MTL - Mulan Has No Elder Brother-Chapter 377 Beacon

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What is **** on earth, how could He Mulan not understand.

She has seen three lives and three.

The fear is not this world, but that all the people in this world have become numb.

He Mulan used to think that “martyrdom” was a very sad word, because the consequences of marital solitude alone would not know. Perhaps the entire world will be awake because of his "martial piety", but it is also possible that his "martial piety" will not even appear in a bubble.

However, He Mulan has now truly understood that the martyrdom of the "martyr" should be a very happy thing. When you find that you are inconsistent with the whole world, only "martial martyrdom" can truly bring relief. From "one", return to "one". You are pure until death. You, you are not shaken by the world.

As for the world after the death of the martyrs? That doesn't matter anymore. Because he has done everything he can as a "human".

This is a kind of extreme and tragic "completion".

Compared with Hua Mulan, He Mulan is so lucky and sad. Hua Mulan is the hero of this world. Her ideology and values ​​are fully in line with this world, so she will charge forward, but she will not think about the question "why am I fighting" or "is this world right?"

So she can calmly return to the field after doing everything she needs to do, because for Hua Mulan, her task is to "reserve his father for the army", she promised his father to go back after the battle, and she has done him Everything the father did in the army would be even better, and the rest of the country and reforms had nothing to do with her.

Hua Mulan's perfection lies in her benevolence, she saved the family and the country, and then she has the ending in her mind.

Perhaps countless "masters" in this world are the same people as Hua Mulan, so Tuoba Yu finally died of doubt and irritability. How can people in one world gain insights beyond this world? Is the person who transcended the most painful one?

If the most far-sighted one is an emperor, and everyone around the emperor is working together to maintain this "backwardness", what kind of ending will the emperor eventually ...

Tuoba's end is the best example.

He Mulan's luck is that she has acquired all the martial arts and combat experience of Hua Mulan. As a result, she has reduced a lot of frustrations and difficulties, which can greatly shorten the time required for Hua Mulan to succeed. The tragedy is that she cannot obtain Mulan The kind of satisfaction that she obtained, as a traversal, as long as she could see this kind of **** on earth, she could not be numb, and her pain would be over.

He Mulan didn't know if there were other people who passed through the predecessors, how could they completely sink themselves into the passing and passing, maybe there are many people who try to change the world, and eventually become "martyrs", maybe some become "Eve "For the sky", limiting his values ​​to one acre and three points in the backyard, but these do not apply to He Mulan.

She only has the vision to transcend this world, but has no ability to transcend this world; she has a starting point beyond many women in this world, but cannot find where it ends.

Her halo is too big and too wide, all the people around her can't open their eyes, and can only follow the light source of the follower, but neglect the countless dark openings beside the light, each of which leads to a different direction.

At this point, the Adanzhi Wizard who has retreated rapidly is the smartest person. He knows what he wants, what he comes out for, and where he should finally return.

Di Yefei, Na Luohun, Chen Jie, and Mangu were all shrouded in her light, and eventually lost the possibility of letting others see their light.

Even Tuobayu, because it was too smooth and smooth, he could not gain more experience, more ability, more assistance in the years of rolling and adjusting contradictions, but rushed to do it overnight, almost shaking the whole foundation of Wei .

Cui Hao is not wrong, she is wrong.

Who in this world has no selfishness? Even He Mulan was selfish.

Keep all the fire companions under her wings like old hens protect their cubs, why not her selfishness? Does she dare to say that all the promotion of fire partners is due to their own capabilities?

That Luohun, if not her, should now roll in Montenegro, and eventually won Kumoti's favor because of his ability, although it is many, many years later.

If some people did not because of her recommendation, they should now learn the experience of the Han people governing the country and marching in the military account, and start to create their own "Several Art of War." Military general.

Di Yefei will lead Gaocha people to gain their place through "conquest", victory in large and small battles, and eventually become the "general Zhenxi" who has changed color in the west.

Chen Jie, Mangu, Yuan Fang and Zheng Zong, these people took another path because of her reasons, but also lost their possibility forever because of her relationship.

Isn't this a more frightening selfishness?

It turned out she was the biggest obstacle ...

It turned out that she was a disaster for everyone ...


"Yi Yun, you are too dangerous."

The middle-aged man dressed in white and dressed as a businessman looked at the young monk in front of him, "Here people come and go, it will be easy to be found. Your backwash has not healed, and Mulan is a strong and tough mind ... ... "

"The stronger the light, the deeper the shadow, there is no perfect person in this world!" Yun Yun gritted her teeth to support the illusion, "The more fearless and invincible Hua Mulan is, the more fear she has in her mind, The bigger it will be, we need to know what he is most afraid of if we want to defeat him completely. "

Under the city gate, people in the doorway came and went, and some people passing by would take a curious look at the monk. When he found that he was squatting next to a sweaty young man, he showed an expression of admiration and admiration. .

"Do you need help?"

The gate officer finally couldn't help walking.

"Is this the monk's apprentice just now? This person has been asleep for a while, hasn't he fallen asleep, but passed out? Why not find Langzhong?"

The businessman slightly shielded the two people behind him, and responded with an apologetic smile: "This monk just got medical treatment. He just had an old problem, and it was just a while later."

"Old problem?"

The gate officer looked at He Mulan, who looked healthy on the ground, wondering.

"It's not a cool place under the gate, you better take him away ..."

The businessman was sweating behind his back, wondering how to respond to him.

A strong man like Hua Mulan, although they can use drugs and means to make him sleep, but the instinctual reaction of a warrior is that as long as he touches him, she will definitely wake up.

That's why he is here to keep others away, while Yun Yun is constantly using spells to get him into his worst nightmare.

"Let's just stay for a while ..." The merchant finally remembered what worked best and shoved a small piece of silver ingot into the gate officer's hand. "Now you are afraid of bad things, but let us stay here."

The city gate officer immediately took the money and his face was very good. He patted his shoulder with a smile, and left in three or two steps.

"Whew! At this time, I am especially grateful that Dawei officials have not made a mistake." The businessman looked at Yun Yun to himself.

"It's too dangerous, let's go. The monk will come back anytime ..."

"It's just a wild monk." Wu Yun closed her eyes. "You can't make a noise, I've seen ... what the **** is afraid ..."

"Afraid that you will affect the future of others? What is this!" Yun Yun thought that she would see things such as "defeated" and "broken", but did not expect it.

After a while, Yun Yun's cold sweat increased, and her body began to tremble.

"He wanted to change this world with his own power ... he wanted to fight the war, the people live and work in peace ... he wanted everyone to live happily ... he wanted the world to be harmonious ..."

"Is he the reincarnation of the Buddha?"

The businessman blurted out his eyes.

"This should be the wish of the Buddha!"

The two spoke in Sanskrit, so although there were many passing passengers down the door, no one could understand what they were saying.

Yun Yun's people followed He Mulan until He Mulan and Mercy left the barracks and immediately set up. When he saw He Mulan and Mercy separated, they began to arrange.

They saw He Mulan went to the bazaar, and then went down the gate. They arranged for a friend dressed as a Pueronglu merchant to rest under the gate with a fragrant incense and some drugs. They approached He Mulan a little. By her side, she pulled the smoke away to make her sleep.

He Mulan's slumber was just the beginning, and Yun Yun, who was already prepared, hoped to control He Mulan. However, after discovering that the other party's will was extremely firm, she could only collapse her by means of "dreaming".

They didn't think about kidnapping or killing He Mulan, but it was too risky. Not to mention the people coming and going at the gate of the city, they have all learned He Mulan's skills, and don't feel that he can kill He Mulan, but she may be caught by her.

If you can't control it, you can only try to use poison.

Yun Yun trembled for a while, and finally withdrew her "magic power" and did not dare to continue.

"Why don't you continue ..."

The man in white is dumbfounded.

"I can't continue, I and his wishes are the same." Yun Yun said as deadly as possible: "He hopes that the Hu and Han people are the same, that the civilians have the promotion channels, the nobles have their own honor, and he hopes that the war will not Will hurt innocent people, the king loves the people like a child ... "

"Our wish is the same, so once I destroy his beliefs, and I am with him in a dream, I also destroy myself. So I can't do the last step."

Yun Yun gave He Mulan a complex look.

"He ... he is not the same as those who are interested in smoking, maybe he can understand what we do and become a helpful assistant to help us? Isn't it that he and the wild monk are doing well? When he arrives in Beiliang ... "

"This is not something we can decide!"

The businessman shook his head.

"Go ahead, what your Master gave you ..."

After Yun Yun struggled for a while, she took out a long needle and quietly went to He Mulan's temple.

The tip of the needle faintly exposed the green cold light, making the whole body uncomfortable.

Perhaps it was because he had just come out of He Mulan's dream, so in a sense, he had resonated with He Mulan, so Yun Yun's hand could hardly hold the needle.

‘I ’m here to kill myself ...’

he thinks.

The tip is no more than an inch from the temple.

‘I ’m starting with myself ...’

"Well ..."

Suddenly, the reins had been tangled in He Mulan's hands, and the red horse, who had just fallen into a drowsiness, suddenly swung his neck hard, and lifted a hoof to open the cymbals just brought together.


Yun Yun was shot down on the ground, the poisonous needle dropped near her, and her face was bitter.

But if you look closely, there is a relief in the expression in that bitterness.

Smoke and smoke do not distinguish between people and horses, so the big red hits. Since the horse was standing and sleeping, outsiders couldn't see anything wrong with the horse, and just felt docile.

But now this "docile" horse is broken, not only kicking Yun Yun with one foot, but also dragging He Mulan's hand because of the reins, making her successfully wake up!

When the businessman saw that Red Horse suddenly launched a madness, even He Mulan woke up, and was suddenly shocked. But these people were used to posing in various disguise. The panic caused by this kind of incident was only a moment, so he stepped forward without raising any traces, while still pretending to be angry:

"What kind of horse is this and how is it raised! Why does it suddenly jump up and hurt someone!"

He Mulan just woke up, and she has n’t awoken from half asleep. After all, humans and horses are different. At this time, when you see the big red magpie flying, some people condemn themselves and reflexively apologize: Can't live, my horse is a war horse and I don't get close to people, so ... "

"Forget it! We also see that you are asleep and afraid that there is something wrong with you, just fine."

The businessman lifted up Yun Yun.

"Master, are you okay? Walk around, we are a little farther away from this lunatic ..."

He Mulan had just been immersed in her nightmares and struggles. At this time, everything seemed to be still in her dreams.

She didn't even know if she had met the compassionate master and whether she had held the child.

She squinted and looked at the sky. Although the rain was still floating in the sky, it was really different in the daytime, and it was completely different from the ringing of that house at night. But look at the people coming and going around, but I think they all know each other.

Is it just that I was dreaming or am I dreaming now?

He Mulan blinked confusedly.

The big red on the side was facing the unstoppable "puppet" of the businessman who was walking away from the monk, then stretched his head beside He Mulan's head and kept licking her face with his tongue.

The slippery, moist and hot touch of the horse's tongue made He Mulan sober, and she reached out and pushed her red head: "Don't make a noise, I came out without sugar. How can you hurt someone? I remember you have always been good ... "

She shook her head and immediately noticed that something was wrong.

But look up again, where is anyone else?

"Are you awake? Wake up and go! You have been sleeping here for a long time!"

The city gate officer saw He Mulan awoke, walked over and drank.

"Your companion said that you have an acute illness. I think I just want you to sleep a bit longer. Don't try too hard to get out of the way, not to mention that you still have such a good horse. If they were not watching you, your horse would be Someone took it ... "

"My companion?" He Mulan was increasingly suspicious. "Who told you they were my companions?"

She didn't even see their looks.

"The merchant said that you also got sick and needed the monk's treatment, so you will not be able to leave for a while ..." The gate official looked nervous.

"Isn't it? Then they look at the horse for you!"

He Mulan looked down at the traces of the reins in her hands. The big red reins are always longer than other horses. Because it is the only war horse that can be controlled without reins, the reins are more useful. It is the direction in which the dog's rope generally pulls it.

He Mulan's expression became heavy, and she began to search for the place where the two men had just appeared, and finally found a long needle.

He Mulan was too familiar with the needle. When she went to see Yuan Fang, the egret officials stuffed such a thing in her hair, and the needle's tip was generally poisoned.

She tore off a placket with a cold face, picked it up from the ground, wrapped it in a saddle by the saddle, and stood up straight again to look around.

"It turned out that you hurt me just to save me ..." He Mulan touched the red horse's neck and stuck it on her face. "You are really good, big red."

The scarlet expression gently rubbed his face, and issued a series of contented "snoring" sounds.

It is not public at any time.

When He Mulan lifted his head from the side of Da Hong, his eyes flashed with amazing coldness.

The fact that some people are always prepared to deal with themselves and change a variety of methods is really unpleasant.

Especially the nightmare just now, a good "relaxation" trip has become even more depressing.

Such a nightmare, of course, can't get out of his own heart by relying on He Mulan alone.

Fortunately, she has a shining beacon.

As a translator who strayed into this time and space, there are better characters in this era as her benchmark. If she has been confused and unable to struggle, then there is another delusion born to be destined to confront the entire world, which has gone a long way.

"When I said that I wanted to drive a car, I often just wanted to designate a suitable person. But everyone was always worried about my drive, so I would compromise the result of my compromise."

"I know that reform can't be so rushed. My best expectation is only the day after tomorrow, but I show an urgent hope that it will start today. They will delay me until tomorrow. Then I have won."

"Of course I know this is difficult, so I need to find someone to fight alongside. Hua Mulan, I don't care if you are a woman ..."

"Now if anyone tells me what the monarch of a country should be like, I will return to him, 'Be the monarch of a country and show it to me. Follow the way you said that the monarch of a country will definitely become a monarch, build a Show me the country. "

The arrogant forerunner had foreseen how much resistance he had, but never considered them painful, but just danced with them in his own way.

You come in, I retreat. You retreat, I will enter.

Elegant dance, full of wisdom and compromises, is also a way forward.

Most importantly, His Majesty once said:

"——You don't have to worry about that much, because they all listen to me."

As for Luo Luohun, Di Yefei, and many more, the pressures she was subjected to have been answered by her long ago.

"For ordinary people, we simply don't care what kind of people we will become, how we will die, and how we will kill the enemy. We just need to exhaust ourselves to catch up with those who you care for. "

"I just thought, at least once ... I can make Mulan rely on us once ..."

The gentle fireman said so.

"This is the dignity of ordinary people like us."


"Let everyone rely on me at least once ..."

He Mulan closed her eyes and couldn't help laughing like a lunatic.

"Ha ha ha ha! No matter how powerful I am, I am just an ordinary person. Why do I consider myself a savior for this!"

"Hey, what are you laughing at!"

The city gate official looked at He Mulan upright, like a lunatic.

"Hurry up! Don't stay here all the time!"

"How long have I slept?"

"You've gone out for a while to come back, and it's been almost half an hour."

He Mulan nodded, led the horse out of the city gate, and walked to the bazaar, only to see that the shed was kneeling and still selling Xia Guoshi, who was selling himself, before he was truly sure that he had actually been here.

She even saw the boss with the last name Lu chased out a few steps, and she could only shake her head at him and leave.

He Mulan searched for the long street that heard compassion according to her memory, but found that there was no such street at all and there were no street scenes.

As for the people in the end lane, it was more like the scene she imagined.

She made a bad plan when she returned to the gate after the market was idle, maybe even the nightmare was made by the monk.

昙 Wuyi intersects with compassion. As long as you find compassion, you may know something.

She said, why a person who is kind and humorous in nature likes to say "Hell on earth". Ai Ran was raised outside and soft inside, and he insisted on his own heart; he was accustomed to the situation he was raising, and there was no fear. These were the results of long-term ears.

If a monk thinks the world is a hell, why should he walk in **** and be happy? It must be full of hope for this world, thinking that it will become better, and then it will come out to "pursue all sentient beings."

"Do you see anything, Donor?"

A familiar voice came from He Mulan's front.

He Mulan laughed abruptly, and moved quickly for the familiar voice.

"I ... I saw a bowl."

The host who opened the door curiously looked up and answered uneasily.

"No, what you see is not a bowl, but your chance to become a Buddha."

Merciful faces are unpredictable.

"I ... I don't want to become a Buddha, I don't want to die ..."

The male host was frightened.

"This is a bowl, not a bowl. If you put something in it, you will hear the sound of" 咚 ", then the sound is not the sound, but your benevolence. Because you have done it, Prove that you have Buddhahood, and those who have Buddhahood can become Buddhas. "

Loving heart laughed with a kind face.

"I'm not begging, donor, I'm looking for 'Fate'. When you respond to your fate, you have become a Buddha. I'm giving you a chance to become a Buddha and respond to your fate."

"Ah ... oh ... this is the case ..."

The host nodded inexplicably.

"Wait a minute, I'll see if I have anything to eat."

After a while, the male owner poured a small bowl of chestnut rice into the bowl, and kindly said a Buddhist chant, standing outside the door and reading the sutra for the family.

When lovingly chanting the scriptures, both the family and He Mulan who stood smiling a few steps away and felt the peace.

"I'm not begging, but I'm giving you a chance to become a Buddha."

"In Buddhism, that is the Buddha; in Daomen, that is Laojun; in Confucianism, that is benevolence; in general, that is faith ..."

"If there is a Buddha nature, everyone can become a Buddha."

After kindly reading the scriptures, he said some blessings to the family, and asked again: "What time is it now? The poor monk has an appointment with others ..."

"It's timeless now, Master, you're half an hour late." He Mulan stepped to the side of kindness and laughed loudly.

"So I have to come to you."


He smiled and turned back.

"I don't know if the donor can take a good rest during this time?"

"Well, I took a break, but I almost lost my life."

He Mulan smiled and glanced at the bowl in his palm, rejoicing in the "Buddhism" in that bowl.

"It seems the donor has another adventure ..."

Mercy poured the chestnut rice from the bowl into the sack on the waist.

"Don't talk about this first, the master will give me my belongings, I have something to do ..."

He Mulan reached out his hand.

"What property?"

His eyes widened inexplicably.

"The donor is dreaming. I am a monk, how can I take the donor's things?"

"Master, you are not kind, you are obviously ..."

"Oh, the donor must have misremembered ..."

"Hey, hey, master, don't go! I'm penniless now!"

"Can the generals ask for fate, I don't really have anyway."

"Master, master I'm really hungry!"

"That's right, I have so many meters, and go to the side of the road for a bowl of porridge."

"Don't! Hey! Hey!"