MTL - My Girlfriend And I Transmigrated-Chapter 90 favorite man

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My girlfriend and I crossed the chapter 90 favorite man

The cold moonlight shone on the courtyard of Cuizhu Xiaoyuan.

Shen Qingxuan, dressed in white, stood in the yard, silently dancing the ancient Qingying sword in her hands, moving lightly, like a flying fairy.

Junior sister Jiang Muxue pushed open the door and walked out. She was slightly surprised to see Shen Qingxuan dancing swords in the yard.

"Senior sister, are you still practicing swordsmanship?"

Shen Qingxuan nodded absently as a response.

Jiang Muxue said in surprise: "Didn't senior sister have successfully summoned the spirit? Why don't you go to Taixu Wonderland? Cultivation in Taixu Wonderland is faster, right?"

Shen Qingxuan has been dancing the sword here all afternoon.

It can be seen that she is in a very bad mood and in a very bad state.

Not even in the afternoon, since the time we met in the morning, Shen Qingxuan has been completely absent-minded, seems to have fallen into some kind of anxiety and irritability, and has been restless all day.

With Jiang Muxue's personality, she shouldn't have explored too much, after all, the distance between people is very important.

In particular, the distance between women and women should be kept at a delicate level.

At the same time as being close, maintain a certain distance, so as not to cause trouble.

This is what she has understood since she was a child under the guidance of her mother.

But the senior sister in front of her had a different temperament from the women she had seen in the past. She couldn't help but want to explore.

This senior sister of hers does not have many careful thoughts of ordinary women. It's not arrogant, but she has a kind of purity that ordinary people don't have in her bones, so that her senior sister seems a little out of tune with everything in the world.

It's weird.

How can people live in the world without any desire at all?

As long as you are alive, there must be some kind of goal you want to achieve.

Or power, or fame and fortune, or a hermit who pursues tranquility... It is impossible for people to have no desires. Only the dead have no desires.

This is the truth that Jiang Muxue has listened to and learned from her mother for many years.

But this truth is invalid when it comes to Senior Sister.

After getting along for a few days, Jiang Muxue could not see any desires of her senior sister.

Senior Sister, she is cold and pure, incompatible with everything in the world, it seems that everything in the world does not enter her eyes.

Although she was in Lingyun Immortal Sect, many times, Jiang Muxue felt that Senior Sister seemed to be in another world.

Senior Sister looked at her and all things in the eyes, indifferent and aloof, not like a living person, but more like a high god, calmly observing everything in the sand table.

The look that vaguely seems to be detached from all things is not indifferent, and there is no sense of contempt.

But the observed ants, even if they are not despised by the gods, still feel uncomfortable.

Senior Sister gave her the feeling that she was like a **** who is aloof and overlooking all living beings.

Although Senior Sister certainly does not have the kind of arrogance that transcends all things.

But the more she does, the more mysterious and weird she becomes.

Why would a woman from an ordinary family have such a look that transcends all things and overlooks all beings?

Jiang Muxue was extremely curious.

But now, what makes her even more curious is that senior sister, who has always been detached from all things and doesn't care about anything, is actually uneasy?

And she was restless all day, as if she was worried about something, so that she had no time to practice all day.

Shen Qingxuan was anxious and restless, not to mention Jiang Muxue, even their slow little master saw something wrong.

When passing by at noon, the little master Xie Xingyao asked in surprise: "Qingxuan, what's wrong with you? I'm so worried... Have you encountered a bottleneck in your cultivation?"

The little master expressed his concern.

But Shen Qingxuan's worries naturally did not come from the bottleneck of cultivation.

Jiang Muxue knew that her senior sister didn't have much desire to improve her cultivation.

Her practice is really just pure practice, which is different from everyone in Lingyun Xianzong.

Neither long for a powerful cultivation base, nor for the huge fame and fortune brought by the improvement of the cultivation base.

Therefore, as a senior sister, she can live in isolation and not communicate with anyone in Xianzong, and she can live comfortably alone.

Curiosity is the worst poison in the world. This is what her father taught her.

But at this time, Jiang Muxue couldn't bear the curiosity in her patience and wanted to explore the heart of this mysterious senior sister.

She walked out of the house and did something that she had never done before—the anxiety of wanting to inquire about Senior Sister.

"Senior sister, do you have any troubles?" Jiang Muxue smiled playfully, "Can you tell me what troubles you have? I'm very good at understanding people."

Her youthful appearance is her greatest advantage.

She can pretend to be innocent and playful to defuse the defenses of ordinary people.

After all, who would deliberately be on guard against an eleven- or twelve-year-old girl?

And Shen Qingxuan smiled slightly in the face of the little sister's concern, and said, "No worries, I just encountered a little trouble in my practice. Don't worry about the little sister, it should be fine tomorrow."

Senior sister's answer is formulaic and alienating.

This made Jiang Muxue's curiosity even stronger.

Senior Sister's reaction is clearly that there is some kind of unspoken secret!

So, senior sister's anxiety, can't tell others?

But the senior sister who has been practicing in the mountains and has never had contact with outsiders will not even have trouble. What secrets will there be that can't be revealed?

"Treading the Stars"

Is it...

Jiang Muxue's eyes lit smiled and said, "Could it be that Senior Sister has met the man she likes?"

At this moment, Jiang Muxue suddenly reacted.

The anxious appearance of her senior sister is clearly the reaction that only a girl in Huai Chun would have!

She fell into a misunderstanding of thinking before, subconsciously thinking that her cold senior sister couldn't like a man, so she didn't think about it.

But at this time, it seems that even the mysterious senior sister cannot be exempted from the commonplace?

Jiang Muxue's curiosity was pounding, and she couldn't help but want to explore more.

What kind of man can make this mysterious and aloof senior sister of his own, lose ground and lose his mind so much?

I care so much!

I really want to know!

Jiang Muxue felt that her toes were raised in excitement.

It was the first time she felt this huge curiosity, and she was almost unable to restrain herself from being excited.

Seeing Shen Qingxuan under the moonlight, she was slightly startled, and quickly said with a disguised smile: "Is there any man I like, I have always lived alone in the mountains, and you know that Junior Sister, I never have contact with sect disciples."

Shen Qingxuan's answer is very reasonable.

She did not communicate with the disciples of Lingyun Xianzong, regardless of gender, she was cold and distant.

But Jiang Muxue's heart was even more certain. This senior sister of mine is 100% pregnant.

Otherwise, how could this mysterious and cold senior sister have such a shy and cover up reaction?

This is clearly a guilty conscience after being told!

Jiang Muxue smiled and said, "Senior sister said that she is not in the mountains... That means, that handsome man is outside the mountains now?" +Add bookmark+