MTL - Murdering Heaven Edge-Chapter 54 Secular power

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Legend has it that the four-image continent is a world on the back of four ancient gods.

These four ancient beasts are Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku and Xuanwu. Among them, Qinglong is the main east; Baihu is the main west; Zhuque is the main south; Xuanwu is the north.

Daxia and Daqi, as well as the grassland king court, there are more than a dozen large and small countries, all located in the east of the four elephant continent.

Therefore, it is also known as the "Qinglong Continent" here. The dragon is naturally the patron saint of this continent.

This is also why Zhao Hongzhi, the elder of Changsheng Tianqi, was so afraid of the fact that he had stolen the winged dragon egg. Because this incident will come out, everyone in the entire Qinglong continent will not forgive him!

Although Changshengtian is the top-class faction on the Qinglong mainland, it is considered to be a super-class martial art in the entire four-image continent, but it is also afraid to provoke public anger in such matters. So certainly not for a Zhao Hongzhi, to offend everyone on all Qinglong mainland.

The martial art is high. This is true whether it is in the Qinglong mainland or the entire four-image continent.

The sects of the sect also regard themselves as cultivators and are the people of the immortals. Although there have been many years, there has been no news of soaring. But the status of the martial art has never wavered.

This has caused many people who have entered the martial art. After leaving the sect, they scorn the world, despise the imperial power, and look down on everything in the world.

It seems that this is true. Even the children of the royal family will see considerable respect for those who come out of the martial art. The people sent out by the general sects have caused something in the secular, even if they cause a major disaster, they are usually big things.

After all, the influence of the sects in the secular is quite terrible.

But in fact... the sects and the secular, are really two worlds that have no intersection at all?

This is obviously the wrong view!

The powerful martial art, the real ones are not real gods! They don't reach the level of the valley. They need to eat and drink Lazar, and they need all kinds of resources!

Where did these things get from? Self-sufficient?

In fact, that is impossible!

Self-sufficiency, at most, can only let these martial art survive, but never have a decent life!

They are not real gods, they are also people! It is a person who has seven emotions and six desires, and the same needs dignity and decent living.

So what should I do?

The royal world in the world is naturally the best choice.

The people in the martial art must cultivate and cultivate a large number of Yuanshi. Where does Yuanshi come from? Are you only relying on the Yuanshi veins occupied by the martial art? There is always a day when the big Yuanshi mine is hollowed out.

No matter how strong the martial art is, it is impossible to occupy all the Yuanshi veins in this world. After all, there will still be some Yuanshi veins, which are occupied by secular forces.

These forces are basically controlled by the worldly royals!

In addition to these, there are too many, sectarian and secular intersections. Of course, ordinary people simply can't see these things, and they won't understand them.

But Jiang Qiuyang is different. He is a disciple of the martial art, but he is a royal family in the world! It is extremely respectable... even the prince who may become a prince!

But in the depths of my heart, Jiang Qiuyang, who spent his childhood, childhood, and youth in the sects... until the age of 20, only to look down on the secular imperial power.

This is why the things in the northern grasslands are so important, but he put more thoughts on the root cause of the legend of Xianfu. In his view, a small grassland, in front of his martial art disciples, is like an ant. Can be easily crushed!

Even to his father, the monarch of Daqi! Before today, Jiang Qiuyang is more of a kind of son's respect for his father. And it is not a respect for the imperial power!

Because he has always forgotten one thing, that is: how did he enter the martial art practice!

Even more forgotten in the martial art, his master once had no intention to mention one sentence: he has a teacher uncle, once a deacon in the martial art, because it is difficult to make a breakthrough in repairing, and tired of the martial art A hard life. So he asked for the sect and entered the world. It is very likely that he stayed in the royal family of Daqi and became a offering.

At the time, Jiang Qiuyang still had some disdain. Master’s uncle was his uncle. It’s hard to break through repairs... certainly not strong.

As a result, he was taught by his master and said that you know what? The strength of your uncle is much higher than me! That height may not be possible in your life. What qualification do you have to laugh at him?

Jiang Qiuyang felt that it was difficult to understand. Since the teacher’s uncle was so powerful, why would he be greedy for the red dust? Are those things in the secular that should not be abandoned by practitioners?

He still remembers that his master just smiled and smiled and said that one day you will become the emperor of Daqi. If you can say this again, then Master will look at you differently.

This incident has actually been over a decade. At that time, Jiang Qiuyang was still a child of ten years old. So he has forgotten this matter for a long time.

Today, he was taught by his father Huang Yi for a long time, and then at the end, he said coldly to him, and the golden temple only heard the plain voice of his voice. Let Jiang Qiuyang suddenly remember the thing of the year.

"This... Is this my uncle?" Jiang Qiuyang looked at the father who stood there, the temper of the king. I don’t know why. He suddenly felt that he had never been in the eyes of the father, and suddenly it became somewhat Get taller.

"How? Someone told you about the old?" With this dull voice, a little old man who looked only fifty years old, dressed in a gray cloth, dry, and ugly, appeared in front of Jiang Qiuyang. I looked at him with great interest.

"Xianghe Palace... Seventy-third generation disciple Jiang Qiuyang, I have seen the master Shuzu!" Jiang Qiuyang has always been there, but he has to avoid it once again, and honestly give this humble little old man a salute.

But in my heart, I was born with a lot of doubts: this is what the Master said in the past... I was tired of the sects of the sects, and then they joined the Red Master’s uncle? How does it look like there is no fresh clothes and no horses, no wives and squads... What is the difference between this and the martial art?

The old man smiled and looked at Jiang Qiuyang. Some of them said very meaningfully: "Young people, this road of cultivation is not very good. If I am you, have such conditions, or be an idle prince, and practice with one heart; or... just fine. Thinking about how to be a wise monarch. Hey... you are very fortunate, not only relying on the martial art, but also the royal background, cherish it!"

After saying this, the old man’s body flashed and disappeared in front of Jiang Qiuyang. Jiang Qiuyang did not see clearly how the teacher Shu Zu, who had met for the first time, disappeared. In a pair of eyes, only the color of shock is left.

At this time, Da Qi Guojun Jiang Hengyu directly let the group of ministers retreat, leaving only Jiang Qiuyang alone, alone in the presence.

Jiang Hengyu returned to the dragon chair and looked at Jiang Qiuyang for a while before he said: "Get up."

Jiang Qiuyang slowly stood up and lowered his head without saying a word.

Jiang Hengyu looked at his favorite son in front of him and said faintly: "It's very curious, how can a person who is such a strong person be a **** in the secular palace?"

"Yes, Master said that the uncle was tired of the martial art and broke through hopelessness. He wanted to return to the red dust..." Jiang Qiuyang replied honestly.

"Oh, tired of the sects of the sects? You are really... innocent!" Jiang Hengyu sneered a few times: "You know, although Mr. Sun lives in the palace, but not greedy, two bad, every day is suffering!"

"Ah!" Although Jiang Qiuyang had some speculation before, but he heard his father's personal confirmation, he was surprised: "Why is he..."

Jiang Hengyu couldn't help but sigh: "It seems that Mr. Sun just said to you, you didn't listen to it at all. No wonder you, your condition is really good! You have never been from childhood to age. There is a lack of resources for cultivation, so it is normal for you not to understand."

Said, Jiang Hengyu stood up and walked slowly to his son, looking at his son who was half his head. Jiang Hengyu raised his hand and patted his son's shoulder: "Young man, you are relying on the royal family! Royal The resources have always been available to you. Mr. Sun is not. Although Xianghe Palace is not inferior to the long-life faction, but resources are counted after all! Mr. Sun is not a genius, nor a big force. Why does he ask for a lot of resources from the Xianghe Palace to cultivate?"

Jiang Qiuyang looked at his father and stunned, and he heard it for the first time. He has never thought about these things.

"Do you really think that you grew up and spent a lot of resources in the Xianghe Palace, which are provided to you by Xianghe Palace? Are you the kind of genius who can let them ignore all the resources? Although I hope you Yes, are not!” Jiang Hengyu walked past Jiang Qiuyang and said faintly: “The resources you have consumed in these years are all big Qi, the power of the whole country, and are dedicated to the Xianghe Palace. Moreover, you consume Those who are afraid that even one percent will not be there. Now, do you understand what is secular power?"

After saying this, Jiang Hengyu left.

In the Golden Temple, only Jiang Qiuyang is left alone, standing there, like the same statue.

In his ears, he continued to echo his father’s last words: "Now, do you understand what is the secular power?"

"Do you understand what is secular power?"

"What is secular power?"

"Secular power!"

After a long time, Jiang Qiuyang’s eyes suddenly burst into a bright light, and the loud voice: "Father...the baby understands!"

At this time, from the darkness of the Golden Temple, an old **** came out and looked at Jiang Qiuyang with respect and respect. "Your Highness, Your Majesty confessed, if you really understand, go to the border defense military camp of Daxia tomorrow. Let's start with a soldier, there... maybe within a few years, maybe a year, maybe even faster... there will be a war."

"Your Majesty lets you think about it. If you don't figure it out, think about it. It's not good. You can go back to Xianghe Palace. Anyway, you will not lack the resources to cultivate."

The old **** said faintly, then looked at Jiang Qiuyang.

Jiang Qiuyang shook his head: "I will report to the frontier defense army camp tomorrow, tell the father, I want to understand, but also figured it out! I want to let the king of Daqi cover the entire Qinglong continent!"

The old **** smiled gratifiedly, nodded, and quietly retired. Just like never before.

Jiang Qiuyang’s nephew is full of fighting spirit and clenches his fists with force: “I understand what is the imperial power! I understand the benefits of power! Master, you are right, I lost, I can’t let you look at it! I Not a god, I have pretended to be high. But in the future... no!"


The story needs to be progressive. This chapter seems to have nothing to do with Chu Xiaohe, but the students who are careful should find out that it has a lot to do with it!

This chapter is equivalent to uncovering the prelude to the secular article! !

In other words, what is the inside of the car, began to turn! !

Hahahaha, that's it. The first volume of the book, the four continents, officially unveiled its veil.

No power, no power? No power, where is the resource? No resources, what training? Do you absorb air?

Our Chu Xiaohe, studying abroad, is also returning to China. Although it is an unknown pheasant university, it is impossible to hold a professor!

Therefore, the future story will be more exciting!

So, is it voting to encourage it?