MTL - My 26-year-old Female Tenant-Chapter 54 : the struggle of human nature

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I ignored the pain in my mouth after being scalded and looked at Mi Cai with a blushing face. My heart was beating violently. In fact, in the many years I have lived, I am not a person who likes to look forward and backward, but this incident It is too important, my choice is not only related to my own destiny, but also the career future of my friends and bosses, including Le Yao, whose sacrifices she made to win me a job opportunity are still vivid in my memory, and I really Do you want to ruin all this for Mi Cai?

   "Zhaoyang, what's wrong with you, with such an ugly expression?" Mi Cai looked at me and asked with a puzzled expression.

   During the struggle, my heart suddenly calmed down, I rubbed my mouth, and said to Mi Cai: "It hurts from being burned, and there may be blisters in my mouth."

   "Are you going to the hospital then?"

   "Does this kind of minor injury need to go to the hospital for saving lives and healing the wounded? Please, can you have some common sense in life!"

   "Oh, as long as you're fine, let's continue looking for a house." Mi Cai said and started the car.

No matter how difficult a decision is, it is often only in a split second. In the end, I did not choose to tell Mi Cai. I don’t know if it is right to do so, but my heart is still suffering. It's just wishful thinking, I know it after all, so I'm like a boat floating powerlessly in the ocean of self-blame, and I can't see the other side no matter what.

  The shadow of the street lamp reflected on the car window was stretched longer and longer, and my thinking became so scattered, and I couldn't think of a way to get the best of both worlds.


After searching in the middle of the night, we finally found a relatively cost-effective single apartment. I immediately paid 3 months’ rent and deposited a month’s rent. After the landlord left, only Mi and I were left in the room. color.

The two of us stood side by side on the small balcony on the 26th floor. I lit a cigarette and looked at the night view of the whole city. After a long time, I said to Mi Cai: "It's very quiet here, your room is old. Very quiet, very quiet!"

   "Have you finally admitted that the ownership of that room is mine?" Mi Cai asked with a smile.

   "It's all settled, why don't I admit it."

  Mi Cai nodded as if thinking about something, and asked me: "Are you moving here tonight?"

"Tomorrow night..." I paused and looked at Mi Cai and said sincerely: "Let me stay at your place for the last night tonight. I will say goodbye to my mop, clock, sofa, and cabinet friends. They miss me so much!"

I was ready to be rejected by Mi Cai, but unexpectedly she nodded her head in agreement, maybe she really believed in those unconscious mops and clocks... they were all my friends, in fact I didn't lie to her, what's more Not hypocritical, sometimes I would rather make friends with these seemingly unconscious objects, and I don’t want to get along too deeply with people with subjective consciousness, because if I am not careful, I will encounter animals in human skin. He doesn't even bother to put on human skin, for fear that others will not know that he is a beast, such as the actress who once slapped Le Yao because of schedule problems, such as Mi Cai's uncle Mi Zhongde.


  It was very late when Mi Cai and Mi Cai returned to the old house. Mi Cai went to the bathroom to wash up before me, while I sat on the sofa, seemingly quiet, but my emotions were surging.

After a while, Mi Cai came out of the bathroom. She wiped the toner on her face, and she didn't know whether she was joking or seriously and said to me: "Zhaoyang, don't you want to say goodbye to your friends? How did you come into the house?" Haven't seen you move yet?"

  I covered my chest and said to Mi Cai: "My friends and I have communicated with our hearts. We have already bid farewell, just now."

  Mi Cai nodded with a surprised expression and said, "Then the tacit understanding between you two is very high!"

   "That's for sure, in front of me and my friends, you are all ordinary people."

Mi Cai curled her lips, then smiled, turned around and walked towards her own room without further words, and then closed the door. I suddenly felt that we were separated into two worlds by this door. My world was in chaos, while hers The world is the calm before the storm.

After washing up, I went back to the room where I lived for two years, but was about to leave. I looked at the ceiling in a daze, but I didn’t let my mind go. For the first time in my life, I racked my brains to think about the so-called human nature, but I felt that human nature was ethereal, such as myself, When faced with a choice, I have deviated from what I have always insisted on. Of course, I can say that this deviation is because of friends, because of a boss who knows you well, because of my job prospects, but these many reasons can really surpass human nature. Is it worth it, let me distort human nature with peace of mind?

  The night was getting deeper, and the bright moonlight outside the window passed through the cracks in the curtains, swinging on the quilt, my consciousness gradually became blurred, and after a while, I lost the burden of humanity and fell into sleep.


The next day I got up early, as before, first cooked porridge with the rice cooker, then went downstairs to buy some fried dough sticks, steamed dumplings, and some pastries, and fried two poached eggs when I went back. I had breakfast with Cai, but it was not a gesture of hospitality or a thank you to her for helping me find a house last night, it was more like a kind of guilt, guilt for not knowing what to say.

  Getting ready for breakfast, Mi Cai has already woken up. After a while, I finished washing up. I prepared breakfast and said to her: "Let's have breakfast together, I made porridge."

  Mi Cai said "thank you" very politely to me and then sat opposite me. The two of them had breakfast like this, but the atmosphere was always a bit depressed and silent.

Mi Cai seems to enjoy this silence, but I suffer from depression, so she was eaten by me quickly, and said to me very politely: "Zhaoyang, take your time, I'm going to work first, by the way , if you don’t have time to clean up the rice bowl, just leave it there, and I’ll come back to wash it at night.”

  Mi Cai had already gone to the shoe rack with her handbag to change her shoes. I looked at her back and shouted, "Wait."

  Mi Cai didn't stop changing shoes, and asked a little puzzled, "What's wrong?"

  I was silent for a while before I said: "You can give me a ride, I will go to work with you."

   "Swing by?"

   "Don't you work in Zhuomei Shopping Center, our company is opposite to you."

  Mi Cai nodded and said, "Oh... what company are you?"

  I was taken aback for a while before answering: "We are a small company, like me, I just live with my salary, so it's not worth mentioning."

   "Okay, then hurry up." Mi Cai said that she had already changed her shoes, and was waiting for me outside the door.

  I took a few mouthfuls of porridge from the bowl, changed my shoes, carried my briefcase, and went downstairs with Mi Cai.


  The traffic conditions during working hours were not very good. We stopped and stopped along the way. When we were about to approach the company, the car was blocked again on a two-way street. We had nothing to do, but Mi Cai and I kept silent.

  I took out a disc from the storage box of the Mi Cai car and put it in the music player, intending to listen to a piece of music to pass the annoying time.

  The "Proverbs of Love" was performed by Luo Dayou with a voice full of vicissitudes and stories. This song expressing great love floated in the small car.

The car was lightly wrapped in autumn fog, and outside the car window, cars waiting to pass had their lights on, like fireflies inhabiting, quieting the world, and I was in this fantasy world In the quiet, I listened to this "Proverbs of Love" with some rapt attention.

The same is true for Mi Cai beside me. She looks quieter than me, but the corners of her eyes are already wet, and tears are slowly falling from her cheeks, as if she doesn’t want to be seen by me. With messy hair, I couldn't see her face at all.

   What happened to her? It's just that she listened to a song by Luo Dayou in this casual morning, but she cried!


  The third watch is over. Yesterday a man told me, Tank, you are so stupid, you keep writing about cigarettes in your books, and we all smoke like hell, but you don’t smoke yourself.

  Damn it, how do you know I don’t smoke? I’m just a smoker, so don’t worry, I smoke too, no less than you.