MTL - My Girlfriend And I Transmigrated-Chapter 93 Invitation to the Moon

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In the dark cabin, Luo Jing opened his eyes.

In a dream meeting with his wife, the two talked for a long time.

The anxiety in Luo Jing's heart eased a lot.

Although the conversation with his wife, in fact, did not get any substantial help.

But this kind of communication can overcome anxiety and make him feel a little warm.

Let him clearly feel the love and understand that he is not alone in this world.

It was really nice to be able to travel with my wife.

If only he came to this world alone... Luo Jing felt pain when he thought about such a situation.

I also thought of the many complaints in the diary of the demon refining ancestor.

In a strange world, no one can understand himself. Even if many things from previous lives are invented, no one understands them and can only entertain themselves.

If that kind of lonely life is too long, it is estimated that it will collapse, right?

The traveler may be the loneliest creature in the world.

After all, it is out of tune with the world in which he lives. No matter how hard he tries to integrate into the new world, he will still feel the pain of being incomprehensible occasionally, just like the ancestor of the demon refining.

There is probably no hope of going back.

The powerful demon hero, the ancestor of the demon refining, has already stood at the apex of this world, and he has not gone back.

Luo Jing didn't think that he could surpass the ancestor of refining demons.

But at the very least, if you can meet your wife in this world, and if the two warm each other, the feeling of loneliness will be much more violent.

There is nothing better in the world than having a soul mate who understands each other.

A smile appeared on Luo Jing's face.

He looked at the white-clothed fairy in the cabin, even though the white-clothed fairy was still indifferent, but looking at Qing Xuan's face, even the white-clothed fairy's indifferent eyes looked so pleasing and cute.

Luo Jing said with a smile: "I will definitely find "The Magic of Immortal Dao" and marry you upright and bright!"

This is Luo Jing's dream.

However, I don't know if it was his delusion. He felt that when he said this, the fairy in white looked at him even more indifferently.

Even with a little... mockery? disgust? angry?


When Luo Jing took a closer look, the fairy in white had disappeared.

It seemed that the moment just now was just Luo Jing's illusion.

Scratching his head in confusion, Luo Jing said, "Why is Qingxuan's clone so bad-tempered? Could it be that she is the kind of character who is easy to talk on the surface, but is actually very arrogant and vicious in her bones?"

Can't see it at all!

Luo Jing felt that he still didn't know enough about his wife.

But it doesn't matter, there will be time to slowly understand in the future.

From shallow to deep understanding!

Luo Jing took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and entered the Taixu Wonderland.

In the sand sea world filled with yellow sand, the indifferent fairy in white stood there waiting for him.

But tonight, Luo Jing did not practice refining the Demon Blood Sword.

He recalled the content of "Evil Moon Controlling Spirit" in his mind, and began to try to practice Moon Shadow Escape Technique.

The Yueyue Sect is a hidden world sect in the Six Realms of Demon Sect. It is even more ancient and mysterious than the single-line Tianmo Sect.

It is said that there were only three people in the Yueyue faction.

One master and two disciples, all female.

The head teacher is respected, and the name is Yaoyue Palace Master, and this title has been passed down through the generations.

And the two disciples, one is called [Mochizuki], and the other is called [Suoyue].

All the female disciples of the Yaoyue Sect were all the daughters of heaven whose talent, power, and cultivation all looked down on one side.

No one knows the rules of Yaoyue Sect to select disciples, because in history even the future headmaster of Righteous Path Xianzong became a disciple of Yaoyue Sect.

There are even rumors that the current queen of the Shen Dynasty in the Central Plains is the Yaoyue Palace Master of the previous generation Yaoyue faction.

This sect is extremely mysterious. Although there are only three people, behind them they represent powerful power and strength.

The headmasters and disciples of the past dynasties all stood at the top of the cultivation world, powerful and mysterious.

And Yueyue School's "Evil Moon Controlling Spirit", the moon shadow escape in it is naturally the top escape technique in the world.

Luo Jing decided to practice Moon Shadow Escape, which is very suitable for his current fugitive status.

In the yellow sand, the white-clothed fairy on the sand dune moved and flashed a hundred feet away in an instant.

Luo Jing's eyes widened due to the mysterious and unpredictable movement.

He also imitated Fairy's footwork, but when the same footwork was displayed, Luo Jing only moved two meters away.

In the sand sea in the distance, the fairy in white looked at him mockingly, as if despising Luo Jing.

Luo Jing smiled awkwardly and said, "Beginner... Beginner..."

With the contempt of the fairy in white, Luo Jing began to practice the Moon Shadow Escape Technique.

This feeling of being despised by Qingxuan is a little strange...

In the early morning, when the first rays of sunlight fell between the mountains, the outer disciples on duty changed shifts on the deck of the flying boat.

The disciples who stayed up late last night on duty changed shifts to sleep, and the disciples who just woke up went to their posts.

Luo Jing in the largest cabin opened his eyes.

Cultivating the Moon Shadow Escape Technique requires less energy.

After all, there is no need to be killed by the fairy in white in various poses.

But Luo Jing still practiced very restrainedly, and stopped immediately when he felt tired, not wanting to enter that state of exhaustion.

He waited until noon, when he had almost rested, before entering the Taixu Wonderland to practice again.

On the deck of the flying boat, it has always been quiet.

The group of outer disciples did not dare to make too much noise, for fear of disturbing Luo Jing's cultivation inside.

very quiet.

Most of the time, Luo Jing in the cabin could only hear the whirring of the wind outside. UU reading www.

The Manggu Mountains are so large that they almost traverse the entire twenty-six kingdoms of the Western Regions, forming a moat in the northwest.

During this whole day of flying, I did not encounter any disciples from the Soul Refinement Sect who came to check on them.

After all, they were already too far away from Xiaoyue Peak at this time, and they were thousands of miles away from the core area of ​​the entire Nine Veins of Soul Refining Sect.

Those disciples couldn't have flown so far to find Luo Jing.

Now the disciples in Soul Refining Sect should still be looking for Luo Jing near Xiaoyue Peak, right?

After all, who would have thought that Luo Jing could get the identity token and leave in a flying boat overnight?

It wasn't until the third day that Feizhou encountered an inspection.

It is a pass in the mountains, standing in the mountains, and it is the edge of the Zongmen Great Array.

Going forward, they left the coverage of the Zongmen Great Array. Even if there is no flying boat, Luo Jing can still identify the direction and find the direction of escape.

"Demon Museum"

Of course, the monsters outside the sect's great formation were even more ferocious and terrifying. Without a flying boat, it would be impossible for Luo Jing to take risks.

And there were only three disciples who boarded the flying boat for inspection.

It wasn't the disciples of Prisoner Longtan, and their inspection of the flying boat was also hastily.

He didn't make things difficult for Luo Jing, and after confirming that there was no problem with the identity token, he let Luo Jing and the others leave.

Standing by the window of the cabin, watching the pass between the mountains disappear completely from sight, Luo Jing let out a deep breath.

Eyes excited.

After leaving the range of the sect's great formation, he was truly out of the Soul Refinement Sect.

Next, as long as he passes the final check of leaving the Soul Refining Sect safely, he can leave the Manggu Mountains and truly enter this world.

And no one can limit Luo Jing any longer.

He will make the sea as wide as the fish, the sky as high as the bird, and wherever he wants to go!

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