MTL - Mulan Has No Elder Brother-Chapter 360 Business in business

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Seeing Yuan Fang's shocked expression, He Mulan smirked and turned her head, she has been bypassed countless times by her majesty.

Gu Xi is probably a strong heart. He can reply back every time he is scared. At this time, he stares at Tuoba and asks him:

"What does it mean, first, to spend money?"

Yuan Fang also seemed to be annoyed by how easy it was to “confess to losing.” When I heard Gu Yan ’s questioning, he could n’t help but say, “I manage business in Yuan ’s house, and naturally I know the best way.” The battle of the Song and Wei Dynasties was once dilapidated, the land was deserted, and the shady households fled. They were able to resume prosperity again in the past.

"The problem of the Wei State today is that the people are too poor, and the country is even poorer. The population is not enough to cultivate, the goods everywhere are poor, and the business roads have been broken. Even if everyone is allocated land, it is not as good as the rich land of the South. We can only get wealth by fighting. "

When Yuan Fang saw everyone showing a disdainful expression, knowing that they looked down on businessmen, this is also normal. The world values ​​business and profits, but he also does business because he is the second son, and the secret way in the family cannot let others know, otherwise no one will Let the mule run the business.

"So I have been thinking of 'dividing the fields'. After the people have all the fields, naturally they will not suffer from the lack of grain to pay taxes." Tuoba said.

"Dividing the fields is just an expedient measure. There are so many people. In addition, the number of gatekeepers in private places around the country does not know how many. The government has to grab these people with these forces, and the results still come too slowly." Yuan Fang looked obliquely to Gu Yan "Therefore, it is better not to shake the fundamental methods of various localities. If you can establish 'officials and businessmen', govern a hundred workers, conduct business well, and profit after doing business with various places, you can naturally provide funds and money for officials and officials. When doing business, you can pay 'commercial tax' subsidies. In this way, taxes on farming can be reduced or exempted, and people can bear less. "

"You mean, a city tax is levied?" After hearing it, Gu Yan shook his head immediately. "My people's livelihood is dying. In order to encourage people to barter and barter, let's say that there is no city tax. You just said that the tax is reduced or exempted. What's the difference? "

"You can determine whether to levy a city tax based on the quantity and income of the transaction. If it is just a barter, there is no need to collect tax. But if it is a hundred or a thousand transactions? No tax? In my opinion, in Wei State The businessman is the fastest living businessman in the world. In Song Dynasty, there was no such rule of not collecting market tax! "


"Pigong, let him continue!" Tuobayu interrupted Gu Yan's words. "In front of me, everything can be said. Just whether I will adopt it is my problem."

When Gu Yan heard his words shut up, He Lianding began to think with a thoughtful expression.

Yuan Fang encouraged, and continued, "In fact, Wei ’s position is very good. Both Chang'an and Luoyang were the places most desired by businessmen, and now they are owned by my Da Wei. Wei is in the middle, just because of the perennial battle. And the trade channel is abolished, and now the goods from the southeast and northwest can be gathered here. If businessmen communicate with each other, they can stabilize the prices of goods everywhere, which greatly reduces the cost of survival. People have a surplus in their hands, so they do n’t have to worry about no tax Pay, of course, there is no need to go to 'fake loans'. "

"But businessmen can also mess up the country. This method has the biggest risk ..."

He Mulan stepped in suddenly, drawing everyone to her.

He Mulan rarely asked questions about politics, so everyone was more cautious when she saw her.

"What are the risks?" Yuan Fang asked her somewhat unconvinced.

He Mulan smiled quietly and spit out four words.

"Collusion between government and business."


"Officials have been in business for a long time in my Wei Dynasty. Since there are no puppets in our country, most of them are allowed to go. Officials from the Han ethnic group will never wantonly exploit them because of their attention to family sounds. There is no guarantee that the government and business will not collude and make a common profit. Once the officials are in the interests, they can seek power for personal gain, change their interests, and eventually intensify the contradictions. In addition, everyone can do business and the land must be deserted. If other countries are unwilling to sell food, it will be necessary There is famine. "

He Mulan knew that there was no modern economy in this era, and all foreign trade exports were nonsense. Grain is a national war reserve resource, and no country is willing to sell it.

Moreover, the corruption of government officials caused by the "collusion between officials and businessmen" is bad. Does she see less?

When Tuobayu thought about it, he knew what He Mulan was worried about, and he immediately nodded: "It is true. But this is also simple. I can suspend it, except for the official and businessmen, who are not allowed to do business, otherwise they will all be important. Today The most important thing is to solve the problem that people cannot survive. "

If this matter is left in the Han people's regime, I am afraid it is not a difficult thing, because the morals of Han doctors include "do not compete with the people," so it is a shame for scholars to do business. Many people would rather starve to death than go to business for profit.

For the Han people who can become officials, most of them are from a large family background. Even if the sister-in-law has family support, he doesn't have to be so arrogant. They pay more attention to fame than these common things.

But nowadays, Xianbei people are in power. Many officials in various places are Hu people, and some are new people who have broken down and re-emerged, and have forgotten to adhere to them. These people are really terrible to chase after their names.

At this point, the "ethics" of the Han officials in the officialdom of the Wei Kingdom did not know how many streets they would throw the Xianbei. At least they are “corruption / corruption / acceptance / bribery” at the most, and few of them, like Wang Jin, have blatantly and directly guilty of others to seize property.

He Mulan wanted to say, “Is an official in business, is it okay for my family to do business?” But she was thinking, in view of the current decline of business, if society is to be affluent enough to consider such a problem, I do n’t know yet. One year's affairs, so I kept silent.

Since Tuoba is willing to restrict the business of officials by law, according to the rigidity of the ancients, at least for the sake of their lives, not many people will go to risk.

Yuan Fang saw He Mulan not only a warrior who knew how to fight. He was also very surprised. It was only then that his proud look converged and he said solemnly.

"The role of businessmen is more than that. In wartime, businessmen are the best source of information. Where famine is needed for food, where food and grass are suddenly collected in large numbers. These clues are a unique skill of businessmen to distinguish the country's movements. . My Yuan family hoarded grain and grass several times before the army went on sale, and sold it at a high price during the battle. It was based on the amount of grain to analyze that China is about to fight and make a fortune. "

"It's like when the army went to Rouran, my Yuan family sold a lot of cattle, sheep, horses and horses before the expedition. Sure enough, the army went back to victory in the northern expedition and brought back a large number of cattle, sheep, horses. Many great herders in the north generally suffer heavy losses. "

Tuoba has learned everything, but knows very little about business, and at this time it sounds more interesting. When he heard that he was making money, both eyes were shining.

"Then, as you can see, what is the high price that can be sold in our country, and it can quickly accumulate wealth, so that the state treasury can be filled, and the people can reduce their income?"

Tuobayu was asking questions, but the foreign minister hurried into the hall at this time, reminding him in a low voice that it was time for the dynasty.

The Dachao Club is different from the regular daily clubs, only once a month, both on the first day of the month. The Dachao meeting summarized all the political affairs that happened last month, so that as long as the relevant officials, all would participate, and some expatriate local officials would also take advantage of the Dachao meeting to report on their duties.

He Mulan saw the black crowd at the gate of the palace for this reason.

Now when the dynasty arrives, a lot of civil and military officials are waiting outside the hall, but Ke Tuo Ba Yi did not appear, and Gu Xi as a waiter did not appear, of course, there will be a minister urging.

No one expected that Tuobayu was getting up, but just waved his waywardly and said to the foreign minister, "Tell them to wash their ears first!"

The poor foreign minister thought he had overheard, and patted his ears first, and then he showed an innocent expression, "er".

"Isn't my ears blocked, why can't I hear the voices of the people below all day and night? As long as I think of the fact that no one has said 'false loans' to me for so many years, I have been a competent local official and so taxed The dreams that are completed every year! Let them wash their ears, and then they will have a dynasty. This is the imperial order! "

The foreign minister was frightened by Tuoba's indisputable look, and could only lower his head and hurried back. Seeing this, Gu Yan grabbed the hand of the foreign minister and shouted, "Your Majesty, you! You said it was an imperial order, and they would really wash it, and it would become a laughing stock!"

Tuoba Xi waved his hand indiscriminately.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs took a look at Gu Xi, and then looked at Tuoba Ji, showing Gu You a look of "you are my dear", staring at him with eager eyes.

"You go out first, and say that Your Majesty has something to do, and let them wait outside the temple. The old courtier invited them to rest in the palace room, and you don't care about the others."

Gu Yan felt that since he assisted Tuoba, his hair had been shaved by himself, but he could not ignore the "problem child" and had to make a decision first.

When Tuobayu saw the foreign minister looking at him again, he nodded casually, and the man immediately said "Xie Xiaxia Long En" sincerely and ran away, and it seemed that he would be chased by another person and say "Ah, do n’t wash it" Ears, let ’s take a bath outside ”.

After a while of Helianding's muffled smirk, Yuan Fang's remarks made Herian's smirk suddenly become a big laugh.

"Although I really want to say with conscience that I have great wealth and rich resources, I have to tell His Majesty ..."

Yuan Fangzhan showed uncompromising courage, and his expression looked like he was asking "Oh, Your Majesty, how stupid you are", although He Mulan felt that Yuan Fang's expression was more about revenge Tuoba I used words to force him to show the little angry youth.

All in all, Yuan Fang showed a very cute smile and shook his head.

"But Wei Guo doesn't have the kind of goods you want."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

He Lianding couldn't help but smiled, covering his stomach.

It was probably the first time that Tuobayu was so humiliated, because no one dared to laugh so much before that. He stood up and patted Helianding's shoulder next to him, letting him lean backwards.

But Helian leaned on the lamppost behind him and continued to smirk.

"What is the Wei State? Silk? There is no exquisiteness of the Song State. Besides, our folks can only produce cotton and some fine silks, such as silk, Luo, brocade, and embroidery, which are all made by the government. No one in the folk is willing to plant mulberry fields."

Yuan Fang started asking questions and answering himself.

"Wine? Oh, I forgot that our country is running out of food and wine."

"Ceramics? I heard that the Song Dynasty in the South has a special kind of earthenware, which has a pale blue glaze, and has become 'glazed earthenware'. Compared with one of these pottery in China, it is like a broken pot."

"Gold and silver, jadeware, lacquerware ... I'm sorry, these Chinese crafts are so rude that they can't be elegant."

Tuoba began to open his mouth wide, probably because he could not stand such a cruel fact, he could not accept the "big country" under his administration, and he would be rejected by a businessman to such an extent.

"In my opinion, only the warhorses captured from Rouran in large quantities and the ironsmiths forged by Gaoche people can be used to do business in our country. There are many copper mines in China, but unfortunately, they are controlled by Shamen, and all are used to make Buddha statues and artifacts Now, you ca n’t use these Majesty, do you? ”

Tuoba has nodded in agreement.

He also often sent horses to the Song Dynasty in order to show friendliness, but the war horses sent were all fanned out and could not keep future generations. Of course, horses can also be sold in large quantities, but it is impossible for Toba to fight with cavalry for a long time. It is impossible to flow too many horses outside.

Therefore, Wei domestic horses are common, and even the trailers are mule horses, but there are few good horses that are really sold abroad, all in the official ranch.

"Then you said so much before, all for nothing. Since you want to make money, you must sell it instead of buying other people's things. Otherwise, the wealth will not flow out of the country and make money for others!"

Li Shun smiled.

"No, because Hu Xia was destroyed, our country has added a new thing that can be sold. In addition, if His Majesty can destroy Bei Yan, there will be more to sell.

Tuobayu: "What!"

Gu Yan: "Presumptuous!"

Li Shun: "Where can you put your beak on war?"

Hearing Bei Yan, He Mulan and Di Yefei suddenly thought of what Cui Hao had said before, and suddenly looked at Yuan Fang, with shock in their eyes.

Yuan Fang slightly bowed his head, not humbled or exaggerated:

"The most profitable business in the world is salt and iron."