MTL - Mulan Has No Elder Brother-Chapter 380 Sage magnolia

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"I just seemed to be hearing. What did you hear from the general?"

Quite ancient pulled out his ears and asked Gai Wu in front of him.

"I heard my master say he is inhumane."

"Is the general broken sleeve or the one below?"

"... I heard who it is, who is it?"

A group of people chattered like sleepwalking, including the coolest Yuan Lai, who looked too vain, let alone Gai Wu had taken the wood out of his arms and started carving.

"I am not broken sleeves or inhumane. The reason why I cannot vent my yang is because I am a woman. I cannot balance the yin and yang through **** with women."

If He Mulan was a woman, it would be too frightening to say something like "yin and yang balance" so carelessly, at least she would be shy or something. As a result, He Mulan sat down with a golden knife and didn't wait. They reacted and continued to ignore the explanation.

"I came from a military family and learned strength from a young age with my grandfather. My elder sister got married early and was married far away. My younger brother was young, and my father had a disease in his leg. When the military post was delivered to my house, I Thinking up and down and old and young, Ye Ye may be separated from heaven and earth, women simply dressed as men, and entered the army. "

She sighed.

"I originally thought that I would soon be exposed. Who would have expected a beautiful man like Di Yefei in the fire, but covered me up a lot. In addition, I was promoted very quickly, and the most difficult time was fleeting and rough. By all accounts, I have been in the army for almost four years. "

"That's not right." Na Luo's eyes widened. "You eat and live with us, you bathe and change clothes ..."


"how is this possible!"


The others were crying out loud.

"No ... it doesn't seem to have happened, it was you who gave us water and bathed, and then you last washed. Because you have the greatest strength ..."

Na Luo shook his head violently.

"I still don't believe it. General, are you kidding us?"

Lou Luo growled and shouted:

"My mother-in-law has seen you go to the toilet and ripped your clothes and heard your heartbeat! Are you a monster that changes gender!"

"Well ..." He Mulan rolled her eyes at the sky. "It's normal to accidentally hit in the army. I don't know how many you have seen, but have you seen me standing? Montenegro Why is there a rumor that I keep getting diarrhea in the army? "

Because I always squatted and went to the toilet!

As He Mulan said, the faces of Luohun and Mangu were inexplicably red.

The two of them once performed "Mr. Upwind and Peeing" to He Mulan, and the other was a big old man. It was common to run around naked when it was hot.

It ’s okay to be a middle-aged uncle in the ancient times. Luo Hun had broken his head even when he thought about it, and he was reluctant to think about it.

"So ... that listens to my heartbeat ..."

The blush of Luohun was about to burst.

"That's the way anyway ..." He Mulan reluctantly explained: "Although I am a woman, I practice martial arts longer than you every day. In addition, I was originally thin, and it was more fashionable and inconspicuous to be a girl at home. "At the time, I was probably dying. You were so eager to save. You didn't pay attention to it, and it was normal to see it."

Na Luohun: ‘What is normal! ’

Gai Wu: ‘Is this normal? ’

Mangu: ‘Is n’t this really a monster? ’

Howling madly in everyone's heart.

"General Flower, I don't believe it anyway. I don't know if you have any worries to tell such a lie, but I have walked north and south, and I have seen any healthy woman. I have never seen you like this. Do n’t say anything else, but say you The strength is enough to shock the world. "Yuan Fang shook his head in panic. "If you have such an identity, how could it not be exposed? So many girls who want to marry you have already exhausted your knowledge."

"Because Her Majesty and Su Hejun have known about this for a long time. Some Egret officials and His Majesty changed their military status, and my grandmother and mother left the village and went to Liang County. Most people do n’t know that Hua ’s second child is a girl. I thought it was a mistake by the government. "

He Mulan said helplessly, "It's not my fault to be born with divine power. It's probably that I cast the wrong tire, or that I took a nap. I also just said that I was born with great power. The greater my strength, my grandmother and grandmother left Huajiabao to live in Huai Shuo Town, and I also worried that I would be treated as a monster. "

"No ... impossible, unless you can prove ..."

Yuan Fang held his head in disbelief and grabbed it frantically: "I also expect to be able to rely on you to save my family and follow your achievements. If you are a woman, all this is a mirror, and it will collapse at any time ... ... "

After all, Yuan Fang was short-lived and selfish. When he heard that the "principal" had changed into a woman, he suddenly felt upset in his heart, and told Tuoba that he was actually an eunuch.

"Proof? How to prove it?" He Mulan shook her head with amusement. "Do you want me to take off my clothes here and prove that I am not fit?"



"Don't kid me!"

Several people unanimously stopped He Mulan's proposal and stared at Yuan Fang fiercely.

"You're irritating, but I'm not crazy yet!"

"What qualifications do you have to show you the general certificate!"

"No, that time you fainted in the field, it was Chen Jie who dragged you out of the spring water to wipe and change clothes ..." Na Luohun's face became dark.

"That kid already knew, and said nothing?"

He Mulan nodded.

"I'm a woman, but it's not really troublesome. As long as your Majesty is willing to use me, and I don't reveal my identity at will, there is no difference between being a man and a woman. For me, being a man is more comfortable than being a woman. The reason I was so anxious the other day was because I had more trouble ... "

Instead of worrying about her gender, He Mulan left a fact more unacceptable to everyone.

"In my current situation, it is likely to die at any time, so I don't have much time."


Gai Wu took a breath.

"Master, aren't you physically fit!"

I usually lift a stone lock for dozens of times without breathing!

There are three big bowls for eating!

"Don't you think it's weird that I have such strength? It's not like what ordinary people can achieve." He Mulan stood up, copied a bamboo tube, and easily squeezed it into dregs.

"I have had this strength since I was a child. As I grow older and stronger, it will reach the extreme when I am 35 years old, and then my veins will not be able to withstand this force, and finally my veins will break and my heartbeat will speed up. And die. "

He Mulan looked at the men who were swallowing.

"This is what Kou Dao told me."

"It's early thirty-five years old, and there are still more than ten years, we can think ..."

Luo Hun hesitated and spoke comfort.

"No, there's no time. I could have stayed until 35 years old, but unfortunately the prince of Juqu Mumu cast a spell to make my strength reach the extreme I can bear, and my muscles The pulse has not yet reached the strength of adapting to my strength, so I have an inexplicably high fever, and it is more and more frequent. "

He Mulan rubbed her eyebrows.

"Not only that, but I also became irritable, sensitive, irritable, and uncontrollable in murderous spirits. My mood is becoming more and more volatile, and even small things can easily make me want to kill."

"I probably can't last long, friends."

He Mulan's expression was neither sad nor joyful.

"If I'm really unfortunate and violent, please take care of my family for me, and inherit my legacy, and assist His Majesty."

"Just kidding, do your own thing!"

That Luohun changed from holding his arms against the pillars to holding his head straight up: "How can you be so calm as if it's not something you did? You asked us to help you, can we replace you? We have Your strength still has your intelligence? We can't even do your calmness, so can our Majesty see it? "

That Luo Hun waved his fist fiercely.

"You have concealed us for so long that you have concealed things that are dangerous to your life. Did you treat us as the same fire of life and death? What did General Wang say then?"

"Is it clothesless? With the same robe."

He Mulan pursed her lips.

That Luo Hun grabbed his head with a look of remorse.

"You also know that we are the same robes! I knew earlier ... I knew earlier that there might be a way! Now we are going to Beiliang, the mountains are high and the road is far, where shall we go to find a doctor!"

"His problem is not something that Lang Zhong can solve anymore. I think I have to rely on the power of ghosts and gods." Yuan Fang suddenly opened his mouth. "Don't you say that Ju Qumu has acted a spell? Find the prince and force him to break the spell!"

"It's useless."

He Mulan shook her head.

"I should have had trouble that time. The master Wu Wudi, who had performed the surgery for Juqu Mumu, was uneasy and went to the palace to save me, but he had no better way."

She had no way of telling her biggest secret.

She couldn't tell everyone that she was crossing and had died once.

In this life, even if she knew that there was a way to save her life, she was not prepared to do that.

"It was that time." Quite ancient thought of the coma in Meiyuan. "What about the Kou Daochang? When you are in Rouran, Kou Daochang even let you escape, should he have a better way?"

That Luo Hun also thought of Kou Qianzhi, nodding his head again and again, "Even Kou Yizhi can see your problem, how can Kou Tianshi not be able to solve it!"

"If it is the curse of Master Wu Wudi, then there must be a Buddhist monk who can solve it." Yuan Fang touched his chin. "This time we are going to Beiliang, there must be a lot of monks. There will be a monk from the Western Regions who can solve your troubles. "

"How about Master Mercy? If Master Mercy knows that you are a female, maybe there are ways other than yin and yang intermingling!" Gai Wu hugged hope and begged: "Master, whether you are male or female is the same to me. I said before that I would give you the end of the old age is sincere! But you have to live till I give you the end of the old age, Master! "

Everyone's eyes are begging. It seems that He Mulan herself has chosen a path of self-destruction. Although in fact He Mulan has already confessed her fate, but seeing them worry about herself like this instead of because of her woman's identity. He struggled for too long, and He Mulan was still moved by an inexplicable feeling.

"You guys, you must be very messy today, because my army was a deception from the beginning. But I don't want to choose such a way to deceive. My grandfather and mother always wanted me to retire home after an injury It ’s okay to break hands and feet, just like A Dan Zhiqi, but I do n’t. No matter what kind of humiliation and pain I endure, I still insist, why? ”

He Mulan said that she was speaking slowly, not only because she wanted to express a lot of things, but also because she was proud of herself.

"When Da Khan called us to go to Montenegro, I was called into the army. There was aggression, I resisted the aggression; there was a rebellion, I eliminated the rebellion; there were ills, and I worked hard to help the reform.

"In my life, I have helped the oppressed and I have killed too much."

"I was poor before, and I'm not rich now, but I have never done anything conscientious for money."

"I have a robe, a friend, a confidant, and an enemy. I am far superior to many enemies more than friends. I don't understand those intrigues, but I do my best to do what I can, and I do all the good things I can ... ... "

He Mulan's words put all people into a self-defeating situation. They even thought that in the presence of such a confidant, friend, and teacher, it was very nonsense to consider whether her gender was unreasonable. thing.

"But I'm so tired."

After a moment of silence, He Mulan reached out and covered her heart.

"It's too tiring to be a perfect person ..."

"Do not……"

"Master ..."

"I often wonder, why am I pushing myself to such a point? I am just a woman (I am not even Mulan). What does everything in this country have to do with me?" He Mulan looked into the sky, with eyes in his eyes Slowly shed a tear in his eyes.

She thought she would not cry.

She was so strong that Wan Jian would not cry anymore. Why would she cry like the coward she hated the most when she told her weakness?

But He Mulan still shed tears and continued to say so.

"Why can't I find a handsome and golden Lang Jun like other women, and marry myself, I have to endure the pain and pressure to support today, and always live after being exposed by my identity. What about fear? "

"You said that the kingdom is righteous. He said that the responsibility is so, but it is actually not ... no one naturally considers himself as such a 'perfect person.' It is my vanity that will push me so forward ..."

He Mulan held out a finger.

"Because of you."

"When I was in the army, I thought, if I leave, my fire will not know what will happen. Will I die from an inexplicable stray arrow? Will I wake up in the middle of the night and kill like a murderer? Di Yefeichang Is it so beautiful, will it be humiliated by others? That Luo Hun is too heavy to kill, will he kill too much on the battlefield? Some people are so poor in martial arts, can they really be protected by one or two people? ? "

He Mulan's tears were still flowing casually, and her voice was still hoarse.

"I'm immersed in my vanity, who can shelter everyone, and tell myself‘ you have to do the job of a fire commander ’while throwing those who are unarmed back into the field.”

"The same is true with Your Majesty. I think there are things that I can do, and only I dare to do, so my vanity drives me to do them. As King Jianfeng pointed out, I have never gone forward because he needs me."

He Mulan touched the rock.

"Some people find the word 'used' to be humiliating, but I don't think so. It proves to be a 'useful' person who can be used with confidence, much better than doing nothing. I'm not A smart person is not a thoughtful person who can find a trustworthy monarch and a group of friends who can entrust his back. There is no need to hesitate on how to choose. "

"So, when my grandfather and grandmother went to Beijing and asked me when I would return home, I couldn't tell them that I was going to die in office. I may not see the side where you fly Huang Tengda, but I hope you can help me complete me Incomplete things. "

He Mulan tilted her head.

"Whether it is my woman's identity exposed or I will be violent, this matter can only be entrusted to you, entrusted to Di Yefei, entrusted to several people, entrusted to Chen Jie, entrusted to Gai Wu."

He Mulan sighed.

"I have dedicated my life to others. Only this time, I want to be willful. If I really die, or if I cannot continue my career, please do your best, even for me, to make this country better. . "

Others didn't say anything, only Gai Wu.

He knelt down.

"A teacher for one day and a father for life. Although you are a woman, I will always remember your teachings."

He Mulan nodded.

"You are a very powerful person. You have been expelled, hunted, persecuted, persecuted, insulted, and even impoverished, but you still walked upright with my integrity, so I was willing to accept you as a disciple."

"The Lushuihu people have maintained their faithfulness for a long time, so you can survive forever, and I hope to do so in the future. I am not saying that the people of Lushuihu must be Wei ’s slaves, and no one wants As a slave, but at any time, please think about the results of the war, think of those families who were ruined and displaced. The Tiantai Army is a glory. It is the glory. "

Gai Wu nodded.

"I am a disciple of General Hu Wei, and I will not shame your reputation."

"Yuan Fang, the disaster of the Yuan family is *. I agree with you and your Majesty's strategy for rich nations. But I myself have no talent in this area. I only know one thing, that is, everything must be done in a hurry, and you shouldn't try to catch it. .The purpose of business is to make people live a prosperous life. You can't let some people be rich while others are destitute. This road is difficult. Your Majesty and you are very smart, and you will succeed. "

He Mulan talked to Yuan Fang as if she gave a last word.

"Think about who your property is for first." Yuan Fang wiped his eyes. "Even if you earn some money, it's only a small amount of money. It's not enough for a rich country and a strong people. It's better to leave it to your family."

"You gentleman, do you think?" He Mulan laughed and laughed. "You don't think I'm really a sage. Don't you want to donate all my belongings to the treasury? Do you know how hard Her Majesty spent the money? Will the reward go out? I won't return it to the treasury. If you can help my grandma and grandmother take care of my fortune, I am grateful. If I die, let my grandma and grandma share the money myself, I ca n’t I am owed when they support the elderly. "

He Mulan paused.

"My more than sixty army slaves, if I die, let them return to their free body, whether they join the army or join the Lu Shuihu's Tiantai army. Someone can always shelter them."

"You think so much, it's better to survive. You have ordered too many things, I'm afraid I can't remember." Yuan Fang raised endless sorrow.

Such a hero has even reached the point where it can't support it, so how many of them can really support it?

He is not ready to dedicate himself to this country. How should he promise him!

He Mulan knew that Yuan Fang would definitely follow Tuobayu, because he had no other way to go, and it was worthwhile for him to do so.

With Gaoche's ironmaking and coalmaking technologies, Yuan Fang can do more.

"Very ancient, I used to be your soldier, but now I'm wronged that you have been my guard for so long ..."

He Mulan smiled.

Rubbing his hands uneasily.

"Don't say that, I ... I shouldn't make a mistake at all. At least follow you and I have a reputation and can continue to have the status of a military household."

"What I said is still valid. I have stored a congratulatory gift in the cabinet in your room in General House. If you want to return to your hometown to marry a wife, those congratulatory gifts will be my thanks to you." He Mulan stared. Quite ancient with big eyes, "I will be all done, I know you are tired, go home."

"I ... I won't go." Gugu bit his teeth and stomped. "Lao Tzu will be a soldier for you, a soldier for a lifetime! Lao Tzu will not marry a daughter-in-law! Don't really die, I'm so sorry!"

"The eldest husband is very difficult to chase after a word ..." He Mulan answered quickly, "if I am not lucky, you must remember your words. But my wife still has to marry, otherwise there will be an eldest nephew for you! I have already That's miserable! "


"Long fire!"


Then a group of people remembered that He Mulan had more than 20 years of unmarried marriage, and no descendants. After death, I am afraid that there are no people who host the home festival. A hundred years later, a piece of loess is inevitable, and my heart is sore and my nose is sour The point of self.

He Mulan finally looked at Luo Luohun, showing some hesitation.

"I've been wondering if it was wrong to summon you from the Montenegro Army to the Tiger Army. Follow me, such a general who is likely to disarm the army at any time, might ruin your future ..."

When she was not in danger of life, she naturally had the confidence to send him to a high place and become a general who could stand on his own before returning to the field.

But now, maybe he will ruin his future.

"Huo Chang said this, I have hands and feet, and a martial art. You really think that my future depends on you ..." Na Luo smiled and shed tears. "Even if there is anything, Di Yefei is also a tiger." What about Sima? I ca n’t trust him. "

"The same is true." He Mulan smiled. "Di Yefei and you are very good. You support each other and may not be under the care of me. It is also my arrogance to say that I can take care of you."

"I don't mean that by fire ..."

That Luohun was anxious, and suddenly blurted out: "Are you going to tell Di Yefei nothing?"

He Mulan froze for a while, then shook her head.

"Before I left, he had already given him a future. Several people did not need me to interfere. His father and brother are very good, and the future is very promising ..."

"Who said this to you!" Na Luo was furious. "Are we the kind of **** who just wants to take care of you before dying? I'm asking if you have anything to tell him!"

He Mulan originally wanted to say that she had nothing to tell Di Yefei, but when she spoke to her, she thought of the sensitivity and stubbornness of those former Di Yefei in front of her, and those that always made people feel a bit offended Peaceful and careful ...

She is a dull person, but maybe dying is really smart.

So He Mulan blinked and said two words.

"If I really can't go back to Pingcheng, tell Di Yefei that he is not a broken sleeve."

"Say to some people that I saw Lu's Qiniang and told her I was dead, so she wouldn't be afraid."

‘This ... what the **** is this! ’

Na Luohun's heart was difficult to understand, and his eyes were all confused.

But out of trust in He Mulan, Luohun nodded.

"... Is that so? I see."

"Why do we know such a heavy thing, you might as well say ..." Gai Wu sat on his knees. "I have just entered your school to learn art, and I haven't even graduated ..."

"The day you see the Central Plains unification, even if you are a teacher." He Mulan walked over and touched his head.

"It won't be long."

Guy Wu bowed his head in silence.

"I don't know how long my situation can last, maybe a day, maybe a month, maybe a year ..."

He Mulan looked at the people in front of her deeply.

"From now on, please."

"... Can I say no?"

Yuan Fang choked his throat and gave a deep salute to He Mulan.

That Luo Hun and others all returned to Xi Mulan's gift to He Mulan and remained silent for a long time.

The depressed atmosphere until He Mulan frankly said that he was tired and wanted to rest, and all the talents left the camp in depression.

It was learned that He Mulan was a woman's panic, but now she has been weighed down by the fact that she was killed shortly, so that she even hates God.

If it hadn't been for the wrong eyes, how could it have been like this.

Probably because the atmosphere was too bad, quite ancient and others got out of the camp, and when they saw Chen Jie and Zheng Zong guarding on the other side far away, they looked stern.

"The boy of Chen Jie always knew that he was confused and confused!" Na Luohun grinded his teeth and said, "No wonder Tang Quan had to take me away for a long time ..."

"It's nothing ..." Yuan Fang said coolly, "Do you remember why Chen Jie targeted Zheng Zong everywhere?"

Gai Wuxian was stunned, and suddenly said nana suddenly: "It seems to be saying that Zheng Zong took Master's obscene clothes and pants and did something insignificant ..."

He already felt that his carving knife was eager to drink blood.

He must cut him into a stick!

Gai Wu's words successfully stagnate the sadness between them, quite the first fangs in ancient times.

"Hey, it makes Chen Jie's kid feel insignificant ..."

Quite ancient, I think of Chen Jie flying by himself. I think that he is insignificant enough to make him feel that insignificant things are more terrible. I can't help thinking about it, and the more he hates it, the more I think about it.

"No, Lao Tzu's heart is dying today, and he will explode if he doesn't vent! Lao Tzu goes to Zheng Zong!"

"That's right, I'm going to find Chen Jie ..."

That Luo Hun did not expect too much, still worrying about Chen Jie.

"Walk around ... Go together!"

Poor Chen Jie was ordered to guard Zheng Zong. By the way, he kept the big account to prevent relatives and other idlers from approaching, and he saw a dark cloud falling on his head. Then he looked up, and it was the Luohun who was flexing his muscles.

A few people in Gaiwu directly grasped Zheng Zong and left, leaving only the inexplicable Chen Jie.

"Are you out? The general told you ..."

Chen Jie was thrown to the ground with a strong force.

"What are you going to do? No fighting is allowed in the army!"

Chen Jie saw that Na Luo, who was the best martial artist among the crowd, shot out, and suddenly panicked back.

"Tang Quan, why did you kid me off!"

"I won't leave you alone, I keep you ... ah!"

Chen Jie stretched out his fingers.

"You knew already!"

The Luo Hun grinned, crunching his fist.

"Yes, I understand……"

"How do you want to lie?"


This day is a nightmare for Chen Jie and Zheng Zong.

Chen Jie was violently flattened by Luo Hun, then stripped his clothes and pants, and ran back to his camp account in the middle of the camp.

As for Zheng Zong, Gai Wu and others did not dare to overdo it, considering that he was still an official in the DPRK. However, Gai Wu smashed all of his obscene pants and clothes with a knife, leaving him to wear only official uniforms, and everything under the official uniform No.

The official clothes of the Xianbei people are pleated trousers. The legs are swollen, and there is nothing to wear alone. However, once the wind blows, the wide pants will immediately stick to what shape is exposed on the body.

When Zheng Zong was humiliated by Gai Wu and others before, he found that the words / words / children are extremely small, so the consequences of doing so are even more terrible than beating him. No man is willing to be compared or said about himself.

They were relieved, but Zheng Zong, who was humiliated without knowing anything, was so upset that he directly sued He Mulan and cried in her camp.

"I'm also a layman sent by His Majesty, and not a military slave family!" Zheng Zong snotted and cried, "The general's disciples did too much! He even said that he would cut me with a carving knife Signed! "

He yelled indignantly, screaming, "Just his technique! Who knows what to cut into a lottery!"

He Mulan was originally depressed, and when she heard Zheng Zong's complaint, she laughed a little.

"Are you worried about the wrong point?"

Zheng Zong knew that Gai Wu and others would vent him. It must be that He Mulan had said something bad before leaving them alone, so he came here to test it.

In his observations, all the people around He Mulan may not have taken care of him. Therefore, Zheng Zongkeen felt that He Mulan was in a very bad mood, and this badness had affected other people.

Fortunately, he complained while crying, and did a good job as a clown, but finally let her smile again.

As long as she is in a good mood, the disciples and subordinates around her will be in a good mood, and they will not toss him anymore.

Thinking of this, Zheng Zong worked harder to make her happy.

"Look, look, what have they done to me!"

Zheng Zong pointed at his shirt and walked casually.

The wide pleated trousers were close to him, immediately making He Mulan can't help.

"Oh! It's a prank, you're a translator!"

She smiled to conceal her defense against Zheng Zong.

Fearing that he would be blackened after being humiliated, she retaliated against Wu et al. (She has no doubt that he has this ability), He Mulan thought about it, went to his suitcase and took two sets of obscene pants, slowly Walked to Zheng Zong.

"They were scolded by me, so my heart was dull. I am the master of Gai Wu. If he does something bad, please take more care and don't mind."

After saying that, he handed in his shirt.

He Mulan had treated Zheng Zong before. Although it was not harsh, it was definitely not gentle. As for intimidating him with murderousness at first, he has increased his dignity three or four times. He has made Zheng Zong used to Mulan. A gentleman is not prestigious. "

As for He Mulan later said that she wanted to "go out and relax", but it was Zheng Zong who found that she also had apostasy, not like ordinary people, and gave birth to many other thoughts.

Now He Mulan is almost flattered by Zheng Zong and Yan Yueshuang, let alone give him his own clothes-no matter in which era, only very close talents will make a move.

And Mulan is showing his respect!

At this moment, Zheng Zong felt that he was worth the beat.

"General Hua heard Chen Jie saying such things, and he even gave me clothing ..." Zheng Zong hesitated before continuing to speak.

"Are the generals not afraid that I will take these to do bad things again?"


He Mulan gave a playful smile in his mouth.

"So, did you really do bad things with my clothes?"

Perhaps He Mulan with such an expression and expression was too evil, maybe He Mulan, who had shown a different face before, made Zheng Zong's heart mistakenly recognize this. Zheng Zong, who had always been in denial of what he had done, turned red , Nodded a little awkwardly.

"I ... I do have a problem, and I know it myself."

Zheng Zong lowered his head, his eyes glanced from his words.

"But I just love to think about it, I, I, I ... I didn't ..."

This time it was replaced by He Mulan.

She just asked Zheng Zong a little sarcastically, but did not expect him to admit it.

He Mulan didn't say a word. Zheng Zong looked up and saw that she was walking there. She actually came forward and took He Mulan's clothes. She gritted her teeth and asked, as if to be tried:

"Does the general look down on the sleeveless man?"


He Mulan paused, watching Zheng Zong's face turn from white to red, and then from red to white, and suddenly frowned.

"Are you broken sleeves?"

Then he was so unlucky. Although Helian Mingzhu was beautiful, she was a woman.


Zheng Zong's face was like gold paper.

"If the general wants to drive me away for this reason, I will not be angry. But I sincerely admire the general, so I am willing to tell you my secret ..."

"Oh no, you misunderstood, I have no prejudice against broken sleeves."

He Mulan nodded somewhat consciously.

Probably different from ordinary people's sexual orientation, Zheng Zong has been under repression. In this era where the Hu people are dominated, this nature is almost desperate. Instead of erupting in silence, metamorphosis in silence. Obviously Zheng Zong is That perverted example.

Not to mention that he was later shot directly.


Zheng Zong looked up with tears in his eyes, and saw He Mulan's face was normal, his eyes were still clear and upright, and he couldn't help laughing.

"General Flower really is different."

"But you better not like me."

He Mulan looked at Zheng Zong, and suddenly said such a word coldly.

Zheng Zong's mood was suppressed first, then later, his mind was almost like two people pulling, and his expression could not maintain the normal person's look at all.

He twisted his face and asked, "You ... you said without prejudice ... why ..."

He Mulan stared at Zheng Zong with madness and depression in her eyes, and uttered the most stubborn word in her life.

"I actually love men too."

Zheng Zong's distorted face froze.

He Mulan looked at Zheng Zong, who was about to go crazy, and she felt a revenge.

This person has made her seem to be like herself for so many days, struggling with reason and emotion several times, suffering in the face of humanity and morality, and finally let him taste this repeated taste.

She's dying anyway, why can't she lie to someone once?

He Mulan made a more rude decision.

"That kid must be suing the general!"

"Woohoo, you made me run half-camp with bare butt! I will sue the general!"

"It's over, the master must be more angry ..."

Several people hurriedly rushed to the outside of He Mulan's camp, asking for reference.

Poor soldiers who had just been on guard for a short time opened their tents to report, and everyone heard He Mulan in the tent making a loud noise and opened his mouth.

"... but I only love a good person."



Damn, which rabbit / master / general / huochang are in love with each other!

Read The Girl Who Reincarnated as a Vampire Heiress