MTL - Mr. Fu’s Wife Reincarnated-Chapter 270 271: Explosion Three

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  Fu Xiting finished blowing her hair, put the hair dryer on the sink casually, reached out and hugged Jiang Yi, the man's chin rubbed Jiang Yi's neck: "It smells good, did you change the shower gel?"

  Jiang Yien made a sound.

  Fu Xiting said again: "Would you like to hide it for me?"

  Jiang Yi laughed: "It's just a bottle of shower gel, Mr. Fu."

"En? So which bottle is it?" Before there was no hostess in Yu Garden, Fu Xiting was quite particular about life, but he was particular about life. There were not so many various things, but after Jiang Yi moved in, the toiletries at home began to change. There are so many types that you have to choose a concubine every day you take a bath.

   Maybe he just picked up a bottle of other supplies. One day, Fu Xiting used a bottle of shower gel, which smelled good all day long, and Fang Chi felt that he had done something shameful.

  Jiang Yi naturally knew it. He glanced at Fu Xiting faintly, and said with a slight smile, "Guess?"

  The man's fingertips landed on Jiang Yi's waist, slowly squeezed, and responded with a smile: "If I guess correctly, what reward will I get?"

   "Reward you for washing more times?"

  The two were joking in the bathroom. Fu Xiting smiled slightly, his tone gradually sank.

   Still rubbing against Jiang Yi's neck, and he was still speaking, but at this time, Fu Xiting's tone softened a bit: "Dr. Zou called me, hoping to see you."


   "After dinner, you are taking a walk," Fu Xiting received a call from Zou Yin when they were having dinner.

  When receiving the call, Zou Yin expressed her intention to come, and Fu Xiting could hear her sobbing just by listening to her words.

   He didn't say much, but he was afraid that Jiang Yi wouldn't answer the phone, so he called him and wanted to meet him.

  As for why Zou Yin had Fu Xiting’s phone call, it’s not surprising, because all the money he allocated to Zou Yin’s research office at the beginning came from himself, not from others.

  Fu Xiting did not directly agree to Zou Yin's request, but agreed to seek Jiang Yi's opinion.

   "It's not convenient for me to come forward, if possible, can you do it for me?" The worries and worries at the beginning have not been reduced by half. If people know that she is Jiang Fu, it will not be beneficial to Zou Yin and Jiang Kuo.

  In this life, as long as she is still in Jiang Yi's body, she and Zou Yin can only get along as Yi Tian's friends, not as mother and daughter.

   "Yes," Fu Xiting nodded, "What do you want me to do?"

  Jiang Yi looked up at Fu Xiting: "You know."

  Downstairs, the vice presidents were sorting out the materials, glanced at the empty first place, and sighed: "The eleventh time."

  Usually, when Director Fu held meetings, they could doubt life, but now, Director Fu held this meeting so that they doubted life, but the two kinds of doubts are different.

  The former is suffering because the boss does not take a break, and the latter is suffering because the boss leaves the meeting site from time to time.

   Today's work, if it is usually at most five hours of work, but today, eight hours have passed.

  The efficiency is really low.

  Wu Jiangbai put the cigarette on his fingertips to his lips, and said vaguely: "The old man is having sex, and it is inevitable that there will be times when he can't control it. I understand."

   "Old man?" Some vice presidents were puzzled.

   "Fu Dong Mingming can have a back garden, but he wants to guard a tiger thorn plum."

  Tiger thorn plum, also known as iron begonia, has thorns on the stem like a tiger. It grows in Africa and has high ornamental value, but it is extremely harmful. It can only be seen from a distance but not touched.

  The description of tiger thorn plum can be said to be quite vivid, isn't Jiang Yi such a person? Beauty is beauty, but it is also quite ruthless to tie people.

   Fu Xiting, instead of having a lot of fragrant lilies and soft scorpion flowers in the yard, went to find an iron crabapple.

  Guan Qing sneered: "Mr. Fu is obsessed with family, so we can also take a breather, isn't it better?"

  The vice president shook his head: "A married man just wants to have a career."

   "Send you to Africa to display your talents?" Wu Jiang asked with a smile.

   "You don't have to."

  At one o'clock in the morning, Wu Jiangbai came home, just as his wife took him out of the child's room, saw him coming back, went up to meet him, sniffed his nose: "I really didn't drink."

  Wu Jiangbai smiled, put his arms around his wife's shoulders and went to the room: "Generally, private parties are busy, and Fu Dong won't let us drink."

  Not to mention, Fu Xiting doesn't like wine table culture unless it is necessary.

   There is no way to entertain the outside world. The company's celebration is another matter. Except for these two, the rest of the things will not be the reason for them to fight at the wine table.

  Wu Jiangbai went to the bathroom and took off his shirt. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a set of unopened skin care products on his wife's dressing table, and it was not a wife-specific brand.

   "Didn't you say that you have allergies on your face, so you can't easily change brands?"

"Oh," Hu Xiang glanced at the things on the dressing table: "I went shopping today and was bumped by a girl. The new one was smashed. I wanted to buy another set, but the counter said it was out of stock. The girl gave me the set she bought."

  Wu Jiangbai frowned slightly: "Are you all right?"

   "Not in the way."

  Wu Jiangbai hummed, and went into the bathroom, never taking his wife's words to heart.

  July 2, Friday.

   Probably lay in the hospital for a few days, and people have had enough sleep.

  He woke up at six o'clock in the morning, lying on the bed and looking at the sleeping face of the person beside him, feeling a little absent-minded for a while.

   After staying for a few minutes, he moved his body and wanted to turn over, but when he turned halfway, he was stopped by someone.

   For a while, the back and forth will not be correct, and the turn and turn will not turn over.

   Holding his breath for a few seconds, he reached out and pulled Fu Xiting's claws away.

   "What's the matter?" Jiang Yi was about to move, and Fu Xiting woke up.

   "To the toilet," she said, making an excuse.

  Jiang Yi went into the bathroom with his mobile phone and couldn't help but sigh with emotion. The practice of going to the bathroom to avoid things usually only occurs at work. Unexpectedly, it has also fallen to this point at home.

   "What do you mean?" Three to five minutes later, Fu Xiting's call sounded.

   "Wait a moment," Jiang Yi responded through the door.

   After going to the toilet for more than three minutes, there is this sound of waiting again. Most people should know what it means, right?

  Fu Xiting understood.

   Put one hand on the eyelids and close your eyes to rest.

  The whole person is in a state of waking up, six o'clock, for a person who goes to bed at two o'clock in the morning, it is indeed a bit early.

   But Jiang Yi doesn't seem to be aware of this problem yet.

   Approaching ten minutes, the call sounded again.

  Jiang Yi sighed and got up.

   Nesting back on the bed again, Fu Xiting felt a sense of security when he pulled her into his arms.

"I can not sleep."

   "Honey, I didn't go to sleep until two o'clock in the morning, less than four hours," Fu Xiting sighed helplessly.

   "Be good, huh? I can't sleep well when you get up."

  In July, the temperature rises like a curve.

  Jiang Yi wakes up in the morning and opens the curtains to look towards the sun. The goal is the dazzling sun and the rolling heat waves in the mountains and forests.

  On July 2nd, Qian Xingzhi and Sihan were investigating things in Jianzhou.

  The two walked through the center of Jianzhou city. Sihan looked at Qian Xing's firm steps before him, and chased after him curiously: "What exactly are we going to investigate?"

   "Check where the dead are buried."

"Is it so unsubstantiated? Wandering around Jianzhou like a lonely ghost? You should give me a source!" In the thirties of the day, Sihan only felt that his celestial spirit cover was emitting white smoke , If you go on, you will be dried up in the sun.

  As for Qian Xingzhi, a person who came out of the battlefield, this kind of suffering is nothing. He ignored Sihan's crying, and moved forward sullenly: "If you can't stand it, go back to the capital and be your young master."

Sihan was stunned, and chased after him in three or five steps: "No, am I the kind of person who can't bear hardships? But anyway, you have to let me know what's going on! My eyes are so dark that I don't know what to do in Jianzhou. Been wandering around for days."

   "You——," Sihan's words stopped in Qian Xingzhi's footsteps. He raised his eyes and saw the words Jianzhou Cemetery.

  In an instant, a cool feeling rose from the soles of his feet.

  Even if the sky is blue and white at this time, it still can't stop the chill.

   "We don't want to go in, do we?" Sihan muttered.

  Qian Xingzhi glanced at the door, his face darkened: "Of course."

  Qian Xingzhi went in, but he didn't talk nonsense to the gatekeeper, so he threw a few cards over to Grandpa Mao: "Check someone."

  Although the words are polite, but with Qian Xingzhi's face, it will inevitably make people tremble.

  The security guard trembled slightly in fright: "This is a cemetery, not a police station!"

   "Just ask the dead," Qian Xingzhi grabbed the security man by the neck, and counted the money on the table: "One name, one thousand yuan."

"You ask."

   "Yuan Hai, where is he buried?"

   "I'll look through it," the uncle took out the record on the desktop that should have been turned over, and when he found Yuan Hai's name, he clicked: "Here."

   "If you don't call the police, I'll give you another 9,000 when we come down, and we'll go up and have a look, and we won't destroy it for you," Qian Xingzhi patted the uncle on the shoulder, and the uncle listened and nodded repeatedly.

  The more people like this kind of stupid people come, the better. He wants it all. He is a cemetery guard, and if he can make some money, it is a little money.

   "Who is Yuan Hai? Could it be the Yuan Hai from the former Negotiating Institute?" Sihan somehow felt that something was wrong, and looked at Qian Xingzhi's back with precautions.

  Si Han knew about Yuan Hai from those cronies. I heard that he is one of the secretaries of the international negotiator Jiang Fu, and he has strong professional ability.

   spoke fluent German, and was quite proficient in domestic laws. He was considered an all-around talent, but such a person died in an air crash.

   and Jiang Fu both died.

  At that time, those cronies still smiled and persuaded him not to work as a negotiator. After all, it was a high-risk job, and he might die that day.

  As for Qian Xingzhi, he didn't seem to expect that Sihan would know the former negotiator.

  Stopped and looked back at him: "You know him?"

  Yuan Hai has always been behind Jiang Fu. It is reasonable to say that except for those who have intersected with him at work, few people know who he is, but he actually knows.

   "After following Boss Jiang, I checked some people. Why are you here to check people?" Sihan was puzzled.

   "Mr. Jiang didn't tell me, he just asked me to check, you are annoying, why are there 100,000 on the walking version?"

  Sihan: ".I don't have the right to know yet?"

"In case you bring me here to kill people and set fire, do I have to accept it? I'm not a fool," who knows who this Qian Xingzhi is, and Jiang Yi recruits people in so vaguely, in case something goes wrong , wouldn't that be shooting yourself in the foot?

   If something really happened to this, the loss outweighs the gain.

   "Don't worry, I won't take you if you really want to commit murder and arson."


   "Vegetables!" Qian Xingzhi's knife stabbed extremely deeply, and he didn't hide his dislike for Sihan at all.

   One dish at a time, regardless of whether people like it or not.

  On this day, Jianzhou was under the scorching sun, the leaves were motionless, and there was no breeze. Such a quiet atmosphere, when coming out of the cemetery, seemed particularly scary.

  Qian Xingzhi strode away due to professional habits, and Sihan followed behind, three steps in five steps, as if if he slowed down, the ghost behind him would catch up.

   "Can you wait for me?" Sihan called out.

  Qian Xingzhi kept walking: "What are you afraid of when you are in the blue sky?"

   "What if there are ghosts?"

   "I've watched too many **** dramas,"

  Qian Xingzhi found Yuan Hai's tombstone, looked at the young man with glasses in the photo, his brows were slightly tightened, and doubts welled up in his heart.

  Jiang Fu said that he did not get off the plane because he was not feeling well before boarding the plane, but in the end it was reported that he died.

   It is hard to say that there is an inner ghost making trouble in it. If there is, the person who survived must be the biggest suspect.

"How should we do it?" Sihan looked at the man on the tombstone squatting down slowly, and when he looked at the man's photo, he also felt quite strange: "Other people's portraits are gray, why is his portrait white? It seems It looks like a registration photo, not a posthumous photo."

  Yes, Qian Xingzhi also felt that it didn't look like a posthumous photo.

   This is where it gets weird.

Sihan pointed to the weeds next to him: "Look, the tombstones of other people who have passed away for many years are all clean, which proves that people often come to worship and clean things up, but this Yuan Hai has only been dead for a year. The weeds next to the tombstones are taller than other people's dead ten years."

  Qian Xingzhi is almost certain that this person is either alive or has no descendants.

   "Either he is not dead, or there is no one alive in the family. Which one do you think is more likely?"

  Qian Xingzhi's voice was slightly mocking.

Sihan glanced at the date of Yuan Hai's birth on the tombstone: "It's less than 30 years old. My parents got married very early. No matter how old my parents are now, they will not exceed 65 years old. They just retired. It won’t be the case that everyone in the family is dead, that’s only the first possibility.”

   One of Qian Xing's assistants stretched out his hand and patted John on the head like a teachable child: "Let's go."

"where to?"

   "You will know when you go."

  At eight o'clock in the morning, Jiang Yi was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the living room, looking at the leisurely goldfish in the pool with his arms folded.

  When the phone rang on the coffee table, it happened that Fu Xiting came down from the second floor and handed the phone to Jiang Yi.

She glanced at the number, reached out to pick it up, and Qian Xingzhi's words came through the receiver: "You guessed right, Yuan Hai erected a tombstone, but the grass on the tombstone almost covered the grave, or everyone in the family passed away. , no one has come to worship, or the person is not dead, so there is no need to worship."

   "I'm going to find him now."