MTL - My 26-year-old Female Tenant-Chapter 62 : the eve of leaving

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  I took Chen Jingming's signed resignation letter to the HR department and then to the Finance department. After completing all the formalities, I returned to the office.

  I came to Fangyuan's side and said to him: "I have already applied for resignation with Chen Jingming, and he agreed. You can arrange someone to take over with me."

  After I finished speaking, the office suddenly fell silent, even the sound of typing on the keyboard stopped, and all eyes were on me. Like Chen Jingming, they did not expect that I would suddenly submit my resignation.

  Fang Yuan said to me not at all surprised: "I know all about the work you are doing, there is no need to hand it over, I will arrange someone to take it over."

I nodded and said nothing, then walked to my office, packed up my things, in my heart besides sadness, there was also a kind of relief after depression, maybe I never belonged to this city, and one day I will leave , and this time it was just to advance the time of departure.

  Zhao Li came to my side, tugged at my clothes, and asked in a low voice, "Zhaoyang, why did you resign suddenly?"

  I smiled and said, "You'll be happy if I resign. No one in this company will suppress you, a sissy, again."

  Although I was joking with Zhao Li, he said to me seriously: "Zhaoyang, don't say that, we have worked together for so long, we are both colleagues and friends."

   "Do you consider me a friend?"

Zhao Li nodded, and said: "Although you are a bad-tempered person, you are not bad-tempered. Every time I ask for leave, you handle things for me without hesitation. Others don't understand you. , I know you."

  I smiled, feeling inexplicable in my heart, just patted Zhao Li on the shoulder, said nothing more, lowered my head and started to pack up my office supplies, and Zhao Li helped me pack up.

After a while, I finally packed up my things, and then said goodbye to my colleagues who have worked together for more than two years with a cardboard box. Everyone stood up and said goodbye to me. Maybe they have been suppressed by me in various ways over the years. , but he didn’t care about me in his heart. In Zhao Li’s words: Although I was cheated and hurt, in this planning department, I was aboveboard, and I never squeezed anyone out or slandered anyone at work.

  I nodded to my colleagues, and finally came to the only sitting Fang Yuan, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Brother is gone."

  Fang Yuan didn't look up and ignored me. His behavior surprised everyone. They were all surprised why we are like brothers in normal times, but Fang Yuan is so indifferent to me at this moment.

  Finally, I didn’t get a response and I smiled bitterly. I finally waved to everyone and walked towards the company’s exit with the cardboard box.

   And so Minecraft is free, but only now! But the future has turned into a trap, blocking the only way of my life, waiting for me to fall, maybe I will be disabled, or maybe I will become stronger in the desire to survive, and then struggle to escape from the trap , Become a master of life, but only time can give me the answer to the ending, so I don't have to speculate, just walk on thin ice with the desire to survive!


After leaving the company, I went directly back to the newly rented apartment. The first thing I did after closing the door was to take off my shoes and lie on the bed, and then covered myself with a quilt, eager to throw away all the heavy and down-to-earth things. Get some sleep.

Unfortunately, during the whole afternoon lying in bed, I didn't feel sleepy at all. Most of the time I just stared at the ceiling in a daze, and then I lit a cigarette in a panic. The sky outside the window gradually darkened over and over again, so this The city was shrouded in light and shadow again, but I was isolated in a dark space by the walls on all sides, and I couldn't feel the temperature of light and shadow at all. It seemed that my winter had come before winter!

Looking out the window at the sky that has been reddened by the neon lights of the city, I was in a trance. In a trance, I lit another cigarette. I only took a puff, but my lungs hurt. I realized that this afternoon I couldn’t sleep. , I have smoked too much cigarettes, but what’s the matter, at least the diffuse smoke saved my loneliness and helplessness, so I took another heavy puff of cigarettes, disintegrated the helplessness, dissipated the loneliness, but In exchange for a heavy cough, hey, life is hard to have both!

  The night got darker, and I seemed to be forgotten by the whole world in this cold corner. I was still at a loss, and I was still absent-minded for a while, and I was not awakened until the phone rang.

  I turned over and picked up the phone from the bedside cabinet with difficulty. I looked at the number, but unexpectedly found that it was Yan Yan calling.

  I hesitated for a long time before answering Yan Yan's call. I didn't speak first, waiting for Yan Yan's questioning. At this time, Fang Yuan might have told her everything that happened today.

   "Zhaoyang, where are you?" Yan Yan's voice was not as severe as I imagined.

  I was habitually taken aback because of the accident before answering, "Where I live."

   "Have you had dinner yet?"

   "No way." I replied in a trance.

   "Really?...Are you stupid? You gave me such an ambiguous answer whether you have eaten or not!" Yan Yan said to me dumbfounded.

  So I immediately gave her an affirmative answer: "I have eaten."

   "What do you eat?"

  I finally said impatiently: "Should I report to you how many times I went to the toilet today?"

  Yan Yan replied angrily: "Virtue, don't pretend, hurry and come to my house for dinner."

   "No, your husband doesn't want to see me!" I resolutely refused, but actually I was afraid of facing Fang Yuan. No matter how decent my reasons were, I would still ruin his and Chen Jingming's career prospects.

"Then let's go out to eat alone. Today I heard from Fang Yuan that you resigned. When I asked him why, he didn't say anything. He always kept a sullen face..." Yan Yan didn't continue, but the meaning was already obvious. She wanted to know why I resigned, Fang Yuan Why do you have a sullen face, and why did I say that Fang Yuan doesn't want to see me.

  I weighed it a bit, and agreed to Yan Yan's request to go out for dinner alone. Before leaving this city, I should at least explain some things clearly to her. In the end, I also hope that Fang Yuan can understand me and forgive me.


I was waiting for her arrival outside the restaurant I had an appointment with Yan Yan, because Yan Yan was driving a Mazda 6, so I paid extra attention to whether there was a Mazda 6 among the passing vehicles, but in the end it was a car that stopped in front of me. The red Cadillac cts took a closer look and found that it was Jian Wei's car, and then saw Jian Wei and Yan Yan sitting in the car.

Yan Yan, a woman with a huge pit, said that she came out to eat alone with me, but she brought Jian Wei... After a flash of dissatisfaction, I was deeply puzzled, why did Jian Wei come? Could it be that she has been staying in the Didn't Suzhou leave? And has Yan Yan told her: Mi Cai is just a fake girlfriend who was forced by me?

   These incomprehensions surprised me, made me uneasy, and made me a little ashamed, because based on my understanding of Yan Yan, she would definitely tell Jian Wei after she learned that Mi Cai was not my girlfriend.

   I sighed again in my heart, this seemed to be another worse night!