MTL - My Girlfriend And I Transmigrated-Chapter 41 his face

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In the vast white world, Shen Qingxuan was highly concentrated.

Master's fast mantra chanting sounded constantly in her ears.

Every sentence of those incantations fell on her heart like a heavy hammer, making her nervous.

At the same time, as each incantation fell, behind the vast white cloud, that strange resonance feeling became stronger and stronger.

Today, there is not only a sense of resonance, but also a strange pulling force.

Shen Qingxuan vaguely felt that in the depths of the white world, there was something connected to her.

Between the two, there seems to be a thread of spiritual power, and the other party is constantly being pulled out by her!

There is no doubt that this is a sign of the success of the imminent summoning!

But although Shen Qingxuan was happy in her heart, she didn't dare to be careless.

The more critical it is, the easier it is to fail.

The new-born spirit in the depths of the sea of ​​clouds was responding to her call, and was constantly being pulled towards her by her.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer.

But her movements were extremely light, and she didn't dare to increase her strength at all, for fear of scaring the other party away.

The "spirits" who responded to her call, according to the records of the classics, were all pale and vaguely born spirits.

Practitioners can enter and exit the Taixu fairyland by connecting with the spirit of the newborn.

Of course, there are also sayings that the gods summoned in the Taixu fairyland are actually the consciousness projections formed by the practitioners themselves in the Taixu fairyland.

However, there are not many people who agree with this statement.

It is generally believed in the cultivation world that what was summoned was the first-born spirit born in the fairyland of Taixu, so he was ignorant.

Of course, Shen Qingxuan doesn't care about the origin of these mysterious spirit bodies.

At this moment, she was completely immersed in that slow pulling.

Just like a fishing reel, applying force little by little to pull the new born spirit out of the sea of ​​clouds.

She strictly followed the teacher's teaching, and her movements were relaxed and moderate, and she never performed any extreme actions.

But the strange thing is that Shen Qingxuan's pulling did not resist at all.

In the depths of the white world, the newborn spirit who responded to her call, obediently let her drag it away.

Following the thread of spiritual power, Shen Qingxuan could not feel the slightest struggle.


Shen Qingxuan felt strange subconsciously.

Didn't Master say that the process of calling the gods would be very difficult?

Because those new-born spirits will struggle and try to break free from time to time, and they will not be caught so easily by practitioners.

But at this time, Shen Qingxuan could not feel the slightest resistance.

Could it be that there is something strange about this newborn spirit that you caught?

Are you so obedient?

Shen Qingxuan was surprised in her heart, but she still did not dare to relax her vigilance, for fear that the new born spirit would break free from the spiritual thread and escape in the next second.

According to the method taught by her master, she exerted strength little by little and pulled the spiritual body in the depths of the pale world.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer.

Shen Qingxuan clearly felt the presence of the other party.

And that mysterious newborn spirit still did not resist! Obediently out of the ordinary!

But Shen Qingxuan didn't have time to think about it, because when the distance between the two sides reached a limit, it was the last and most critical step.

Shen Qingxuan in the pale world suddenly exerted force, changing the previous slow pulling.

She almost aroused every trace of spiritual power in her soul, and forcibly dragged the newborn spirit in the sea of ​​clouds to her front.

Then, Shen Qingxuan, who was in front of the altar, opened her eyes.

Weird expression.

At this time, Shen Qingxuan was full of sweat and exhausted.

The process of invoking the spirit placed a heavy burden on her spirit.

But at this time, she didn't have time to realize her body's exhaustion, and instead looked in front of her with a strange expression.

There, stood quietly a human-shaped phantom that only she could see, which had some kind of spiritual connection with her.

That is the new-born spirit she called, and it will become her key to enter the fairyland of the Void, and gradually become part of her power.

On the other hand, the master on the side let out a happy cry.

"Yeah! It worked!"

The overjoyed master jumped up and down.

The success of summoning the spirit means that she can sleep late every day in the future, and she doesn't need to worry about Shen Qingxuan.

However, the little master jumped happily for a while, and after the excitement calmed down slightly, he found that his apprentice did not have the joy of successfully summoning the spirit.

Shen Qingxuan sat there, staring in the direction in front of her with a strange expression, as if she saw something terrible.

This surprised Xie Xingyao.

"Qing Xuan? Do you have any questions?"

Xie Xingyao looked in the direction where Tu'er was looking. She knew that there was a ghostly image of the gods summoned by Tu'er.

However, the phantoms of gods and spirits summoned by the Transcendence Realm have no substance, and only practitioners can see them.

After reaching the god-calling realm, the phantom of the gods can condense into entities and manifest externally.

Xie Xingyao asked curiously, "Why are you not happy at all?"

Is there any accident?

But isn't the summoning ceremony very successful?

Xie Xingyao was puzzled.

Shen Qingxuan, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, raised her head with a strange expression and looked at her master.

He asked: "Master, the first-time spirits who successfully summoned spirits are all pale and unappealing, right?"

Xie Xingyao was very sure of this, and nodded naturally.

"That's right, when everyone called spirits for the first time, they were all pale figures, and even the genders of men and women were blurred."

"It is only after the practitioners continue to practice, the newly born spirit will gradually show signs of some people."

Xie Xingyao imparted knowledge to his apprentices.

Shen Qingxuan looked at the figure in front of her with a strange and asked, "The new-born spirit called out by a man will eventually turn into a man."

"The new-born spirit that a woman calls out will eventually turn into a woman."

"All in all, the new-born spirit that every cultivator calls out will eventually become his own... right?"

Shen Qingxuan asked.

Xie Xingyao nodded naturally, this was the common sense she taught her apprentices in the world of practice, of course there was nothing wrong.

And Shen Qingxuan, who was confirmed by the master, looked at the figure in front of her with a strange expression and was completely speechless.

Under the sun, standing in front of her was not a pale and hazy figure.

Instead, it was a devil with a gloomy complexion, a black robe, and a strong devilish aura around him. If this figure can be seen, I am afraid that Lingyun Xianzong will explode in an instant, and everyone will rush out to subdue the demons.

Shen Qingxuan, a monk of the Immortal Sect of the Right Way, called out a ghost?

And the most outrageous thing is that this phantom Shen Qingxuan knew him.

That face was clearly that of her husband Luo Jing!

Why is the phantom of the **** I summoned to look like my husband!

At this moment, Shen Qingxuan was immediately stunned.

At the same time, in the mountains of Manggu.

Luo Jing, who was telling a story to the little girl, suddenly covered his forehead and let out a cry of pain.

" head..."

Sitting under the shade of a tree, Luo Jing felt as if something had been taken out of his body in a trance.

The tingling sensation lasted only for a moment.

But the pain made him unforgettable.

"Damn it! Could someone curse me to kill me from a distance?"

This sudden tingling sensation made Luo Jing panic, not knowing what happened.