MTL - My Attributes Cultivation Life-Chapter 634 634 method four

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  Chapter 634 634 method four

   A group of people walked up to the open field on the mountainside.

  Since the last time the Five Grounds and Thirteen Sects of the Sensing Gate gathered here and had a meeting with Yue Dewen, this place has been repaired again.

   At this time, not only Qianshimen arrived, but also other branches, which had already arrived ahead of schedule.

  Five places and thirteen factions are the basic branches of the induction door.

   There should have been a total of thirteen troops, but at this time, with the addition of Qianshimen, only eight arrived.

  The rest are missing.

   "Old Zuo, you are safe and sound." A white-haired masked man as tall as a bear looked at Qianshimen in a deep voice.

   "Zuo Han?"

   "Thousand Stone Gate Zuo Han!?"

   "Zuo Han is here?"

   To the surprise of the Qianshimen sect, they had just arrived, and they seemed to have caused quite a stir.

  People from the thirteen sects of the five places all set their sights on this side. They all seem to be very interested in Qianshimen.

  Zuo Han's heart shuddered, Qianshimen was not a very powerful force among the thirteen factions.

  Compared to the spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons, and the branches of the Five Qi Wang, Qianshimen can only be regarded as the middle.

  But at this moment, this treatment doesn't seem like the meaning in the middle.

   "The master of the left door, the Taijing Taiyuan and Taiyuan are here. The two new guardians have also arrived, and they will not show up even in a month's time."

  A strong old man with withered, yellow and messy hair and black gauntlets is the master of the Taiyuan vein.

   "Why did the Taiyuan Vein Master say that?" Zuo Han's heart became more and more awe-inspiring, facing sharp gazes, even if he was a master of worshiping gods, he couldn't help but panic at this moment.

   After all, there are too many great masters and masters present.

   This is the essence of the entire induction door.

  Especially after Moon King ruled the sect, not only did the Sensing Sect not lose its manpower due to multiple fights, but it continued to preserve its strength because of its loose influence and lack of trust.

  Now the University League has suffered heavy losses, and in the confrontation with the Anti-Time Society, it retreated into the mountains.

   On the contrary, their induction door has once again changed from a marginal force to a pivotal one.

   In other words, as long as you don't participate, you can always lie down and win in the end.

  This is also the purpose of the induction door for many years.

   In fact, even for Luna.

   These people may not be very pious, but they are just related to their interests.

   "Seniors from the same family, what do you mean?" Zuo Han's body tensed up, and even though he was nervous, he couldn't feel much hostility from these people.

   "Master Zuomen, has he heard the news about Dadu recently?" Taiqing Maizhu is a newcomer who has never seen him before, wearing a black veil, with a slim figure, protruding and bulging, and extremely hot.

   It's just those eyes, which are somewhat familiar.

  If there were people from Yuxu Palace here, they would probably recognize at a glance that this woman must be related to Jin Yuyan, the lord of Yuxu Palace.

   "Dadu?" Zuo Han froze for a moment, as if thinking of something. "Everyone, are you here for that person's immortality?"


  Master Taiqing smiled slightly.

   "The Daoist Qiankun of Human Immortal Dao, who calls himself the ancestor of the Blood Immortal, fought most of the previous battles and swept away the main altar of the capital city of the Tiansuo Sect and the Black Ten Sects. His strength is far stronger than imagined.

  Not long ago, this person spread the word that the blood-born Taoist in Xianguan was collecting news about my induction door. I'm afraid it's aimed at me.

  Before the master of the left door, it is said that he had been in contact with that Qiankunzi for some time. This time, I will also tell you about this person's weaknesses. How should you deal with it if you encounter it? "

   Zuo Han glanced around, and all he saw were pairs of expectant eyes.

"Taiqing Maizhu's words are very true. We have no competition with the world and never fight with others. We just silently pass on the culture and martial arts. There will be great changes every day. We will follow the trend, let nature take its course, and never fight against others. Become a person who goes against the tide." The envoy of the seasons with a stiff face and wearing silver close-fitting armor explained softly.

   "Such a quiet and inactive person coincides with the purpose of other people's immortality, so if there is any misunderstanding, I must explain it carefully, and it will always be solved."

   "King Yan, I heard that your wife and daughter are guests at the Temple of Immortals?" The envoy of the four seasons suddenly turned to look at King Yan Xi in the crowd.

   Yan Xi's face twitched.

   "I don't know about it. But even so, the relationship with the left sect master is much closer than mine.

   You must know that Qian Shimen followed Taoist Qiankun for several years. "

  His words immediately drew everyone's attention back to Zuo Han.

   "You are so humbled by mere immortals! It's an insult to my sacred demeanor!"

  Taijing Maizhu is a slender, white-haired old man with double knives on his back. Seeing this, his eyes showed disappointment.

   "It seems that the master of Taijing Meridian has just come out of retreat, so he doesn't know the current situation." The envoy of the four seasons smiled slightly. "Naturally, we are not afraid of a single person in the immortal way. I have a huge force of five places and thirteen sects, and there are so many masters. Even the original Moon King alliance leader would not dare to underestimate him. But"

   "Qian Kunzi is here!!"

  Suddenly, an exclamation came from the foot of the mountain.

  The sound was transmitted to the mountainside, and everyone present suddenly changed their colors.

   "It's just in time, let the old man come to learn, what kind of ability does this Taoist of Qiankun have!?" The master of Taijing pulse yelled angrily, and immediately rushed down the mountain.

   It’s just the direction he’s heading in, obviously not the normal way down the mountain, but sliding down the other side where the sound came from.

   "I'll also go to see and see!"

   "It's time to learn a lesson or two!"

  Suddenly, a group of masters rose from the ground one after another, uttered cruel words like birds, and fled in all directions.

   Soon only Zuo Han, the envoy of the four seasons, and the Taiqing lineage remained in place.

  Zuo Han was stunned.

  He has also heard many rumors about Zhang Rongfang before, but because he has never really seen it, he feels far away.

  But at this moment, seeing so many veteran masters of induction doors on the scene, they ran as soon as they said they would.

   He really felt that everything was different.

  At this time, the mountain wind was blowing, and a well-proportioned pale man was slowly walking up the steps from the bottom of the mountain.

  The man was wearing a dark red blood-colored robe, with black hair reaching his waist, his eyes were like ordinary blood-born Taoists, and his pupils were dark red.

   But if you observe carefully, you can find that the pupil color of this person is darker and darker than that of ordinary blood.

   "Qiankunzi" Four Seasons Envoy softly called out the opponent's name.

   "I heard that this place is the main altar of the Sensing Gate. Where will it be in the next month? Let her come out to see me."

  Zhang Rongfang walked up to this open space in the middle of the mountain, his eyes scanned, and he fell straight on the most conspicuous Taiqing Maid.

   "Jin Yuyan?" He was slightly surprised.

   "Shut up!" All of a sudden, the Taiqing pulse master who was still talking and laughing at Yan Yan just now, his eyes suddenly changed, he rushed forward, and slapped Zhang Rongfang with a palm.


  The huge palm force drives the surrounding airflow, forming a rapid whirlwind.

  At the same time, a strange and mysterious ear-piercing laughter entered Zhang Rongfang's ears, disturbing his concentration.

   "Worship the Great Master?" Zhang Rongfang didn't know when, but he had already blocked the palm a few inches in front of him, silently pinching the palm of the bursting blow.

   "For the sake of Master Uncle, I will give you a chance to convert to my Dao of Human Immortal."

   "Good job, let's see if you can satisfy me."


  Before the words were finished, the towering chest of Taiqing Maizhu suddenly collapsed, and a huge blood hole was pierced from the back.

  Countless spiritual threads scattered everywhere like exploding vermicelli.

  Her eyes froze, and the limit state that had just been activated hadn't fully operated, and everything was over.

   "Where is Yue Hou?" Zhang Rongfang pulled out his hand as if nothing had happened, and looked at the Four Seasons Envoy and Zuo Han.

   "Old Zuo is here too? That's just right, I don't need to make an extra trip."

  He stepped towards the opposing two teams.

   "My lord." Zuo Han opened his mouth slightly, his whole old face trembling.

   "It's okay. Come to me." Zhang Rongfang stretched out his hand gently towards him. "Come here now, we're still family."

  His expression is natural and sincere, completely without the horror and cruelty that just abolished Taiqing Maizhu with a palm.

   "Subordinate." Zuo Han looked at the opposite face that hadn't changed much.

  For some reason, just looking at that face, his heart beat inexplicably faster.

  Muscles, scalp, and pores all tense unconsciously.

  Even though he was only facing one person, it gave him the feeling that he was standing on the edge of a raging strait, facing the power of nature with a human body.

   "Come on, Uncle Zuo, the induction door is my master's painstaking effort. The moon **** stole it, so now I want to take it back and get back on track."

  Zhang Rongfang said gently.

   "You are presumptuous!" Suddenly, a silver light flew from a distance, landed gently, and turned into a slim woman wearing a pure gold mask and a silver flower crown.

   "Qiankunzi, you are so brave, you dare to step into the hinterland of my induction door alone."

  The person who came was just after the month. She stared at Zhang Rongfang with both eyes. Although her words were strong, her tone was cautious.

   "Where is the statue of the moon god?" Zhang Rongfang naturally did not come here for no reason.

  During this period of time, while cleaning up all the outcropping worshipers of the gods and warriors, he was looking for the whereabouts of the Moon God through Xue Tong's information. At the same time, his masters also began to collect information about Wuxinshen and Soul Buddha.

  In the end, he got accurate information that Ye Rifeng was the headquarters of the Sensing Gate.

   So he came decisively.

  Looked at him for a while after a month.

   "This is the main altar of the Temple of the Moon God. If the Moon God descends here, it can exert a lot of strength compared to the outside. Do you know?"

   "You can try it." Zhang Rongfang smiled.

  Months later, she fell silent and looked at him fixedly.

   "There is a passage leading directly to Moon God Taixu, if you have the guts, come here."

  She turned and walked towards the top of the mountain.

  Zhang Rong's face turned pale, and he followed closely behind and walked up.

   Not long after, the two came to a silver-white temple built on the top of the mountain.

  The temple is spherical in shape as a whole, and the surface is rough and covered with moiré patterns, flowers and birds, and ocean patterns.

   At the top, there is a golden sculpture of a crescent moon, standing upright towards the sky.

  In the sphere temple, looking from afar, there are bursts of divine power spreading faintly like waves.

   "It's here." Yue Hou frowned and stamped her feet, and looked back at Zhang Rongfang.

   "It seems to be here." Zhang Rongfang nodded slightly.

  He raised his right hand and pointed forward.


  In an instant, countless viscous blood gushed out from under his body and rushed towards the temple.

   There was a pause on the surface of the temple, and the invisible divine power blocked the impact of the blood.

  But soon Kamui burst out with thick smoke, and then collapsed suddenly.

  The entire temple was suddenly submerged in countless blood, and a large piece of silver light emerged.

   "You!?" Yue Hou's complexion changed, without saying a word, he turned around and slapped Zhang Rong conveniently.

   But before she hit her palm very far, her whole body was wrapped in a **** cocoon, and she fell silent instantly.

  At this time, the temple completely collapsed, revealing one of the round arches, with countless silver leaves shining inside the spacious door.

  Inside the door, stood a very familiar face to Zhang Rongfang.

   "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

  The man in the moon white long coat standing inside the door, holding a dark gold delicate and luxurious seal, stood quietly at the other end of the door, looking this way.

   It was Luna who had met once in Taiyuan before!

   "What do you mean?" Zhang Rongfang could see that the other party seemed to be waiting here on purpose.

   "Have you ever thought about it, there are actually not so many contradictions and conflicts between you and me." Luna said in a deep voice. "We can cooperate completely. After all, if I can successfully break through the sky and leave completely, it will be another way for you to eliminate gods and Buddhas."

  (end of this chapter)