MTL - My Brother-in-law is the Prince-Chapter 14 pig mate

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  Chapter 14 Pig teammates

  Zhang Anshi has been obediently staying at home these few days, continuing to refine his medicinal materials.

  This so-called magic medicine is actually just something that a tailor practiced in the Tang Dynasty.

   It is nothing more than letting the paste deteriorate and produce green hairs, and this green hairs can be applied on people's hands to reduce inflammation.

   This should be the earliest penicillin in human history.

  However, although the tailors of the Tang Dynasty knew that there was such a thing, they didn’t know why. They didn’t know anything about this ‘green hair’, so slowly, this anti-inflammatory method was quietly lost.

  Zhang Anshi improved the ‘Penicillin penicillin’. After the original penicillin green hairs were produced, they were put into the culture medium to continue culturing, and then extracted. In this way, the drug effect will be stronger.

  The Zhang family sent someone to report safety, which made Zhang Anshi so relieved that Zhang Anshi even thought about opening a pharmacy to make money.

   It's just that this idea is fleeting, because this thing can't be extracted on a large scale, and the output is horribly low. I, Zhang Anshi, the wife and brother of the dignified prince, what can I do wrong?

   While he was obediently staying in the patio of his own courtyard and closing his eyes.

At this time, a **** came. The eunuch's name was Deng Jian, and he was from the East Palace. Of course... Zhang Anshi lost his parents, and his elder sister couldn't take care of this brother at any time in the East Palace, so almost all the servants of this family were appointed by the East Palace. The **** is not only the housekeeper of the Zhang family, but also helps Zhang Anshi manage the family business.

  Deng Jian said with a smile: "Master, the servant just came back from the East Palace. His Highness the Crown Prince and the Princess Concubine called the servant to ask, have you eaten today?"

   "Eat, eat."

"what did you eat?"

   "Why do you have so many things?"

  Deng Jian still maintained a professional smile: "Young Master, don't get angry, isn't this... Your Highness and Your Majesty are thinking about you? Your Highness said, don't run around these few days."

  Zhang Anshi was puzzled and said, "Why?"

  Deng Jian: "There was news from the palace that His Majesty was furious a few days ago, and dealt with many youngsters like the Young Master. Your Majesty has a fiery temper. You must be careful, Young Master."

   "Oh. Yes."

   "Especially that Zhu Yong and Zhang Fu, the young master should avoid dealing with them, they are not good people."

  But at this moment, a gloomy voice said: "Who says I am not a good person!"

  Deng Jian was taken aback. When he looked back, he saw a young man limping in.

  Deng Jian recognized Zhu Yong, so he immediately fell silent and backed away.

  Seeing Zhu Yong coming, Zhang Anshi was very surprised: "Why don't you come in without saying hello?"

  Zhu Yongdao: "Brother's home is my home. The concierge An dared to stop me. I broke his dog legs, and I rushed in directly."

  Zhang Anshi looked at Zhu Yong, seeing him limping, he couldn't help but be concerned: "Second brother's injury..."

  Zhu Yong spit out a mouthful of foam: "My father beat me."

  Zhang Anshi looked at Zhang Yong with sympathy and said: "Mr. Cheng is too ruthless as an old man. Tiger venom is not easy to kill."

  Zhu Yong immediately nodded and said: "It would be great if my father has a big brother who is so sensible. He is very old, and he is still as ignorant as an old fool."

  Zhang Anshi: "Just know it in your heart, don't say these things outside."


  Zhang Anshi stared deeply at Zhu Yong: "If a tree is beautiful in the forest, it will be destroyed by the wind. If it is better than others, everyone will blame it!"

  Zhu Yong shook his head, and then said: "But although I was beaten, I didn't suffer, big brother, I stole my father's money."

  When Zhang Anshi heard it, he suddenly felt his back go cold: "What...what..."

  Zhu Yong grinned. Sure enough, he was carrying a bundle, and when he took it off, the banknotes and scattered gold and silver fell out. "

  Zhang Anshi: "..."

Zhu Yong said: "We will not be short of money in the future." He looked around, and then said: "Brother, this place is very cramped, unlike my Chengguo Mansion, which occupies a large area and has new decorations. Brother, I Take me to eat delicious and spicy food."

  Zhang Anshi looked down at Zhu Yong's 'lame' leg, and then at the gold and silver of this bundle: "Second brother, please go back."

  Zhu Yong frowned and said: "Isn't this the elder brother who said he wants money?"


  Zhang Anshi wants to die, this is a pig teammate.

After pondering for a long time, Zhang Anshi gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, this money... Let's do the math first, and I will also search how much money our Zhang family has. Return the silver."

  Deng Jian stood bowed at Zaiyuan. He was quite wary of Zhu Yong, so he kept his ears up to listen. When he heard this, Deng Jian's face twitched.


   An hour later.

   "Your Highness, it's not good, it's not good." Deng Jian ran to the East Palace out of breath.

  Zhu Gaochi was teasing his son Zhu Zhanji. When he saw Deng Jian coming over out of breath, he got up heavily, with his hands behind his back, and winked at the **** beside him. The **** hurriedly took Zhu Zhanji away.

   "Why, what happened to An Shi, did he not eat on time?"

  Deng Jian said anxiously: "Zhu Yong, the son of Duke Cheng Zhu Neng, went to see Mr. Anshi again today..."

As he spoke, Deng Jian's voice became softer, and he vividly recounted what happened just now: "Your Highness, the money was stolen in nine out of ten cases, and it came from a wrong way. Mr. An Shi lost his head, come on!" Following his way, he also said that he would take out his own money and do business together...Zhu Yong is a rogue-headed mouse-eyed man, he has evil intentions at first glance, he is trying to harm Mr. An Shi."

Zhu Gaochi frowned, paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, and said in his mouth: "Doesn't Cheng Guogong not teach his children? It's really unreasonable. Anshi's loss of money is not a big deal... Donggong tried to subsidize him. But If you do something else, if your father hears something again, you won't let it go lightly, don't forget Zhang Fu's lesson from the past!"

  Deng Jian said: "Yes, yes, the slaves think the same way. We, Mr. An Shi, were all taught badly by people like Zhang Fu and Zhu Yong."

  Zhu Gaochi took a deep breath, and said: "Forget it, this matter involves the Duke of the Kingdom, you must not say anything, I will find a way to remedy it."


   In the twinkling of an eye, it was late autumn, and the city of Nanjing was a bit cooler, and there were many fallen leaves. The dead leaves were swept down by the wind and fell into the mud.

  However, many people came to the Changying warehouse in the east of the city today.

   This is the day when Beijing officials receive their salaries.

  As usual, the door of the Changying warehouse was wide open, and a head of the household department was sitting here in person.

   Many people filed in.

  However, most of the people who came here were people in green clothes and hats, and they came to receive the salary on behalf of their masters.

   There are also many low-level officials wearing winged caps and green clothes who come here. There are many officials in the capital, and their situations are different. Those with high positions and weights may not take these salaries seriously.

  And there are also some low-ranking officials with rich family fortunes who disdain the court's salary.

Naturally...not everyone is like this. For example, there are a bunch of people who come in small groups. Although they are all wearing official uniforms, their faces are slightly shabby. They are often young, of low grade, and come from poor families. He is an official, but he has no authority. In this city of Nanjing, he lives on these salaries.

  Now these people came in a hurry, with anticipation, and the first one joked with others: "Brother Shixian... I will receive my salary later, and it is rare to bump into Muxiu again. Why don't we go have a drink or two."

   "Bo Yan... this... is not meant to spoil your interest, it's just that you have a bad temper, hey..."

  Everyone laughed.

  The person called Boyan looked embarrassed. His surname was Zhang, and his courtesy name was Boyan. Zhang Boyan shook his head, and then stepped into the main hall of Changying warehouse.

   Immediately afterwards, he took out his name card and handed it to the clerk at the side. The clerk took the abacus, slapped it a few times, and after doing the calculation, he took out a few precious banknotes and handed it over to the uncle.

   Zhang Boyan looked at it, his face became serious, he glanced at the treasure note in his hand, and then said: "Why is the monthly salary converted into treasure note?"

The clerk responded with a smile: "Editor Zhang, hasn't the court banned money? So from now on, all money and food will be converted into treasure notes. You see, you are a seventh-rank, according to the rules set by Emperor Taizu Gao. , The annual salary is two hundred stones of rice, and when converted into treasure banknotes, it is sixty guan. The annual salary is sixty guan, which is calculated on a monthly basis, isn't it five guan banknotes?"

  (end of this chapter)