MTL - Mr. Fu’s Wife Reincarnated-Chapter 313 314: The title is too difficult to think of, give up——

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  Chapter 313 314: The title is too difficult to think of, give up—

  Life is always making choices for various things, and among these choices, actions that violate conscience are indispensable.

  In Meng Shu's villa, Wu Jiangbai was sitting by the bed holding a book.

   Flipping through it casually.

   Their original plan was for Wu Jiangbai to defend the last checkpoint, even if Meng Qian's men rushed in.

  Wu Jiangbai can still block it.

   At this time, the melee dissipated downstairs.

   After receiving the news, Wu Jiangbai put the book on the table and prepared to get up and leave.

   "Fu Xiting asked you to come?" Meng Shu was awake and did not rest.

   And all of this was arranged by Fu Xiting.

   "Yes," Wu Jiangbai responded.

  Meng Shu seemed to be in a hurry: "It's fine if he trapped me in this ghost place, but you still need to watch over me? Am I a criminal?"

"He, Fu Xiting, claimed to be a dutiful son, but he was actually a prisoner. He locked his mother in this house without seeing the light of day, and even asked someone to watch and pay attention. In ancient times, this kind of behavior would have been soaked in a pig cage. Doesn't he know?"

Wu Jiangbai didn't want to get involved in other people's mother-child affairs, but when it comes to this, Wu Jiangbai accompanied Fu Xiting all the way to crawl here. He knows better than anyone else what kind of life he lived and what path he took: "Fu Does Madam think she is innocent? Under the torrent of history, no one who has paid the price is innocent. If Fu Dong died young one day, it must be the credit of your Meng family. Both of you brothers and sisters are innocent. If you want to kill Director Fu, don't you think how difficult it is for Director Fu?"

"Question? Parents love their children for a long-term plan. Are you worthy? You ask yourself, ask yourself what you have done for Mr. Fu along the way? In your heart, you think that Mr. Fu should treat you well and deserve you. Hello, the purpose of his existence in this world is to provide you with value, if he can’t provide you with any value, you can’t wait for him to die.”

   "You only want to live your love life, you have never thought about how difficult your son's life is."

  Wu Jiangbai glanced at Meng Shu, turned and left, leaving her a handsome back.

  Walking downstairs, looking at Wen Qi, he warned: "Recently, the situation is tense, butler Wen must perform his duties well, and he must do something to repay Director Fu after accepting his kindness."

  Wen Qi endured Wu Jiangbai's anger, stood aside, lowered his head and dared not speak.

  Fu Xiting came out of the airport and did not go to Meng's house on the grounds that he was unwell.

   Instead, go straight to Yu Garden.

  When the Yu Garden guards saw Fu Xiting, they were overjoyed.

   Hastily opened his mouth and welcomed the person in.

   "Sir," Su Xin felt tears rolling in her eyes when she saw Fu Xiting.

   Seeing Fu Xiting, he felt a little unlucky, so he restrained himself.

   "How is the ma'am?"

   "Woke up in the morning, and now I fell asleep again."

   "Is the fever gone?"

   "Retired, it means that people have no energy."

  Wen Sirui and Qian Xingzhi, who were guarding Jiang Yi on the second floor, heard Fu Xiting's voice, and rushed towards the stairs.

  When I saw Fu Xiting for the first time, although this man was as handsome as ever, the dusty look in his eyes couldn't stop him.

  If a person walks through a catastrophe.

  He looks at the world differently.

  Fu Xiting hurried upstairs, stood in front of these two people, and said in a deep tone, "Thank you for your hard work."

  Wen Sirui took a step forward and wanted to say something, but what he was going to say was stopped by Qian Xingzhi.

   Half dragging her away from the stairs.

  The entire second floor was left to the couple.

   "What are you doing?" Wen Sirui yelled at him while standing under the eaves of Yu Garden.

"Chairman Fu didn't come back, that's why he didn't come back. No matter what we say or do, we are all devoted to Jiang Yi and help the husband and wife unanimously to the outside world. Now, how to deal with this matter is a matter between their husband and wife. Anything you say now will shake their determination to deal with this matter. You and I are both outsiders and subordinates. Do a good job and hand over her In the hands of the next person, our task will be completed."

   "I haven't rested for several days, go home and rest!" Qian Xingzhi finished speaking and was about to pull her away.

   And when Wen Sirui was dragged away from the corridor by him, he called out dissatisfied: "Did Jiang Yi teach you to abide by the work rules so much?"

  Qian Xingzhi walked for a while, looked back at Wen Sirui, and sneered, "Jiang Yi? She doesn't deserve it."

  Wen Sirui: ...

   "She doesn't deserve it, why are you following her?"

   "Because I have no better choice."

  Qian Xingzhi answered her question seriously.

  Wen Sirui looked at Qian Xingzhi as if he wanted to understand him thoroughly: "I wrote a composition when I was in high school, and the name of the protagonist in the composition is the same as yours."

   "He is a soldier, a peacekeeping officer who leads the way to the edge, and he is also a hero."

   "Are you him?"

   When Qian Xingzhi heard this sentence, he was shocked for a long time and couldn't calm down. He didn't seem to think that after he left this country for so many years, there were still people who could remember him.

   But this kind of shock can't be shown, he is now a fugitive, a fugitive with no name and identity.

   The less people know who he is, the better.

  Wen Sirui said again this day: "He is my idol."

  The word "idol" is like several mountains on his shoulders.

  He didn't expect that a person like him would be called someone else's idol.

  A person like him who has lived such a bad life has fans.

   "Do you think I am?" Qian Xingzhi asked back.

  Wen Sirui didn't speak, it's impolite to say yes or no at a time like this.

  So, she compromised and said, "Whether it is or not, you have something worth learning from me."

   "Go back!"

  Qian Xingzhi interrupted the conversation between the two, turned around and went back to the wing, regardless of whether Wen Sirui was standing behind him or not, looking at him.

  In the bedroom, when Jiang Yi woke up in a haze, she thought she would see Wen Sirui, but she didn't expect that it was Fu Xiting who was leaning on the chair to catch sleep when she opened her eyes.

  The man is still wearing a shirt, but what is different from the past is that he is more tired, and this tiredness oozes from the inside out.

  Fu Xiting seemed to have experienced a fierce fight, which required all his energy. At this time, he was like a sleeping tiger.

  The fierce battles in Southeast Asia for several days cost him half his life, and the high-intensity strategy and battle of wits seemed to have pulled his shin.

  So much so that the man who used to be high-spirited fell asleep leaning on the chair at this time.

  After more than a year of marriage, Jiang Yi has never seen her before.

  Jiang Yi stared at such a startled person for a long time but no one opened his eyes.

  People who have been lying down for a long time are awake, but their bodies are not as good as before.

  She turned over slightly, and a rapid cough sounded instantly.

  The person who closed his eyes and meditated was awakened instantly, Fu Xiting suddenly leaned over and sat on the edge of the bed, gently following Jiang Yi's back.

  Jiang Yi kept coughing, and his hands kept moving.

"feel better now?"

  Until the coughing gradually stopped, the man's faint inquiry sounded in Jiang Yi's ear.

   After a while, she slowly sat up from the bed, leaning on the edge of the bed to get up and want to go to the bathroom.

  Fu Xiting stepped over and carried her to the bathroom.

  He originally thought that Jiang Yi would struggle and would be unwilling to touch it by himself, but he didn't.

  Her serenity gives the impression that they haven't had any fights, and haven't had conflicting ideas about anything

  It's as if everything that happened not so long ago was a dream.

   simply doesn't exist.

   is his imagination and fantasy.

  In the bathroom, Jiang Yi sat on the toilet to meet her physical needs, while Fu Xiting stood at the door with his back to her.

   This is everyday.

  Jiang Yi finished the solution and flushed the toilet.

  Fu Xiting then turned around and helped Jiang Yi to the bedroom.

   "Suxin made porridge, let them bring it up?"

  Jiang expressed his grace indifferently.

   "Let them clean the room," Jiang Yi said in a hoarse voice.

  It seemed like someone who had slept for a long time without speaking.

  Fu Xiting followed her wishes and called Suxin to clean the bedroom.

  Jiang Yi went to the small living room on the second floor and sat down. Fu Xiting pushed the porridge brought by Suxin to him.

   Lean meat porridge, minced meat was almost invisible, but Jiang Yi could still smell it. The person who had been lying down for a long time suddenly felt that something was overwhelming his stomach when he smelled the smell of meat.

  Jiang Yi sat on the sofa, stared at the bowl of porridge in front of her and was silent for a moment.

   About ten seconds later, when Fu Xiting was about to ask her what was wrong, Jiang Yi got up and rushed to the bathroom.

  The sound of retching broke through the sky.

  Fu Xiting panicked, Suxin also panicked.

   Reached out to put the things on the coffee table on the tray and handed them to the servant to take away, and opened the ventilation system of the room to disperse the smell.

   "Yiyi," Fu Xiting's soft-spoken call made Jiang Yi's already bewildered mind seem to be suddenly occupied by mosquitoes.

   One sound after another came one after another.

  Fu Xiting seemed to be suffering from aphasia, as if he could only speak these two words, calling out one after another, which made Jiang Yi feel his brain buzzing, as if he was about to explode.

  So, the vomiting person reached out and pushed Fu Xiting out of the bathroom regardless of whether there was any filth on his body.

  When the bathroom door slammed shut, Fu Xiting's voice stopped abruptly.

  The man stood at the door, looking at the closed door, his words stopped in his throat.

  This door not only isolates Jiang Yi.

   It is also this weak relationship between husband and wife.

  Jiang Yi's character is not weak. On the contrary, a girl who sits in that position at a young and vigorous age has an extremely strong character. If a person who is on the rise does not have some ruthless means, no one will believe it.

   She should have been emotional.

   She should have questioned him.

  No matter what emotion Jiang Yi brings to him at this time, Fu Xiting will gladly accept it.

  At this moment, Jiang Yi chose to deal with this matter coldly. What does cold treatment mean? It means that these things will never be resolved.

  Stuck there if you can't get up or down, let you in, but you can't get in; back, you can't get out.

   That feeling is so uncomfortable.

   It's like a thorn stuck in your heart, making you unable to breathe.

  He didn't know how Jiang Yi would deal with this matter, but at this moment he hoped that Jiang Yi could quarrel with him, make a scene, or even beat people and smash things.

  The last thing he wants to see is Jiang Yi's indifference to this matter.

  The heart is as dead as ashes after the heart-piercing, this feeling is really uncomfortable, what he has experienced personally does not want Jiang Yi to go on this road again.

  Knowing that the storm will come, but not knowing when it will come.

  When Jiang Yi opened the bathroom door, he saw Fu Xiting standing at the door with a gloomy expression.

   blocked her way.

  Jiang Yi looked up at him: "No?"

   This sound of refusal to speak is very emotionless.

  Did Fu Xiting give way?


   Instead, he stood in front of Jiang Yi and stared at her: "Lin Qinghe is dead."

  Jiang Yi's eyes moved slightly: "And then?"

   "Mr. Fu thinks that the death of Lin Qinghe can come to me to claim credit, right?"

   "If I want him to die, I'll just kill him. Why bother to find someone who survives?" Jiang Yi suddenly became emotional, and he roared only two or three sentences, and then coughed again.

  She held the door with one hand, and covered her chest with the other, coughing heart-rendingly.

  Fu Xiting stretched out his hand to help others, but Jiang Yi stretched out his hand and slapped him away: "Don't touch me."

"The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind, who do you have any difficulties? Fu Xiting, you boast that you can control the overall situation and control everything in the palm of your hand. From your point of view, you are protecting me, from my point of view. For me, you are the instigator of this matter, planning hard, you know every step I take, you know how hard it is for me to walk this way. Watch me step by step into the deep pit. What's more It's pushing me in step by step, how can you bear it?"

"Sounding high-sounding, I don't want to see me suffer any grievances, but in fact all my grievances were given to me by you. Marriage did not become my safe haven, and neither did you Fu Xiting. All the grievances in my life You brought the storm."

  Jiang Yi's roar came a bit late, but it still came out.

  Fu Xiting stood motionless in front of Jiang Yi like a child scolded by his parents.

  He doesn't intend to make any rebuttals for what he did.

  Let Jiang Yi stand at the bathroom door and scold him.

   After a serious illness, Jiang Yi seemed to have no extra strength to quarrel with Fu Xiting.

  She suppressed the anger she was about to get up, slowly closed her eyes, and suppressed the anger burning in her heart: "Go and tie Zhao Ying here."

   "We're postponing this matter, don't worry about it for a while, you need to cultivate now."

   Finding Zhao Ying is bound to be another fierce battle, and at this time Jiang Yi is so weak that he seems about to fall down at any time.

   "Did you feel sorry for me at this time? Why didn't Mr. Fu feel sorry for me when he plotted against me?"

  Jiang Yi looks like a person who specializes in criticizing, and every word he says at this time wishes to turn into a knife and stab Fu Xiting.

   "I have something to hide, meaning."

   "I can't understand your unspeakable secrets. If you don't tell me those things, besides the so-called unspeakable secrets, Mr. Fu also has distrust of me."

   "Your tragedy lies in the fact that you have the opportunity to let me fight against foreign enemies with you, but you push me to a passive position and become someone else's bargaining chip."

   "Watching me being pinned and rubbed on the ground, but still come to me to sell some unspeakable character design."

   Finally finished writing, I’m going to brush Li Jiaqi la la la la la



  (end of this chapter)