MTL - Mulan Has No Elder Brother-Chapter 340 My heart is sad

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"Master, where do you put these things?" A Rouran slave asked He Mulan in an unskilled Xianbei sentence.

"Eh? What is this?" He Mulan opened the bamboo basket somehow, startled. "Why are there so many pairs of shoes!"

"I don't know. Someone just walked away and couldn't stop it." The new family members of Huazhai were also surprised when someone came to Huazhai for three days.

"Wish Huajun to be healthy and to walk lightly. Step six lonely wishes?" Chen Jie pulled out a stationery from the middle of the lid of the bamboo basket, and couldn't help crying and laughing.

"What does it mean to send so many shoes ..."

"Our general eats incense sticks." Quite ancient took out a pair of shoes: "Well, are these buckskin boots? The soles are really strong! Well? Why are these shoes so small?"

Quite ancient compared that shoe with his sole, and compared with the shoes sent, his shoes are almost like a ship.

Chen Jie first thought that this girl was probably a bad girl, but then she thought that since it was sent by someone, she must be very content. Shoes are not like clothes. They can be estimated with eyes. She will send you with confidence.

How did he forget it!

Of course, the feet of his general will not be larger than them. He is ...

He Mulan, who is 7 feet long, does have a problem. Compared with her height, her feet are relatively small. The one-meter-seven-foot man has a pair of feet of about thirty-eight yards. Compared with the feet of many burly men in the army, it is not a little bit elegant.

Many times she buys ready-to-wear shoes, either with shoulders that are too wide or shoes that are too big, and she can only stuff things in the shoes, so most of her shoes are made by her family at home.


He Mulan took the shoes in the hands of Mangu strangely and put them on her feet.

The right size is probably not sure what she likes. The toe is slightly relaxed and comfortable to wear.

"It turns out that the general's feet are really not that big. It's strange that the generals don't have big feet. Why do you run so fast and be as stable as you did in the military?"

These sparring guards are tortured every day, and really haven't noticed the size of Mulan's feet.

Chen Jiewen was shocked and immediately concealed for He Mulan: "Crap, are you tall if you are tall? Where is that?"

"Why am I not big anymore? Everyone is dating each other together. I ’m old or young, do n’t you know? Say me, you in the Montenegro Inn that day ..."

"Ahhhhhhh!" Chen Jie screamed and interrupted quite ancient words.

"Don't quarrel." He Mulan has a headache than they do. She does n’t know how big her feet are. Why would the other person know the size of her feet?

She left no shoes.

"General, this girl really admires you deeply ..." Chen Jie looked strangely at the letter in his hand. "She said that she personally measured the footprints you left in Changpingfang, and painted the traces on the spot. It took you a month to make these four pairs of shoes, which are exactly the four seasons ..."

He looked at He Mulan's eyes widened and continued: "The girl also said that you have new clothes and only your shoes are always old. I want to come because there is a caring person for you ... "

So she sent shoes to be a caring person.

"This is really true. I lived to my twenties, and never even touched a woman's hand, let alone made shoes for me ..." Chen Jie muttered to himself. "What makes us feel bad ..."

He Mulan took the shoes in tears and laughed. When thinking of a woman who looked like crazy to measure the land she passed, He Mulan felt a cold back.

If she ate and drank Lazar, everyone was staring, fearing that the identity of a woman would be exposed at once.

"Master, at the door, someone came to deliver things, Herren said, yes, here!" A Rouran servant ran fast, and the excitement overflowed in words. But because he is not likely to speak Xianbei, the whole sentence is upside down.

"Can't move! Can't move!

Helen sent it, can't he move it?

He Mulan thought about it and smiled slightly at Chen Jie.

"Go invite my apprentices and Lu Shuihu guys."

Only half of the Lushuihu people who stayed in Pingcheng with Gaiwu were left. Today, Tuobayu split the fields near Qinzhou, and the Lushuihu people who heard the news all ran back to Xingcheng.

Lu Shuihu people can't cultivate land, but most of the pastures available for grazing in the Guanzhong area are circled by powerful and powerful gates. They graze even harder than farming. Anyway, everyone has a strength. When they learn to cultivate, maybe Life is not bad.

Not to mention fallow fields in winter, they can take the opportunity to go out and do "buying and selling" in the winter, which can kill the two birds with one stone and allow the Tiantai Army to "reinvigorate."

Gai Wu did not go back to collect his "Private Field" because he wanted to follow He Mulan's art. The remaining Lu Shuihu men are admiring He Mulan's martial arts and character, hoping to work with her, He Mulan will support them, and their power should be their own personal soldiers.

This time the King of Xun Tu obtained a lot of money, all of which were funded by the people of Xutu. Except for some special valuables, which were left to the Egret officer to find out the history, all were given to He Mulan.

He Mulan took half of it according to the custom in the army. The others were distributed to the Husong Army, and Lu Shuihu also got a share.

This made the Lu Shuihu people more firm in their "follow Magnolia to eat meat" road.

Gai Wu and Lu Shuihu were called after a short while. Gai Wu followed He Mulan to the door and saw the mouth of the pine box, and yelled.

"Helen is paying back!"

In addition to him, the other Lu Shuihu people also laughed happily and patted their arms on the shoulders.

"Great! We have the money to regroup the brothers of the Tiantai Army!"

This kind of pine box is very sturdy. Gai Wu borrowed dozens of pounds of gold, and He Lianding returned at least a hundred pounds. That's why Gai Wu shouted happily, and other Lu Shuihu people jumped excitedly.

A group of Lu Shuihu people did not fake the hands of others, and lifted up, lifted up, and carried the money into the house while watching from the neighbors of Changpingfang neighborhood.

"Young Master, you have the money to marry a daughter-in-law, sir, some children, it is the inheritance of our rooftop army!" A man named Lu Shuihu pushed his cover and pushed Wu.

Guy Wu seems to have thought of something similar, and smiled.

"I didn't find the right girl. If there is one, I will naturally succeed."

At this time, Gai Wu is not the pressure Gai Wu in the future, and Chen Jie is not the middle-aged man who later helped He Mulan smuggling and buying food. They all have the unique innocence of young people and the infinite vision of the future. Once you have assets, you immediately imagine how to improve your life and support your family.

"What succeeds? Who wants to marry?"

A smiley voice appeared in the courtyard, and He Mulan almost jumped in shock.

"Your Majesty? Your Majesty?"

He Mulan panicked.

"Your Majesty, why are you out of the house again!"

"These days are not busy a few days ago, and I'm out of the palace." Tuobayu in plain clothes took Su Hejun and others as an understatement, "I see you all happy, there are What good will not happen? "

Except for He Mulan, everyone else was awe-like in awe of Tuobayu, one by one, respectfully lowering himself and not answering casually.

For the Lu Shuihu people, the Tuoba people who gave them their land and background are like real gods. With Gai Wu as the head, a group of Lu Shuihu people kneeled very seriously and cast their grounds in the five bodies of Tuoba people. Lu Shuihu's gift.

"Thank you for the kindness of Da Khan, who gave us Lushuihu people's land and seeds."

The most proud thing of Tuobayu recently was the successful implementation of the "Fentian" in Xiadi. He was in need of affirmation from other people, and encountered these Lushuihu people.

The gratitude of Lu Shuihu people pleased Tuobatu very well and made him smile and accept the praise of Lu Shuihu people.

"Do n’t be too thankful. The land, seeds, and cattle are not given to you for free. After three years, you will have to pay taxes and serve like other Han and Xianbei people. Now you can get it easily, hope for a few years Later, when you feed me back to Wei Kingdom, don't react as fiercely as Hugh Tu. "


"The Lu Shuihu people will never forget their ingratitude."

Tuoba smiled and asked the Lu Shuihu people some questions about the Xingcheng Tiantai Army, and then seemed to inadvertently say to He Mulan: "I heard that you have added some furniture that others have not seen? Show me? "

Some people did not know about the furnishings for He Mulan, but Su Hejun, who had been paying attention to Huazhai, knew it. He knew that He Mulan had never been a showy person, so she must use these inexplicable furniture for herself.

These furnitures are strangely shaped. When Su Hejun knew it, he told Tuoba Tuo something new, and now he is looking for a reason to say it.

He Mulan's family was not rich, and all the furniture that had been ordered previously were used in bedrooms. Tuoba suddenly proposed to look at the furniture, which was tantamount to find a quiet place to spend time with her alone.

He Mulan understood what he meant, and immediately led him to his bedroom. At the door of the bedroom, Su Hejun and Yigan Suwei stayed at the door to watch the movement around them, and they went straight into He Mulan's bedroom.

At this time He Mulan's bedroom was no different from the ancient style decoration of later generations. She didn't like the canopy bed, she just asked the carpenter to make a four-foot bed, and the rest of the furniture was simple and clear.

Because there are no women in the house (?), And no maids cleaning, the decoration is poor, it looks too tough, there is no warm atmosphere.

Tuobayu curiously touched the back of a chair, and soon realized what it was, and sat up.

"It's like a stump ... it's very comfortable. You can also sit. I don't like others looking taller than me ..."

He Mulan smiled and was defeated by His Majesty's thinking. He randomly found a chair to sit down, and propped his hand on the table.

Tuobayu took out two skins from the hem of the clothes like a trick.

"I'm irritable. Please drink."

He Mulan was always caught in the countdown to death, and was even more irritable than Takuba, but Takuba also asked her to drink, which was just chaos.

Helplessly, Tuobayu didn't give He Mulan the opportunity to refuse at all. "This is a rare wine left by Emperor Xiandi. Those water-like wines are simply incomparable with it. Come and come, let's say as we drink."

Tuoba Ba pierced the stopper of the wine pouch, and suddenly a pungent scent of wine poured out. He took a sip and slowly said, "The things of Wang Jin really fell into Duanping Princess House ..."

He Mulan didn't say much, just sipped on the top of the pouch.

"I chose Wang Jin to be the Chang'an prince when I watched him with no ambitions. The Wang family is a family with many generations and a great career, and Wang Jin has no future. I let him sit in Changan for a few years. Give an account to the Wang family. "

Tuoba's eyes were dark. "Uncle Wang Jin has no son-in-law. It is the hand of my father and emperor. It should be impossible for Wang Jian and Wang Douju ​​to have son-in-law."

"Cough, cough cough cough ..." He Mulan was frightened with a sip of wine, and coughed violently.

Although she is the person with the tightest mouth, but can't tell her about such court secrets!

She doesn't want to be a tree hole! !! !!

Tuoba did not receive He Mulan's brain waves. "Kumote and I have always suspected that the niece who gave birth to Wang Jin was actually a child who had been in private with other subordinates, but Wang Jiantai wanted a child, so he was so happy to raise him as his own son. He is so mediocre that he has neither the beauty of my cousin nor the brilliance and talent of Wang Jian. It would be unreasonable to say that after the Wang family. "

He Mulan took a long time to swallow the spirits in her mouth.

"My father, I really can't live with the Kumoti family. His father's personality is straightforward, and my father's personality is suspicious. The more outstanding and uncommon the emperor is, the more uneasy my father is, so he is almost It was gloomy. Not only that, but some of my father's siblings have barely lived to their prime, and many of them have no children ... "

The hidden information made He Mulan startled. She could only lower her head and use drinking to calm her growing heart.

"Kumote and my son-in-law, who died early, were brought up in the palace. I treat them like my own brothers. But the bigger they are, the more they are alienated from me, or the more they are from the court. , Until I was made a prince, so many cousins ​​around him left him. "

"Princess Duanping, the mother of Wang Jin, is the sister of Uncle Huang, and was married to Wang Jian by my father. At that time, everyone was envious of her marrying a beautiful man. However, she did not know that Wang had been married to the royal family because of frequent marriages. The emperor moved his hands and feet, and was destined to escape the fate of the deputy. "

Tuoba took a long breath. "Princess Duan Ping originally had an infatuation with my father-in-law because of the uncle's affairs, but the fact that she had been married at that time was very good. Wang Jian's talent, character and appearance are all famous, so no matter how dissatisfied It has also been calmed down a lot. "

"It's just that many years have passed and Wang Dou has no children, and Wang Jin has no children. My aunt has begun to doubt, and even used the excuse to repatriate the palace person sent from the palace to serve her. If it was not for the birth of Wang Jin At that time, Wang Jian and my aunt were probably about to move. From this point of view, I am grateful to Wang Jin whether it is the blood of the Wang family. "

"This is my father's debt. I am the son to pay it back. I am convinced to take it orally." Tuoba took a big sip of wine and suddenly hammered the table!

"But why is it Kumoti! Those wealthy Princess Duanping sent to Kumoti's private house to hide!"

He Mulan gaped and was confused by Tuoba's shocked attitude.

"His Majesty, General Kumoti does not necessarily know about this. I think it's best to face up to it ..."

"I asked! He acknowledged! He said he didn't know how these things came before, but Aunt Duan Ping wanted to borrow somewhere to hide some private property, so he agreed."

Tuoba's eyes were red.

"How could a man so cautious not to know where these‘ private properties ’came from! After Wang Jian ’s death, the family of the Wang ’s family was Aunt Duanping, where is there any‘ private property ’that she needs to hide!”

"The entire royal family is the compensation that my father and the emperor gave to Kumoti's family. After Aunt Duanping has no one, Kumoti can inherit the royal family's property as a mule. It is Kumoti who does not want Wang Jin's life and wants Wang Jin to give him. My aunt was at the end of her old life, so Wang Jin lived a good life. He neither died on the battlefield nor died unfortunately, only waiting to inherit the royal family's foster aunt. He didn't even care about the Wang family. People carry so many guilts? "

Xianbei women also have the right to inherit. After the death of the husband, the wife inherits the husband's huge family property. If there is no son-in-law, he will designate a "sister-in-law" from the closest blood.

This is also the reason why Tuoba Xianbei ’s harem “the son-in-law ’s mother died”, because the descendants and descendants are too powerful, and there are not many queens in the clan who refer to their nephew as his sister-in-law and take it away. Family property, even the Wang family flourished.

"Your Majesty ... You calm down your emotions first." He Mulan saw Tuoba's tears in his eyes, and wanted to sip the bag of wine, frighteningly grabbed Tuoba's wine.

"It's not clear yet, you don't have to be so excited ... Your Majesty gave me the wine to drink, I think this wine is very beautiful, very beautiful ..."

He Mulan seemed to add that he generally drank Tuoba's wine several times and drank most of it.

With Tuoba's current state of mind, she must not be able to return to the palace after drinking, and she must stay overnight when she cannot return to the palace. At that time, Cui Hao and Gu Yan and other ministers said that they would not have her skin cut off.

Occasionally shaking and staying outside the palace is not a level of informality ...

"You don't understand. I grew up with Kumoti from an early age, and I didn't hide anything from each other, even if he had a big trouble, and did the most wrong thing, as long as he said to me, I believe, I would like to recognize ... "Tuopai didn't ask for wine, he just wiped his face.

"And I'm sure he did the same to me. But now that he wants to carry it himself, he doesn't want to say it, it must be an extraordinary event, he ..."

"He is ready to be suspicious of me and to be sent off by me!"

He Mulan was dumb.

She didn't expect Tuobayu to trust Kumoti so much, even if the other party acknowledged that the money was in his private estate, he thought the other party had something to hide.

Whether it is brothers, friends or monarchs, who can be trusted by Tuoba, such as trustees, they do not want to intersect.

"Aunt Duan Ping determined that I could not have Kumoti, and did not dare to reclaim these money from the state treasury, which made the Wang family feel chilled. That's why. How terrible the forces behind can make Kumoti compromise. It makes me startled when I think about it. How can I not be sad? "

"If your Majesty is sent, please order Mulan."

He Mulan gave a gift to Tuoba.

"Your Majesty doesn't have to worry about my thoughts. Although I am a bit stupid, I can still distinguish the priorities."

"Jin Jin is dead because of you. The forces behind the Wang family and Aunt Duan Ping will never let you go." Tuobayu reluctantly said, concealing his sadness and pain, "What you have to do at this time is to be extremely cautious, Don't let them get their hands. Open guns are easy to hide, and dark arrows are hard to prevent. They have been operating in Wei for a long time, and you can't beat them. "

He Mulan stumbled.

She thought that Tuobayu said so much that she wanted to go to Longtan to enter the tiger's den, not to be the one behind the scenes, or to be the one who rushed to Duanping Princess Mansion, but it was such a command ...

When did she become so suspicious and reckless?

Was she the one who would come to such an easy conclusion before?

He Mulan only felt that she was a little stunned suddenly, and even her face was burned. I don't know if she was too shy or drunk.

He Mulan fell into self-dislike here, but Tuobayu continued to command: "Wang Jin ’s death is unfortunate, and Aunt Duanping is unknown to me. I am afraid that Kumoti himself is in a whirlpool. At least the aunt will send the property to him. Private village, I am afraid that there is a revenge that he did not take good care of Wang Jin. Even his biological aunt has loathed him, then Wang Jin's uncle's house and Wang Jian will be even more crazy. "

He was irritable, "I'm going to let you all escape from Pingcheng. It was originally planned that you would go to Beiliang after April, and now there are still two months left, just to send the Tigers and the Trolley Tigers to Chen Jun to take Yuan Yuan to the wall Fight them down to train soldiers, and to stun the monarchs at the border between Liu and Song. "

"Well? Go to Chen Jun?"

He Mulan was dumbfounded.

"Liu Yuanjing confessed that the Yuanjia Jianbi has an underground dark river leading to the watercourse. You can directly cross the border and enter Liu Song. I cannot leave this waterway to Liu Song, nor to the Yuan family. If Yuan Jiabibi was captured, you But it ’s cheap. It ’s best to let the Tigers fill the dark river, and Liu Song and the Northern Expedition will leave here in the future. ”


He Mulan knew that this matter was important. If other high doors or gate valves were available, she said that she must not use this waterway to satisfy her selfish desires.

You should know that Liu Song and the Northern Wei people did not communicate with each other. There was only communication between envoys and ministers. This waterway was equivalent to trade. Even the teenage prince Tuobahuang knew in the past that he wanted to use it to increase his private property and even pulled Di Ye into the water. Change to a general of other clan origins to do it, who knows if I will leave a tail waiting to be dug in the future?

Once hidden dangers are left, businessmen can go, spies can go, internal forces can go, and the army can go. The Hushen Army and Gaoche Hushou only obey the dispatch of Tuobayu. The two armies have no conflicts between the interests of the clan and are indeed the most suitable candidates.

"Cao Huhu is over there ..."

"Dendrobium light fighting is extremely useless. I think Di Yefei has been very steadfast and motivated in the past few months, and I have started to understand why I have established him as right Sima. Since that is the case, I am also willing to push him. It ’s better to know each other, even if the Wang family wants to be separated, it is impossible for Di Yefei to leave him. "

"I thank His Majesty for his appreciation."

Although the wall of the Yuan family was high and deep, if Tuoba was really moving, it was just the result of sending many soldiers. The biggest possibility is that the current owner of the Yuan family surrendered and could not even fight.

If this is the case, it is tantamount to sending out a military achievement. Di Yefei now lacks a defensible record, so Tuobayu said "push him".

"So, what about General Kumoti?" He Mulan moved her lips, and finally asked.

As soon as Tuoba was thinking of Kumoti, he seemed to be embarrassed, and after a pause he said, "I'm going to let him lead the Ying Yang army back to Montenegro to rectify military affairs. Listening to your statement, Montenegro will soon be deserted. I will return to the future We are going to attack Beiyan with the Black Mountain Army. We must not just rot like this ... "

"IMHO, Your Majesty, I suspect that there are those gangsters in the Montenegrin Army. Do you remember killing ghosts? Killing ghosts will die, as well as those assassins I met in Montenegro before, it means that Montenegro is a long time ago. Already infiltrated by those people. You said you want to protect General Kumoti, if there is someone in Montenegro who has a bad heart ... "

When He Mulan thought of killing ghosts, she always felt a **** in her heart.

She sent the relative who sent the letter to the family to return, saying that after the killing of the ghost, someone had taken all his parents and brothers in the name of killing the ghost.

Because killing ghosts was already a partial general at that time, and he was no longer an ordinary slave. His host was also unwilling to bear the name of "un merciful". He readily let the slaves of this group free and let them follow "Sent from the ghost" The soldiers left.

As for whether they returned to Heishan City and where they went, I don't know.

He Mulan was most worried that the relatives who killed the ghost were gone, but now it's more than nothing, it's like a sinking sea!

Upon hearing He Mulan's worry, Tuoba laughed.

"Then you may be too small to see Kumoti! He has been in Montenegro since he was a teenager, and now it has been more than ten years, and you still embroidered at home ten years ago! He runs Montenegro not under those people, otherwise I How can you rest assured that he will be the general of Montenegro? "

"When he enters Montenegro, he is like a Qianlong into the sea, where is the safest place for him."

He Mulan couldn't say that she suspected that Kumoti might belong to the group of assassins in Montenegro. Mou said that Tuoba was unable to listen to them at this time, even if he said it, he might be provoked. She had a lot of help and support from Kumoti, and it was too heartless to say these words, not to mention just her personal unwarranted speculation. Before there was no evidence, it was really not suitable for conviction.

Out of her usual rigor, He Mulan didn't say these words in the end.

"He Mulan, I want to change Dawei as soon as possible."

Tuoba Yan rubbed his eyebrows, "The fewer enemies around me, the more I can feel the restraint of the middle school. When there are foreign enemies, everyone can resist the foreign enemies with one heart and one heart. Once the Central Plains are unified, I am afraid that I will start Fight. Before that, I must lay a solid foundation ... "

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Whether it is 'Juntian', or the promotion of young generals and ministers, they have now developed in a good direction. Emperor Song of Liu Song's body has finally improved, and Liu Yikang's good life is about to come to an end. Wait for me After recovering the Yuan Jiabibi, he sent the letters from Liu Yuanjing and Liu Yikang to Rou Ran sweating to the Emperor Song. He was a smart man and knew how to choose. In this way, my Da Wei and Liu Song had at least five years of stability. The days are enough for me to clear the Central Plains and deal with the internal problems of the middle school. "

"I thought that if you were exposed as a woman in other days, you might be annoying. I promote Yu Cui as an official of Hongdai Temple to test the views of the courtiers and the army. The affairs of the Dai people are beautiful, and I also plan to gradually open up some talented aristocratic women to enter the inconspicuous position in the DPRK ... "

Tuobayu seemed to find this very interesting, and speaking these words to He Mulan was like showing off, with a childish contentment.

He Mulan felt that her heart was beating, and she could not be seduced by the beautiful prospects outlined by Tuoba.

"I thought, you are such a shocking general, it is impossible to hide your identity and gender for a lifetime. You ca n’t never get married and have children, right? I wo n’t say you then, so many matchmakers who broke your threshold. May agree. "

He was finally feeling better. Every time Tuoba thinks that Mulan, who is admired by many girls, is a woman, she wants to laugh.

"With the advancement of your status, you can't always hide it. I'd better subconsciously, so that people in the world don't feel surprised at being a woman. In this way, your true identity will be exposed in the future. It has been hit by all parties, because there are many precedents before you. If you have enough prestige, I really don't know if Wei Guo really has a dignified female general. "

Tuoba's spirit was magnificent.

"What is the use of Hanmen! Dare to use women is the real person who loves talents. At that time, I will recruit talents, regardless of men and women, as long as they are talented, I will communicate ..."

As Tuoba became more and more shocked, He Mulan couldn't help but be deeply saddened by himself, while he was heartbroken for this beautiful blueprint.

Her Majesty wants to get a chance to prove herself for the women of the world, but she may not see it.

Even so……

"Her Majesty's Hongen, Hua Mulan is ashamed of it, Mulan thanked His Majesty for Yu Cui and sisters who want to stand in the world with their own power ..."

He Mulan raised her hand with her hand, and made a big gift to thank the women who may be luckier than her in the future.

"You don't need to thank me. If there weren't many women like you that made me look good, I might have always thought that women could only be raised at home, unreasonable, unreasonable, moody, cold and hot ..." As Tuobayu spoke, he seemed to think of someone who grimaced and complained about the shortcomings of women.

"... Strange things."


He Mulan didn't know what to respond.

"Your courage and bravery are not lost to men, Yu Cui's ingenuity and tenacity are not lost to men, Mrs. He, my mother, and Dou Mu are all worthy of respect in this world. I do not look down on women Meaning, but a woman must always look down on herself first, and deserve respect before she can get what she wants ... "

Tuoba sighed.

"My Xianbei woman's status is high. If I can be an official again, I don't know if it's good or bad. But in my opinion, if Dawei has more women like you on the battlefield, and more Yucui people, A loyal woman, or a few women like Dou Amu in the harem, even if men have been compared by women since then, I am willing. "

"His Majesty……"

"Haha, do n’t mention this. I do n’t know how long it will take to do that. It ’s more like drawing hunger. In the years I have n’t done it, I have to blame you for concealing your identity. Ahem, you also this year More than 20 years old, you will become an old girl if you continue to boil. If you ca n’t find your mother ’s house, do n’t blame me as the prince for delaying your life. Well, so to speak, it may not delay your son-in-law ... ”

Tuoba Di divergent thinking, the more I think I can't help He Mulan, I can't help rubbing my chin.

"Thinking this way, I'm really sorry ..."

"Sir, please stop talking."

He Mulan felt that her heart was broken a little bit.

"Your Majesty, nothing will be delayed."


Tuoba lingered for a moment.

At this moment, He Mulan felt a lot of inexplicable feelings coming to her heart.

The anxiety, anxiety, anger, and unwillingness that had been haunting her all seemed to be smoothed out by Tuoba's childish words, and the rest was only satisfaction.

In this world, she originally thought that she could not find like-minded people with values. Fortunately, however, Cangtian lowered such a monstrous king.

Maybe her life is extremely short, but her life is never lacking. Compared with many women who are trapped in the backyard and have fallen into sister fights, mother-in-law fights, aunt fights, and husband and wife fights, even if her life is only one day, it is more colorful.

Women must respect themselves before they can respect others and their choices.

Now that she's chic and comfortable, why bother with how long she can live? As long as she lived up to her heart and her will every day.

As for Kou Qianzhi, don't find it.

He Mulan looked at Tuoba's curious face and said slowly, "Your Majesty, you will not delay me. Because I ..."

She has no regrets about it.

"Unable to bear children."


Tuobayu stood up in shock.

"I have never had deciduous water and naturally cannot bear children. Your guilt is superfluous. I seem to have been born for the battlefield, and entering Montenegro is my fate ..."

He Mulanyun smiled lightly.

"I never regret it."


I don't know what kind of touch He Tuolan gave to Tuoba, in a word, when Tuoba went back, it seemed to be thoughtful.

"No deciduous water" is the reason why previous Mulan refused to ask the gentleman to ask for marriage, but it was never an excuse.

In this closed and primitive age, such a constitution is simply the "original sin" of a woman, and even an enlightened person such as Tuobayu cannot be moved.

Hua Mulan was able to bring this supposedly hidden secret to the public under the public court, indicating that she, like He Mulan, did not care about it.

In other words, as Tuoba said, a woman may have regrets when she finds her value other than "fertility", but she will no longer consider her a "sin".

Su Hejun is very irritable.

He knew that Tuoba was in a bad mood because of Kumoti's affairs these days, so when he was going out to look for Mulan, he strongly endorsed and even helped him a lot. The purpose is just to make Tuobayu happy.

As a result, Tuobayu didn't look as sad as before, but his face turned into an expression of "what happened to me, did I hear it wrong?" Worry.

At least it was a normal monarch like that, but it was anxious and always angry for no reason, but this majesty now looks like he was completely swallowed by a pig. I am afraid he will return to the palace Ask him to carry it.

But a few hours later, the very irritable Su Hejun became very irritable.

"What? Your Majesty took these ..." He Mulan, who ran to the back door, looked at the men in front of her, shaking her hands in shock.

"Is there something wrong with my ears or something wrong with my eyes?"

"No one is wrong!"

Su Hejun gritted his teeth and whispered, "Lao Tzu is going to be driven crazy, I have a grand official order, and actually want to do this ... Do this ..."

Aunt's business!

"His Majesty said that they all came here voluntarily." Su Hejun said absurdly with a stern expression, "The general and the good are treated well, and returned to the palace, and His Majesty will never reveal it A little wind. "

"Don't you follow your Majesty, and quickly bring them back. What the wind is not, what is the point." He Mulan was not drunk by Tuoba's wine, and was almost drunk by his people.

"Your Majesty said, if you want to relieve, ..."

"Just a big head!"

He Mulan's neck was red.

"What male pet do I want!"


The sound of something rubbing suddenly made He Mulan alert and screamed angrily.

"Who is there!"

"What relief? !!!"

"What male pet? !!!!"

Several people and Di Yefei could not hold back, and turned from the corner.

The two of them returned to Huafu today and learned that His Majesty was here, so they ate and drank in a hotel outside Changpingfang, and did not dare to touch it until His Majesty returned to the palace.

Because it was too late to return, the two simply walked through the back door.

At this moment, the two of them were panicked, one panicked, and their weird faces could almost scare the crying child.

"You said there would be no wind ..."

He Mulan was unable to cover her face.

"... the name of my life ..."

Su Hejun wants to cry without tears.