MTL - Morning of Swordsman Tower-Chapter 5

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The Sarkaz is commonly known as the Demon Race, which is a race whose ancestors are all kinds of demons or vampires. Because various Originium skills are popular in today's wars, and the blood of the Sarkaz is usually the most adaptable to the Originium, that is It means the strongest fighting power, so it is traditionally regarded as a thorn in the side of other warlike races.

‘Of course they won’t be weaker than Sarkaz. Their predecessors were the Tower of Babel who fought against the current Kazdel Regent in the Sarkaz civil war. You integration movements are amateurs. '

W thought to himself, after all, Rhodes Island, which advertised to rescue the infected, got involved again. Knowing the inside story, she felt very complicated. Sure enough, the person she hated back then had no other meaning of life except war. Yet?

W dare not say these things in front of Tallulah, because W once worked for the Tower of Babel. Although he was a mercenary at the beginning, he later became the leader of the Tower of Babel, Princess Sarkaz, Trey. Thea's diehard fan, so she left the mercenary and officially joined the Tower of Babel.

It wasn't until Teresia was assassinated by her brother Teresis who usurped the throne of Kazdel, and the doctor, who was the commander-in-chief of the battle, failed to protect the queen in time. Play old business and numb your emotions in the mercenary career.

"Even three Sarkaz regular army squads can't stop us!"

"Yes, it is indeed unstoppable, we were almost winning at that time, until the person who claimed to be a doctor appeared..."

Tallulah frowned again, resisting the urge to pull out the two-handed sword at her waist and chop the phantom crossbowman in two halves.

"How many reinforcements did the doctor bring to make you so helpless?"

Thinking back to the scene at that time, the Adam's apple under the phantom crossbowman's tactical mask would unconsciously squirm, and even his breathing became much heavier.

"Only one person, that doctor fell from the sky, rushed in against our attack with his body, buried Faust with two lasers from his eyes, then grabbed Mephisto and flew away, no one able to stop him."



This time W really spit out the water she just drank, her eyes stared like an owl at night, what the **** are you talking about, if W didn't know the doctor himself, she almost... She wouldn't believe it! Is this Kazdel's Arabian Nights?

Even W was like this, and Tallulah's face was terribly dark. She reached out and grabbed the phantom crossbowman's neck and lifted it abruptly. Obviously, that slender figure seemed far less powerful than the other party, but the phantom crossbowman But there is no resistance.

This is the tyrannical physical power from the Drake tribe, that is, the kind in the knight novels of the western world who can fly into the sky and breathe fire, slaughter a city in idleness, grab the princess and run back to the cave where he hides his treasure, and then wait for the knight brave to come forward. Come challenge your own dragon.

"Are you insulting my IQ? This is something a person can do??!"

To be honest, in terms of destructive power alone, Tallulah can do this by herself, but it is absolutely impossible to calmly face so many armed men as I said just now. After all, they have many kinds of killing methods. Faust's powerful sniper crossbow made her have to avoid it.

"...No, that's right, I am absolutely not talking nonsense, Chief Tallulah..."


Just as Tallulah became more and more annoyed and wanted to put more force on her hand, suddenly there was a smoke and dust explosion without flame not far away. This familiar sound made everyone except Tallulah, w Everyone outside the herd and herd couldn't help being shocked.

That guy is at it again!

"Hello everyone, it seems that this is the leader of the integration movement. It's really an honor to be here waiting for you."

Jogo strolled out of the smoke and dust in the sky, without any traces on his battle suit, such a dazzling man, even Tallulah was stunned for a moment, the phantom crossbowman in his hand slipped without paying attention go out.

W, W is looking for the tactical eyepiece.

"Blind, I must be blind, who is this hunk???"

Unlike Amiya's clear memory, in W's memory, except for the princess Teresia, other aspects of the Tower of Babel have begun to become blurred under self-anesthesia, even the doctor who bears her resentment is no exception .

But it was also this sense of ambiguity that made her quickly identify Jogo with the former Babel evil spirit just by relying on this face.

However, Qiao Ge didn't take a look at W who was rubbing his eyes vigorously at the side, or it should be said that Qiao Ge had already seen her, but he couldn't take the initiative to know her.

Because the setting is that the doctor has amnesia, you can’t tell W that I know you because you have a well with 300 rounds, right?

And I'm sorry, Qiao Ge was recruited in the first tenth company, and then he was second in an instant, and he was placed in the secretary and support position at one go, he can be called a hero who is not afraid of being beaten among Dr. Xiao.

"You are... the Doctor of Rhodes Island?"

It fell from the sky without any injuries, completely in line with the description just now, Tallulah realized that she had indeed blamed the phantom crossbowman by mistake, but at this time no one cared about that hapless guy.

"That's right, my code name is Doctor. I just woke up from a deep sleep and saw your despicable evil deeds. Stop. Rhodes Island has always existed to help the infected, not to stir up trouble. More struggle."

Chapter 12 Xiao Ge, give Tallulah the whole job!

W really wanted to yell on the spot, you are a **** doctor, you are obviously a counterfeit, can you say such a thing?

You should proclaim like a villain, "Gentlemen, I love war!"

In the end, it turned out that Tema came to persuade you to fight, what's the matter?

The R'lyeh rising from the bottom of the sea reappeared in the world, and the sleeping Cthulhu evil **** declared to the mortal races on land that all people should spread and follow the belief of love and peace, as well as the beautiful love that makes people happy physically and mentally. Show off culture.

Now what W sees with his own eyes is the same, right?

Jogo probably understood W's mood, but he couldn't laugh out loud, and could only keep his serious but calm face, which really put a lot of psychological pressure on Tallulah.

"You said let us stop, why? Just rely on your powerful strength? The integration movement is the crystallization of the essence accumulated by the infected for many years of oppression. Our ideals cannot be killed by brute force."

Tallulah walked towards Jogo, looked up at him, and then gave a set of righteous words. If she didn't know that she would do something harmful to the world in the future, with Jogo's simple thinking, Tallulah's slender and fair With beautiful legs, he might believe it.

"Oh, is that really the case, then why is there someone like Mephisto?"

"Mephisto is far more miserable than those who are rich or ordinary, but accidentally infected with Originium disease and ruined their lives. He has been discriminated against and abused before he was infected. After all, he is also an ordinary person in this world. His sin created him, if I can't tolerate him, where can he go to live?"

Talula paused, then turned to look at the herd that was still having fun not far away. Without Mephisto's control, they were nothing more than irrational things no matter how strong they were, although Kingslayer's subordinates could not defeat them. They, however, gradually found a defensive rhythm under the cover of heavy equipment.

"As for the matter of the herd, I admit that it was my oversight. I originally wanted to use it on the stubborn Ursus military to turn them into an integrated combat unit, but I didn't expect him to plant seeds on our own people. "

Believe in you, there is a star bear!

Anyway, Qiao Ge didn't believe that Tallulah didn't know the inside story, but now her attitude was obviously inclined to compromise, perhaps because she didn't want to be tough with herself, which caused the integration movement to suffer too much loss in Chernobog.

A person who can go up and down at any time, who can reuse himself as a bombing bomb, if he can't restrain himself or kill him with one blow, it will be very difficult to think about.

"I don't care if you are negligent or not, but it is indisputable that you are massacring civilians. Can you not control your subordinates at all?"

"This is the price they should pay. No one in Checheng is innocent in discrimination and oppression of infected people, unless they are willing to join the integration movement and feel our pain together."

Although it is impossible to judge whether this is the true meaning of Tallulah, Qiao Ge knows that this is the true thinking of many infected people. They are not for any freedom and ideals, but just want to take revenge on the society with resentment. By the way, they smashed and looted 0 yuan to buy it.

"Then you should restrain them. Qualified leaders will never be so short-sighted. If you want revenge, you should change the entire society instead of wasting your future potential on such meaningless and lawless desires."


How could Tallulah care so much? The integration movement was originally just a small organization for infected people to warm each other up. It became so huge suddenly because of the conspiracy. The real goal of the people behind it was just to target Longmen and Yan Kingdom.

As for the future of the infected, there would never have been one.

"I don't have much time, or it should be said that the citizens of Chernobog don't have much time. If you don't give orders, I will help them myself, but before that..."

Jogo passed between Tallulah and W like no one else, and walked towards the pile of ruins where Faust was buried, as if he didn't have the consciousness to show his back to the enemy at all.

"what are you going to do!"

The phantom crossbowmen immediately fired together, regardless of whether the bows and arrows they shot at Jogo before returned in vain.

"Don't be nervous, but if you don't save him quickly, the oxygen inside will start to run out."

Qiao Ge stood beside the ruins and only stared at his eyes. Two heat rays shot out immediately. He drew a fist around the side of the ruins, and then punched it through with a sudden punch. Even the cement and steel bars were pulled out by him like a red wine bottle. Pulled out like a plug.

Faust, who was curled up in the innermost part of the round hole, blinked outside, looking at the light projected in, he couldn't figure out what happened for a moment.

"And the herd..."

It was difficult for Qiao Ge to do anything to the herd before because they were mixed with other integration movements, but now that the Chu River Han boundary has been drawn, there is no need to take it into consideration.


Jogo's body instantly exploded with a sonic boom, leaving only afterimages on the spot, and the strong wind from the cloak lifted the skirts of W and Tallulah, but it was a pity that they were full of safety pants.

"What... what!!?"

A man who is tough and able to take off is indeed very strong, but it is not impossible for a powerful caster like Tallulah who can release a wide range of AOE, but he can directly break through the sound barrier without even needing a run-up. The ability that threatens her the most.

As the saying goes, there is no reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days. If he can display such a fast speed, he must be able to attack Tallulah from the sky anytime and anywhere. Does she have to be tense all the time, even when she is sleeping? ?

"You all, step back!"

Jogo came to the front of the herd, and casually punched a heavy armored soldier of the berserk host with armor and origin stone crystals in the middle, and then picked two sticks from the air that were thrown by the berserk host's bone thrower. The crystallized spear turned around and was thrown twice with thunderous roaring sound, all of them were crushed to pieces.

The kingslayer's subordinates had seen Jogo's divine power for a long time, and they didn't care whether he was the enemy or not. As soon as they heard his words, they immediately retreated madly with their heavy shields on their backs, and slipped away.

"Finally, I can finally experience the power of Superman!"

Jogo had an ecstatic smile on his face. If W saw it, there would be a strange misunderstanding again. Unfortunately, she couldn't see it. She could only see the huge and dense pastures starting from the place where Jogo fell. The swarm collapsed like an ant colony run over by a faucet.

Ever since Qiao Ge knew that killing people would reduce his matching degree, he has been careful to maintain the character design, but for a second-year boy, if strength is not for killing a good time, then what's the point?

The herds are no longer human beings, they are dead souls imprisoned in the body of the former life. Killing them is a kind act of liberating pain. How can we not make Jogo happy?

'Match degree 60%'

In the fierce fight like tigers rushing into a flock, Jogo didn't pay attention to the voices in his ears, he just felt that he was fighting more and more smoothly, and his whole body seemed to be injected with a strong power current, linking every sense organ and every cell , so carefree as if this is the power he was born with.

Chapter 13 Rhode Island's Iron Fist Diplomacy

"Leader Tallulah..."

Faust, who had just been pulled out of the ruins and had a few bandages on his body, looked at Tallulah, whose face was sinking like water. For some reason, although he still had the same face when he was taken in back then, he still felt a little strange.

This has nothing to do with what the integration movement did in Checheng, because Faust has also witnessed the pain that Mephisto suffered. At his age, he still can't understand so many conspiracies and tricks. He only knows to resist Mephisto Such a fate must be resorted to violence.

But now, from his point of view, Tallulah has a lot of things that Faust can't understand. have something.

"Do you want to save Mephisto?"

Tallulah kept looking at the herd that was being beaten to death by a person, and suddenly said something without beginning or end.

"I want to, but I can't do anything about it. I heard about it just now. That guy is too strong. Even if he stands up and asks me to fight, I don't have any magic skills."

Although Faust's action of jumping off the high platform and firing the signal flare was to avoid being discovered with Mephisto, but he didn't expect that he was knocked down so simply and completely, everything happened in the blink of an eye, all by luck Only survived.

Looking back now, he still has lingering fears.

"Of course it's not for you to fight hard with him, you go and join them until you bring Mephisto back."

"I won't lurk..."

"Who told you to lurk? They are an organization that rescues the infected. As long as it is not a task that is against the integration movement, you can go to be an operator normally. In addition to taking care of Mephisto, you should also pay attention to writing down the information at ordinary times. It doesn’t need to be very confidential, even if it’s just common sense, after all, it seems that we know almost nothing about Rhodes Island.”

Faust lowered his head and thought for a while, then asked Tallulah again after a while.

"Then how do I bring Mephisto back?"

"I don't expect to bring you back, but because only you can control that mentally fragile guy. What if Mephisto went crazy in Rhodes Island and was silenced by that doctor? So your main task is to let him be A good boy, as for other matters, they belong to the scope of the deal between the Integration Movement and Rhodes Island."

Tallulah brushed her silver hair blown away by the wind, and thought a lot for a while. It is definitely not a very pleasant thing to be subdued by others, but this Doctor Monster is stronger than Gundam, and she cannot bear the consequences of a tough attitude. Loss.

"He should have weaknesses, you and Sister Shuangxing may be able to..."

"Needless to mention, Faust, what we are doing is not just winning the victory. The spells of me and Frost Star belong to the two extremes of controlling the temperature. No matter how strong it is, it needs to experience temperature changes. With his speed, wouldn't he be able to escape?"

Tallulah finally turned her face back and looked straight into Faust's eyes, as if warning him not to do unnecessary things.

"As long as he fails to escape once, can you imagine how serious the consequences will be? Even a crocodile in heavy armor cannot protect all its eggs from the mouth of snakes and ferrets, because it also needs to rest and return to the pond Keep it moist."

"...I see, so who will my team go to?"

There are only two concerns of Faust in the integration movement, one is Mephisto, and the other is the phantom crossbowmen led by him, but if it was Faust in the past, he probably wouldn’t ask this question, and he doesn’t know why If you want to ask Tallulah like this, you are like a child who is afraid that his parents will secretly spend his New Year's money.

"Then leave it to the Patriots, are you satisfied?"

"I agree, thank you."


Jogo, who is still fighting among the herds, feels refreshed. Only the physical strength of Superman can support him to play the lawn mowing game like an indefatigable data character. Unfortunately, there is no background music and narration. When chopping, clap Linguang's **** loudly.

Oh oh oh, Doctor, you are truly the Three Kingdoms Warriors!

Perhaps it was Mephisto who gave the last order to the herd. When the herd saw Jogo appearing, they all gave up attacking their former colleagues and rushed towards him like a zombie besieged city. Because of this , he chose not to use heat rays.

The heat ray looks mighty, but it lacks real feeling to Jogo, and it is not happy at all. A real man wants to touch each other... Ah no, a real man needs to punch to the flesh.

The only thing to be careful is that after being transformed into a herd, the source stone content in the body of these berserk hosts increases dramatically. Once they accidentally inhale or drink their blood, it is almost the same as swallowing a lump of source stone mine, or Very disgusting, contaminated origin stone.

But this is not a problem for Jogo who is already 60% matched. Superman can survive and fly in the vacuum of the universe. As long as the yellow sun is not extinguished, he can fight for a lifetime without breathing.

In the end, he who was addicted to it took a little longer to finish off the herd. The crystallization of the berserk host had piled up into a towering pyramid of terror, and a human **** who was covered in dirty blood and crystallization debris was Located at the very top, it is bathed in the only ray of sunlight leaking from the gray haze.

When Jogo no longer landed like a cannonball, but flew gently to Tallulah's side, no one dared to say the first sentence for a long time. The coercion brought by this scene is far greater than the simple A great show of power is scary.

Jogo didn't have the slightest awareness of this, he was just like a young boy who had just played happily in the ocean park for a while.

"What's the matter, does it smell bad on me?"


Tallulah, who had been standing there for more than an hour watching his performance, finally came back to her senses, took a deep breath after sorting out her thoughts, and then spoke.

"I have ordered the integration movement to stop the attack on the civilian area according to your request, and I can even send some less violent subordinates to cooperate with Rhodes Island to evacuate the civilians of Qiecheng outside the city, but Rhodes Island must sign a trade agreement Agreement, and can no longer interfere with our plan to integrate the follow-up in Qiecheng."