MTL - Mr. Fu, You’ve Spoiled Your Wife Rotten!-Chapter 654 big wedding

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  Chapter 654 Marriage

   Wait until the two wake up.

   Already in an extremely luxuriously furnished room.

   There are also various precious antique jade carvings in the room.

  The room is very large, and the layout looks like a palace or something.

  When Li Beibei woke up, she was powerless.

   Now that I think about it, I just got caught in the smoke.

  Fu Jingmo also woke up.

  He wants to get up.

  But found that the two of them were tied to the chair back to back.

   Struggled a bit, to no avail.

  Li Beibei finally woke up. Looking at the surrounding environment, she sighed and said, "It's really just out of the tiger's den and into the wolf's den. What's going on?"

   Before Fu Jingmo could speak, the outside door was opened.

  Seeing the two of them woke up.

   hurriedly shouted to the outside: "Wake up, they're awake."

   Soon a large group of people came outside.

  Fu Jingmo also saw the woman riding a horse just now.

  The woman came in and walked up to Fu Jingmo.

  The woman said: "You finally woke up."

  Fu Jingmo looked at the woman and said coldly, "Where is this place?"

  The woman said: "This is the Princess Mansion, the place where we will get married tomorrow, and I don't want to treat you like this, but since you don't cooperate, I can only bring you back first."

  Li Beibei was completely dumbfounded after hearing this.

  When she saw Fu Jingmo, she only saw Fu Jingmo being besieged by a large group of people.

  But why did Fu Jingmo want to marry this princess.

  Li Beibei looked at Fu Jingmo: "What's going on?"

   At this time, a maid behind the princess stepped forward and told the truth.

Finally, the servant girl said: "Our princess is able to take a fancy to you, it is your blessing from several lifetimes of cultivation, our ninth princess is the king's favorite princess, she is the prince's own sister, and it is the king who personally ordered the selection of the golden deer son-in-law. If you resist the decree, your head will fall to the ground."

   Li Beibei finally understands

   It turned out that when Fu Jingmo was hunting, he accidentally hit the golden deer that the Ninth Princess used to choose a son-in-law.

   Just like that, she was caught as a son-in-law by mistake, and she was going to get married tomorrow.

   Li Beibei only felt a headache.

  How could this oolong happen.

   But for a while, Li Beibei didn't know what to say.

  Fu Jingmo over there has already said coldly: "I said, I can't be some kind of golden deer son-in-law."

   "Why?" Liu Yan already showed displeasure on her face.

  Fu Jingmo said: "Because I already have a wife."

  Liu Yan's complexion changed, she pointed to Li Beibei next to her and said, "Is that her?"

  In fact, when this woman appeared, she had such a premonition.

  This woman is also really tough, she has confronted dozens of cavalry head-on for so long.

  If they hadn't stunned them with smoke, it would have been possible for them to break through and run away.

  Fu Jingmo said quietly: "Yes!"

  When Li Beibei heard Fu Jingmo say this, his heart suddenly moved.

   In fact, after arriving in this world, the relationship between them can only be regarded as ambiguous at best.

  Some things seem to be tacit between them.

  But Li Beibei had never heard Fu Jingmo say such a thing.

   Said she was his wife.

  Liu Yan was very angry.

   She looked at the man in front of her, much better looking than any man she saw in Xizhou.

  And if she doesn't marry again, it is very likely that she will be sent to marry by her father.

   She didn't want to miss such an opportunity.

  Actually, before they were all in a coma, Liu Yan had already considered it.

  So it's not surprising to hear the man in front of me say that.

  Liu Yan said: "Untie his rope."

   Two palace servants came and untied the rope tied to Fu Jingmo's body.

  Li Beibei was still tied up, feeling weak all over.

  I didn't even have the strength to stand up.

  Liu Yan suddenly turned around and pulled out a sword from a servant beside her, throwing it in front of Fu Jingmo.

  Liu Yan said: "It doesn't matter if she is your wife. If you kill her, you will be my golden deer consort. If you don't agree, I will execute you both."

  Li Beibei just felt a little screwed up.

  What now?

  But she wanted to know if Fu Jingmo would compromise.

  If it was Fu Jingmo in the past, he would have pretended to agree, negotiated conditions, or used a strategy of delaying the attack.

  Li Beibei's eyes also fell on Fu Jingmo's face.

  Fu Jingmo bent down and slowly picked up the sword from the ground.

  Liu Yan showed a smile on her face.

   This woman is beautiful though.

  But in the face of life and death, fools know how to choose.

  Li Beibei also looked at Fu Jingmo.

  He didn't doubt that Fu Jingmo would hurt himself.

  Li Beibei believes that even if he doesn't remember anything, some fundamental things cannot be changed.

   It's just that Li Beibei began to worry about how he would resolve the current crisis.

  In fact, according to Li Beibei's understanding of his character, Li Beibei has already guessed it.

   Sure enough, in the next second, Fu Jingmo cut the rope that was tied to Li Beibei's body with his sword.

  Li Beibei also cooperated tacitly.

   Strongly holding on to a dodge, he ran behind the princess.

   Take advantage of the situation and pull out the hairpin from the princess's head, aiming at the princess's neck.

  Li Beibei shouted coldly: "Let us go, and your princess will die."

  For a moment, all the palace people panicked.

  Ninth Princess is not in a hurry: "Do you think you can escape? This is the palace."

  Li Beibei said calmly: "If we can't escape, then you will be buried with us."

   Probably Li Beibei's calm and decisive look made Liu Yan feel a little uncertain.

   She had never seen such a woman.

  Obviously he has been poisoned by the ecstasy incense, but his skills are still so good, it's almost like a ghost.

   But she is not afraid.

  Because what they Xizhou people are best at is using poison.

  She dared to get so close to her, which proves that she is not from Xizhou at all.

   Liu Yan turned her head and exhaled smoke from her mouth.

   Li Beibei was unprepared and just inhaled it into his nose.

  In an instant, she felt dizzy, her whole body was limp, and she fell to the ground.

  Fu Jingmo over there also hurried over when he saw this.

   But it was already too late.

  The guards beside Liu Yan had already drawn out their swords, and the sharp long swords all came to Fu Jingmo's neck.

  Fu Jingmo didn't resist or struggle.

  Just walked to Li Beibei's side and held Li Beibei in his arms.

  Li Beibei looked at Fu Jingmo's side face with eyes blindfolded.

  I'm sorry, Fu Jingmo, to trouble you again.

   Over there, Liu Yan was even more angry with this woman who wanted to kill her.

  The man she likes, no matter what, she will take it for herself.

  Since she was a child, her personality has been just like that of a boy, and her favorite thing to do is domesticate wild horses.

  She didn't believe that this man would not crawl under her feet one day.

  Liu Yan said: "This woman dared to assassinate this princess, come here, kill her for me, and throw her into a mass grave outside the city. I will let her die without a place to bury her."

   "Slow down"!

   As soon as Liu Yan finished speaking, Liu Lie's voice came from outside.

  Liu Yan turned around: "Brother, what are you doing here?"

Liu Lie said: "Sister, it's a pity that such a beautiful beauty was killed. You might as well let me take her back and be the servant girl of my prince's mansion. Don't worry, I will discipline you well. When she becomes mine, you I'm afraid this man won't be able to remember."

  After hearing this, Fu Jingmo wanted to get up.

   But was suppressed by a group of people.

  Fu Jingmo looked at Liu Lie viciously: "If you dare to touch her, I will kill you!"

  Liu Lie smiled indifferently, took a step forward, but kicked Fu Jingmo **** the chest.

  Fu Jingmo was kicked, his body didn't move, but he vomited a mouthful of blood forcefully.

  Liu Yan stepped forward to check: "Call to the imperial doctor!"

   Then he turned his head and began to complain to Liu Lie: "What are you doing, he is mine, and he is going to get married tomorrow."

  Liu Lie said with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't die, he has such a strong temper, if you don't let him suffer, he will marry you?"

  Liu Yan was still unhappy: "I'll just give him medicine."

   After finishing speaking, she took out a medicine bottle from her arms, poured out a few black pills from it, and stuffed them into Fu Jingmo's mouth forcibly.

  Liu Yan said: "If you are disobedient, I will give you some medicine first, and after we are married, I will slowly train you."

  Liu Lie said with a smile: "Give me some of you "Lian Hun Pill", which makes people lose consciousness and make people obey, so that the women in my Prince's Mansion will not be jealous all day long."

   Liu Yan said disdainfully: "Don't you despise those gentle and obedient women who are boring?"

Liu Lie raised his eyebrows, and his eyes fell on the unconscious Li Beibei: "It's true, your medicine will be boring after using it, so I will take this woman back first, and I will make her obey tomorrow." Post to attend your wedding ceremony."

  Thinking of his brother's character, thinking that this woman would probably be more or less auspicious if she fell into her hands.

  So he agreed.

   Afterwards, Li Beibei was pushed into a carriage.

  Beside the carriage is the man just now.

  The man stroked Li Beibei's face with his hands, and said with emotion: "This face is really beautiful. We have beautiful women from Xizhou, but we have never seen such a beautiful one. I must taste it tonight."

   Li Beibei felt nauseated in her heart.

  She tried her best to stay awake, not wanting to let herself fall asleep.

  If she really couldn't make it through tonight, she would rather die than let this beast in front of her touch her.

   Soon came to another palace.

   Fortunately, Li Beibei has regained a little consciousness.

   But still no strength at all.

  She was soon carried to the prince's bedroom.

  Afterwards, Liu Lie couldn't wait to drive away the servants from his bedroom.

   I am planning to use the beauty I got by accident.

   And Li Beibei had already quietly held the porcelain pillow on the bed.

  If this prince really comes hard, she will knock his head off.

  But just when the prince couldn't wait to close the door.

  A palace attendant came over: "His Royal Highness, Your Majesty has asked you to come over."

   Liu Lie, who was disturbed, was very unhappy: "It's so late, what are you asking me to do?"

  The palace man said: "This slave is not very clear, it seems that there are envoys from Donghua."

  As soon as he heard that it was Donghua's envoy, Liu Lie didn't dare to neglect.

   You know, although Xizhou is also a country, it cannot be compared with Donghua.

   Over the years, it is also by relying on Donghua that it can barely deal with Northern Min and Nanhan.

  The king of Xizhou would send his children to Donghua every year to get married in order to strengthen the relationship between the two countries.

  Liu Lie hurried out.

   Li Beibei finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  She clenched her fist hard, pinching her fingers in the flesh, and finally woke herself up.

  Li Beibei struggled to sit up from the bed.

   But she still has no strength, she can't even stand up.

  She didn't know when the effect of the medicine would pass.

  But Li Beibei knew very well that she was desperate to escape now, and there was no possibility of her surviving.

   She must find an opportunity.

  Li Beibei is working hard to recover.

   Until late at night, Li Beibei heard footsteps outside.

  Listening to the hurried footsteps, Li Beibei knew that it was the prince who had returned.

   At this time, Li Beibei has recovered a little.

  Li Beibei got up quickly and hid in front of the door.

  Liu Lie pushed the door open and entered: "Beauty, I've been waiting for a long time!"

  Before he finished speaking, Li Beibei came out and slapped him on the neck.

  Liu Lie's body went limp, and he was slapped unconscious on the ground.

   Li Beibei looked at the people on the ground, and originally wanted to kick them hard.

   But thinking, if he hadn't been brought back, maybe he would have been buried in a mass grave by now.

  Li Beibei moved Liu Lie to the bed with great effort.

  Li Beibei has just controlled her strength.

   Within four hours, he should not wake up.

  But this is not the way.

  He will still wake up tomorrow morning.

  Li Beibei looked around in the room.

   Finally found a medicine chest on top of a cabinet.

  Li Beibei didn't know what medicine was in it.

   Anyway, Liu Lie was fed a little mess.

   As for the consequences, Li Beibei has no time to worry about it.

  When the light started to shine outside, Li Beibei finally regained his vitality.

  Now, she has to go to Fu Jingmo.

  Li Beibei searched again in the prince's room.

  Li Beibei took away a dagger and an arrow crossbow.

   Now she doesn't know the situation outside.

  But I can only go out and try my luck.

  Li Beibei took out the Prince's Mansion before dawn.

   Just ran into the gift-giving team head-on.

   Those boxes are all pasted with the Chinese character “Hi”.

  Li Beibei guessed that these things must have been sent to the princess mansion.

  So Li Beibei turned around and mingled behind the team with his head down.

   Fortunately, there were so many people in the team, everyone didn't pay attention to Li Beibei who was hiding behind.

  The princess mansion is even more lively today.

  There are lights and festoons everywhere.

  Today is the wedding day of the princess and the son-in-law.

  The emperor of Xizhou will also come to abbot the wedding.

  Li Beibei soon sneaked into the princess' room.

   There is no one inside at this time.

  But the room is decorated like a wedding room.

  As soon as Li Beibei entered, there were many footsteps outside.

  Li Beibei hurriedly got under the bed.

   After a while, many people came outside.

  The nine princesses of Xizhou are also among them.

  The servant girl brought up the wedding dress for her to try on.

  After trying it on, the servant girl praised and said: "Princess, you are so beautiful today. If the son-in-law sees it, he will definitely be tempted."

  Ninth Princess asked casually: "Is the son-in-law awake?"

  (end of this chapter)