MTL - Mulan Has No Elder Brother-Chapter 411 We go home

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He Mulan didn't know why things got into this situation.

Maybe her political talent has never been on the sixties, maybe she is a **** with a combat power of five compared to Beiliang and other real politicians. In short, no matter how mighty and domineering she was in the hall that day, three days later, The scapegoat turned into that maid named Li Er.

An apparent murder turned into Daxingyi being bitten by a poisonous snake while using the toilet. He ran out of the toilet and saw Li Er, but passed out because he was too emotional.

Daxingyi died in front of him, but there were couscous everywhere. Everyone knew who had been here. She didn't have time to pick up all the couscous to cover up the traces she had appeared, and she saw the subordinate / high body. He simply gritted his teeth, kept doing his own work, messed up his clothes, and then fanned himself with seventeen or eight slaps, lying on the ground and pretending to faint.

Daxingyi, because of her temporary fear, delayed her illness so badly.

As for the person who waited for Daxingyi to find the toilet, he said that Daxingyi did not want him to enter the toilet room and left halfway. This man was directly stabbed because of neglect of duty.

And those Jiu Beiliang also repeatedly checked with the Northern Wei medical officers, and the results were no problem at all.

Everything comes out of the conclusion, things are just a lot of accidents superimposed together.

"Do you also believe? You can listen to such stupid things?" He Mulan growled angrily at a Wei minister, "Is Daxingyi so embarrassed, can't it be justified?"

"This is the best result, General Hua." A former deputy of Li Shun looked at He Mulan with a "You really have the character of a warrior".

"Ju Qu Muyang will be locked up by Queen Meng and deprived of all official positions for a trivial matter. It is already Liang Guo who has shown us who the killer is, but cannot give it to us."

He analyzed to He Mulan: "Although General Hua said it was tough, but we are now fighting Beiyan. No one wants to really fight Beiliang. China will not want to fight on the two fronts. Once it really hits Liu Song will not be left untouched. When the time comes, he will suffer the enemy. Even if we can win, it will be a terrible victory. "

"In this case, the King Liang and the Queen maintained the reputation of Daxingyi in this way, and disposed of the accomplices. They were even willing to compensate the family of Daxingyi for a sum of gold and silver that they could spend for many lives. It's much better than the first time Daxingyi was accused of 'immediate wind'. "

The deputy pursed his lips.

"Not to mention……"

"Not to mention, in order to calm our anger, dispel our doubts, and even allow Juqu Bodhi to enter Beijing with us as a proton. Although Queen Meng once said that he would be sent to our country after the establishment of the Son of the Son. After all, being protons is still the safest way to follow us. Unless Queen Meng and Liang Liang really ignore the safety of the last sister-in-law for the sake of Beiliang, we will all be safe along the way. "

Liu Zhen continued his words.

"Despite the death of Daxingyi, His Majesty will not treat his family or let him go like this. I believe that His Majesty will ask Beiliang for debt for this Daxingyi in the future. The envoy Yushmen who has been locked up in Beiyan for decades ... "This incident has made many envoys confident in their missions, because the country will not give up on them.

"Meng Yulong personally acted as a guide, and Bei Liang was willing to put both the princess and Bodhi in our team, and he was able to express enough apologies."

He Mulan was in pain.

She knew that they were all right, but because they were all right, she became even more unacceptable.

She knew that it was an unacceptable result for both sides. She also knew that Juqu Mumu would not die because of such a thing, but the real murderer was impunity, and the innocent children and women had to bear their brothers. The bitter fruit of crime?

A Daxingyi changed his son from a noble world, and everyone in the group thought it was worth it. Instead, everyone persuaded her to give up?

How could she give up?

"General Hua, you are a general, so it is difficult to understand our thoughts." An envoy saw He Mulan showing an incredible and unwilling expression, and although ironed in his heart, he still took for granted: "Just like your generals The preparations for the battlefield have long been prepared, and the messengers of Hongzong Temple are also ready to die in a foreign country ... "

He said very calmly: "A foreign country is our battlefield, conspiracy, poison killing, half-way interception, intrigue, lip-sword, these are the weapons of both sides. We are always ready to fight for the interests of the country with our own death. Apart from the sadness of dealing with the death of Daxingyi, I just want to use this incident to seek greater benefits for our country. "

"You can say that we are cold or ruthless. Now Liang Liang is willing to open the border of Beiliang to the merchants and escorts of Wei Kingdom to trade, and use Bodhi in exchange for our trust. It only cost Daxingyi one person. Life is so decent. "


"You know, if under normal circumstances, how much does it cost to let a country open its doors and send its sons? Sometimes it ’s even a dead body that can only be done with national power." He stared at He Mulan's Eyes said word by word:

"Mo said it was the Daxingyi Station. If anyone told me that as long as I was dead and my businessmen in China would be able to enter and leave Liangliang at will, I would die easily the next moment."

This world is really crazy.

The prince of Beiliang murdered Wei's envoys, but now Wei's envoys are persuading her not to interfere in this matter anymore, because the sale is well made?

Because each of them is using themselves as goods.

For a while, He Mulan felt that the result was absurd and completely exceeded her expectations and excitement over the past three days. She was waiting for the helpless Liang Wang who could only hold Juqu Mumu to their embassy and asked to restore their anger ...

He Mulan wanted to say more, but was pulled by his sleeves by Yuan Fang.

"Our general is just a little stubborn, and he will accept it." She heard Yuan Fang say, "We will advise him, everyone, please do what you want to do first. Liang Guo's opening of the national border, and also There are many things that you have to work hard to do for the upcoming Princess Xingping and Bodhi Son, and we will not participate ... "

She saw Yuan Fang glance at her anxiously.

"As for the general, I think he wants to be quiet."

The rest of the envoys showed the expressions of "knowledge" and "understanding", leaving one by one under false pretences, but Liu Zhen stayed to the end until the crowd left.

"General Hua, you should know that I am the egret officer Hou Guanling stayed in the mission." He sighed slightly while looking at Mulan, who was obviously a little stunned.

"I will be here, because His Majesty and Su Hehe reassure you."

He Mulan froze slightly.

"In our opinion, you are a bit too righteous. Although my Dawei soldiers have never gone forward, there is no disadvantage in the war, but that is only a means to deter the enemy. The real victory is never on the battlefield, but after a brutal fight It was done by these envoys and middle school ministers on the battlefield with another type of slaughter. "

He was worried that He Mulan had doubts about himself, so he stayed to tell her the cruelty of the world.

"I have always been a clerk. I don't know how many egret officials are hidden in Wei State. Maybe you have a terrible soldier who you don't know is actually an egret."

"The cruelty we have seen is not only from the battlefield of the sword and sword, many of the counsellors who have died in obscurity, the messengers who have been robbed on the way, have to give up status and life because of compromise ... Many people may not even die significance."

"But my Dawei has come to this day with so many sacrifices. Where were the traces of our Wei country in the past sixteen countries? At that time, Dawei was just a small humble generation. . But why is Wei Wei getting stronger and stronger, but the rest of the nations have become clouds of the past? "

Liu Zhen looked at He Mulan who slowly returned.

"Someone has to make a sacrifice, and somebody has to bear the consequences of the sacrifice, and then continue with his teeth."

"You are just not used to this kind of thing. When you get older and see more and more things, you will not be so angry and unbelievable."

"I don't think I will ever get used to it."

He Mulan began to hate.

"But you are right. Now that things have happened, what I should do is not how to let the murderer die, but to make the sacrifices of Daxingyi more meaningful."

There was a cold light in her eyes.

"Beiliang has to pay a price, and that alone is not enough."


Changming Palace.

"I don't know that you are willing to make such a big sacrifice." Ju Qu Mengxun looked at his wife with guilt, "Bodhi will be fine, I have sent my dead men as guards. And they have been his guard ever since. "

"My own son, wouldn't I protect it?" Queen Meng looked sadly at Ju Qumenxun: "I have three sons for you, and these three sons have made the biggest for Beiliang Sacrifice. Monson, I have started to regret marrying you. "

She choked and said, "How happy I was then, all I have to think about is what kind of fur fox to hunt tomorrow ..."

Ju Qu Mengxun recalled the past with her rare weakness, and could not help but also showed a smile of nostalgia: "I was not the cool king at that time, the only thing I was thinking was how to let Duan Wang take his sword Give it to me. "

King Duan is talking about Duan Ye, the true pioneer of Beiliang.

Beiliang's foundation was seized after his father and son revenge on Duan Ye.

At that time, no one knew that they would carry such a huge country on their backs. Juqu Mengxun was only the son of Lushui Hu Hao in the north, and Meng Qiushuang was also the daughter of the leader of the white horse in the north.

"You believe me, Bodhi will eventually take the throne ..." Ju Qu Mengxun looked at his wife tenderly. "I am also saddened by the death of political virtue and the prosperity of the country, but my previous vows will not be invalidated. The Jianhui was proud for a long time, but the last Bodhi was the final winner. I never pretend that you may not understand now, but you will know later that I choose the best way for Bodhi ... "

‘Perhaps you left something for Bodhi. ’

King Meng choked back, but sneered.

‘But we mothers and children are rare. ’

Ju Qu Mengxun may be very guilty of the sacrifice of Queen Meng. The two snuggled together for a long time, remembering the past and talking softly.

However, the better he remembered the past, the more Queen Meng only felt it was difficult to breathe.

She felt like she was the frog cooked in warm water, because the environment was comfortable at first, and she gradually reached such a point, until the youngest child almost woke up with a poisoned hand.

If he kept thinking about protecting them, why would she fall to such a point?

She is not an ignorant woman. She also met the Nanliang lord who was rumored to be "weak" at that time. At that time, she still remembers what he said.

"As a landlord, the best thing you can do to a woman is to show the greatest favor that can make her fearless, put her son on the throne, and ..."

He smiled.

"Even if you die, you can continue to live with care and honor."

So from the beginning, she didn't believe in "shields", "I love other women because of your reputation".

She was just trying to get her son to the throne.

Now that she wants to be the king ’s son, the remaining big wish is to travel all over the world. Why should she pretend to be disgusting and perfunctory him?

Thinking of this, Queen Meng was almost eager to push away the frustration of the canal that nestled on him.

"At this time, White Horse must be mischievous and not willing to sleep again, I'm going to see it. King, please take it easy." White Horse is her daughter, Bodhi's sister, and she looks like a boy.

Thinking of that naughty and lawless daughter, Ju Qumenxun sighed with a headache and said, "Although I don't plan to take her and my daughter, it is not good to pass the sword every day with a gun, you still ..."

"I'm going to let her take over the job of guarding the authentic work after I die." Queen Meng blocked Ju Qumenxun's mouth with just one sentence.

"She may marry late, or she may not marry at all. I need to exercise her skills, and the king need not worry."

Queen Meng nodded at random, and was about to leave the palace, but he stopped and said to him, "King, Bodhi doesn't know when I will return when I leave. I only have this daughter, Cheng Huan, Ca n’t make her a little bit lost. After Bodhi left, I was n’t going to leave the palace anymore, and the white horse had to stay with me, okay? ”

Ju Qumenxun's heart softened. "I know what you're worried about. I won't get involved in the house. I will also take back the guards who care for you."

Because of fear of the Meng family's rebellion, there are also people in the tunnel who are patrolling at any time. These guards do not listen to the command of Queen Meng. They are also frequently troubled. Bodhi was assassinated several times before, all of which belong to this group of guards.

However, because there was no way to control Queen Meng, Ju Qumenxun could only use it stubbornly even though he knew that this group of people was no longer trustworthy.

But now, because Queen Meng's most trusted backhand Bodhi has been handed over to the Wei people, Ju Qu Mengxun, who was under guilt, finally let go, and completely passed the authentic control to Queen Meng.

"For so many years, I finally waited for this sentence ..."

A tear dripped across Queen Meng's eyes.

Like being scalded through the heart by that teardrop, Ju Qumenxun fled the middle palace almost as if he had fled.

"Mother, has the father gone?"

The timid Bodhi sneaked out his head from the side chamber.

Behind him, a little girl who looked exactly like Queen Meng stepped out and rolled her eyes.

"You are going to Wei Kingdom, he must not even dare to stay too guilty!"

"Bai Ma, don't always push your young brother into a bag!"

At the first glance, Queen Meng knew that Bodhi had been obscured by her elder sister to perform such an act of hiding and eavesdropping.

The white horse spit out his tongue. "He also thought, but he didn't dare to do it. I pushed him to give him a proper excuse. The bad guys were all taken by me. It was really bitter."

Queen Meng really didn't know who Baima was like, and she and Ju Qumenxun were both stable and cautious people.

Had it not been for herself to know that she had been loyal to Ju Qumenxun for so many years, she would have thought that it was her drunkenness and which child she was born of.

A girl's character is like a rogue, it's ridiculous!

"Mother, will we be able to leave soon?" Bai Ma looked at his mother expectantly. "Go and see where the merchants and guards have said?"

The smokey Jiangnan, the vast Central Plains, the vast desert, and ...

Various types of handsome men?

It's great, as long as she thinks that she doesn't have to pick a slightly higher marriage in a group of mules, she can't wait to leave immediately.

Bodhi looked at Queen Meng anxiously.

He is so old that he has not left his mother.

"Yulong cousin will protect me, right? I won't be able to see my mother after long?"

"You are so stupid. If you want to leave for a while, your mother will be crazy. How can you let you stay outside. You wait, we will pick you up!"

The white horse's heartlessness seemed to comfort Bodhi's worried heart and laughed.

"You can rest assured that we will all be well. Mother waited for this day for many years ..." Queen Meng hugged a pair of children and nodded silently.

"Everyone will protect you, not to mention, Wei Guo, the Mulan, is a very good person and will not harm you like others ..."

Queen Meng thought for a while, crouched down, and asked Bodhi in a very cautious tone.

"But Hua Mulan is a good person, which does not mean that Wei's envoys are all good people. When you come to the Wei Guo mission, you must follow Hua Mulan invariably, so that even if someone wants to plot against you, he will have to pass him. Iguan. People like him will never let you go wrong, you understand. "

"I know."

Bodhi nodded.

"Even if I lose face, I will follow him."

"Just say that's what Mother said, he will understand."

Queen Meng squeezed Bodhi's face.



On July 15th, the Jiliang date was divined by the Beiliang people.

On this day, countless riots erupted in Beiliang, and all Weiliang ambassadors who were afraid and curious of Beiliang finally left Gu Zang.

It was as grand as entering the city. When the Wei people left, the team was more noisy and the pomp was more spectacular, because when they came, they were only tigers and envoys, but they took away their most beautiful princess and noble prince.

This is a shame for all Beiliang people, but behind this shame, the people of Beiliang are full of rejoicing and joy for sacrificing the prince and princess in exchange for peace.

They were numb to think that this was a true "golden jade bond" and the affection of the Qin and Jin dynasties, and even many amorous teenagers were talking happily about "a beautiful princess and a young and beautiful emperor "Love" story, as if in the words have seen the two happy future.

The men are guessing how beautiful the kind princess Xingping is, how savvy she was when she launched the disaster relief, and the women madly imagine how wide Tuoba's chest is and how charming his face is .

He is the bravest warrior and has the world's most invincible army. His roar can make the enemy tremble, and his smile can make the most beautiful woman enchanted.

Even when He Mulan, who has always been a little depressed, saw these Beiliang people so happy for the peace that might come, they were slightly better.

At least Daxingyi hoped to see such a farewell, rather than a large basket of rotten eggs and stare with anger and intimidation, which she was quite sure of.

The body of Daxingyi could not be taken back in this hot day. Xianbei people held a grand "burial" for him. Even Queen Meng and Liang King personally came to the scene and burned many sacrifices. The monks in Beiliang surpassed his strangled soul, and the snake in Zangcheng was almost extinct because of this ...

"We are going home."

He Mulan looked at the blue clear sky, and her mood was finally driven by this satisfactory result.

"Let's go home!"

"Go home! Go home!"

"Wei Guowei mighty!"

The laughter and joy of the people, relaxed and cheerful, all brewed into a homesickness in He Mulan's simple "home".

Wei's envoys and tiger soldiers were almost eager to bid farewell to the Beiliang officials and Liang king and queen, and then ordered all the horses to run wild.

Unfortunately, this is impossible. I don't know how long it will take before we leave.

The Wei ambassadors who had become accustomed to these suddenly felt that even politeness had become unacceptable.

If it's Li Shun, I'm afraid he and Ju Qumenxun don't know how long to speak?

Look at Mulan again ...

"What time is it going?"

With an impatient look, He Mulan looked at Queen Meng and Ju Qumenxun who came to her, and her face showed the expression "Can I just leave if I'm so troublesome?"

‘We believe you can go straight! ’

A group of envoys were hysterical in their hearts.

‘Do n’t worry about us, really! ’

King Meng later came to He Mulan, but his eyes crossed He Mulan's shoulder and looked directly at his son who was swinging a horse to her rear, showing a hint of encouraging smile.

"General Hua, otherwise I'm not polite, I'm just such a son ..." She bowed down to He Mulan Yingying, "please keep him safe."

"do not worry."

He Mulan has always had a good opinion of the queen, and hurried to help her up.

"I must protect the son."

He Mulan lifted her up, only to discover that the legendary martial arts queen was very strong and physically strong, even an inch taller than herself.

If she was not born in Liangzhou, if she was born a little later, if she had fought for Tuobayu, there would be no Mulan in this world, only "Meng Qiushuang".

The world is really making a difference. Queen Meng's living example tells her what a woman can be forced into the court, which gives her greater awe in the harem.

Even if it's not a nanny, that place is not human.

Ju Qumenxun mostly said politely, and expressed great concern for the daughter of the Wei Guo team. In his words, Princess Xingping looks like a virgin who will die when he is looked at by men. Although in order to gain the trust of Wei Guo, the safety of Princess Xingping is placed under the protection of the Tiger Army, but he still hopes that Wei Guo can be considerate of her reputation not to touch Yunyun too much.

Had He Mulan faintly probed the past of some princess Xingping, I am afraid that she would really be concealed by this "chaste and savvy" princess and would not dare to let any guard approach her car.

At this time, He Mulan nodded perfunctoryly.

"You can rest assured that unless the princess summons us, we will all retreat. Not to mention the presence of the Bodhi son, and Princess Xingping staying in step, there will be nothing you worry about."

Who would be okay to crash and kiss the princess?

Do you think your sword is not fast enough?

Ju Qumenxun was just worried that his daughter could hardly hide his nature among so many men, and repeatedly told him that he looked at He Mulan's team inadvertently.

"Why is Gen. Gen. away?"

"He replaced Daxingyi's job and went ahead to explore the road earlier." He Mulan said without changing his heart and beating. "Now only he is familiar with the path."

Tomorrow Meng Yulong will find that there is one deputy in the team, but that's okay. The Meng family and Wei Guo have formed an alliance and will not say more.

Yuan Pozhen was a prince of Nanzang and a prince in Nanliang. He knew that the road was natural. Although Ju Qumenxun was very confused, he could only send the group of Wei people to check if he was uneasy.

Juqu Mumu followed up after the queen and the lord of the country had bothered.

He had been imprisoned in the unmanned East Palace before. The only Li Jingai was with the waiter, probably because he had not been so good, and he had done stupid things to cause trouble. Many Beiliang officials pretended not to see him. His looks were not very good, but his expression did not look gloomy and depressed.

When he insisted on speaking, his eyebrows seemed a little bit brighter.

No one knows why he became this way. Some people looked at him gloatfully, but he continued to step forward and walked to He Mulan.

"Why, the lesson is not enough. Do you still want to challenge?"

He Mulan really has no feelings for this person, and she is ready to sue him for her nausea after returning to China.

Such a man actually married a woman like Li Jingai, who was like a cabbage.

She looked at Queen Meng who could not see far away.

She was wrong. Two good cabbages were arched by two pigs.

"I used to think about it, and I won't do it in the future." What didn't make He Mulan think was that Ju Qu Muxun had given up without any cover.

"I'm here to say a few words to my brother, can I?"

Of course, Juqu Mumu did not feel embarrassed.

No matter how others ridicule him now, look down on him, or think that he almost smashed all these things, he will no longer be afraid and angry.

Because he will be the king of Beiliang, all future kings, they will worship under his throne and ask for his kindness.

These peace, which is exchanged by relatives and hostages, can only be an illusion. The peace that everyone is waiting for will never come, it is only temporarily delayed.

In the end, Beiliang still had to rely on his hard support.

No matter how arrogant Hua Mulan is, he is only a small general, and he will become a landlord on a vast land ...

Why should he ...


He Mulan looked at him and spit out three words.

...... and he ...


What did he hear just now?

Did he hear it wrong?

‘You ’re not the cool king yet, do n’t try to direct me to do anything. ’

He swears that he saw something like this in He Mulan's eyes.

I saw He Mulan showing a mocking expression, and smiled at Ju Qu Muyang and said, "I'm so sorry, Three Princes, we have too much time, we can't let you pass ..."

She looked at the Wei people who were already agitated behind her, exposing the first smile that was incomparable today, and screamed loudly.

"Let's go now!"

Read The Martial God who Regressed Back to Level 2