MTL - My Girlfriend And I Transmigrated-Chapter 31 Refining Demon Blood Sword

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The forbidden book area on the third floor is not very big.

Compared with the vastness of the first and second floors and the massive collection of books, there are very few books in the forbidden books area.

But on the bookshelf are all powerful exercises, heart formulas, and various secret techniques in the Immortal Sect, as well as some catalogs and ancient books that ordinary disciples cannot touch.

Shen Qingxuan walked into the forbidden book area, but her mood was slightly gloomy.

The words of Crimson Scale Immortal made her a little hesitant.

The destiny of attracting demons...

This statement, on other people, maybe few people will care.

After all, in today's world, the magic way is shrinking, the right way is prosperous, and even people in the magic door are rarely seen in the Central Plains.

And even if they did, who would go out of their way to make friends with the demons?

But Shen Qingxuan is different. She is connected with a person in the devil's sect, knows each other, and even has a marriage...

Walking in the forbidden area, Shen Qingxuan felt the ancient sword of Qingying in her soul.

This spirit sword, at this time, is almost an extension of her consciousness.

She can command and cast this sword at will, as simple as controlling her own hands and feet.

Feeling the existence of Qingying Ancient Sword, she smiled bitterly and shook her head.

"No wonder this sword fits me so well."

With a helpless sigh, Shen Qingxuan shuttled between the bookshelves, looking for the "Great Void Summoning Spirit and Universal Transformation" that Master said.

As for Qingying Gujian's so-called destiny, although she was a little worried, she didn't care too much.

Because she knows that her husband is a man who keeps his word.

He said that if he wanted to leave the Demon Gate, come to Lingyun Xianzong to find her, and reunite with her, then Luo Jing would definitely do it.

She had no doubts about that.

And her husband is just a little shrimp in the magic door, no one cares at all.

The situation of their husband and wife is completely different from the past of Gu Chenfeng and Ying Qiuchan.

Walking among the bookshelves, Shen Qingxuan suppressed her worries and rummaged through the books on the bookshelves one by one.

Although this library is similar to a university library, it is not as strictly classified as a library.

Among the many collections of books, it is quite difficult to find the one you are looking for.

Shen Qingxuan looked through them one by one, and it took about half an hour to find the "Tai Xu Summoning Spirit and Universal Hua Zhen Jue" on the T-shaped No. 13 bookshelf.

This book, which seems to be often borrowed, has a badly damaged cover.

Shen Qingxuan opened the page and looked at it, but the content was complete and there was nothing missing.

Hanging the wooden plaque of the direct disciple on the place of "Tai Xu Summoning Spirit and Universal Transformation", Shen Qingxuan planned to leave with this book.

Even a direct disciple can only borrow one secret book from the forbidden area at a time, and he must leave an identity token.

But just as Shen Qingxuan was about to leave, the ancient Qingying sword on her back suddenly vibrated slightly.

It seemed to sense something.

In the quiet library, Shen Qingxuan vaguely smelled a touch of blood.

The breath was very unfamiliar, but it seemed to be very familiar, which caused Qingying Ancient Sword to resonate.

This surprised Shen Qingxuan.

In the library, there was something that moved the Qingying Ancient Sword?

According to Shen Qingxuan's understanding, this Qingying Ancient Sword has only one master besides the ancient dust seal from a hundred years ago. It is a righteous path scattered immortal thousands of years ago, not a disciple of Lingyun Xianzong.

This sword has been living in the world for many years, and by chance, it was brought back to Lingyun Xianzong by Gu Chenfeng.

What resonates with the Qingying Ancient Sword in the Book Collection Pavilion... Could it be some relic left by the ancient dust seal?

Shen Qingxuan was slightly excited in her heart.

Could it be some kind of secret exercises that Gu Chenfeng left in the library?

This peerless genius of the Rising Cloud Immortal Sect, at a young age, is almost invincible in the world, and has created a sharp and unparalleled sword technique.

But it is a pity that he died too early and betrayed his immortal gate because of the demon girl, so Lingyun Xianzong was not able to include the secrets of his works.

Could it be that Gu Chenfeng actually left some secrets in the library long ago, but other people in Lingyun Xianzong didn't find it?

According to the vague feeling in the soul, Shen Qingxuan took the "Great Void Summoning Spirit and Universal Transformation" and slowly walked towards the northeast corner of the library.

There, it's not the place where the secrets and exercises are placed, and there are only miscellaneous ancient books.

When Shen Qingxuan was looking through the past events in the cultivation world, this is where she came the most.

Most of the inner disciples who can come to the forbidden area are interested in exercises, secrets, or catalogs of various artifact refiners and demons.

Such ancient books as miscellaneous books in remote corners are rarely read.

Most of the books are covered with light dust.

Shen Qingxuan sniffed the faint blood in accordance with the vague feeling in the soul, and finally came to the No. 5 bookshelf of the Geng character.

On this bookshelf are all insignificant miscellaneous books and maps that are already quite old. The maps and knowledge in it are completely from thousands of years ago, and are contrary to the current world.

Even Shen Qingxuan had only read it once, and after finding that the books above had no reference value, she gave up.

She has no interest in archaeology.

But at this time, there was a faint blood on this extremely remote bookshelf.

The resonance of Qingying ancient sword has reached the extreme.

The sword in the scabbard trembled faintly, as if excited.

Shen Qingxuan walked over carefully and searched silently.

In the end, the source of that blood energy was found.

An old book full of dust that no one has read for many years.

There was no text on the cover. After Shen Qingxuan wiped off the dust on it, she gently opened the cover and saw the content inside.

The handwriting looks very messy and scribbled. It is a travel note from hundreds of years ago. It has a certain archaeological value and can understand the customs of the year.

But that's all there is to Shen Qingxuan hesitated slightly——Why does this book resonate with Qingying Gujian?

However, at this time, the book in her hand had clearly not changed, and the words on it were still the travel notes in messy handwriting.

But in a trance, she seemed to see lines of blurry words emerging between the lines.

It was another kind of graceful handwriting, as if written by a girl.

[The "Refining Devil Blood Sword" you asked me for advice, I have copied the heart method as follows]

[Look at it, maybe it can be helpful to your swordsmanship comprehension]

[This ritual practice blood sword technique is my original creation, and it is no less than ten stories stronger than the original "Refining Demon Blood Sword" by Soul Refining Sect]

[Besides you, no one in the world knows this secret, you are the first and only one]

[With such a great favor, I hope you don't know the good and the bad, and complete your sword art well]

[I hope I can see the sword art written by you before I leave Lingyun Xianzong]

Afterwards, it was a magic sword refining technique.

Using his own blood as a guide, he can take Yuehua and even kill the demons to practice the blood sword. He doesn't need a magic weapon, but he can practice the blood sword sacrifice beyond the magic weapon.

It is simply a powerful magic art that is extremely ferocious, yet amazing.

Shen Qingxuan, who had read all the secrets, fell into a huge shock.

The secret technique of "Refining the Devil's Blood Sword"... Could it be left by Ying Qiuchan, the saintess of the devil's way?

She wrote it here and left it to Gu Chenfeng?

It turns out that when Gu Chenfeng was still cultivating in the mountain gate, he already knew the Holy Maiden of Soul Refining Sect?

The Holy Maiden of Soul Refining Sect ever quietly sneaked into Lingyun Immortal Sect?

The two even used this method of leaving letters with each other to exchange secret cultivation techniques?