MTL - My 26-year-old Female Tenant-Chapter 43 : It's not that enemies don't get together

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  CEO of Zhuomei Shopping Center: Mi Cai (English name betsy) was born on September 10, 1988, ancestral home: Suzhou, graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, MBA.

I read my resume and was so shocked that I realized that the woman I was **** off from that dilapidated room last night turned out to be the new CEO of Zhuomei Shopping Center. Although I don’t work for Zhuomei, Zhuomei is our biggest competitor The opponent, let me have a little indirect connection with Mi Cai, at least we are both engaged in the department store industry, although the status is very different.

   Is it true that friends don’t get together? After we have intersected in life, we have indirectly connected at work.

  Chen Jingming noticed my abnormality, and asked incomprehensibly, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with Zhuomei's personnel file?"

   "No, no... I just think Zhuomei's new CEO is really beautiful. He is only 26 years old. I don't know if he has a boyfriend."

  Chen Jingming looked at me helplessly, speechless for a while.

   "Then manager, you are busy first, I'm going to work." I said without waiting for Chen Jingming's response, and left the manager's office with Zhuo Mei's personnel file.


When I returned to my office, I looked through the personnel file again. After reading it over and over, I turned back to the page of Mi Cai. I still felt a little unbelievable. I subconsciously compared myself with her. The gap can be so large. You must know that Zhuomei has been stabilizing our Baoli in Suzhou these years. As the CEO of Zhuomei, Mi Cai is better than Yang Huaqing, the CEO of Baoli in the industry. In the past two years, because of the relationship between ranks, I haven't even seen Yang Huaqing's face. In my heart, Yang Huaqing is a man who needs to look up from a high place. But not long ago, Mi Cai as The existence stronger than Yang Huaqing in the industry was treated roughly by me. I still remember the scene when I threw her sheets and quilts from the window into the rain. Mi Cai really cried out in front of me. And in the subsequent relationship, I was even worse...

  I didn’t think about it any further. I’m so glad that I’m working for Baoli, not Zhuomei!

   Zhao Li next to me looked at my changing expression and asked suspiciously: "Zhaoyang, why is your expression so distorted?"

   "My face hurts!"

   "Oh... What kind of information are you holding in your hand? It seems that you have been looking through it for a long time."

   "The latest personnel file from Zhuomei, you can use it to familiarize yourself with it." I said and threw the file to Zhao Li.

  Zhao Li flipped through it immediately, and just saw the first page, and said to me in surprise: "The CEO of Zhuomei has changed!"

   "Yes." I responded.

  Zhao Li continued to look at it, sighed again, and said, "You're only 26 years old, and you're still so pretty, can't it be a vase?"

"You also think it's a vase." I said to Zhao Li as if I couldn't find a close friend, but my heart was unbalanced. Why are Mi Cai and I both born in the 1980s? She lives like a fairy, but I live like a cat. cockroach.

"But he graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a master's degree in business administration, so it shouldn't be too fancy. Who doesn't know that the business school of the University of Pennsylvania is the best in the world." Zhao Li looked at Mi Cai's photo and denied what he just said view.

  I stared at Zhao Li and said, "Zhao Li, do you have a position? What happened to the MBA of the University of Pennsylvania? Modern business competition is about wisdom and experience, not academic qualifications."

   "Why are you so excited! I just said it casually. Anyway, whether she is a vase has nothing to do with us little people."

   "Sissy, don't talk to me."

   "Who is a sissy, I am a pure man who loves outdoor sports." Zhao Li said to me with a blushing face.

   "Outdoor Ballet Bar."

   "Zhaoyang, you bastard, what you do is bad, and what you say is even worse!"

  I replied indifferently: "Curse, continue to scold, pinch the orchid to point and scold."

  Zhao Li: "..."


This evening, I stayed in the company with my colleagues and worked overtime for two hours. I have been in this working state for several days in a row, and I have gradually adapted to this kind of busyness and high pressure. Significant change, and my life, which has been decadent for so long, needs such a change.

When I was about to leave the company, I received a call from Fangyuan. He told me: He had come back from Sanya with Yan Yan and asked me to have dinner with him. I asked him warily if he had Jian Wei. Chen went to Nanjing, so I let go of my guard, but my heart was full of indescribable loss. I knew exactly what Jian Wei and Xiang Chen's return to Nanjing meant.

  The thickness of the night kept suppressing my sensitivity, so I became more and more depressed and lost...

   Came to the restaurant that Fangyuan had made an appointment with, smoked a cigarette at the door, gritted his teeth and looked at himself in the window, felt that the smile was flawless, then stifled the cigarette and walked into the restaurant.

  Yan Yan waved to me from a long distance away, and I walked towards them and his wife with difficulty maintaining the smile just now.

  After I sat down, Yan Yan immediately handed me the convenience bag beside her and said, "I know you like to drink beer, so I bought you a lot of seafood that can be opened and eaten... Zhaoyang, sister loves you enough, right?"

  I took the bag from Yan Yan's hand, pouted and said, "Once you're a married young woman, stop pretending to be your sister in front of us, I really can't say it."

  Yan Yan patted me and said: "You are really hurt, what's wrong with my young woman, the young woman is also your sister."

  I laughed heartlessly "haha", but my mood was still immersed in a kind of loss that I shouldn't have and couldn't extricate myself from it.

  Amidst the laughter between Yan Yan and I, Fang Yuan asked me: "I heard from Manager Chen that Zhuomei will have a large-scale promotional event for our Baoli in the near future."

I nodded and said: "Well, this is expected, otherwise Chen Jingming wouldn't be in such a hurry to call you back, it's a pity that your marriage is on leave." Then I asked Yan Yan: "Young lady, have you heard about it yet?" Isn't it very annoying to be called back after having fun?"

  Yan Yan took Fang Yuan's arm and said, "I've always supported my husband's work, and I don't care if I don't play for a few days."

   "Good wife, good wife!" I sighed from the bottom of my heart.

   Fang Yuan put his arms around Yan Yan and smiled at me: "You can also spend some time to train your girlfriend to be a good wife!"

  I had no words, and waited for the waiter to quickly serve the dishes.

During the meal, Fangyuan chatted with me about the work again, and I briefly told him about the recent work situation, and he suddenly asked: "By the way, I heard that the CEO of Zhuomei has changed. There should be their latest personnel files, right?"

   "Yes, Chen Jingming gave me a copy this morning."

   "Have you brought it on? Show me."

I suddenly realized that the new CEO of Zhuomei was Mi Cai. If Fang Yuan saw that personnel file, he would be overwhelmed. The woman who was forced by me to pretend to be "girlfriend" turned out to be Zhuo Mei's new CEO.

  I immediately said: "I'm fine, what do you do with that thing on your body?"

   "You should have read that personnel file. You can briefly introduce Zhuomei's new CEO and the situation of their planning department."

  I said impatiently: "After get off work, don't we talk about work success?"

But Fangyuan said to me very seriously: "I have always been unambiguous about work matters. For me, there is no difference between going to and from get off work. As members of the company's planning department, it is necessary for us to understand the movements of our competitors as soon as possible. homework."

  I remained silent, knowing that there was no way I could hide this matter. Sooner or later, Fang Yuan would have to look at Zhuo Mei's personnel files, so I was so upset that I simply took out the documents from my bag and threw them in front of Fang Yuan, saying, "This is it."

  Fang Yuan picked up the file and asked in surprise, "Didn't you say you didn't bring it with you?"

   "Don't ask, just read it first."