MTL - Morning of Swordsman Tower-Chapter 219

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"Target is dead, repeat, target confirmed dead."

"Recover the target's body, the boss wants to see where the people have the courage to..."

"Hey hey hey hey..."

"what sound!?"

Before the officer on the walkie-talkie finished speaking, there was a creepy and weird laughter from nowhere. The gunner squad leader looked around vigilantly and found that the source of the sound was the corpse of the robber on the ground.

It didn't come from his mouth, but from one of the holes in his body that had been punched out by bullets. If you look closely, there seemed to be two black whiskers protruding from it.

"A classic plot like a small deadly trap is always indispensable in the adventure of searching for treasure. I like it, but your ideas are too old-fashioned. Why don't you let me, the master, demonstrate it?"

Suddenly there was a terrible rumbling sound from the honeycomb-shaped corpse, and countless oily Periplaneta americana spewed out of those bullet holes like freshly dug oil, and flew into the air with flapping wings. filled the entire channel.

Not only that, but they also specially drilled into the gaps in the tactical equipment of the gunners, and opened their mouths to bite down when they touched the soft skin. I can only go to the "kitchen" to eat, that is, continue to find holes in the skin and drill in...

What are the holes in the human body, don't you need to taste them?

"Quick, get off me!"

No one can maintain rationality at such a time, let alone any tactical literacy. The gunners frantically flicked their limbs like jumping laser rain, and even drew out their knives to stab themselves, but in such a confined space All to no avail.

Later, the gunslinger squad leader finally realized that he wanted to open the safety door in front of him and run to the open area outside. However, when he struggled with nausea and severe pain, he took out the controller and pressed the button, but found that his hand had already It was gnawed until only white bones stained with traces of blood and flesh remained.


After the screams of despair and fear, only the anxious voice of the officer on the walkie-talkie and the rattling sound of eating were left on the scene.

Chapter 607 The Doctor Is Also a Sunshine Boy with Positive Energy Today

The gunslinger squad leader fell in front of the safety door that he pushed open, but his remaining strength and will to escape had completely collapsed and dissipated, but before his consciousness sank completely, he saw six legs outside the door. is walking towards him.

Two feet in police boots, and four cat paws.

It turned out to be Qiao Ge, who had just been beaten into a W nest, and his pet bad cat? !

I saw him walking forward calmly, all the cockroaches who were eating gave way as if seeing their king, until Jogo bent down and picked up the still noisy Put the walkie-talkie to his ear.

"Hide it quickly, kid, I'm coming to catch you."

Only when the entire horror incident switched to Jogo’s perspective did he realize that there were no overwhelming American cockroaches in the passage in front of him. Of course, those Colombian federal gunmen were not gnawed into bones. Lie flat in a vertical circle, and then foam at the mouth in a daze.

But if you look at the flower heart...ah no, it's the stamen, you will find that there is a small box with the lid opened, and a clown doll with a sunny smile on his face is happily dangling in the small box. come and go.

'"Effortless Scaring Box": related to the demon clown Shaco, designate a target to make the Scaring Box transform into the same shape as the target, once it is directly touched, it will pop up and scare all non-friendly units around it to make them fear .

The scare box abandoned by Sacco because it can’t hide and lurk, but it has learned the illusion through its own efforts. It lacks father’s love and is very eager to prove itself with actions, and will always be loyal to a master who can give full play to its talents.

If the scare box triggers the fear effect within one hour after it is transformed, it can be recycled and used again, otherwise it will explode and disappear immediately after entering the sad state. '

Obviously, such peripherals with incomplete or restricted attributes are rare, but it may be more useful to put it in Qiaogo's hands than the genuine small box of sunshine that can be invisible.

Just now, when the gunners were inspecting the "corpse", they touched the shock box that transformed into Jogo's shape, and then fell into fear, so they saw the phantoms that "delivered benefits" to people.

This is actually similar to the tactic of the special police throwing a tear gas or flash bomb before entering the door in anti-terrorism operations, but it is more unpredictable and more positive.



A middle-aged man wearing a federal military uniform suddenly lost his balance on the seat and fell to the ground. Judging from his shock and sweaty expression, he must have just tasted the "Yuanhe 2nd Year, Huashan" again just now. The house was ransacked by bandits..." What kind of knight stands up?

This is the command and dispatch room inside the vault of the Federal Savings Bank of Imperial City. Because the vault is isolated from external signals, even the commander of the guard force has to stay in the vault and use the internal communication line to command.

The candidate for the guard commander does not require a high-ranking federal military officer, but needs to be fully trusted by the Columbia consortium. For example, this Roz Gordon is just a lieutenant colonel of the federal army.

However, he has been screened by so-called "gifted children" since he was a child. Once he is selected, he will continue to support him until he graduates from the military academy. In the army, he comes into contact with almost all unexplainable internal channels. Almost everything in life and family Under the control of the consortium, such a person will certainly reassure the big shots.

Of course, it’s not like any idiot who offers loyalty to the consortium will accept everything, otherwise there will be no need to screen for "genius children". Although Ross is not as good as those Rhein-Life researchers with superior IQ, he is also an expert with many years of experience in colonial wars. Excellent commander.

But just now, even though he was used to the brutal battles in Bolívar where people shot each other's brains all over the ground because they were fighting for a little drug or territory, Ross still couldn't help feeling a bone-chilling chill. My heart rises.

Is this really just a gang of bank robbers? Why does it feel more frightening than facing an entire army on the battlefield? Not to mention the shrill screams that seemed to come from the abyss of **** just now. People who stepped on landmines on the battlefield and their entire lower body was blown up were not as terrible as their screams.

However, many years of field command experience has taught Ross the most experience is how to suppress the inner panic. As a commander, he must be calm and calm in the face of any situation, cruel and ruthless, in order to get the most efficient tactics and the best solution. the result of.

Just like when Ross participated in the officer training camp secretly organized by the Columbia Consortium, he learned his name from some top-secret combat records of the Kazdel Civil War, and since then he has been regarded as an idol by the "War Ghost" That being said, the history of war is the triumph of the heartless over the mindless.

This treasury is equivalent to the safes of the major consortiums. It is conceivable how tight the defense arrangement will be here, but only a small team has been killed in battle. More vs. less, the advantage is still with me! Don't lose your cool just because some enemies have weird skills!

It didn't take long for Commander Ross to pull himself together. After putting on a dead horse face that his subordinates would pinch off when they saw him in the toilet, he turned on the command communications of other combat teams and prepared to Lay out a net that leaves no chance for intruders to resist.

However, before he could open his mouth to speak after connecting to the channel, his smug thoughts were immediately interrupted by a burst of melodious and cheerful Colombian music from inside.

"~Hey, hey~

~What'sthematterwithyourhead? yeah!

~Hey, hey~



~Hey, hey~"

Ross was stunned for a second, and then his face was full of rage. In the emergency situation where gangsters broke into the vault, his subordinates were listening to music leisurely, and the volume was still loud! ?

Although he himself didn't take these robbers seriously at the beginning, shouldn't you subordinates be ready for battle at all times! ? Report to the boss tomorrow and transfer you guys who are used to being comfortable to Bolivar to catch drugs on the border!

"Squad Three, Captain Dennis! What are you **** doing! Is it time for you to play music and start a party!? I order you to answer me immediately!"

So he yelled at the other end of the communication channel, obviously, he didn't learn the essence from the idol who was like a tactical machine, he just skimmed the fur, because the machine can't get angry...

"Why are you so serious? Your Excellency Commander, wouldn't it be good for everyone to dance to a song and have fun? You also said that you will wait for me to come and find you, a bad boy, and put a cute smile on your face with my own hands?"


...not to be afraid.

Chapter 608 Loading bullets is the characteristic of Jin Moan's illness, you must taste it

Thanks to Nian who helped out with the Cybertron music broadcast components for the soundtrack of Linguang's Great Desolation and Starfall, and now a commercial version has been launched, which only needs a tie, a watch, and even a pair of underwear. You can start enjoying your exclusive BGM "travel".

There is also a "portable PULS" with a 270-degree energy shield protection function to prevent you from being attacked by young people from the side and behind when you are playing Tu He music.

But there is no shield within the 90-degree range of the front, because killing Tuhe from the front is very in line with the spirit of chivalry.

At this time, Qiao Ge was releasing that casual dance with the beat of the music coming from a strange part of his body. It doesn't matter what his actual level is. The supreme state of overwhelming all living beings".

In other words, he danced and killed all the people who rushed over to kill him immediately after hearing the music.

'~Nothin' samatter with your head, baby, find it

~Come on and find it...'


The barrel of the last gunman in front of Jogo raised up like a pile of fiery red morning glories, and the last thing to bloom was his face that was stagnant for a few tenths of a second before showing surprise. Any painting painted with paint could be more beautiful than this "rose" he splashed on the wall.

‘~Hell, with it, baby~



boom boom boom~

A whole team with all kinds of personnel is fully equipped, and under the cover of the heavy equipment holding a strong shield in front, it seems to be rushing from the other side of the passage to the rhythm of drums, completely ignoring the corpses in front of them. Another member of the team on the ground even stepped forward with his body still warm, not caring about his colleagues' life or death.

However, the moment the reloaders in the front row stepped on a certain headless corpse, the corpse suddenly stood up like stepping on a rake. Teeth like a chainsaw.

It just swallowed the guy who offended it with a shield, and then made a crunching sound like chewing a can, unless you are a guy who can have bold ideas about the sharp teeth and mouth of sharks, otherwise you will be swallowed It is conceivable what kind of pain people will experience.

Naturally, the other corpses in the passage also began to move around, their bodies disintegrating into horrible sawtooth cracks and turning into man-eating monsters, causing their internal organs and blood or stinky pus to flow wantonly on the floor, just like **** Scenes.

It was too late when the Federal Army squad wanted to stand up and resist, because the distance was too close, and they chose to step into the middle of the trap.

"What are these, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah...!"

'~Come and get your love~

~Come and get your love...'

Unlike the previous ambush team with all gunners, although most of this team fell into a hallucination of fear after triggering the scare box, their captain happened to be a magician with good mental power. Forcibly resisted the state of fear.

After all, the "Effortless Scary Box" is just an independent peripheral item, and it does not receive the bonus of the fixed fear skill mechanism of the demon clown Shaco, and the alliance equipment carried by Jogo does not have spell power and spell penetration. Mental resistance to fear is also understandable.

Moreover, the captain of the magician is also very rich in combat experience. He realized immediately after the successful resistance that this was an attack aimed at the spirit. If there is no medical spell to calm the mind, rushing to help the team members who are in fear will only make the situation worse. Worse, the only solution is to simply kill the attacking enemy.

So he immediately condensed the magic energy in his hand and pointed at Jogo himself not far away. Anyone who dared to do this before was "artistically bloomed" by him, but this time Jogo didn't do it directly, because...he was loading a bullet.

And it must be filled with 4 at a time. This is not a mandatory requirement, but he feels that it will be tasteless not to do so.

"Ho Ho, this is really scary, can you wait a moment, I can draw a gun with you, and bet on the lives of me and your teammates."

However, the captain of the magician is neither the Longmenlong policeman nor the western cowboy. For him, completing the mission and killing the target is the main line, and saving the team is just a secondary branch, so he will not negotiate with the robber Jogo at all.

"Die you bastard!"

Before the captain of the sorcerer was about to throw out the spell energy on the staff, Jogo could only shake his head and sigh.

"Then there's nothing you can do, don't blame me for being mean, magician."


At some point, the orange cat holding a medical injection gun in its paws had already quietly touched the back of the magician captain with the "imperial dance step". Following Ah's excited meow, a bright red and fiery injection hit the surgeon The center of the division leader's buttocks.


The captain of the sorcerer only let out a cry of pain when the needle was inserted, and then his whole body became stiff and immobile as if petrified, and then his whole body began to turn red, sparks appeared from the pores, and the skin gradually melted and dripped down...

The main ingredient of the injection is special capsaicin with a grade of "Super Charizard Y", which is no longer in the category of eating hot sauce. Dropping it on a stone can even melt it into magma on the spot.

Although Nian still eats it as usual, if she uses her hot pot experience to describe it, it is "it's still rich, but it's not as fragrant as the Charizard, but it's quite worth doing it occasionally."

Therefore, the other ingredients of this injection developed by Ah himself are some traditional Yanguo herbal medicines. , aromatizing turbidity, etc., etc., can be called the perfect tonic.

However, these effects do not have many positive effects in front of capsaicin, which can melt rocks. The only effect is to make the "patient" feel the pain longer, just like watching his body melt after falling into the magma. But I can't struggle, that feeling that I can't even scream.

It can only be said that Ah is indeed a genius cat. To recognize someone like Qiao Ge as a big brother is simply congenial, collaborating, and gangsters... Cough, I made a mistake, it is like-minded, sympathetic, and helping each other.

'~Come and get your~~love! '

After the song is over, no one survives.

Chapter 609 There is something scarier than death in this world, and that is...funny

"Fifth Squad! Fifth Squad! Reply immediately! Second Squad!? Third... No, First Squad! Karl! Hunt! Dennis!? Someone answer me!"

Commander Ross became more and more anxious and manic. He repeatedly switched various communication channels in disbelief. At the beginning, someone reported to him that he was rushing to the target location. whistling.

After the screaming, some will only be left with a dead silence, while others will inexplicably hear the noise that seems to be falling into the magma, causing the walkie-talkie to burn and explode. Far cheerful background music.

I don't know if Ross listened to this song for too long and had an auditory hallucination, because even if he completely turned off all the communication channels, the idiot song was still hovering in the sky in his mind, and it was getting closer and closer. Even the command and control room he was in was absolutely soundproof.

Ross has never hated listening to music so much. How can he calm down and direct the battle! So he was forced to hysterically start patting his forehead with the palm of his hand, presumably hoping that this would make the song fall out of the back of his head.

"You bastard, get out of my head!"

"Oh, that's not okay, my content is an idea that Colombians can't refuse, and ideas are eternal and unwavering, and you can't get rid of me. "

Although Ross's self-rescue action was unsuccessful, the warm muzzle touching his temple instantly calmed him down amidst the inexplicable surround sound in his head, even though it was too late.

"How did you get in here?"

"Of course I came in through the door. Since I dare to come here, I must have been prepared. Nothing can stop me."

Of course, Ross didn't believe this kind of nonsense at first, because the wall structure of the command room is as strong as the internal vault, and even the door is an out-and-out security door of the vault. If you want to get in, you can't get in unless there is an insider in the bank who gave it to the robbers. The matching key and password, otherwise it would be impossible to open the door without alerting Ross.

However, when Jogo turned the chair in front of the communication platform he was sitting on to face the door, Ross understood what happened.

I saw a cat with a height of more than three meters, covered with big fluffy muscles, and its chest muscles were so thick that it could easily crush a person's head. Pushing on the door with his back foot, he tried to pull out his right fist that had pierced through the anti-theft door.


This is naturally the powerful bad cat who injected himself with the macho potion. Even Jogo had to sigh again. Ah is indeed one of the cats that he valued most. He didn't know the principle of the medicine at all, and he didn't even have the blessing of entertainment mode. Under the condition of protection, he actually researched the universal version of Tom Macho Potion.

It is said that the universal version actually has many limitations. For example, the drug effect cannot be as exaggerated as that of the macho Tom Cat who does not understand the laws of physics, and the effective time is also greatly shortened. Each injection will exhaust almost all the physical strength of the user. End, and it only works for Filin and Zarak.

But this is already a great leap forward compared to the exclusive hunk potion that only Tom cat can bear before, enough to become a powerful trump card for many people to turn the situation around at critical moments. As for the problem of physical exhaustion afterwards, This is not a problem at all in front of Rhodes Island, which has elf food such as moo moo milk.

This is also the reason why Qiao Ge decided to take the inexperienced cat and cat out for a while this time. Ah's talent in the field of medicine can already be certified as unparalleled in the world, but he has no matching ideas It can be seen from the fact that he was still trying to turn into a cat to attack other operators before the mission.

If we don't pay close attention to the education of the young Mao Mao, it will be too late when he really degenerates into the cat version of Warfarin.

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