MTL - My Girlfriend And I Transmigrated-Chapter 167 he better show up

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Shen Qingxuan was stunned.

She stood there blankly, as if her soul had been evacuated, her eyes dull and blank.

The pain in my mind kept coming.

She felt that the silk thread was tearing at her brain frantically, and it seemed that even her brain would be shattered.

However, the pain in the body seemed to be numb.

In front of her eyes, the pictures that she saw in the first glance kept appearing.

And the intermittent whispers.

"Not separated…"

"together forever…"

The woman in the dark sat dazedly on the chair.

She hardly noticed when the tingling in her mind disappeared.

Until the appearance of the younger sister Jiang Muxue.

Jiang Muxue's cautious voice woke Shen Qingxuan by the window.

"Teacher...Senior sister..."

Jiang Muxue looked at the senior sister in front of her and said cautiously, "Are you alright?"

Shen Qingxuan, who had come back to her senses, was stunned for a while, looked at the little junior sister in front of her, and the little bald-headed Zhizhen who was completely shrunk behind the little junior sister, and smiled.

Said: "I'm fine... What's the matter? Why do you ask this suddenly?"

Shen Qingxuan looked as usual with a kind smile.

But the little monk shrank his head completely behind Jiang Muxue, shivering.

Jiang Muxue also looked at Senior Sister carefully and said, "That... Senior Sister, your sword... Your sword..."

The reminder from the junior sister made Shen Qingxuan stunned for a moment.

When she turned her head, she realized that the ancient Qingying sword in the scabbard on her back had been unsheathed.

The Qingying ancient sword with a icy blade is suspended in the air, exuding a icy killing intent.

It seems to be killing all living beings and slaughtering all things.

That terrifying killing intent almost condensed into substance, making the little bald-headed Zhizhen tremble, and making Jiang Muxue, who has always been long-sleeved and good at dancing, smile extremely stiffly and reluctantly.

Fortunately, it was late at night, and Heshun Restaurant had no customers.

The shop assistant and shopkeeper below never urged Shen Qingxuan, otherwise they would be scared to wet their pants on the spot when they saw this scene.

Seeing the tense and stiff smiling face of the junior sister, and the little monk Zhizhen who was completely scared to the point of shrinking his head, Shen Qingxuan was slightly silent.

Then, she let out a long sigh.

The woman's mind moved, and the ancient sword returned to its sheath.

The terrifying killing intent in the air instantly dissipated, and everything returned to normal.

Shen Qingxuan raised the teacup pretending to be calm, took a sip, and said, "Just now, on a whim, I suddenly had an understanding of kendo, so I lost my mind."

"Fortunately, the junior sister came in time, otherwise it would be bad to scare the people."

Shen Qingxuan's expression was as usual, as if nothing had happened.

Jiang Muxue looked at her cautiously and said, "That... Senior Sister, is there really no problem?"

"You've been waiting here for more than ten days, but you still haven't waited for anyone... Who are you waiting for? Is there anything else happening? Why are you so angry all of a sudden?"

Seeing that Senior Sister was relieved, Jiang Muxue carefully heard: "How about I help you check it? If I use my family relationship, there is almost no one in the Central Plains that can't be found."

Jiang Muxue was very confident, and for the first time exposed her family's power in front of Shen Qingxuan.

Shen Qingxuan looked at her and wanted to refuse.

But after a little thought, he didn't refuse.

After all, this little junior sister already knew something about her.

Some of her strange behaviors in Lingyun Xianzong before have long ago made this exquisite little junior sister confirm that she has a lover.


Shen Qingxuan was silent for a while, and the smile on her face disappeared.

She lowered her head, looked at the teacup in her hand, and said, "You can't find him."

Shen Qingxuan said: "He is like a poisonous snake, proficient in dormancy and hiding. As long as he is not 100% sure about anything, he will never shoot."

"If he deliberately wants to hide like this, even if you use the power of the family, you probably won't be able to find him."

"After all, he is in the Central Plains and has no reputation. No one has ever mentioned his name in the past."

"For people in this world, probably only I know his details."

When Shen Qingxuan spoke, the expression on her face was extremely complicated.

Jiang Muxue cautiously looked at the expression of the sister, trying to figure out the emotions of the sister, and said.

"That... Did he fail Senior Sister?"

"Actually, Senior Sister, even if he really broke the appointment, it's not necessarily intentional."

"Maybe something happened on the way that delayed it? Let's wait, maybe we can wait..."

Jiang Muxue had long guessed that the senior sister came down the mountain to see her lover, so she stalked and followed, wanting to see who could capture the heart of this fairy senior sister.

But she didn't expect that the result would be like this...

What kind of scumbag can you take for granted to throw away this fairy-like senior sister for so many days!

The worst part is that I have to speak for him!

Jiang Muxue spoke carefully and comforted her senior sister.

Shen Qingxuan was silent for a while, and after a while, a sneer appeared on her face.

"Break an appointment? Actually, it's not a broken appointment."

She said slowly: "Maybe it's me who is being selfish..."

When she crossed over, she knew that it was impossible for two people with different identities to be together.

The so-called long-distance relationships are mostly fairy tales.

Not to mention that the two had no feelings for each other from the very beginning, and the so-called marriage was just a partnership to live together.

But when he wanted to continue the marriage contract in his previous life, she did not refuse.

At that time, her plan was that if he finally gave up, she would not criticize him.

After all, two people have traveled to the new world, and it is natural to embrace the new life.

At that time, she really thought so.


Shen Qingxuan, whose face was calm, suddenly slapped the table with a slap.

The sturdy wooden table was instantly turned into powder by her palm and dissipated in the air.

Under the cold moonlight, Shen Qingxuan's expression was not good.

"I regret it!"

Yes! At the beginning, the thought in her mind was that her husband would fall in love with other women in the future and would give up the marriage in his previous life, then she would quit peacefully and bring this matter to an end.

But she now regrets it.

There is no law that says she can't go back!

Anyway, only she knew that thought, and she didn't make any verbal promises to Luo Jing.

That damned scumbag, shouting that he wants to be reunited with her, to fall in love with her, makes her frightened every day. In the end, after using her, she kicked away, escaped from the demon gate and found a beautiful little sister... Really think I, Shen Qingxuan, are a ball? !

Kick how you want to kick?

Shen Qingxuan sat by the window, looked at the night outside the window and said, "I'll wait for him for another three months, and wait for a hundred days."

"If he shows up within a hundred days, I'll give him a chance to explain."

"If he doesn't show up in a hundred days..."

After Shen Qingxuan finished speaking, the Qingying ancient sword behind her shook violently.

The killing intent was so strong that it almost condensed into a real killing intent, so scared that the little monk Shang Zhizhen once again withdrew behind Jiang Muxue.

Shen Qingxuan looked at the night outside the window and said coldly.

"He better show up!"