MTL - My Girlfriend And I Transmigrated-Chapter 107 are you caring about me

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After checking into the guest room, Ji Canghu walked to the window and sat down, opened her ancient sheepskin scroll and continued reading.

Although the top was still blank, she could see the relish, and she laughed happily from time to time, laughing so much that the branches trembled.

Luo Jing glanced at her and stopped asking.

Now he is at a critical moment of breakthrough. For Luo Jing, the sooner he finds the clues, the better.

In the past half a month, the magical energy in his body has grown tremendously.

Today's Luo Jing, the blood vessels in his body have been tempered into a black and shiny appearance, like black jade.

Even the flesh is almost finished.

Although it does not seem to be much different from before, in fact, it is only one step away from the Great Perfection of Transcendence.

As long as his mind is also tempered, his whole body, from the inside to the outside, can be separated from the mortal body and have a life span of two hundred years.

Moreover, the strengthened body can be used as a carrier for the manifestation of the incarnation of the divine soul, bringing the incarnation of the divine soul that exists only in Luo Jing's consciousness into reality.

In the endless sand sea, the white-clothed fairy had an indifferent expression, and she still had no good face towards Luo Jing.

Since Luo Jing and Ji Canghu embarked on the journey, the fairy in white did not even appear in reality.

Occasionally, Luo Jing would call for the fairy in white to appear in his heart, and the other party would just show up reluctantly and then disappear directly.

Luo Jing really wanted to know if the fairy in white would change after he broke through to the realm of calling the gods and was able to manifest the fairy in white into reality.

Practitioners who call the spirit realm manifest the incarnation of the divine soul, which can interfere with reality, kill powerful enemies, and even use the incarnation of the divine soul to speak through voice transmission.

So theoretically, after Luo Jing reached the God-calling realm, the fairy in white might be able to speak.

At that time, what will this disgusted fairy in white say to Luo Jing...

Really curious.

Her origin is so mysterious that Luo Jing couldn't help but want to find out.

Luo Jing even guessed that the fairy in white was probably the remnant of the original "Shen Qingxuan".

However, after many days of getting along, Luo Jing overturned this conjecture.

This white-clothed fairy didn't care about the original "Shen Qingxuan", but reacted to some things about Luo Jing's husband and wife's previous life.

It doesn't look like the original native soul at all.

Now standing in the sand sea, Luo Jing did not provoke the fairy in white.

After these days of hard work, Luo Jing had already mastered the Moon Shadow Escape Technique.

Although it is still a little far from the realm of Great Perfection, it can almost exert 80% of the power of the Moon Shadow Escape Technique, which is enough for Luo Jing to use today.

It becomes more and more difficult to practice afterward.

The subtleties of those details cannot be comprehended in a day or two.

In addition to practicing the Demon Blood Sword these days, Luo Jing also began to cultivate the physical body and enhance the magical power in the body.

At this time, Luo Jing had already practiced the first form of the heart-breaking sword shadow of the six-style sword art of refining the devil blood sword to the extent that he could instantly release hundreds of sword shadows when he was moved by his mind.

The second style of sword art is dyed in blue and dark, and it also looks like it when it comes out.

Just waiting for Luo Jing to break through to the realm of summoning the gods, manifesting the incarnation of the divine soul in the world, and enhancing the power of the sword art. At that time, he was confident that he would be able to stand alone against Ji Canghu.

So the time delay is actually a good thing for Luo Jing.

Today is August 11th, which means Luo Jing still has about four days to practice.

In the fairyland of Taixu, Luo Jing was completely immersed in the practice, constantly absorbing the spiritual power in the fairyland and tempering his body in reality.

It was not until he felt that his mind had begun to feel dizzy and tired, Luo Jing finished his practice and opened his eyes.

Outside the window at this time, the sun is setting and the sky is full of lingering clouds.

The frivolous and charming beautiful woman was still sitting by the window, but did not look at her ancient sheepskin scroll.

The blank sheepskin scroll lay quietly by the beautiful woman's hand.

With one hand on her cheek, she stared blankly at the sky full of red clouds outside the window, as if she had fallen into some kind of contemplative recollection.

There is no sloppy frivolity of the past, nor the evil spirits of demons and demons.

At this time, the beautiful woman stared blankly at the sunset in the sky, the afterglow of the sunset fell on her body, so beautiful that it was suffocating.

That quiet and sad atmosphere made people want to hug her and care softly.

This is the first time Luo Jing has seen this side of Ji Canghu.

This seemingly weak and helpless woman is really that evil and strange faceless demon? Was it the hooligan who teased and teased him along the way?

Luo Jing even suspected that he had crossed into another world line.

There was silence in the room.

Even Luo Jing's breathing slowed down subconsciously, for fear of disturbing the woman by the window.

But Luo Jing's sight still awakened Ji Canghu.

The woman by the window froze slightly and noticed the peeping. She came back to her senses and turned to look at Luo Jing in the corner.

The eyes of the two met in the air.

On the woman's face, there was another playful and charming smirk that Luo Jing was familiar with.

"Aiya... The stinky brother is awake? You are guarding a beautiful woman to practice every day. It really makes my sister very sad."

"I'm starting to doubt my own charm now... What should I do? Brother, would you like to make up for my sister?"

"Why don't we sleep in a big bed together tonight, and use your blood to prove that my sister is still attractive."

Ji Canghu has a bright smile and charming eyes.

But this kind of masked demon girl is different from the past, more like covering up her distraction just now.

Or, in fact, her face as a witch for a long time is actually concealing some kind of softness in her heart?

For the first time, Luo Jing discovered that he knew nothing about this faceless demon who had been with him for a long time.

Looking at the charming smiling face in front of him, Luo Jing was slightly silent.

Suddenly, he said, "Sister Fox, why do you want to find "The Magic of Immortal Dao"?"

Luo Jing asked this question in a terrifying manner.

He doesn't know why he asks this question. Isn't it a matter of course to pursue top secrets?

This question is very idiotic.

So that Ji Canghu couldn't help laughing: "Brother stinky, the stupidity of your question is as outrageous as why people need to eat and drink."

"I am a loose cultivator of the magic path, and I don't pursue powerful secrets... Then what am I pursuing? Pursue love?"

Ji Canghu laughed so hard that the branches trembled.

Luo Jing was speechless and knew that his question was stupid.

But he continued to ask: "What about after you get "Sister Fox"? Do you have any plans and goals?"

"Cultivation of "Magic of the Immortal Dao" to the realm of Dacheng, and then invincible in the world?"

Luo Jing asked, "After the world is invincible, what are you going to do?"

Luo Jing's question made the beautiful woman stunned for a moment.

She looked at Luo Jing in front of her and confirmed that Luo Jing was really serious after asking this question.

A smile appeared on the corner of the woman's mouth.

"Oops... stinky brother, your questioning... elder sister can be understood as, are you caring about me?"