MTL - My Girlfriend And I Transmigrated-Chapter 159 Are you so deep into the play?

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These words of Zen Master Zhizhen are no different from the fantasy in everyone's ears.

A devil who has been dormant for 20 years, 20 years ago was the cultivation base of the initial stage of the God-calling realm, and will be able to reach the Taixu realm in 20 years? Maybe even the apex of the Void Realm?

If other people say this kind of crazy talk, it will only be regarded as crazy by everyone.

But at this time, it was the Zen Master Zhizhen from the Brahma Pure Land. Although he was young, his Buddhist cultivation and Taoism were already contemptuous of his peers.

The words came out of his mouth, and the weight was different.

Even if it does sound outrageous.

It took twenty years to cultivate from the God-calling realm to the Taixu realm... This is almost impossible.

Lu Yu frowned and said, "In twenty years, I have cultivated from the God-calling realm to the Taixu realm... and obtained the "Immortal Way of Refining Magic". If his talent is outstanding, it is indeed possible."

"But he's been dormant for 20 years, and now he's out of the mountain to murder my teacher... Could it be that the teacher offended him?"

Mr. Mingham was a well-respected, mild-mannered, well-known gentleman.

Even the devils in the magic way respected Mr. Mingham when he mentioned him.

How could such a good-natured man, who is indifferent to the world, offend a devil who has not been there for 20 years?

Lu Yu expressed his confusion.

Zen Master Zhizhen shook his head and said, "Only the parties involved know this, and maybe..."

Zen Master Zhizhen hesitated a little and said, "Maybe something happened 20 years ago? I remember that 20 years ago, the devil came to Haiyan City and hid in Tianshu Pavilion for a while."

"Perhaps twenty years ago, the devil encountered Mr. Mingham."

"Of course, it's also possible that this devil wants to make a name for himself now, so he just took Mr. Minghan to the knife..."

Zen Master Zhizhen once again threw out a new clue.

Lu Yu looked at him and frowned, "Dare you ask Zen Master, you were only six years old twenty years ago? How did you know that the devil came to Haiyan City twenty years ago?"

"And the senior sister that the Zen master said, can you tell me the name and name?"

"How did she and the devil come to have grievances? Brahma's pure land is far away from the world, so there should be few intersections with demons, right?"

Lu Yu wanted to know more.

Zen Master Zhizhen folded his hands together and said, "The little monk's sister is not the Pure Land of Brahma, but a disciple of the Immortal Sect."

"As a prince, I should have heard her name."

Saying that, Zen Master Zhizhen moved his lips slightly and spat out a name.

But the people present did not hear any sound, apparently it was a means of sound transmission.

Only Lu Yu, the king of Zhenbei, changed his face slightly after hearing that name.

"is her?!"

After hearing that name, Lu Yu's expression changed.

He looked at Zen Master Zhizhen again, and his eyes became serious.

Obviously that name is very important, and it has already convinced Lu Yu, the king of Zhenbei, to believe the words of the young monk.

This confuses everyone present. I don't know which immortal master of Lingyun Xianzong can make the prince show such an expression.

Lu Yu did not explain, but looked at the monk in white and asked, "Is there any way for the Zen master to find this devil?"

"Since he is so terrifying, I'm afraid things won't be good tonight."

The King of Zhenbei looked solemn and asked Zen Master Zhizhen for advice.

The young monk folded his hands together and said, "For the past twenty years, the little monk has been wandering around the world looking for news of this demon."

"Although I haven't found it yet, I realized a set of techniques to track the refining demon blood sword."

"As long as the lord helps me to expand around the Tianshu Pavilion, we should be able to find the devil who practiced and refines the Demon Blood Sword in the Tianshu Pavilion..."

After the monk in white finished speaking, the King of Zhenbei immediately said, "Okay! Just do it like this."

After speaking, Lu Yu turned to Manager Ning and said, "Ning San, you send someone to strengthen the blockade inside and outside the Tianshu Pavilion. No one is allowed to leave tonight, not even a fly."

"Let's bring Zen Master Zhizhen to set up the formation, and we must find out the devil who secretly harmed my teacher!"


Inside the Tianshu Pavilion, the atmosphere was chilling.

King Zhenbei went south on this trip, and there were not many attendants accompanying him, but there were many masters. Coupled with the big monks of the Tianshu Pavilion, they completely blocked the Tianshu Pavilion inside and outside.

However, the chilling atmosphere was not felt by most people.

Outside the Tianshu Pavilion, more and more people gathered to send spirits for Mr. Minghan, and the square in front of the Tianshu Pavilion was already crowded.

The lights were lit under the night sky, and when viewed from a high altitude, it seemed like a star-studded Milky Way was lit up in the city.

In the Tianshu Pavilion, the handymen who had just finished their supper were working overtime to set up a place to send spirits.

Luo Jing was in it, doing his own work, unaware of what was happening outside.

When the girl in Tsing Yi appeared, Luo Jing was walking towards the venue carrying a piece of wood, and sent it to the venue.

The girl in the shadow grabbed him and pulled him directly into the shadow.

Lu Li stared at him, shocked: "What are you doing?"

The girl seemed to be frightened by Luo Jing.

Luo Jing looked at her dumbfounded and asked, "I should ask you this sentence? What are you doing here?"

Is this woman really not afraid of death?

Now that the swords are drawn in the Tianshu Pavilion, and they are busy looking for the murderer who killed Mr. Minghan, are you a demon cultivator who bumps into it at such a time?

Aren't you afraid of being caught by the right way, locked up in a dungeon, and turned into Aheyan?

Lu Li glared at Luo Jing and said, "I'm coming in to find you! It's you, UU Kanshu You came in so that you didn't come here to find out the truth?"

"You came in to do chores?"

Lu Li grabbed the log on Luo Jing's shoulder and stared, "You are so involved in the play? Are you really treating yourself as a handyman?"

"Don't forget, you are a magician! We are here to steal the Book of Eternal Life!"

"Now Tianshu Pavilion is busy catching the murderer everywhere. It's the time when the defense of the Book of Longevity is slack. Isn't this a good time for us to steal the Book of Longevity?"

"You don't look for opportunities to come here to do chores?!"

With a speechless expression on Lu Li's face, Luo Jing was defeated.

Luo Jing also looked at her speechlessly, and the two of them stared at each other.

"Your thinking angle is really tricky... You have already gone to catch the murderer, so the defense of the Book of Longevity is slack?"

"Ah, yes, now everyone is busy catching the murderer, and no one really cares about the Book of Longevity. It's a good opportunity."

Luo Jing said: "But what about stealing the Book of Longevity? Even if we really stole the Book of Longevity, how can we leave?"

"If I leave now, my fake identity will be 100% exposed. Even if the Book of Longevity is really stolen, how can we leave this heavily blocked Tianshu Pavilion?"

Luo Jing said with a speechless expression: "Please think about it with your barren cerebellum!"

It is said that she has **** and no brains, but this woman's **** are not big, why is she so brainless?

But seeing Lu Li taking out a pure white jade mask, he sneered and said: "I'm sure I'll take action... Have you seen this thing? The mask of the devil! After we stole the Heavenly Book of Longevity, it is not easy to leave the Heavenly Book Pavilion. ?"