MTL - Mulan Has No Elder Brother-Chapter 362 Thinking crazy

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He Mulan turned around and found Tuobaxi again, so Tuobaxi and Su Hejun, who knew the inside story, laughed a half to death. The Xianbei marriage was originally free, but now it is influenced by the Wei and Jin atmosphere. In addition to the five surnames and women who are still Jingui, many Xianbei and Han people marry their daughters more because of their talent.

It was the daughter's own family, and she also looked at the hero.

In this age of turmoil for hundreds of years, a man's gene is not strong enough to determine whether the family can continue. The tragedy of many women as widows determines that everyone wants to marry the strongest who can live to the last. Mulan happened to be in their sight when he needed a big wedding.

From this point, He Mulan complained that Tuoba had harmed her to be almost homeless, because if Tuoba did not choose a concubine, everyone would not be so anxious.

If there are too many people paying attention to He Mulan, she will definitely probe her preferences and origins, and it is easy to expose her identity. If you think about it, Tuoba Yu also feels a headache. He promised to help He Mulan find a way, and then Just sent her back.

However, after a few days, the dense crowd in front of the General's Mansion was indeed less than half.

The first reason is that Tuoba has ordered an early draft. Now it is the beginning of April. The palace has issued a decree. Once the cold food festival spring festival on the fourth and fourth of April is over, all parties will send their daughters to run. During this period, all marriages that are suitable for mating families will be suspended.

It is for this reason that many people dare not take such a big taboo to hit the emperor's face. In addition, "election" is a big thing. Tuoba has n’t had a new concubine in the palace for many years, so he must be prepared and never bother. Things to visit the flower family.

The second reason is that the news that came out of the palace seemed to mean that Tuobayu meant to Princess Hua Mulan Shang. Several of Tuoba's sisters in the palace have reached the age of marriage. Nowadays, except for Song Guo and Bei Liang, there are no princes in any country that are suitable for marriage. They can only be digested internally.

The Xianbei women have a high status, so even if she is a princess, the horse can still be an official, leader, and political affiliate. Even the princess can get the horse's property and return to the clan. In any case, it is not a loss.

This caused the princesses of the Northern Wei Dynasty to be very precious, the princesses were hard to find, and it was rare for the couple to marry home. Wei Guo's princess is not spoiled. At least all of Tuoba ’s sisters have to weave, brew, and learn to cook in the palace. From the princess to the palace, Tuoba ’s harem does not support idle people.

At this moment, He Mulan changed from the status of "East Bed Express" to "Competitor". Who does n’t want to give a princess to their children? As long as you marry a princess, even a child without a family member will not be taken away for losing the inheritance. Just find another nephew in the family to be a princess's sister-in-law.

This is how Wang Jin became the king of Huainan.

He Mulan naturally did not know that there was news from the palace that she wanted to be Princess Yunyun, only to think that Tuoba's premature election day was in order to block his sword. In addition to gratitude, there was only gratitude.

As for the people who often come to Huangyou, either their daughters are not enough to run for election, or they are not well informed and do not know about Princess Shang, and such people are usually not prominent enough, and He Mulan alone is enough to cope. Already.

Once the General's Mansion was idle, it turned out that Yuan's was a bit uncomfortable.

When she was in the village, she still had to go down to the ground, feed pigs, grow vegetables, and mended. When she arrived here, Rouran did everything, but lined her up as an old lady.

Recently, she has been wondering if she is going to set aside the wasteland behind to grow vegetables.

Probably because of the shame of Yuan's heart towards her daughter, this time she has been warming up to He Mulan. She cooks at three meals a day, and she also starts sewing her coat and shoes.

Although He Mulan has repeatedly stated that her clothes are enough to wear clothing, but because He Mulan's shoes are difficult to buy, Yuan's does not allow He Mulan to wear close-fitting clothes that may be worn in the clothing store, these are still Still fell on her.

Flower Father was still taciturn when he was in the countryside, but he can see that he is very happy that countless soldiers come and go in General's House every day. He is a former soldier, and he is more willing to deal with those who have been soldiers. Every day when he has nothing to do, he goes to the weapon room to remove all the weapons from Huafu and wipe them for maintenance.

This is a very big project. The weapons that He Mulan received were either friends' gifts or the above rewards. There are many people who can't remember it, but the father of flowers is like they will be treated in the same way. If the tiger army of General Shao Lai won the treasure, he would ask He Mulan a lot.

Hua Mu care is really small, but this child is very careful. He Mulan feels very guilty about this-she has not noticed that Hua Mutuo likes reading very much.

He Mulan's feelings are very complicated for this family's young and thin, and his personality is not very outgoing. She still remembers that Hua Mutuo had always wanted to have more children in order to give her a retirement care.

After discussing with the father and mother, He Mulan decided to ask Su Hejun to recommend a reliable gentleman in his spare time and send the flower tray to school.

He was afraid of the dead and the battlefield, but this did not prevent him from learning knowledge and pursuing ideals. He is only a teenager now, and his life is still a long way away. Who knows where he will be in the future?

Until then, let him know what he wants.

Since April 4th is a spring festival, you must go to Beijing to worship the temple altars in the southeast and northwest, and there are 24 military halls surrounding Pingcheng. He Mulan, as a tiger-military general guarding the emperor, sacrificed a whole ceremony following Tuoba. On the third day, when I got back, I peeled off all the skin on my tired shoulders.

In order to maintain the majesty of the emperor's ceremonies, she wore three night light armors. This heavy body armor was naturally not a burden for He Mulan, but her spring shirt was thin, and she was walking immediately for three days. , Full nails are stuffy and easy to rub the skin, especially the beastly swallow with shoulders as decoration.

Not only He Mulan, Di Yefei, Na Luohun, and other generals who need to wear full armor are uncomfortable. These days, on the contrary, the general soldiers are more relaxed, and the leather armor is at least soft enough.

On this day, the palace finally began to be busy with the general election. He Mulan finally had time to take a break. He took a vacation and stayed at home. He let Yuan's medicine on his shoulder. A nobleman met and looked very honorably at the guard of honor and asked if he would open the door to greet him.

The yamen is the middle gate, also called the yimen. It is not a noble guest or connection purpose. Generally it does not open randomly.

He Mulan was shocked when she heard this, and quickly put on her clothes and went out to see the placard.

"Oh Mulan, you have to wear your clothes! Wear them tightly, don't let the wind go!" Yuan Shi saw her daughter casually sweeping her sleeves, and hurried to chase behind.

In the spring, there were many abscesses in the wound, so Yuan's heart saw her daughter suffer, and she was extremely worried.

He Mulan took the post without any care, and her face suddenly changed.

"Why is he here!"

Yuan Shi also literate, looked up, saw Yunyun writing "Pingyuangong / Helianding", and frowned immediately: "Helianding? How is this name so familiar? Helian, Helian? Isn't it? Where is the king's last name? "

Where does He Mulan dare to honour here? This “joker”, but even Tuoba Ba, must treat each other with courtesy, and who and where to go will be welcomed by the whole family!

While the Yuan family was still muttering, He Mulan had loudly ordered all the servants to prepare for the welcome, not only opening the middle door, but also sweeping along the way. The name of the general ’s mansion, He Mulan, is called “Fu”. In fact, the furnishings are very simple. Most of the furnishings were helped by the young people who came here at the time. Helen was here. They are not considered modesty.

Yuan Shi watched her daughter get dressed at an amazing speed, and quickly took off the sturdy coat from the hanger and put it on. She had to help her fasten her belt and put on shoes, and said, " Is it a great person? Hey, I do n’t know what you said, anyway, every time I come, I do n’t know, I do n’t drag your back, and I ’m content to help you with housework ... ”

She smoothed her daughter's chest and looked at Yingwu who could not speak, and couldn't help but sigh: "Amazingly younger than a few decades old, I can't help but convince you. But the most uncomfortable in the world The beauty is grace. You ca n’t be interested in others. You must pay attention to your behavior. Do n’t cause any trouble. The original girl of Lu Er's family in Huaishuo Sifang was rejected by the neighbor Lang Jun. Hanging ... "

He Mulan's hand with her hair suddenly froze, and she turned her head in disbelief: "No? Many of these girls haven't even seen me before, how can they die or live!"

After a pause, He Mulan realized what Yuan was talking about and said with a smile: "This noble man who visits may not come to ask for love. His son called me Uncle Hua ..."

Yuan smiled out a smile: "It's not good. Girl Huaichun, don't think too much, it doesn't mean that others don't think too much ... oops, I hope you are also pregnant, it's better than me to worry about all day and night. What about your child It ’s just to return to the field! ”

After talking about this topic, He Mulan didn't dare to talk about it anymore, and quickly used "I want to see the guest" to perfuse the past and strode to the front door.

Yuan Shi never delayed her daughter's business until she disappeared. Then she sighed for a long time.

"So rich and rich, how can I look so trembling and scared. Where is the life of the noble lady so well ..."

"Magnolia, Magnolia, rich, rich ... we originally gave the child the wrong name. We should only ask for peace."


He Mulan ushered out of General Huwei's Mansion, Changpingfang had already ran out of a bunch of dignitaries who were watching the lively.

Helien lived in Her Majesty's West Palace, and rarely went out of the house on weekdays. Even when he was out, he was accompanied by internal officials. This time, he visited the Mulan in a big way, which is naturally the top news of Pingcheng.

He Mulan knew that Helian's patience was not very good. When he received the news, he came out and greeted him. Even so, because the general's mansion changed by Laohoufu was too large, even if He Mulan did not delay at all, It was half an hour before Helianding, who was hustle and bustle of men, greeted the lobby.

It seems that He Lianding has never seen such a general's mansion with "foreign strength and strong leadership", and laughed at the entrance.

"General Hua, I have never seen anyone in this family planting flowers in such a messy way. I think your gatekeepers only have a little bit of humble language, Hun language, and Han language. I really want to come A Han official, is it possible to stand still at the door? "

He is a true emperor, and He Mulan is a child of the military family. He did not feel offended when he heard the words, but just smiled freely:

"It really made Pingyuan laugh. Those flowers were not planted by me. When I opened the house, the families came to congratulate me. You send a little, he sends a little, and you plant it all in the soil. As for what kind of flower, I do n’t know exactly how to cultivate. As for the servants in my house, all of them were slaves of the death camp that I rescued during the battle in Rouran. The days that followed me were short, and Xianbei did not speak well. You are loyal. "

He Mulan led Helianding through the more depressed flower gate and directly introduced him to the front hall. There are fewer decorations in the front hall. There are only a few silk paintings on the wall. All of them are treasures. They are all famous Chinese masters. He Lianding's Sinology was also very profound. When he saw a few rare silk paintings, he immediately moved around and appreciated for a while, then nodded.

"Although the front hall is simple, these few words and paintings are worth many treasures."

"Well? Are these calligraphy and paintings good?" He Mulan said for a moment. "When I opened the house, it was sent by King Chuanchuan. He said he had no preference for Chinese calligraphy and paintings, and simply sent me to hide on the wall. In fact, I am not too Understood, just hung up. "

He Lianding laughed and pointed at a word, saying, "Bone is airy, refreshing and powerful. This is Cai Yan's flying white! Even if it is not true, with such writing power, it must be a copy of everyone in Han Dynasty. Works, you hang in this corner, you probably really do not know. "

He Mulan blushed.

"Thank you for pointing out, otherwise I will ..."

Of course Cai Ye knows it, but this word has no signature, only a seal, and it is not Cai Ye or Cai Ye's character. She does not love calligraphy and painting, who will study this.

He Lianding swept through a few calligraphy and paintings, and pointed out which ones are everyone's works, where they should be hung, and which ones are only treasures, which can be slightly embellished.

He Mulan just realized at this time, why many people who came to visit a few days ago were lingering, and some friends who knew each other stood for a long time in front of these paintings but did not dare to speak ...

It turned out that these calligraphy and paintings had extraordinary origins, but none dared to tell her, because she had to take care of her face and worry about her embarrassment after she became ugly.

But her reputation of "not learning and having no skills" has probably spread.

Fortunately, she was originally a "wufu" reputation, and she didn't care about the reputation, otherwise she would be annoyed and dying.

Helien saw He Mulan just a little embarrassed but had no other emotions, and admired her mind.

He had some contradictions with her because of the fainting of He Mulan Hot Spring. In addition, Xingcheng was rescued by her apprentice at the time. He owed them money, and his attitude was a bit unnatural. At that time, the contradictions were pointed to Mai Mang She even said she was "unknown".

But after returning to Beijing Central after a acquaintance, she saw her life and behavior, especially the various arrangements for the people who died and the people in distress, making him feel that this young man is rare and not arrogant, humble or humble. Promising people.

A few days ago, Tuobayu affirmed the "Strategy for a Rich Country", and then he will definitely move forward. At this time, the future of such a general is brighter and brighter.

Helianding is a hero who loves heroes and loves heroes, so he only got interested today and greeted Tuobayu to come and visit He Mulan.

I came to visit her not for anything else, but ...

Helien saw He Mulan kneeling down there. Although he was not handsome, he had a unique temperament of Zhilan Yushu and outstanding appearance. His previous intention was even more affirmative. He gave a high-five gesture to the guard behind him.

The guard pleaded guilty and went out, in the inexplicable eyes of He Mulan, ordered a group of soldiers to carry in a few boxes.

Helien stood up, stepped in front of the box, and opened them one by one.

I saw in these boxes all the gold, silver and jade articles, treasures of ancient books, and sharp swords. Although He Mulan didn't know the goods, she also went to see many things from east to west. The utensils inside took casually a few loot, which was enough for the army robes to break their heads. She was frightened at the moment and said, "Helen What are you doing! "

He Lianding leaned down and picked up a short knife from a box. The jewels on the scabbard sparkled, and the scabbard was pulled out of the scabbard, only to feel the chill. The scabbard was covered with various patterns, such as flowing clouds, and the end was a Western Region. Steel dagger.

There is a city-state in the extreme west, which belongs to the Great Qin Kingdom in the Western Region. It is called "Damascus" and is especially good at making swords. Since the cessation of trade in the Western Regions, it has become even more rare.

He Mulan is a forensic doctor. She knows all kinds of knives, and she even has a knife like this in her home. After spending months of her salary, she exclaimed immediately: "□□!"

Among them, the word "Damascus" is almost the original sound, and it is definitely different from the accent translated by Xianbei at this time.

He Lianding conquered Western Qin. The biggest gain was that he found a lot of Western swords in the Western Treasury. He didn't get much of it himself. Except for the ones dedicated to Tuobayu, all the remaining fines were here.

It ’s because people hope that their treasures can be recognized by others, but the pearls are not clear. He Lianding heard that He Mulan did not know the true story of Cai Yong, but she could tell the origin of the sword so much that she even knew the name of the city. The pronunciation was correct, and I laughed boldly:

"The general is really a wonderful person! But if generals can be like generals, why not worry about martial arts? Yes, this is a sword sold by Daqin merchants to West Qin, with short hair and no killing."

He Mulan is not a man. There is no man with the crazy love for weapons and BMW. She was amazed, but because it was not expected that in the fourth century, the Northern Wei Dynasty could see the magic soldiers produced by Damascus under Roman rule at that time. Weapon, sincere surprise.

When the surprise in his heart calmed down, He Mulan returned to the original calmness, but was only a little curious about these knives.

He Lianding conquered his whole life, and I do n’t know how much to siege. He has seen someone sacrifice for treasure and flesh, and he has seen someone staring at a **** brother brother. If such a sword falls into the folk, it will be in a short time. He Mulan can be ruined, but He Mulan, who knows its benefits, just curiously took a few more glances and retracted his gaze, and couldn't help but regret Helien.

Whenever he is a man with some ambitions or a stubborn knife, what he has come to ask for today becomes. But now he was uncertain.

Compared with Tuoba Xianbei's princess, his wealth is perhaps not touching.

"It's really a good knife, a famous general like Helian, it's good to use these kind of swords. I can see them, and I feel satisfied." He Mulan opened the door and asked, "I just don't know that the general took so many strange things. What is the treasure to my house? "

He Lian saw that He Mulan no longer looked at the sword, and could not help but return the knife into the sheath innocently, and threw it into the box. After the sound of "Dang Dang", Helian said without hesitation:

"I'm begging."


He Mulan was dumbfounded.

‘But do n’t you already have your Majesty? !! ’

He Mulan, who was almost so roaring, restrained her urge to blurt out and swallowed: "Helian, I don't understand what you mean ..."

She pointed at him and pointed at herself, smiling conscientiously: "I'm a man, don't you see that?"

For a moment, she even thought that her Majesty, who was often offline, had told him her identity.

But she soon knew it was impossible. Because Tuobayu wants to use her, he will help her to isolate all dangers, including Helendin, who may be repetitive at any time.

He Lianding was also a stunner, and after a while understanding what He Mulan was saying, she couldn't help crying and laughing and explained: "No, no, I didn't come to ask you for a kiss ... You really, which man would ask a flower for a kiss Ah! Thank you for sending so many people away ... "

He smiled and said with a smile: "There is a younger sister in this family. She has reached the age of marriage. She has learned poems since she was a child. She is proficient in languages ​​of the Xiongnu, Xianbei, Lu Shuihu, Han, and Qiang. She has a beautiful appearance and a good figure. The main thing is that she has long admired the general for a long time ... "

He Lianding looked at He Mulan's staring expression, and was a little unhappy.

He was sure that even if he said these words to Tuobayu today, Tuobayu would only be ecstatic, and he would never look like a slump in the sky.


"General Hua, you don't have to hurry to express your stance. My sons and daughters of Helian's family are looking for themselves, but they will not treat their daughters. If you are willing to marry the pearl, these boxes of treasures are only part of the gift."

He Lianding stared at He Mulan tightly, and said, "If you think there is anything wrong with marrying the pearl, you may wish to speak to me. As long as I can do it, I will settle it for you one by one. . "

Either the princess, the clan or the noble ...

He dares to offend when he is hot now.

He Mulan knew that Helianding was a stubborn and stubborn person. It seemed that the royal families of all countries were in this virtue. The same is true of Nanliang's old prince Yuan Po. This is why she gave some precious gifts to pay for her embarrassment.

But when he went to the house so brightly to force his relatives, Helian Mingzhu was called a friend ...


How can I refuse!

He Mulan's heart was scratching her head. Bye bye, Helianding pressed her lips tightly and she had the expression "You dare to look down on me and I will roll up the **** wind". I couldn't help it!

"But Your Majesty has long admired Princess Pearl, and she's already crazy!"

I'm sorry, Your Majesty ...

Helian wouldn't dare to offend. You look at you and look at you. Anyway, that ’s it, right?

Too euphemistic this product will not go!

He Mulan burst into tears.

You can cook it for me again!