MTL - Murdering Heaven Edge-Chapter 24 Shocked

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"Damn... kill him!"

"Kill, don't leave alive!"

The knight who spoke was the one with a low voice and the captain of the cavalry of more than 50 people.

At this moment his voice is full of anger, and there is horror!

I received a message before saying that a 13-year-old boy with a lot of Yuan beasts, bones and skins is worth the price. However, his skill is extremely high and he is suspected to be a disciple of a big door.

This group of people was originally reluctant to provoke the disciples of the martial art, because once they were provoked, they would endlessly suffer, unless they could kill people without knowing it and destroy all the evidence.

Otherwise, those short-door sects, once retaliated, are not what they can afford.

But the person who reported the letter said that this kid is alone, with a large number of yuan beasts, bones, skin, its value, at least in the two gold!

Wan two gold, let alone those who lived a hard life on the grassland, even those big business giants in the capital cities of all countries, will be tempted figures.

Man is dead, and the beast is a food and death.

When this wealth reaches a certain level, it is enough to make people crazy.

The first yellow-level two-layered warrior who was killed by Chu Mo was the squadron leader of this cavalry. In this cavalry, it was also a core backbone and the confidant of the captain.

His death made the cavalry team captains feel distressed, and also hated the ultimate for this boy.

He finally knew what was said in the letter, and the young man was extremely strong, not a false statement. But now this will be, saying that everything is too late, things have come to this point, can only go on the scalp.


A knife flashed, the third knight, this knight with no strength in the yellow level, was smashed by Chu Mo.

Chu Mo rushed to the fourth person!

The captain of the cavalry team is already going crazy, riding a knife and rushing to Chu Mo, and roaring: "A good little savage little beast... I will kill you today!"


The captain of the cavalry, the blade of the hand is a knives, a long shank, actually made of metal, three feet long and wide knife face, flashing cold cold. At first glance, it is a very heavy weapon. Without the blade, the knife can cut people into meat sauce.

The long knife smashed up in the air, screaming at Chu Mo, and made a loud muffled sound.

Chu Mo thought to move: What strength is this person?

The jade of the chest did not respond this time. Chu Mo mouth pulled out, and the other's knife had already come.

Chu Mo bites his teeth, a saber in his hand...


A loud noise, if there is a thunder.

The horses under Chu Mo’s sorrow couldn’t help but scream and step back. Chu Mo himself is also numb with his arms, his brain creaking.

Look at the saber in your hand and even cut a huge gap!

"A big strength!" Chu Mo was shocked. He had the most basic judgment on the strength of this person: at least... is the same as himself, and opened the warrior of Yuanguan! Have the power of the dragon elephant! Otherwise, he has absolutely no such power.

As everyone knows, this cavalry captain is even more shocking than Chu Mo. He can't help but ask: "How big are you this year? How could you have this power?"

"Do not talk nonsense, eat me a knife!" The fierceness in Chu Mo's bones was stimulated by the other side of the knife, and the blood began to boil.

Picking up a long sabre that was pulled out by a huge gap in his hand and slammed it toward the other side.

This knife is the most profound martial art in the mouth of Chu Mo's comprehension!

There are a total of eight strokes in this knives. Among the rumors that the lord passed to him, the moves were the most.

Again, the most profound!

So far, Chu Mo has only realized the fur of the first knife.

But it is such a little fur, which is displayed at the moment, but it is shocking!

A knife is thrown out, and there is a dazzling radiance between the heavens and the earth.

Like a lightning bolt!

In all directions, they are full of horror and murder!

The cavalry around them and the horses they were squatting were shrouded together.

The moments in the hearts of the cavalry gave birth to strong fears, and all the horses they had left couldn’t help but feel soft on their knees and fell to the ground. The knights riding on the horses all fell out one by one.

Originally, see Chu Mo slashed, the cavalry captain’s cold face was full of disdain.

He does not believe that a teenager, a child, can surpass him in this knives for nearly thirty years.

But this idea, almost instantaneous, was thrown into the clouds.

Looking at this as a singular singer, the sword of the captain of the cavalry is full of stunned colors, his mouth slightly open, wanting to shout.

But, no chance!


A smear of knife, from this long knife with a large gap, from top to bottom... The captain of the cavalry was split in half.

Even with him, there is also his horse.

This knife is thunderous and unstoppable!

Even Chu Mo himself did not think that his own knife had produced such great power.

"The captain... The captain is dead!"

"The captain was killed!"

"The captain is dead!"

Here are a few knights who fell off the horse but were not injured. The fear was reached to the extreme. While arrogant, they opened their legs and fled away in the direction away from Chu Mo.

"The captain? Is it really a soldier?" In the ink of Chu Mo, the cold light flashed, simply do not endlessly, ready to completely annihilate this cavalry!

At this time, an arrow, awkward, cut through the void, shot to Chu Mo, like a lightning, almost blink of an eye, it came to Chu Mo.

Chu Mo’s heart was slightly shocked, and his footsteps flashed toward the side.


This arrow flew over the cheeks of Chu Mo, and the wind that was brought up made Chu Mo’s cheeks burst into a burning pain.

"The other archer... very strong!"

Chu Mo looked in the direction of the bow and arrow, there, a figure, a flash.

Obviously, the other party did not want to face him, and he was ready to sneak into the end.

The cavalry in the distance, at this moment, heard the shouts of their companions, gathered together toward this side.

Chu Mo thought: If there is no archer, I will kill these people, it is easy. If you can get rid of that archer, unfortunately he is very embarrassed, it is estimated that will not give me this opportunity. If I turn around and escape, he will inevitably attack me again; if I stay here, those cavalry are afraid to come over and surround.

In contrast, Chu Mo is more willing to let the cavalry come over to surround him, because once the cavalry formed a close relationship with him, the archer could not continue to attack him!

And he also had enough confidence to break out from this group of cavalry.

With the idea of ​​making up his mind, Chu Mo is not in a hurry to escape, and by the topography, he catches up with the archer.

Those cavalrymen were all well-trained. Although they had a close relationship with Chu Mo, they were not too close, but far away, forming a large encirclement.

"Damn!" Chu Mo said, at this point, he can already conclude that this group of people, certainly not ordinary people, is likely to be one of the "means" that Grandpa has said on the grassland. !

"The little beast has already broken through the Yuan Guan, otherwise the captain will definitely not be counted by him! Everyone should be careful, don't let him close, use bows and arrows to deal with him!" A knight shouted.

Then, dozens of knights took off the strong bow, bent the bow and took the arrow, and shot at the place where Chu Mo hides.


A slap in the air, dozens of arrows, like a meteor, shot toward Chu ink.

The night is full of color, and this group of cavalry can not judge the exact position of Chu Mo, and wants to force Chu to force out through random shooting.

Chu Mo at this time showed the maturity and calmness that does not belong to his age, hiding there, no action!

The nearest arrow was shot by his side, less than a foot away from his body!

Chu Mo can clearly feel that his heart beats faster, but his mind, at this moment, is extremely clear.

God's willingness to run automatically, almost instantly, let Chu Mo calm down completely, the whole person, has also entered a mysterious state.

The voice in all directions, at this moment, completely silenced. Chu Mo slightly closed his eyes, and even able to clearly feel everything within a dozen square feet!

Even a mouse panicked into the hole, can not escape his perception!


An arrow.


Directly shot to the heart of Chu Mo!

It is the archer who has been hiding in the dark!

He certainly has some kind of strong talent, which actually locks the exact position of Chu Mo.

This arrow is slightly different from the others. The whole body is blue, not quenched, but made of a very special metal.

This should be the opponent's card, I want to kill Chu Mo!

This arrow... I am afraid I will do my best.

In Chu Mo’s mind, almost in an instant, he judged this information, even he himself did not know how his mind would be so clear.

Can you avoid it?

Chu Mo is also asking himself.

Although he captured the trajectory of this arrow with great precision, his body... it is difficult to keep up with the speed of his head.

In an instant, Chu Moyun started the game, snoring, and the body between the beggars... moved slightly.

The arrow that had locked his heart shot directly on his left arm.

With a bang, I passed through the muscles on Chu’s arm and penetrated deeply into the grass behind me.


Chu Mo’s body trembled in an instant, and the muscles on his arms were pierced and torn by this arrow!

A lot of blood flowed down his left arm.

Fortunately, this arrow did not hit his bones. Otherwise, the bones on his arm can be easily broken by the power of this arrow.

Severe pain, followed by the tide.

But Chu Mo’s mind... is also sober as never before!

"Bet you can only use this level of archery!"

Chu Mo bite his teeth, did not turn around, but went backwards crazy.

When I passed the arrow, I pulled it up and shouted: "This arrow is mine, I remember you!"


If you have a small chapter of a small skin, how can you not vote for it?