MTL - My Girlfriend And I Transmigrated-Chapter 96 The only chance in this life

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My girlfriend and I have gone through chapter 96 The only chance in this life

Luo Jing's expression was extremely shocked.

There was a chill in my heart.

The faceless magic trick Canghu...

Although it is only a cultivation level of the god-calling realm, Luo Yanyin thinks that this fox is not strong at all.

But not strong is only for Luo Yanyin, a direct disciple of the Soul Refining Sect.

For Luo Jing, a miscellaneous fish disciple in the middle stage of the metamorphosis realm, encountering a demon cultivator in the spirit-calling realm...

Luo Jing's expression was stiff, and he said, "Canghu, the faceless demon, since you left the Manggu Mountains, if you don't flee immediately, how dare you come to me?"

"Aren't you afraid that I will send a signal immediately and lead the Zongmen army to capture you?"

Luo Jing bit the bullet and continued to pretend to be a disciple of Xiaoyuefeng's criminal law hall.

Trying to scare away the witch in front of him.

He couldn't understand why this faceless demon came to him.

They didn't even meet the water from the well before.

This faceless demon has been lurking in the Soul Refining Sect for many years, and now he has finally found an opportunity to escape, shouldn't he flee away immediately?

But the beautiful woman on the camel smiled and said, "Didn't you say it? The concubine is here to repay her kindness."

"Little brother, don't you feel anything about your concubine?"

"This skin, for a child your age... should be killed?"

The beautiful woman is full of laughter.

Luo Jing said with a strong smile: "Senior is joking, who doesn't know that the faceless demon can incarnate in thousands?"

The ghost knows whether you are a man or a woman.

No one in this world has ever seen the true face of the Faceless Demon!

Luo Jing said: "If you repay your kindness, you will be spared. The seniors are leaving now, and the juniors can pretend that they haven't seen anything."

But seeing the beautiful woman shaking her head, she said, "That's not good. If the concubine said that she wanted to repay her kindness, she must repay her kindness."

"If this little brother doesn't like this skin bag, then change the concubine to a skin bag that you like?"

"Which style of girl do you like?"

" prefer men to women?"

Having said that, the beautiful woman licked her lips and smiled: "If you like a man, I can satisfy you too."

Luo Jing's face was stiff: "Senior, if you have something to say, just say it directly, don't make fun of me."

Luo Jing didn't cooperate with this devil at all.

Seeing that Luo Jing was so ignorant, the beautiful woman pouted and said, "Well, since the little brother insists, my concubine will say it directly."

She rode a camel to Luo Jing's side, stopped a zhang away from Luo Jing, keeping a short distance.

Lying on the hump, he smiled and said, "Look at the battle between my little brother and the prisoner of Longtan... You have practiced "Refining the Devil's Blood Sword", right?"

"Unfortunately, the power of the little brother's refining blood sword is very ordinary, and it can only be regarded as the power of an ordinary magic weapon. Compared with the blood sword of Ying Qiuchan, the previous saint of the Demon Sect, it is far worse."

"I wonder if my little brother is interested in Ying Qiuchan's "Refining Demon Blood Sword" secrets?"

The beautiful woman's tone was charming and fascinated, and seemed to have some kind of seductive power.

Luo Jing hesitated: "Do you have the secret of the saint?"

Could it be that this old fox really found something in the Soul Refining Sect?

But the beautiful woman smiled and said, "No, but I have clues to the secrets of Ying Qiuchan and Gu Chenfeng."

"And that treasure just needs a person who practiced "Refining Devil Blood Sword" to open it."

"Brother, are you interested? As long as you cooperate with me, I can take you to find the secret recipe of "Refining the Devil's Blood Sword" created by Ying Qiuchan."

"In those days, Ying Qiuchan was a talented man in the sky, and he made the sword of refining demon blood to the realm of disdain for the world. There must be a special method."

"If you can get this special method, little brother, you will stand out in the Soul Refining Sect in the future, and it will definitely be better than being a disciple of the Criminal Law School?"

The beautiful woman throws a huge temptation.

Luo Jing asked, "So you stole the saintess's relics... because you really know where the saintess' secrets are kept?"

The beautiful woman chuckled and nodded: "That's natural, otherwise why would I go to worry about Shagu to cause trouble? Could it be that the relics of a group of dead people are really so valuable?"

"The real value is not the relics of the dead, but the things behind those relics."

"Gu Chenfeng and Ying Qiuchan left the secrets, who in the world is not jealous? And I am the only person in the world who knows the whereabouts of this thing."

"Little brother, if you help me unlock the treasure, I can give you the secrets of "Refining the Devil's Blood Sword" as a reward, and I will never let you run away in vain."

"How? Brother, are you willing to go with your concubine?"

The beautiful woman said, blinking at Luo Jing, her eyes full of anticipation.

Luo Jing sneered: "Since senior is here, do I have any other choice?"

If he doesn't agree, will this devil still let Luo Jing go?

Sure enough, the beautiful woman smiled lightly and said, "There is a natural choice... the difference between eating a toast or a penalty drink."

"But it seems that the younger brother is still very reasonable. It seems that he chose to eat a toast?"

Luo Jing nodded slowly and said, "I'll help you, but I don't need the secrets of 'Refining the Devil's Blood Sword'. I just hope that senior can let me go and don't kill me."

Luo Jing behaved rationally and calmly, without trying to resist, and was extremely obedient.

Even willing to voluntarily give up the benefits of "Refining Devil Blood Sword".

This made the beautiful woman slightly surprised, she glanced at him, and said with a smile, "You little brother is really a wonderful person... Don't you even want the secret recipe for refining the Demon Blood Sword?"

"But you don't need to be afraid. If you open the and get the secrets left by Ying Qiuchan and Gu Chenfeng, do I still need to kill you?"

"Even if the whole world knows that I managed to get the "Magic of Immortal Dao", who can help me?"

The beautiful woman smiled and said, "Even if I stand in front of that group of people, they can't find me."

Ji Canghu, the faceless demon, naturally has such confidence.

Luo Jing smiled and said nothing.

He was slightly speechless in his heart.

As soon as he left the Soul Refining Sect, he was caught by this scheming Canghu... This is just out of the tiger's mouth, and he fell into the wolf's den again.

But the good news is that this old fox only has the cultivation base of the early stage of the God-calling realm, and his combat power is indeed not strong.

As long as she didn't open the treasure tomorrow, Luo Jing wouldn't die.

Give him a little more time, even if Luo Jing can't quickly cultivate to the God-calling state to defeat Ji Canghu. But it is not difficult to cultivate the Moon Shadow Escape Technique to a high level and escape quietly.

Luo Jing seemed dangerous, but in fact he was on the boundary between retreat and advance.

What's more, this old fox has clues to "Magic of Immortal Dao"...

Looking at the smiling beautiful woman in front of him, a smile appeared on Luo Jing's face.

With the help of Qingxuan, there is a synchronized superposition of cultivation bases.

Don't look at whether Luo Jing is a sheep, a fox or a wolf, but after a while, who is the prey and who is the hunter... That's not necessarily the case.

The clues to "Magic of Immortal Dao" that you have been searching for are right in front of you!

Even though it was a bit dangerous, Luo Jing was willing to take the risk.

As long as he gets "The Magic of Immortal Dao", Luo Jing will be able to marry Qing Xuan in an open and honest way.

He must consider whether this is the only chance in his life! +Bookmark+