MTL - Mr. Fu, You’ve Spoiled Your Wife Rotten!-Chapter 25 When I become Mrs. Fu...

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  Chapter 25 Waiting for me to become Mrs. Fu...

   Not long after, Li Beibei also came up.

  She pretended to be concerned and asked: "Qing Dai, are you okay?"

   Being asked this question, Su Qingdai burst into tears: "Bebe, my first kiss is... unexpectedly..."

  Su Qingdai was so sad that she couldn't speak.

Li Beibei pretended to show a distressed expression: "That was your first kiss, what a pity, it was given to an old man in his sixties, but don't be too sad, I just heard that that old man was a kiss when he was young. Athletes are handsome."

  Su Qingdai cried even more sadly.

  Li Beibei sighed: "At that time, there was nothing to do. Compared with life, what is the first kiss?"

  Su Qingdai was unconvinced: "But Erye Fu is obviously beside me, why didn't he give me artificial respiration."

   Li Beibei was speechless.

  Su Qingdai raised her head suddenly: "Beibei, does Second Master Fu really hate me? I think he is targeting me."

  Li Beibei said: "Probably not, maybe he has that kind of personality, I think she still has a good impression of you."

  Su Qingdai's eyes suddenly lit up: "Are you serious?"

  Li Beibei nodded: "Look, you are young and beautiful. There are so many boys chasing you in school. If he really hated you, he wouldn't agree to teach you how to swim."

  Su Qingdai had a hope in her heart.

  Yeah, who is Fu Jingmo, if he really hated himself, he wouldn't waste his time agreeing to teach him how to swim for four hundred dollars.

   It must have been just an accident just now.

  Fu Jingmo is not polite when speaking to himself, but he is used to being superior, and it must be the same for other people.

  She couldn't give up so early.

  Su Qingdai asked tentatively: "Beibei, if I say I like Master Fu, will you be angry?"

  Li Beibei just felt that Su Qingdai was hooked, and said with a smile: "Angry, why should I be angry."

   "But he has a marriage contract with you, it's been rumored outside."

   "This kind of marriage contract is not counted. If you like it, you can go after it."

  Su Qingdai was a little surprised, but soon figured it out.

  Li Beibei has always rejected this baby relationship, and probably wishes she could get back together with Fu Jingmo, so that she can return her freedom.

  Maybe, now Li Beibei already has a good impression of Chu Xiubai.

  No matter what, Li Beibei's thoughts were exactly what Su Qingdai wanted.

  Su Qingdai grabbed Li Beibei's hand: "Beibei, you are really my good sister. If I become Mrs. Fu in the future, I will never forget your great kindness."

  Li Beibei sneered in her heart.

  Mrs. Li?

She hasn't seen Fu Jingmo's methods before. She heard from the gossip beauty master that Qing Yulou once had a top card who wanted to curry favor with Fu Jingmo. She knocked on Fu Jingmo's door in the middle of the night, and the end was really miserable. .

  Su Qingdai wanted to be Mrs. Fu at a young age, so let him hit the south wall by himself.

   At this time, Fu Jingmo, who had just arrived at the door of the lounge, stopped in his footsteps.

  He originally wanted to ask Li Beibei to have lunch with him.

  Hearing what Li Beibei said, he lost his appetite for an instant, turned around and left with a sullen face.

  The next day.

  Li Beibei did not go to the Huangbao Fitness Club, but let Su Qingdai go alone.

   At noon, Li Beibei received a call from Su Qingdai complaining that she had been waiting all morning, but Fu Jingmo did not come.

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  (end of this chapter)