MTL - My 26-year-old Female Tenant-Chapter 47 : You are a female hooligan

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  I struggled and stood up from the ground, stared at Mi Cai with a "surprised" face and said, "Come here, let me strangle you to death!"

   "What's wrong?" Mi Cai looked at me innocently and asked.

  I laughed back in anger: "You imprisoned me for a day and asked me what's wrong! The more you pretend to be with me, the more shameless I think you are!"

   "Nervous." Mi Cai lightly dropped the word, and immediately began to change into slippers.

  I walked towards Mi Cai, but my legs became weak for a while, and I almost used my last strength to pull Mi Cai, and said angrily, "Why did you lock the door today?"

   "Aren't the anti-theft doors locked?"

   "I'm still at home, don't you know?"

  Mi Cai shook her head and said, "I don't know, I thought you left first."

   "Well, even if you didn't know I was home, why did you take the key while I was sleeping?"

   "Shouldn't I take the keys to my house?" Mi Cai asked coldly.

  I became dizzy with anger, patted my forehead heavily, and tried to maintain my rationality and asked: "That's right, you should take your keys, but how do you explain that you stole my phone's battery board?"

"Who stole your battery board! I accidentally touched your mobile phone when I was taking the keys yesterday. Maybe the battery board fell off the bed. I didn't turn on the light in the room at the time, and I couldn't see it clearly, so I directly installed the back cover. "

   "**, in order to kill me, you are really intertwined and tight, and I can't find any trouble for you!"

Mi Cai responded to me with a smile and said: "To use your words, you deserve to be unlucky if you meet me. You said how small is the chance of us meeting in the vast crowd, and what is the chance of me locking you in the room after meeting? "

   "Are you admitting it?"

Mi Cai's words were cold: "So what if you admit it, you go to the police and say that I am illegally imprisoned... You must be embarrassed to call the police, after all, you are a man and I am only a woman. Besides, you are not the landlord, how could the landlord be detained by a man?" The tenant is imprisoned in the house, and the police will not believe it!"

Mi Cai once again gave me a heavy blow with my previous words and deeds against her, but I didn't know how to fight back. After a while, I burst into flames and said: " are a female hooligan, devil, goblin...your shameless behavior is worthy Is that your pretty face?"

  Mi Cai was not affected by my anger at all, and said calmly, "Leave these words to yourself. Without your cause, there would be no result I'm giving you now."

"But the fruit you gave is too poisonous. You locked me for a day, and I can't make calls. How does the company think of me? This is much worse than absenteeism. If I fail, I will lose my job!" Said with a red face.

  Mi Cai stared at me in silence for a long time, then said to me very flatly: "You talk so much, aren't you hungry?"

As soon as the words fell, my legs felt weak for a while, my stomach groaned, and I became dizzy again under the attack of anger. I put my hand on Mi Cai's shoulder instinctively, swallowed my hungry saliva, and said to Mi Cai with difficulty: "Help me down to eat fried noodles, the biggest bowl!"


  Downstairs in the noodle shop, I installed the power board of my mobile phone, and turned on the mobile phone nervously. Suddenly, dozens of SMS alerts rang like heaven and earth, all of which were missed calls from Fangyuan and Chen Jingming.

  I threw the phone aside in frustration, and glared at the calm Mi Cai on the other side.

  Mi Cai got up and said to me: "I have brought you here, you can eat slowly."

   "Sit down for me, this matter is not so easy to finish, did you hear the text message notification tone just now, it's all from the company, what do you say now?"

  Mi Cai finally had some guilt on his face, and whispered to me: "I always thought you didn't have a serious job, but I really didn't expect..."

I was speechless for a while. In my previous state, I really did not look like a person with a serious job. I patiently said to Mi Cai: "Even if I am not a serious job, I still have to be organized and disciplined. You didn't see those The beggars in the underground passage gather to count the number of people every day, and then divide the begging areas!"

  Mi Cai was silent for a while, and said to me: "I did not think carefully about this matter. Tell me what you want me to do."

After Mi Cai's attitude softened, I felt a little embarrassed. In fact, I did too much in the past. Mi Cai taught me that it was also an instinctive reaction after being bullied. How can she be the CEO of a shopping center? Temper.

After thinking for a while, I said: "I don't make it difficult for you, just call our leader and explain why I didn't go to work today. As long as I can keep my job, I don't care about being locked up by you for a day." gone."

   "Can't you explain it yourself?"

   "If he can believe my explanation, do you still need to explain it?" I gave Mi Cai a white look and said.

   "It seems that you usually fool your leaders a lot...give me the number."

  I was speechless again by Mi Cai. I was speechless because I was hit by what she said. I coughed to cover up my embarrassment, so I gave her Chen Jingming's phone number, and she immediately dialed it.

  I'm a little curious about how Chen Jingming would react if he found out that it was Zhuomei's CEO who called him. However, Mi Cai and Chen Jingming will definitely not talk about this, so I can only be curious.

  The phone over there seemed to be connected, and Mi Cai said, "Hello, are you Manager Chen?"

"I'm Zhaoyang's roommate. I have something to explain to you. I accidentally locked Zhaoyang in the room when I left today. There was something wrong with his phone, so I couldn't notify the company immediately. I express to you Sorry, sorry."

  Although Mi Cai's words were polite, her tone still had the authority of someone in a high position.

   Then Mi Cai said something to Chen Jingming, handed me the phone and said, "Your manager wants to talk to you."

  I took the phone from Mi Cai, and immediately said: "Manager, you heard it just now, it's really a surprise not to go to work today!"

  Chen Jingming's tone was full of anger, and he asked helplessly: "Is it true?"

"I lied to you as a grandson. For this matter, should I find a babysitter to tell you? I, Zhaoyang, have always been daring, and I can do whatever I want." I said confidently, because this time I really didn't fool Chen Jing Ming.

   "Okay, this time it will be treated as an accident. Come to the company early tomorrow to communicate with Fangyuan. This time the plan must be made efficiently."

   "Don't worry, I will go to the company early tomorrow morning."


After finishing the call with Chen Jingming, I called Fangyuan again to explain, and I finally breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, the noodles with fried sauce were also brought up. After eating two big bowls, I didn't stop until I couldn't hold on anymore.

  I wiped off the oil stains on my mouth with a tissue, and said to Mi Cai, who was forcibly left by me: "You just told our leader that we are roommates."

  Mi Cai guessed my intention and immediately denied it, saying: "That's what the situation requires, otherwise how can I explain this matter to your leaders."

   "Oh... oh..., so you can lie and cheat!"