MTL - My Girlfriend And I Transmigrated-Chapter 114 Dead memories attack me suddenly

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Of course, the people seated in the square are not really distinguished guests.

The main venue of the Moon Appreciation Conference is actually in the palace above the stairs.

But there is only the lord of the country and the many distinguished guests invited by the lord of the country who are qualified to set foot there.

With the invitations in their hands, Luo Jing could only feel the atmosphere of the scene in the outer banquet hall.

Following the invitations and the guidance of the on-site guards, Luo Jing and the two sat down in front of two adjacent tables.

On this quaint table, fruits and cakes are displayed, and everyone sits directly on the floor, which is covered with silk cushions.

After the two were seated, Ji Canghu was already close to Luo Jing's body, clenching his hands extremely tightly.

But Luo Jing could feel that her nervousness had indeed eased a little.

The strength of the woman's grip on him has also slowed down a lot, which seems to indicate that Ji Canghu's emotions are gradually calming down.

But compared to everyone in the banquet hall, Ji Canghu's out-of-control nervousness was extremely strange.

Luo Jing asked, "What are you nervous about?"

This faceless demon who can infiltrate the chaotic Central Plains and Soul Refining Sect is actually nervous because he has stepped into the palace of a small country?

In the deeds of this faceless demon, it seems that she even sneaked into the palace in the Central Plains and stole things, right?

The corner of the woman's mouth twitched and snuggled up against Luo Jing, forcing a forced smile.

"My sister has poor psychological endurance, she is about to do something big, so she is nervous... can't you?"

She continued to perfunctory Luo Jing.

However, the woman's eyes have been staring at the palace in front of her.

Her eyes didn't look like a thief was stepping on the spot, more like she wanted to carve all the plants and trees in the palace into her mind.

Mixed with a little nostalgia, sentimentality...

Luo Jing's voice transmission asked, "Have you been to this palace before?"

This question made the woman who was leaning on him froze suddenly.

Then Ji Canghu raised his head, glanced at Luo Jing with a pale face, and forced a smile: "It seems that I have indeed lost my way... Even my stupid brother can see my mind at a glance, ha..."

The woman pretended to be cheerful and laughed at herself.

But this pretending to be free and easy smile, but completely unable to reproduce her usual blissful joy, it only seems that she is more and more lost.

Looking at Luo Jing's confused eyes, the woman said slowly, "Yes, I've been here before."

"But that was a very young age. If I hadn't cultivated to the realm of calling the gods and retrieved the memories of my childhood that had been sealed in my mind for a long time, I wouldn't even know that I grew up in the palace of the King of the Moon. of."

Ji Canghu's whisper seemed to contain endless sadness, and it seemed that he had no emotions at all.

Her expression became calm, as if she was no longer nervous.

But Luo Jing's hand was clenched in his sleeve, but he clenched it even tighter, causing Luo Jing to feel pain.

Looking at Luo Jing's profile, Ji Canghu said seriously: "In one's life, many things will be forgotten. From childhood to adulthood, from childishness to maturity, many things that have been experienced will be forgotten one by one."

"The growth of a person is like walking in a fruit forest, and we can continue to harvest the fruit on the tree. But the bamboo basket on our back is fixed, so when we harvest new things, we will keep throwing away old things. ."

"A person's life is a life of constant forgetting."

"If you don't cultivate to the realm of calling the gods, and you can strengthen your understanding of your mind, ordinary people will not be able to retrieve their past memories at all."

"Brother, since you have already cultivated to the realm of calling the gods, do you remember what happened when you were young?" Ji Canghu looked into Luo Jing's eyes and asked.

This question seems to be asked casually, yet seems extremely serious.

Luo Jing looked into the woman's eyes, wondering what the woman wanted to ask.

Could it be that she is still entangled in the matter of the descendants of the demons?

But unfortunately, the lifelong memory Luo Jing recovered after breaking through the God-calling realm was the memory of his previous life on Earth.

As for the memory of the original owner of the body, it is still vague.

Looking at Ji Canghu's face, Luo Jing said, "My childhood was naturally spent in Sanhuai City. All my relatives have passed away... You should be very clear about this, Sister Hu, why are you suddenly asking this? "

After listening to Luo Jing's answer, the woman who was leaning beside her remained expressionless.

She just lowered her head and said slowly.

"It's not really unfortunate to have no relatives. At least you know where they all go."

"The most tormenting thing in the world is knowing that your relatives are still in the world, but they have lost all information and will never be able to see each other again."

Ji Canghu smiled mockingly, and said, "I have also thought about some kind of emotional change when I enter the palace these days."

"But imagination is imagination after all and cannot replace real reality."

"Only when I really stepped into this palace and really saw the bricks and tiles that I had seen in these memories did I realize that my psychological endurance was not so strong."

Ji Canghu grabbed Luo Jing's hand and slowly raised it.

Under the moonlight, the two people who were close at hand could see each other's hands that were clasped together, but Renji kept shaking.

The smile on Ji Canghu's face was extremely bitter: "If it weren't for you to support me, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to stand."

So this old fox's emotions are out of control, and it has something to do with her relatives?

Her lost relatives?

Luo Jing asked, "Sister Fox, is your surname Ying too?"

Growing up in the King's Palace of the Great Moon... This is definitely the blood of the royal family, right?

However, Ji Canghu slowly shook his head, UU reading www. said: "No, my real surname is indeed Ji. But when I was young, I used to live in this palace with my family."

"Of course, it was later lost."

"That was my only younger brother, who was kidnapped and probably wiped out of all memory."

"Because of me, too, I was wiped out of all my memories, changed into a new identity, and started life in a new place."

"Someone wanted to make the traces of our family disappear completely, but by chance, I set foot on the magic path, and cultivated all the way to the realm of evoking the gods, and regained my memory."

"But my brother, should not be so lucky."

"He may even have died long ago."

"Even if he didn't die, now he's old and a poor old man with limited mobility."

Ji Canghu's words shocked Luo Jing: "You are so old?"

This question seems to dilute the nervousness of the old fox.

The corners of her mouth curved slightly, and a playful smile that Luo Jing was familiar with appeared.

"Yes, my sister is ninety-two years old this year... In terms of age, she can be your grandma."

Luo Jing looked at her speechlessly and said, "So your nervousness is related to your brother?"

"But since your brother is gone, why are you nervous? Could it be..."

Luo Jing suddenly thought of a possibility, and was shocked: "What you came to look for in the King's Palace of Dayue is not "The Magic of Immortal Dao", but your brother's clue?"