MTL - My 26-year-old Female Tenant-Chapter 50 : she is not good enough for me

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  I finally took advantage of the question just now and looked at Jian Wei legitimately, waiting for her to give me an answer. This time she took the initiative to contact me, which really surprised me.

Jian Wei and I looked at each other, so I finally saw her face clearly, her face remained unchanged, I had an impulse, I wanted to hug her, whoever she was with now, whoever she talked with in love.

  But in the end, reason overwhelmed the impulse, and just stared at her blankly.

   After a long time, Jian Wei said to me: "I'm going back to China this time, and I don't plan to go to the United States again."

  I nodded, but remained silent. Whether she went to the United States has nothing to do with me. At most, I can only look at this matter from the perspective of an ordinary friend.

   "How about you, how have you been in the past two years?" Jian Wei asked me with a smile.

"Very good! Every day is very free." I responded to Jian Wei with a smile and said, but I only said half of this sentence. I did live a very free life, free to think about her, the pain of freedom, freedom I want to bury myself in the love in the past and remain motionless, and no one can control me from doing this, so I am free enough!

   "That's good." Jian Wei looked at me and nodded.

   "How about you, how are you doing?"

  This question made Jian Wei think for a while before she said: "Although it's not as free as yours, it's still a good life."

  I responded bluntly: "Hehe, that's pretty good."

  The two fell into silence again. This silence seemed to be satirizing the past that we used to talk about everything. I was a little uncomfortable, but I didn't know what to say.

  Jian Wei seemed to be in the same mood as me, she finally got up and said to me: "The wind is blowing quite cold, I'll go back first."

   "Oh... good!" I responded, but didn't get up.

Jian Wei looked at me, turned around and left the lawn and walked towards the car parked by the river bank. I lit another cigarette and sat where I was, still not understanding why Jian Wei came to me this night. It took a lot of twists and turns to meet but only a few words, which made this night somewhat thin and meaningless.

To be precise, the meeting with Jian Wei this time was not meaningless. When I went back to that old house again, Mi Cai shut me out. No matter how I knocked on the door, she would not open it. It wasn't that she and Jian Wei made an agreement, one asked me out, and the other took the opportunity to shut me out, but this is not important, the important thing is that I have nowhere to go.

   Sitting alone at the entrance of the corridor and thinking for a long time, finally decided to go to Robben's place to make do with one night. He should have returned from the bar by now. I hope Lily is not with him tonight.


  Going back to Robben’s attic on the roof, I leaned on the door and listened first to make sure the room was quiet, then knocked on the door, and Robben opened the door for me after a while.

   Robben was wearing pajamas, smoking a cigarette, and said to me with surprise: "You're back!"

"I've suffered a **** day, don't mention it!" I sighed and said, today is really terrible for me. First, I was imprisoned by Mi Cai for a day, and my stomach hurt because of overeating. After going out on an appointment, everything was a torment, and I was tortured both physically and mentally for a day.

   "One day you will not be guilty." Robben sighed, and lay back on the bed, smoking a cigarette and drinking a sip of beer.

  For Robben's teasing, I smiled helplessly and didn't say anything. After a simple wash, I also lay on the bed and lit a cigarette.

   Robben asked me suddenly: "You haven't come back these two nights, are you living with your new girlfriend?"

   "No, even Le Yao can tell that she is not my girlfriend, can't you tell?"

   Robben asked in surprise: "What's the situation?"

   "Pretending, she is not my girlfriend at all."

   Robben nodded and said, "You two don't really look like people from the same world."

   "Yeah, she's not good enough for me."

   "You are awesome!" Robben said, giving me a thumbs up.

  I didn't respond, I stubbed out the cigarette, pulled the quilt on, and the moment I lay down, I felt tired and fell asleep quickly.


The next day, I woke up early, didn't have time to eat breakfast, and took a taxi to the company for the first time. So far, I paid more than 30 yuan more than taking the bus. This is obviously a waste of money If it wasn't for being imprisoned for a day by that nasty woman of Mi Cai yesterday and missing a day's work, I wouldn't have to race against the clock at all. I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to escape the fate of having to work overtime at night. Thinking about it this way, my hatred for Mi Cai increased even more. So I made up my mind that I have to take some time to talk to her recently, not talking about life or ideals, but just talking about why she treats me like this.

When I finally came to the company, I thought I was early enough, but Fang Yuan was earlier than me. Before I had time to say hello to him, he threw a document to me and said, "This is the document from yesterday's meeting. You spend half a dollar. Take a look at it in an hour, and then we will discuss the promotion plan for Zhuomei this time..." After speaking, he added: "Zhaoyang, time is very tight, hurry up and get to work."

   "No problem." I sat down and picked up the meeting materials and read them.

  From this information, I can see that yesterday's exchange meeting did not determine a clear promotion idea. At the same time, Chen Jingming and Fangyuan also had differences on the formulation of the plan.

Chen Jingming tends to be conservative. His opinion: he is willing to follow the previous promotion plan, but also to ensure that the task is completed within the specified date, while Fangyuan hopes that this promotion plan will be a breakthrough compared with the past, and truly show that our Polaroid Department Store has become a The changes and momentum of top department stores in the future, even if the time is slightly delayed.

It took me a few minutes to read the meeting materials, and Fangyuan and I made a cup of coffee and exchanged ideas. Naturally, I support Fangyuan’s idea. Since the company’s strategic focus in the next stage is to strengthen the brand image, the promotional behavior is higher than before. There must be a breakthrough, and the competition with Zhuomei is only a part of the operation. Obviously, we must give way to the strategic focus of strengthening the brand image. Of course, if we can make a breakthrough in the promotion plan and complete the task within the specified time, that will be even more important. The best of both worlds.

After discussing, Fangyuan and I reached an agreement. We will try our best to formulate a promotional plan that is more breakthrough than before within the time limit. Of course, the agreement we have reached needs to be approved by Chen Jingming. After all, he is the top leader of the planning department , with one veto.

  Chen Jingming didn’t show up at the company all morning. He didn’t show up until almost noon. When he called Fang Yuan and me to his office, he seemed very excited, which puzzled Fang Yuan and me.

  When I came to the manager's office, Chen Jingming told me to close the door. Before I had time to drink a cup of tea, he said to Fangyuan and me: "I met with Zhuomei's investment promotion manager this morning."

   Fangyuan and I looked at each other, full of doubts and shock. Chen Jingming actually met the manager of Zhuomei's investment promotion department during working hours. This is suspected of collaborating with the enemy!

Chen Jingming explained to us with uncontrollable excitement, saying: "I am an old classmate with Manager Li of Zhuomei's investment department. This time he brought me a news that can change the fate of our Baoli and Zhuomei... Inside Zhuomei A big storm is brewing, a storm of power struggle, and the target is their new CEO."

  I was startled, Zhuomei's new CEO is Mi Cai, isn't she facing a power crisis within the company? Although he was guessing in his heart, he still waited calmly for Chen Jingming to continue.

