MTL - My Girlfriend has a System-Chapter 50 Seduce plan in progress

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"Yes, yes, Li, I know, I know that you have worked hard, I will go back at night..."

Gu Shishi called and the cat was in his car, and he sneaked a glimpse of it from time to time.

At the same time, he said to the phone: "I know that you are looking for a company to work hard for me. I can rest assured that after the teacher of Ming Ya has written it, I will enter the state 100% and will not delay anything!"

"Do not worry, Li Jie... That's it, I hang up."

Gu Shishi closed the phone and only took a long sigh of relief.

With the help of Li Jie, the company finally used its own contacts to find a teacher, or a teacher who has produced several classic works.

As long as the teacher at Mingya writes well, her album will start to be produced.

"Unfortunately, the next time will be busy, if you can come to a few singing skills just fine..." Gu Shishi sighed.

Practice songs, later revisions, pre-promotions...

This series of activities is very energy-intensive, and for a while she will run around.

The system once said that these things are not as good as completing the system tasks, and advised her to complete the task.

Gu Shishi himself is also aware of the gap between the two. One is his own ability, one is the most powerful, and it is only a temporary result. It is very obvious.

But she does not intend to waste this opportunity, or that she does not intend to waste every opportunity.

"Although it is said that the sharpening of the knife does not mistake the firewood, but the flow of the entertainment circle is too fast, we must stabilize ourselves..." Gu Shishi waved a small fist, serious.

However, although it may enter the task low period, but for this task, she is very prepared.


A white-skinned notebook with a line of characters written on it.

- "Miss Ben's cutest glamour seduce plan"!

Referred to as the 'seduce plan'.

Turning over the textbooks, there are thousands of words in it, and the choices in various situations are listed in various items.

"It's not a cocoa, not so many novels!" Gu Shishi's mouth showed a smile.

Ninety percent of them are suggestions from the Xincoco classmates, and there are quite a few suggestions.

The only problem is...

Gu Shishi followed the recommendations and always saw the final destination.

Hotel! Hotel! Family!

"Ha ha......"

Gu Shishi did not know what to show.

The girl who is fascinated by the female CEO's novel, why is the goal always consistent?

In fact, the girl classmates also cited the plan to reach the final destination, but Gu Shishi did not have a good time to write down, or simply did not have a good time to see.

"Well? Su Shi is coming!"

Gu Shishi saw the figure and immediately entered the state of preparation.

Su Shi walked out of the school with the crowd, looked around, and immediately saw the familiar red Mazda.

Close to the past, Gu Shishi lowered his head and hid the crowd around him, waving his hand.

Su Shi suddenly, then took the initiative to open the co-pilot's door and sat in.

"Sorry, let you wait for a long time...." Su Shi said, his eyes wide open.

The lips are red and white, a pair of watery eyes, **** and sexy, the upper body t-shirt is slightly shorter, and her well-developed fullness holds up a towering arc.

A pair of slender, full-length snow legs in a close-fitting denim skirt, long, white, dazzling.

The black and beautiful hair fluttered as she turned her head, and finally fell on her shoulder like a waterfall, with a bit of charm.


Looking at Su Shi’s surprise, Gu Shishi’s eyes crossed a smug color.

Although the daughter's family doesn't go out without makeup, can the dressing on the weekday be the same as the carefully crafted look?

In order to maintain this appearance, Gu Shishi deliberately did not bring sunglasses!

Seduce the first step of the plan, stunning each other!

"The first step, success!" Gu Shishi secretly said, gently open his lips.

"Su Shi, let's go."

"Oh, okay, where is it going? And, Wang Ti?" Su Shi asked, he asked.

"Oh, Wang Bi’s director suddenly has something, I thought about it, and I went to eat it." Gu Shishi’s face was red.

In fact, there is something about Wang Cai.

The relationship between Wang Cai and Su Shi is just a transaction of a song. He is a director and not a music director. How can I have a composer to eat?

Besides, he is still busy with the review of the late TV series!

Of course, Su Shi did not understand the doorway. He just nodded dumbly, and there was an idea in his heart--Wang is not here, is this meal for me to ask?

This is of course, Su Shi has not been stingy to eat with girls to play what AA system, but...

The heart will still hurt.

Gu Shishi drove to a restaurant, Charming Bay, a western restaurant.

Not to mention the splendour, but also high-end elegance, the opposite side of the window is the Huangpu River, the lights of the hustle and the gradually darkened sky are connected in a line, very beautiful.

Of course, the price is also very beautiful.

"What do you want to eat? The steak here is delicious!" Gu Shishi licked his lips and looked like a greedy look.

Seduce the second step of the plan, cute!

However, this step seems to be a bit of a failure. Su Shi took a look at the price list, a bit stunned, subconsciously licking his little one steak three hundred and five, one coffee eighty.... What do you drink, I drink water. ”

“Okay, is a bottle of mineral water?” the waiter asked with great quality.

"No, it's good to tap water."

Gu Shishi: "..."


This cargo is really... you are not too shameful?

Gu Shishi’s face turned red and kicked Su Shi’s foot under the table.

Su Shi’s wake up like a dream: “I mean, give me a cold steak.”

"Good sir..." The waiter was a little embarrassed.

Gu Shishi's face is blushing. How is this different from what I planned?

Normally, shouldn’t it be the one who pays the bill on his own initiative, and then Su Shi rushes to stop, and finally forced to pay the story?

Su Shi showed generosity, and she showed the independence of women, how good the script!

But why didn't the head open?

Where did she know that Su Shi had done a lot of things in one breath yesterday, and it was heartbreaking to spend money...

However, the meal was still a bit, Gu Shishi took a few deep breaths and decided to continue to follow the script.

"Next, I should show my charm..." Gu Shishi said in the heart, she chose this restaurant because there is a full set of musical instruments, and the store manager especially welcomes guests to perform.

Sing, guitar, she will!

"Su Shi, for the sake of -"

叮 bell, bell, bell.

"Who, this time to call." Gu Shishi was a little annoyed to pick up.

"Hey, Li Jie? How come you suddenly - what! Mingya teacher broke the contract?"