of this, Wu An couldn't help but look ahead, and was about to explore the same in this space, but was once again shocked by the affairs in front of him!

Less than ten meters away from the location of the pure gold crown, three large and small pieces of gold fell on the ground, some in the form of gold coins, some made into swords and armor, and some priceless necklaces and bracelets...

Suddenly there were so many treasures in front of him, and Wu An couldn't calm down. He directly called out Nami, Fan Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin:

"Nami, Van Oka, Sabas, Nico Robin, come here quickly and see what I found!"

The members of the Wu'an Pirates who were reflecting heard the captain's call, and gradually recovered from their thoughts. At this time, what was Wu'an calling him suddenly?

I didn't have time to think too much, but after hearing Wu An's busy tone, I'd better run over and talk about it.

?0 asking for flowers.....

When Nami, Fan Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin came to Wu An with their faces full of doubts, Nami took the lead and said:

"Wu An, calling us over in such a hurry, what happened?"

Hearing Nami's question, Fan Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin all nodded, and they also felt abnormal about Wu An's behavior.

Wu An looked at his subordinates and smiled lightly, his body twisted slightly to the side, and then he said:

"Look what that is."

Although Wu An's tone of speech was very plain and concise, when everyone looked behind Wu An for a moment, their faces could no longer remain calm!

"Gold! It's actually gold! My God, Captain Wu An, where did you get it from? There are still so many?"

Sabas was the first to ask questions, which was really surprising. He just experienced a huge "catastrophic disaster" and found gold instead. This luck is simply too good!

"Captain Wu An, was this gold here before? Why haven't I seen it before!"

Compared with Sabas, Van Oka was much more careful. Although the gold in front of him had a very powerful impact, Van Oka's sanity remained very calm.

Just as Sabas and Fan Oka were asking questions, Nami had already bypassed Wu'an and touched the gold coins, necklaces, swords, and armor on the ground in her hands.

money! These are all money! Nami's whole body seemed to fall into an illusion, and her hands swayed up and down in a gesture of paddling.

Nami has indeed begun to daydream at this moment. She never told herself that she was not paddling, but swimming in the boundless Bailey's Sea!

Seeing Nami's appearance, the remaining four members of the Wu'an Pirates have long since seen it.

At this moment, Nicole Robin suddenly noticed a hole in the abdomen of the 100-meter python. He had walked this way, but did not find the existence of gold at all.

This gold seems to have only appeared after Wu An rose into the sky from the belly of the hundred meters giant.

Thinking of this, an incredible idea suddenly popped into Nico Robin's mind, could it be possible! Ten thousand.

97 Snake Belly Treasure Hunt

Could it be that all this gold was transferred from the belly of the 100-meter python?

Before she said her guess, Nico Robin felt incredible just thinking about it.

Referring to the stone stele that I just interpreted, this ancient ruin is very likely to be part of the old site of the Golden Township four hundred years ago. If this is the case, my guess is not impossible.

Thinking of this, Nico Robin hurriedly walked to Wu An and explained all her inner thoughts.

Hearing Nico Robin's explanation, Nami, Van Oka, and Sabas all showed the look of discovering a shocking secret!

Could it be that the purpose of his group was achieved so easily? Is this the Golden Land mentioned by "Noland the Big Liar" 400 years ago?

Just as everyone was analyzing, Nami "May 47" kept her eyes on the dead 100-meter python's body.

Just now Nicole Robin said that the gold on the ground most likely fell from the corpse of the 100-meter python! Isn't there still a lot of gold inside the 100-meter python's body?

Thinking of this, Nami could no longer hold back her restless heart, and hurriedly said:

"Why don't we go to the corpse of the giant python to take a look. If there is really gold, I'm afraid Robin's guesses are closely related!"

Wu An looked at Nami's eager face, and forgot to wear it at a glance. Rather than wanting to make sure that this is the Golden Land, I'm afraid Nami is more interested in the gold in the belly of the 100-meter python!

Fan Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin also saw Nami's thoughts, but they just smirked and didn't break Nami's conspiracy.

After all, according to the previous plan, if you want to replace the pirate ship that searches for the arrogant Klass, you must have sufficient funds. If you first collect a batch from the belly of the 100-meter giant python, it will be exciting to think about it.

After a long time, Wu An said slowly:

"Collect the gold on the ground first, Sabas, you can find a few twigs and make them into torches. We'll go in and do some research together later."

Hearing Wu An's arrangement, Nami, Fan Oka, and Nico Robin hurriedly acted. Sabas also ran to the edge of the ancient ruins and found five or six straight and slender wooden sticks.

Simply wrap a few pieces of cotton cloth, sprinkle a little oil, and some simple torches are ready.

Seeing that everyone had completed the preparations, Wu An said again:

"Light the torch, I'll go ahead and take the lead. If there is any emergency, no matter if there is no gold in it, just withdraw!"

After completing these orders, Nami and her party nodded in response, and Wu An picked up the burning torch and slowly walked in towards the opening on the belly of the 100-meter python.

Through the hole in the belly of the 100-meter python, all five members of the Wu'an Pirates came to the body of the 100-meter python.

Looking at the inner wall full of bruises, everyone couldn't help but gag. The biggest mistake the 100-meter python made in his life was to swallow the super pirate Wu'an.

Just look at the changes inside the snake's body. After just walking a dozen steps, there are broken flesh and blood everywhere. Even if Wu An didn't break the belly of the 100-meter giant python, I'm afraid it wouldn't live long.

Looking at Wu An, who was calm and composed, he seemed to ignore everything around him, as if the injury in the snake's belly had nothing to do with him.

Nami, Fan Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin shuddered just thinking about it. They were able to writhe for such a long time after suffering such severe internal injuries, and they had to sigh about the tenacious vitality of the 100-meter python!

Everyone lit three or five torches and walked slowly, but the abdomen of the 100-meter giant python was dazzlingly illuminated.

The bones of some small animals can be seen everywhere, even some with hair. The corpses are still shaking subconsciously, presumably they should have been swallowed not long ago.

According to what was found in the belly of the 100-meter giant python, the 100-meter-long giant python also relied on the small animals on the Island of God to replenish its energy.

It's just that such a huge number of small animals are swallowed every day, and there are still so many species on the island of God. Thinking of this, everyone can't help but become curious.

The island of the gods has such a behemoth, other animals are in the end to avoid the doom of not being extinct!

Nami just started seeing the animal carcasses on the ground with an instinctive stomach acid inversion, but after walking for a while, she saw more and gradually got used to the surrounding environment.

Wu An continued to walk in front of the crowd, about 20 meters away, when Wu An suddenly stopped.

Seeing Wu An stop, everyone accelerated their pace and stayed by Wu An's side.

"Wu An, what did you find? Why did you stop suddenly?"

Nami stood beside Wu An and asked questions full of doubts.

Hearing Nami's doubts, Wu An raised the torch in his hand as high as possible, which greatly improved the visibility in the snake's belly.

Everyone looked at Wu An's eyes and looked forward, as if they had found a ruined stone tablet lying quietly in front of them.

The area of ​​the stone tablet is about the size of the wall of an ordinary house, perhaps because it is too large, it blocks half of the passage in the snake's belly.

Looking at it from a distance, the huge stone tablet is slightly broken, but the words carved on it are very well preserved.

Wu An thought for a while, and then said to Nico Robin beside him:

"Robin, look at the stone tablet in front of you, can you interpret the content on it?"

Hearing Wu An's words, everyone couldn't help but cast their eyes on Nico Robin's face, and decipher the ancient texts that are time-honored, which is Nico Robin's specialty.

Nico Robin just kept her eyes on the stone tablet for a moment, then she showed an expression wrapped around me.

As an erudite survivor of O'Hara, he met his old 3.6 professional again. If he couldn't even decipher this content, Nico Robin wouldn't dare to call himself an O'Hara tribe.

Although Nicole Robin stayed in the Tree of Omniscient for only a few years, with the ruthlessness of sleepless nights when she was young, Nicole Robin was only eight years old and had read almost all the books of the Tree of Omniscient. .

Seeing Nico Robin's sworn expression, Wu An smiled lightly and led the crowd to the edge of the stone tablet in front of him.

Everyone carried the torches to the front of the huge stone tablet, trying to make the text on the stone tablet clearer.

With the cooperation of a group of partners, Nico Robin quickly browsed the text on the stone tablet, interpreting and analyzing it.

It took Nico Robin less than half an hour to decipher the wall of text.

98 Get Rich Overnight

After completing such a huge amount of work, archaeologists like Nico Robin also felt a burst of mental exhaustion.

Wu An's group also saw Nico Robin's state, so they ordered everyone to find a few pieces of bluestone in the snake's belly and rest for a while.

Nico Robin closed her eyes for a while, slowly opened her eyes, and said to Wu An and his party:

"On the stele, there is indeed a little mention of the Golden Township. In other words, we have already arrived at the area where the Golden Township is located, but the location of the gold is not mentioned at all."

Hearing Nico Robin's opening, everyone's heart is one West, although the gold in their dreams has not been found, but everyone has indeed verified the true existence of the Golden Land.

Vinblanes Kulik's persistence in these decades is worth it, and his ancestor Noland was not a big liar.

This is a full four hundred years. Four hundred years of grievances have finally been cleared at this moment.

Although only Wu An and his party of five saw the evidence, after leaving the empty island, Wu An will definitely publicize what he saw and heard on the empty island.

Noland four hundred years ago was not a big liar who deceived the world, the golden land of Gaya really existed!

Nico Robin continued to translate the rest of the content on the stele, and Wu An's group listened with relish. Perhaps, this is the charm of archaeology.

Through the exploration and interpretation of ancient buildings, gradually understand the people and things of a hundred years ago, and find out the truth of history. If the words were not too complicated and mysterious, Nami couldn't help but want to join the ranks of archaeology.

When Nico Robin heard Nami's complaint, she couldn't help laughing softly. She took a basic archaeological book and went there. Nami has two big heads, let alone interpreting ancient texts in ancient ruins.

After understanding the content on the stone tablet, everyone rested for a while on the spot, and Wu An led everyone to the depths of the snake's belly again.

Crossing the stone monument that sealed half of the road, the rest of the journey was missing some animal corpses. Wu An looked at the giant stone behind him.

Monument, showing a thoughtful look.

I am afraid that the stone monument was swallowed by the 100-meter giant python for some years. If you do the calculation, isn't this 100-meter giant python nearly a hundred years old?

If the guess is bolder, I am afraid that this 100-meter giant python has survived for more than 400 years. It has been born on this island since the establishment of Golden Township.

Wu An guessed like this, but didn't tell Nami and his party what he thought, and continued to step on the warm snake's belly, moving forward steadily.

The five members of the Wu'an Pirates walked for more than ten minutes. If it weren't for the twists and turns of the python's intestines, the five people would have walked back and forth several times for the distance of one hundred meters.

Just as the time in everyone's heart was gradually being consumed by time, Sabas suddenly stared at the things in front of him, widened his eyes, and exclaimed involuntarily:

"Gold! It's gold! Found it! It's really gold!"

Everyone dragged their tired steps forward, and suddenly heard Shabas' cry, their feet suddenly became a hundred times lighter, and they instantly ran to where Shabas was.