MTL - Mulan Has No Elder Brother-Chapter 375 The state of the world

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He Mulan, who would never let Luo Hun worry, was squatting under the gate of the city gate and watching the pedestrians coming and going.

When they came out, there was a heavy rain, and now the rain gradually stopped. He Mulan and kindheartedly turned over the camp wall of the big camp and wore only sashes. At halfway, they had to first think about sheltering from the rain, then they entered the county town on the way.

As soon as Master Mercy entered the city, he disappeared. His name went to "Looking for opportunities" and agreed to meet He Mulan under the gate after an hour.

Just when he left, he had to leave all the gold and silver on He Mulan and valuable things that could be exchanged.

He Mulan didn't know what the Master of Mercy was doing, but she firmly believed that he was a good man, because she had seen his relic.

Buddhism believes that only high monks can burn relics after cremation, and Chiran and Airan are both Buddhist and intelligent characters, so their masters can only be better.

Based on this idea, He Mulan gave him everything he had, and obediently waited for him to come back under the door.

This county is called "Xiu'an" and belongs to a small city on the border of Wei and Xia. Therefore, it is still prosperous. Because of the prosperity, there are many people coming and going, such as He Mulan who has hands and feet. The tattered Erlang who was not wearing was particularly noticeable when he sat under the door.

More and more people were giving pointers, and even He Mulan couldn't stand it.

‘I ’ll see you after an hour anyway, I ’ll walk around next time, I ’ll wait until the hour ...’

He Mulan slowly stood up.

"Ah, moved!"

"I'll tell you he's okay, but fortunately you didn't take his horse ..."

"Who knows he's fine, I think he's motionless and thought he ..."

The messy whispers were accompanied by a few disappointed sighs, and the gatekeepers and the people at the fingertips were cleansed.

He Mulan put on her coat and bucket hat again, touched the red, and led it to Xiu'an County.

This red horse was really Gao Jun, and He Mulan wore a left beard wearing a Xianbei shirt, not like a civilian, many people gave way when they saw this man and a horse.

Ever since He Mulan became a "general", he has not visited the market properly. Compared to Tuobayu, who had visited Weibu privately once in a while, every time, He Mulan's experience and experience were pitiful to the surprise of others.

Due to the rain before, it became very depressed and cluttered in the busiest part of the market. She saw a group of people with straw on their heads, sitting on the ground with a numb face, under a shed set up.

In front of them, a group of men were talking, and they were surrounded by strong men, watching their eyes blinking, especially their bound hands and feet.

He Mulan didn't realize until a moment when she thought that this was probably "selling the tag". The seller and trafficker were talking about before, and the slave was kneeling.

The strong men around are naturally thugs.

Seeing He Mulan walking towards them, the middle-aged man who was talking under the shed smiled at her kindly:

"Would you like to see this friend? All of the soldiers in Xia * are strong and strong, and they are especially capable of fighting and suffering."

The trafficker went south and north, and his eyes were more favorable. However, after glancing at He Mulan, he knew that this was a character in the Xianbei Army, and his status was not low, otherwise he could not have such a good war horse.

In the Xianbei Army, all military achievements are spoken, even if they are generals. If the achievements of a certain battle do not have the National People's Congress below, the people below can also choose to take the best loot first. This is the root of the military household system.

Dahong is like a business card, which shows the bravery and status of his master.

He Mulan did not directly participate in the battle between Hu Xia and Wei. She only knew that the war lasted for two years. During the period, many Xia people and Xianbei died. As she later followed Kumoti to rescue thousands of miles, then It's almost over.

However, one year has passed since the war, and the soldiers in Xia * were being trafficked. He Mulan couldn't help but be surprised.

If it was a prisoner of war, it should have been redeemed or given to the heroes long before the victory was over.

"Xia Guo's soldiers? Are you kidding me?" He Mulan showed the expression of being deceived. "It's been over a year since this battle has ended. Haven't Xia Guo's soldiers and soldiers returned to Pingxia to go to farm all over the country?" "

The men who knelt on the ground with their tags on their heads couldn't understand Xianbei, or could understand but didn't want to ignore them. They still looked numb like a lamb and looked down at the ground.

"At first glance, you are a noble person who can't eat the fireworks on earth." The trafficker saw He Mulan didn't go and asked about the details. He shouted 'Business is here', and said an apologetic smile to her while saying: "You Wait a minute, I'll call you when my business is busy. "

Suddenly a leader of sophisticated businessmen.

The trafficker negotiated the price with several men in front, and one of the men held the two wires and gave it to the trafficker, pulling a promising slave out of the crowd.

In order to ensure that the slave's body was strong, all men were wrapped in cloth strips that could cover the lower body. At this time, they were pulled up and exposed the entire front.

He Mulan then realized that the men were kneeling down there not because of frustration and numbness, but because they could only see the back as long as they bowed, whether it was the head, face, front or lower limbs, just a fuzzy shadow.

No one would be willing to be exposed naked like this in the public court, and so would those who want to sell themselves.

He Mulan watched the man exchange a pair of silks for a very strong man. The man's body was very similar to that of ancient times, and his age was not very young, but he was in his mid-twenties.

Such a physique and age, coupled with scars that look like medals, are a good man even in the Tiger Army, but here, they can only press the instrument numbly, and then they are taken to the government office to make a "deed". Since then, it has been branded as a "slave."

This is not the literal meaning, but the real "branding". Xianbei and Huns still have a deep tribal system left behind. For strong male slaves, they usually use a soldering iron to burn their own traces. Therefore, even if many slaves have rid themselves of their slave status, they will have to live with this shameful mark all their lives. Unless they can no longer survive, Haolang will not choose to sell as a slave.

The trafficker sent away a "customer", instructed a "customer" who kept asking about the situation, and then received He Mulan in person.

"I've kept you waiting. What are you going to do to buy someone? Fight? Home care? Farming?"

He said as he introduced his "source of goods". "These are the warriors of Xia Guo. I suggest that you buy them to go to a home care home or to be a private soldier. Talents like this who go to farm are violent creatures. They want to farm There are many cheap goods to choose from. Just give them weapons and armor to go into battle. Of course, the price is a bit expensive, but expensive has its advantages. "

"How did they become slaves?"

He Mulan raised her eyes.

"You can rest assured that you are the source of the goods. I have been reported by the government. They are not puppets who ransack the population. These were originally Hu Xia soldiers. It is natural to worry about the grain in the army. You can also get rich if you fight. Yes, but many people haven't died yet and ran home. "

He pointed behind him.

"But the people who cultivated the land in Hu Xia were moved to Wei by the government. These guys returned home, and the family was gone. The land in the house was taken over by the state and our country could not live. The suzerain is very strict, and the locals are unwilling to accept these soldiers. They can only sell themselves. "

"It's a pity, all guys ..."

He Mulan showed a regretful expression.

"Who said no! But warfare in China has always been a matter of the military, and they can only fight. People who can only fight will not survive if they do not win. They are okay, at least some of them are capable of selling themselves. If I can live, I will suffer those who have broken their hands ... "

The trafficker deliberately said pitifully, "We are also doing good deeds. Otherwise, we may help them find a good home. Maybe they will live a long life. It may not be a robber if time goes by."

"If a person who can only fight does not win, is he generally unable to survive ..."

He Mulan silently looked at Xia Guoshi, who was kneeling there.

So, one year after the end of the war, they found that they couldn't live a normal life, so they wanted to sell themselves to be a nursing home member?

Those who have won also have gifts and rewards, and loot. What about the losers? This is a living example.

Weak meat and strong food, this is heaven.

"Which one do you fancy?"

The trafficker grinned and showed her yellow teeth.

"It's cheaper to buy more."

"I went out in a hurry and didn't bring any money."

He Mulan sighed and was about to turn away.

"I can send someone to your house! Mortgage can also be used! You can take this horse as a mortgage and exchange it for you when you get the money! Don't leave! Look again!"

The trafficker saw He Mulan go further and further, like who was chasing him, and hurried forward to chase after him. Who expected that He Mulan had a wind at his feet, all of a sudden disappeared.

"If you want to buy, feel free to contact me! My surname is Lu, and I will be a human in this market!"

The trafficker roared, and then turned around and stomped.

Several kneeling men looked up to see him, and saw the bitter smile of the surnamed Lu, shook his head and said in Mandarin: "It looks like a kind, but also from the army, should not spoil your skills .It does n’t seem to be scarce even if I do n’t bring money. Sorry, I have tried my best. ”

Before these men sold their names, Lu paid for them first, and if they could n’t sell them, they would throw them in their own hands. Nowadays, there are so many refugees, and people have not yet made money from cattle that cultivate the land. This kind of pay-and-sell business will lose money if it is not careful. Lu "boss" are willing to pay for their families first. Already a great kindness.

But population trading is a business of blood and tears. Sometimes there are so many perfection. After a while, several slaves have been picked, but it does not look like they will treat the slaves kindly.

As long as there is a customer, you can't push, no matter how sympathetic Lu Ya can only leave a sigh.


The next time, He Mulan walked around the bazaar, and found that even in a small and prosperous county, the number of elderly people and children was still very small.

Pingcheng may take a turn to meet a child who hits you, but at this Weixia junction, it seems like there are some strange powers that have screened out many people, leaving only adult men and women.

The market sells cattle and sheep, dairy products, home-made eggs, cotton cloths and the like. The types of goods are tedious and the prices are messy.

The rain seemed to let He Mulan see the state of society under the "natural disaster" in advance, even if it was just a "rain" rather than a real natural disaster, but the meaning contained in it was enough to make her shudder.

Because it rains, there are very few dry places on the ground, and people buying and selling things must find a "suitable" place, otherwise the goods and people will get dirty and wet.

He Mulan saw the frail people being squeezed away by the strong people, and the whole body was muddy selling goods in the most inconspicuous place of the market. People who are physically strong are proud, and don't think that what they are doing is wrong until they are treated so much stronger.

There is also a "strong" atmosphere among the common people. Strong people run rampant and enjoy all the good resources, while those who are weak can only be bullied and bear humiliation.

The state of the whole society is disgusting, not to mention the official difference that comes from time to time with sticks.

"Cangjie knows the etiquette truthfully, and knows the honor and disgrace by clothing and food."

However, if Cangjie is true, must he "know etiquette"? Is it necessary to "know glory and shame"?

At least she saw many well-dressed people going to slap / slap those ragged clothes, and never tire of it.

Her Mulan values ​​prevented her from being bullied again and again, but after being treated as a neurosis over and over again, she almost fled and ran back to the door, silently waiting for the Master of Mercy to find it here.

Too many times, to the point where she was scared, and that was just what happened in just one hour.

An hour had passed since He Mulan returned to the doorway, but Master Mercy was still missing.

One hour passed, another hour passed, and Master Mercy never returned.

If it wasn't for He Mulan's strong belief in his character, I'm afraid he would have fled with the money.

Until the evening, it was getting dark, and the city gates had begun to be closed and locked. He Mulan still did not wait for the Master of Mercy, which made He Mulan really sit still.

If something had not happened to Master Mercy, then something must have happened.

"Excuse me, do you see a monk that is so tall, with a beard under his jaw, wearing a robe and a bucket hat?" He Mulan left the doorway and began to ask passersby along the road.


"Why should I tell you?"

"Find a monk and go to the temple!"

"It seems to have been seen at noon, and came to the front ..."

He Mulan asked one person after another, and finally asked one who knew.

"Where is the fate?"

"On the horizontal street in front ... but it's going to be dark soon. Would you be better to find it tomorrow?" The talking young man gave her a curious look.

"Do you need a hotel? I know a good hotel, and I'll take you there?"

He Mulan touched the empty waist pouch and shook his head.

"I want to find the master first. Thank you."

The young man left in disappointment, leaving the street that showed her compassion.

Monks and priests of this era usually have a variety of occupations. In addition to monks and Taoists who are their own duties, they are also psychologists, barefoot doctors, translators ...

And begging.

Most monks with temples don't often go out to Huayuan, but for the Master of Mercy, Huayuan seems to have become a part of life. According to his words, every time he goes out to change his fate, he becomes something, which makes him more hopeful and respectful to the world.

When the "relationship" does not reach the "relationship", the world is not far from being finished.

Although He Mulan thinks this statement is nonsense, but it seems to make some sense to think about it.

This is probably the reason why religion is enduring, because many truths have been spoken by these "superior people" in another way, and indeed have given people in this world who have not experienced the devastation of spiritual chicken soup a lot of understanding and inspiration.

There are probably not a lot of monks here, so He Mulan just asked three or four people who were taking things home and knew what she wanted.

Master Mercy was invited by a man in the back alley to save the child.

"Save the child?" He Mulan stunned. "Are you sick?"

Speaking of this, the people who knew the original could not help sighing: "It's not sick, it's poor. Hey, the monk is also kind, I don't know what's going on now ..."

He Mulan asked for a while, knowing the situation of the family, finally relieved.

It turned out that there was a newly moved family in the end of the street. The husband lived in the market selling straw shoes, straw baskets and the like. The woman's health was probably not good and she didn't do any work. Recently, she added another one small.

Probably the woman's body is not very good, and she eats very little. Since the child was born, she has no milk. She lives on porridge and soup, and gradually the adults and children are not healthy, and the children are three days old. I am sick at both ends, I'm afraid I can't live long.

Women are already sick, and the sickness is even worse. The children are not good. The man in this family is unable to do business and can only go home to wait for his wife and children.

Seeing that the rain was a little lighter this afternoon, the man went to the market to sell shoes. As a result, when he met the compassionate master at Huayuan, it was estimated that he asked the compassionate master and knew that he would have some medical skills, so he was invited to go home for treatment. Already.

"... have been cured for so long?"

He Mulan thanked the man suspiciously and started the task of "Finding the Master of Mercy".

Alleys like this small county without urban planning are also messy. When He Mulan found the alley at the "end of the street", the sky was completely dark.

This "curfew" in this small county is no different from no curfew, because when it gets dark, there is really no one everywhere, and you ca n’t see your five fingers, it ’s not that the locals do n’t know where to go, and can be reached without any need to be on duty. No one on the road.

He Mulan had not eaten for almost a day, she was groaning hungry in her stomach, and had no money to stay. She waited to find a Master of Mercy to converge, and when she arrived at the door, she couldn't wait to clap the door.

The so-called "house" is just a broken hut. After He Mulan shot the door, he even felt that the whole house was shaking.

"Master Mercy? Master Mercy? Are you there? Is anyone in the family?"

He Mulan patted the door, but did not hear a trace of movement, and her heart gradually grew uneasy.

It's too quiet.

Wherever there is a patient, there is such a quiet place.

He Mulan knocked on the door reluctantly, and his neighbors seemed to be shocked. But when he saw He Mulan with his head raised, it looked like he was not easy to mess with, and he retracted his head.

He Mulan filmed for a while, there was no movement behind the door, until she was gradually impatient, and suddenly a few weeping noises came from the room.

The cry was so small, like a **** humming.

He Mulan suddenly flashed in front of Wei Guo's condemnation of the infant who was suffocated by her family, and her heart was shocked. She couldn't care whether she would be treated as a robber who broke into the door and immediately stretched her legs!


This broken door was not able to be kicked open by a man like He Mulan, let alone He Mulan, and the whole door fell down at the moment.

He Mulan got into the medicine-filled room and stared at it, suddenly panic!

The hut was piled with hay and scattered straw products, and in a slightly empty corner lay a woman with vegetables in her arms, holding a baby in her arms.

The woman was also strange. When she saw He Mulan rushing in, she groaned and fainted, her face was full of fear and fear.

But He Mulan couldn't care what was wrong with the woman at this time, because Master Mercy was **** lying on the floor with her back on her back, her eyes closed, apparently she knew nothing about her.

Seeing this, He Mulan rushed to the Master of Mercy and dared not move him casually, only to check whether there was a wound on his body.

He Mulan was even more worried because Master Mercy's clothes were so messy that even the bowl of Huayuan was not around.

With a slight force in her hand, she broke all the straw ropes tied to him, and took off the ropes that tied him three or two times before she began to check carefully.

After some inspections, He Mulan touched a big bag behind Master Mercy's head. According to her experience, it should be the result of being hit by a heavy object in the back of the brain. At present, it was no effort to press the chest and press the chest It succeeded in waking the Master of Mercy.

"Master? Master?"

He Mulan shouted compassion.

"……who are you?"

"What! Master you don't know me anymore!"

He Mulan took a breath.

Do you want to be so bloody? She is not the world of Korean dramas!

"Oh, it's the donor, all my eyes are golden, I can't see your face." Mercy leaned on He Mulan's body, trying to open his eyes.

"That child ... how is that child?"

He Mulan supported him against the wall and quickly walked to the woman.

The woman had all hands and feet, neither injured nor tied, but curled up on the mattress. The whole mattress gave out a terrible smell, and the child and the woman were lying on it.

The baby was wrapped in a crotch and could not see whether it was awake or asleep, with its eyes half open and half closed. He Mulan pushed the woman a few times, and the latter didn't move. She couldn't, but took the child out of the woman's arms.

As soon as he started, He Mulan felt that the child was too light, so light that it almost didn't exist.

As the room was dim, she could only see the baby's protruding jawbone, and the nose smelled a foul odor, which made her snoring.

"What the **** happened?"

He Mulan held the baby beside Master Mercy, and looked anxiously at the child who was wrapped in a cricket.

"Are you robbed?"

Lovingly moved his limbs against the wall, he was tied for too long, his blood was not smooth, especially the people who tied him were obviously tied up, so the hands and feet were dislocated.

He was well versed in medicine himself, and naturally knew that this state was very dangerous. He had pushed his hands and feet to promote blood circulation, especially his legs, and now he could not stand up at all.

After hearing He Mulan's words, compassion stopped the movement in his hand and touched the land at hand.

Of course, he didn't touch anything except a few pairs of broken straw shoes.

"A heart is like a robber."

Compassion read a Buddha's name.

"I was stunned by the male owner of this house."


Rao is no matter how calm He Mulan is, he did not expect such a result!

"It's a long story, and it's important to save people first." Merciful took the child from He Mulan with his right hand that had recovered his strength, and slowly opened his puppet.

The dirt was dirty, and the diarrhea of ​​the sick child was very fatal. He Mulan was not very good-looking at the time. He couldn't find a clean shirt when he went through the room. He just tore his own coat off and tore a few Large, wipe the child first and replace.

"I'll go to the newspaper officer ..."

He Mulan frowned, watching Master Mercy busy, and ran to the woman's bed, ready to hold her next to Master Mercy ...

"Which one is dead, dare to break into the houses on the grounds of Xiu'an County, kill more people!"

After a noise of footsteps, the whole hut was fenced around, and then the fire broke out. In the dazzling torch, the so-called "earhead snake" appeared.

It was just a few clerks wearing soap-sockets.

According to He Mulan's experience, there is no good thing to see these people.

Sure enough, the man looked at He Mulan, who was standing in front of the woman's bed, and then looked at her torn shirt.

"It seems that in addition to trespassing into the house, killing and overdoing the goods, it also requires multiple intentions to **** / silver / women ..."

"What? What are you talking about!"

He Mulan straightened up, not arrogant.

"Don't you have eyes and brains? Do you insult others to tear your own clothes?"

Master Mercy was a little helpless about holding the baby, because he didn't see anything to eat, even without water.

The child is already suffering from dehydration.

"Don't you dare scold me for having no brains? I have been here for so many years and changed several masters. No one has been so arrogant after committing the Great Wei Law!"

The commander, headed, ordered He Mulan and the compassion sitting on the ground.

"Catch me this guy and that demon monk!"

He glanced at the corner of the room again.

"Go and see if that woman is dead!"