MTL - Mulan Has No Elder Brother-Chapter 396 Unsuitable

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"What? Kindness and cuteness?"

Princess Xingping received the news that the messenger was sent back quickly, and her exquisite makeup face also had cracks.

She looked and looked at the brass mirror. The beauty in the mirror smiled and smiled. Her bright colors penetrated through her bones, and her face was covered with "I am a stunner, I am a stunner, I am a stunner. ".

Yes, she has a look that is not a pure beauty, and her temperament is more like the concubine of the harem, rather than the dignified queen, and she has no purity of the girl next door.

From an early age, she knew that she had nothing to do with "affinity", so she went further and further down the "glorious" road.

Now, what she wants to seduce, she likes ...

She glanced at the maiden standing beside her, only the poor maiden shivering like a frightened rabbit, covering her heart with tears in her eyes.

"Nothing ..."

Princess Xingping exhaled anxiously.

"There is no way to look, I can only find a way to supplement it in words and deeds."

"Princess, it's time to go to the goldsmith." A female officer whispered to him inside the door: "You better go, Your Majesty has arrived."

"Got it!"

Xingping's irritability was worse.

From the moment she knew she might be pregnant, her temper fluctuated.

The Xianbei people are the queen of the "hand-casting goldman". Even if Tuobayu wants to seal who is the queen, the nominated concubine goldsmith must succeed in order to sacrifice to the throne. Many Xianbei kings' concubines It is at this level.

Because all the tools of the goldsmith are provided by the divination candidates, even the fortune tellers do not know who will be selected, so there is no possibility of cheating.

It is hoped that most of the women in the post have learned how to make gold juice at home when they are at home. Even if they succeed at home 10,000 times, they may not succeed in the palace.

Ju Qu Mengxun knew that her daughter Guang was useless as a pet concubine. Her body had already been destroyed by Wu Shi San, and she could only add some chips to Liang Guo by becoming a queen.

The Empress of Xianbei has a lofty status. The Tuoba family believes in God's will. The hand-forged goldman has almost succeeded with the emperor in treatment. There are many conveniences that ordinary concubines in the harem cannot get.

Even if there is a possibility, Ju Qumenxun is unwilling to give up. Beiliang produces gold again. The goldsmiths in the palace are all skilled craftsmen. He forced the daughter to learn the method of casting gold.

When Princess Xingping arrived at the East Palace, Ju Qumenxun was already there. He has now entered the coffin with one foot. Although his face is still majestic, his deep bags under his eyes and dim complexion show his powerless side.

This King Lushuihu is deeply spoken in Chinese, but he has a natural preference for men and women. He treats women as insignificant and is not kind enough to treat his wife and daughter. Only women who are good-looking and can benefit for Liang Kingdom can get it. His attention.

Princess Xingping met her father, saluting respectfully first, and then smelling the metal scent when the gold juice in the house melted, she couldn't help but got sick again *.

She was a very tolerant woman, biting her tongue and distracting her attention with pain, and she just stood up without incident.

"Why did my father come here? I can do it alone."

She shook her sleeves slightly coquettishly. "There are so many things in the country, so take a good rest."

Ju Qu Mengxun often sees this beautiful but not dusty, charming daughter hidden all in the bones, full of joy. Because according to the news he has received in Pingcheng for a long time, Tuoba's favorite type of woman is so rich and charming, but his personality is not obsessive.

And his daughter, who knew how to read and watch from a young age, had the courage and wisdom. Even if there were some problems in the section, it was not a big deal for Beiliang, which has many "secret methods".

The method of chicken blood-filled fish bubble can just cope with the cave.

Juqu Mengxun planned for Liang Kingdom in order to allow her to die down. In recent months, she has been everything to her. She wants all the stars to be picked up by her, and she has to seize every moment to show her "father love" Holding her round shoulders and laughing, he said:

"Of course, come and see how your homework is. The mission of the Northern Wei Dynasty is three days away from Gu Zang. You must leave at any time. You must study hard in the last few days, you know?"

Xingping is just habitually showing goodwill to each man to get his own favor. Hearing Ju Qumenxun's words and nodding with a smile, he put on special gloves and learned to cast gold men.

Said to be "hand-casting goldmen", in fact, they just poured gold juice into the molds of the goldmen and opened them after a prescribed time.

This is an ancient tribal divination technique, and the "prescribed time" is also derived from divination. No one knows how long to wait for the test.

Xingping learned this for a few months, and just made a whole set from scratch, let alone now it is just the last few steps.

Ju Qumeng watched with satisfaction that she mixed with gold juice and inverted mold, carefully removed the flames ...

"Cough, cough cough, cough cough ..."

I saw that Xingping probably smoked the green smoke that came to his throat, and suddenly coughed violently, because the cough was too severe, and then his eyes became red and kept retching.

"Look at how the princess! Call the Royal Doctor!"

"No need for a doctor! If you let the envoy of Wei Guo know that we have called a doctor, I'm afraid we will have it!" Xingping flattened his chest while eloquently stopping the errand eunuch: "Give me a glass of water and let me Just sit down and drool! "

Juqu Mengxun remembered Xingping's impression, and nodded with satisfaction immediately: "You think carefully, and it really is right that you choose to marry to the Northern Wei Dynasty. Come back and pour a glass of water for the princess."

He looked at the already overwhelmed goldsmith and waved his hand generously: "No matter what you do, it is not good for this palace man who prepares the stove. You are shocked, so let's get the reward."

Several goldsmiths received the reward as amnesty, and left the palace room carrying the things.

Princess Xingping sat on her knees on the cushion of the palace. She drank a sip of water first, then exhaled a long breath, and finally became comfortable.

If it hadn't been for her cleverness, she would have been exposed.

Her father is not a gimmick.

When Ju Qumenxun saw her daughter's normal blood color restored, she said, "The smoke is poisonous and should not be heard. Don't wait for the ambassador to enter the house, but you are sick."

Princess Xingping dare not speak up, but nodded.

Ju Qumenxun was certainly not here today to watch his daughter the goldsmith. When he waited for Xingping to stand up and revisit the mold, he suddenly asked: "Why did you let the messenger explore Mulan's preferences for you?"

Xingping had never thought of hiding his father's eyes and ears. Although the messenger agreed to her request, it was for her to be with her relatives. As long as her father asked, she would know everything.

And she never thought about hiding him.

"After all, I have to get along for several months. I want to know the preference and temperament of that Her Majesty. It is easiest to pass this favorite. I have to know Hua Mulan's temperament before he can get his favor. When he has pity on me, naturally I hope I get better. "

Xingping certainly thought so before.

But the situation has changed now, and she can't get the medicine for abortion. She can only take one step at a time. The idea is to get his trust first and help her cover up.

And the best way to get help from a man ...

She gritted her teeth.

I don't know if my body is okay now.

Ju Qumenxun has been staring at her daughter's expression, seeing her expression is quite serious, and can only reply to her doubtfully: "If this is the best, but I advise you not to think about coloring / lure Mulan, you are not what he likes One kind of person. "

He has a broken sleeve.

Even if she took off and stood in front of him, it was estimated that Mulan would not lift her eyelids.

"You better not blame yourself, but lose your identity."

Ju Qu Mengxun said with a little warning: "You are a princess with a distinguished status in Beiliang. It is best not to let too many people see you on your way to Wei. You are too troublesome and you can keep a low profile and a low profile ..."

‘Of course I know he does n’t like me. ‘Princess Xingping ’s heart is defamatory,‘ he likes the kind of gentle little white flowers, it ’s really bad luck. ’

It seems that the weaker and the weaker the city government, the more she likes her, and those with a mighty personality and integrity are like old antiques, and she has to work hard to seduce.

Although it worked in the end, it took a lot of time to say nothing, and the feeling of eating it often was terrible and boring.

Princess Xingping remembered the few "temptation" results of such people several times, and was disappointed.

"I know. But it is still necessary to do what he wants. Li Shijun will definitely be there for me, but he is the ambassador after all, and always hides his eyes and eyes."

Princess Xingping said sternly: "I don't show up often, and I'm going to make a deep impression on General Hua."

"Don't expect him from Li Shijun. He is a discarded move." Ju Qumenxun's face interrupted her with a strong expression.

"What are you going to do next, and what can I help you with?"


Princess Xingping spit out two words unpredictably.

"In the west, there was a drought. Hua Mulan could not cover it, but it was better to show his father's love as a child. After the arrival of Hua Mulan, I would quickly rescue the disaster. I will lead the women in the harem to donate money for fat. And jewellery, for food to the west. "

She smiled slightly.

"At that time, I want to make him think that I am a pure and affectionate woman, and this is easy, as long as I learn the way of doing things."

Ju Qumu's wife is Li Jing'ai, the daughter of King Xiliang Wu Zhao, and a truly famous princess. Unfortunately, he was taken to Xiliang after the break of the country, and he could only marry after being cheap.

"She has the highest status and the most correct attitude among the couples. After I ask her a lot about how to be a virtuous woman, she will definitely not shove."

Although Princess Xingping herself was not correct, she was close to the uncle.

Juqu Mengxun was pleased when he heard, "That's right, let's hide it. My country's treasury is abundant, and the drought will never affect the overall situation. As long as the Wei people know that our monarchs and ministers are intent, they must be afraid. It's just that you are there ... "

He looked at Princess Xingping.

"After all, you are the body to marry, but Mu Jian has not returned. She was called from Dunhuang, I'm afraid ..." Li Jingai followed Dunhuang's husband to serve in Dunhuang. To be called back, he must have a proper name.

Otherwise, the father-in-law called his daughter-in-law to the palace and spread it out strangely.

"Father, did the third brother really not come back?" She narrowed her eyes with amusement. "Don't hide me, the palace has long been rumored that the third brother was sent back to the palace by the masters."

‘Want to hide from me, my brother-in-law already said. ’

She sneered in disdain.

‘Now I ’m afraid I ’m fooling around with her every day. ’

"Just let the third brother and the third brother solve the problem of acacia."

The **** wants to dominate all the men in the palace, and she wouldn't let her go.

Juqu Mengxun knew that there was no impenetrable wall in the world. In addition, when the daughter is now in a hundred percent obedience, after considering it, she nodded.

"Well, but please write in your name to ask. She is indeed the most suitable woman on the stage, and sending you a marriage is also appropriate."

Send her sister-in-law, I'm afraid that the generals in the Tigers will be cheap.

The second wife's wife made Picchu, and it didn't help.

After Xingping got the desired result, he went down to worship.

"Thank you for your love for your daughter."

"How does this count as love? You sacrifice for Beiliang, we all owe you a lot, as long as you remember that Beiliang will not resent us, even if my father is not bad."

Ju Qu touched her daughter's hair lovingly.

Rao is princess Xingping knowing that most of this kind of love is pretended, at this time she couldn't help but redden her eyes and said she was afraid to touch her face.

She really didn't think it would be good to marry Wei, if not in the womb ...

Xingping's heart was bitter, but he could only knock down his teeth and blood.

"To fight the disaster, to ask you to be the third wife of Li, you must act now. I am afraid that the envoys of the Northern Wei Dynasty will arrive in a few days ..."

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! The envoy came to report that Wei's envoys were no more than a hundred miles away from his aunt!" An internal official hurriedly notified outside the palace.

"My Ministers, please see the King!"

"What? Why is it so fast?"

"I heard that after Li Shijun's accident, the Deputy Envoy Hua Mulan accelerated the marching speed. The caravan followed, so the speed was slow. Now the Husao Army fled the caravan and led the mission to march in an emergency. Stationed ... "

After the Tianti Mountain, it is Guzang City.

"Why this person is always surprising."

Ju Qu Mengxun rubbed his temples with a headache.

"Come too fast."