MTL - Mr. Zhou’s Little Cutie-Chapter 65 what relationship

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  Chapter 65 What is the relationship

  Gu Xingzhi hung up the phone and came back, looked at Robin and asked, "Can I find Zhou Beicheng's residence?"

   Robin looked at him strangely: "You don't need to check this, he lives in the Rose Garden... Okay, why do you keep asking Zhou Beicheng tonight? The Gu family wants to cooperate with the Zhou family?"

  Gu Xingzhi shook his head: "No, there are some things."

  Robin couldn't help reminding: "Okay, let me tell you in advance that Zhou Beicheng is not something anyone can inquire about, no matter what you want to do or do what you can, our family is a living example.

  If my dad didn't listen to advice, he wouldn't have come to this point. "

   Gu Xingzhi just remembered, looking at Robin with apologetic eyes: "Sorry Robin, I..."

  Robin waved his hand generously: "It's okay, come and drink."


  In the dark and damp room, the icy cold air pervasively penetrated into the body.

   Tang Xin woke up in such a room.

  The surrounding lights were a bit dim, and the severe pain in his body made him wake up instantly.

  The last memory in my mind is Meng Yutang walking away slowly in the rain.

  I couldn't help clenching my fists.

   I didn't expect to raise a white-eyed wolf under my nose!

   But looking around, his fear could not help but overflow from the bottom of his heart.

  He's not dead, but... where is this? !

   Before he had time to be happy that he was alive, he fell into a deep layer of fear again.

   It was definitely not my sister who rescued him and found him.

   Otherwise he wouldn't be in a place like this.

  Meng Yutang? She won't let him die? Continue to torture him!

  This little biao!

   Cursed in his heart, but there was deep fear on his face.

  There are no windows on all sides, he doesn't even know it's day and night, and the pain on his body makes it difficult for him to sit up, only his head can move from side to side.

   If he wanted to escape, he might not even have a chance!

  What did this dead girl do behind their backs!

   There is even a place like this, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a place for torture to extract confessions, and she has a group of subordinates who are so loyal to her.

   A few faces from that night appeared in his mind, and he didn't quite remember them anymore, but he remembered their fists clearly, just thinking about it, every part of his body began to ache.

   Before he could continue thinking, there was the sound of the door opening.

  He tried hard to get up and look, but when he moved, it would only affect the wound. The pain made him simply lie back, with fear of the unknown in his eyes.

   There are footsteps coming, getting closer.

   Da Da Da —

   There was a sound like stepping on his heart, and it hurt uncomfortably.

  The sound of footsteps stopped suddenly, he couldn't see anyone, he grabbed the sheet under his body tightly, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Who is it?!"

  Just woke up with a hoarse voice.

   There was no sound, and even more unknown fear invaded every cell of Tang Xin.

  He sat up violently supporting his painful arm, the movement involved the wound greatly, his throat was so itchy that he wanted to cough.

  But when he saw a person standing not far away from the corner of his eye, everything frightened him back.

  I forgot my cough and pain, my mind went blank, and I couldn't react to what was going on in front of me.

   He stared for fear that he might have misjudged the person.

   Or unconscious.

   But when he came back to himself, every wound on his body was screaming that he was not dreaming and he was awake!

  He knew the person in front of him.

   Zhou Beicheng!

   Zhou Beicheng, the heir to the Zhou family that everyone fears in Fengcheng!

  Why is it him?

  Why him?

   If it is him, what is the relationship between Meng Yutang and him!

  (end of this chapter)