MTL - Morning of Swordsman Tower-Chapter 193

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Although Skadi has tried using a killer whale to hug a pillow, but she has never used a live salted fish sword, so she squeezed her hand up unconsciously, and the moment she clenched her palm, she felt a strong push back It came in an instant, and almost pushed her who was caught off guard to stagger.

Fortunately, she has rich combat experience and immediately stabilized her figure, but then the field of vision in front of her eyes suddenly expanded, from the previous wide-screen viewing mode to a real-world experience field of vision that is no different from the physiological field of vision.

From this moment on, Skadi has officially completed the operation matching with Batian Sword Demon. If we compare it to a Live2D virtual anchor who only has face and voice capture before, then now she is already a 3D master with full-body capture. dude.

"So this is what it feels like to be a giant robot looking down? This, isn't it amazing!"

"That's right! This is indeed a super~~~~ class~~~~ Great! Remember the feeling of driving for the first time in battle, I hope you can fully experience the... endless joy here."


The Grand Inquisitor Bernadine, who left Yanfeng City to report the letter, did not actually go too far. He just needed to avoid Dr. Shark Pepper for a certain distance and time period so that he could actively use the communicator to contact the country, otherwise who would know Does the other party have any technology to hack or even directly intercept his communication?

However, just when Bernading asked Ai Lini to help him guard the surrounding area, and just connected to the communication with Shangfeng, suddenly there was a violent shock from under his feet, which made Bernarding's complexion change immediately.

Earthquakes are fine anywhere in Iberia, but Yanfeng City cannot be affected by earthquakes because earthquakes are usually followed by tsunamis. national panic.

Fortunately, when he turned his head to look in the direction of Yanfeng City, the scene in front of him relieved his worries about the earthquake. It turned out that it was not an earthquake, but a movement caused by a super robot bigger than Yanfeng City...

Luckily shit!

Mr. Shark Pepper, why don't we discuss and accept your magical powers, and then continue to talk about the earthquake and tsunami, okay?

"Qiana's big trial... Hey... What happened to you... Hey... Why is there such a strong interference..."

"...I will try my best to negotiate with him. If I do not survive, please be sure to accept all the testimony of the judge Alini."

"Hello!? Hey! What are you talking about..."

Bernard hung up the communication directly. Anyway, in such a bad communication environment, he didn't expect to be able to say anything clearly. Then he tore off his Grand Inquisitor's emblem from his body and handed it directly to Eleni.


"Now, use your fastest speed to go back and explain everything that happened here. It doesn't matter whether you are preparing for the war or sending someone to collect the corpse for me. In the face of a disaster that cannot be predicted by manpower and cannot be resisted, even if it is useless, it is better than doing nothing. Be nice."

Bernadine's explanation made Eleni have mixed feelings. She, who had already lost her faith, suddenly understood the true meaning of the duties of a judge. The figure of the Grand Judge grew taller in her eyes again, like a...


Before Eleni could figure out what her mentor looked like, a majestic and domineering sword energy suddenly cut open the land under her feet like a cake, revealing a fresh abyss in an instant In front of her, I almost didn't scare people to pee.

There was even a happy whale call from "Aatrox" in the sky, which was busy on all channels in Saltwind City.

"I don't want to be your enemy. You are so ugly that you are a double-headed sunflower that was raised by the source stone waste water. I want to be the enemy of the whole world! Hahahahahahahahahaha..."

Chapter 539 I Batian Jiandi think you are not very good

“@#!#¥…&□@#!%¥…¥*@…[email protected]@#¥&&*!”

(Messenger! Wake up, Messenger! You never told me that the jellyfish would be in this form!)


(Why did the great sea mother **** attack her people!? And absorb them!?)



No matter how Quintus patted the first speaker with his tentacles to wake it up, the first speaker did not respond, because the task it performed for the continuation of the group had been completed, so it felt at ease like a worker ant in an ant colony Die small and humble, without the will to live.

But it is impossible for the posthumous speaker to understand that even the boiled Detective Mei can fall off the plate on the spot, and Ishamura, who has been activated by it to activate the last word of blood, is now waving a hanging knife. The huge giant sword is wantonly slaughtering the dino fish in the sea.

And the most outrageous thing is that whenever the opponent uses a giant sword to harvest the fear fish, there will be a large piece of special effects of jumping money with golden light, flashing and tinkling on the sea, even people who are not moved by money will feel it. Very comfortable, the more you brush, the more vigorous you are.

Of course, it is impossible for the fear fish to drop gold coins. If that is the case, how would they dare to show up on land? There is no need for Jogo to take action, and the fear fish will be cleaned up by various "golden groups", even the underwear of Quintus, the bishop of the deep sea, will explode for you!

If you can still produce equipment and mounts... then Agor's deep sea hunter team will probably have nothing to do with it.

So that is actually the decompression special effect that Jogo specially created for Skadi. He took great pains to bring happiness to the little killer whale, but it is not completely created out of thin air, because every time the special effect of jumping money appears, it means that there is one The biological energy of Haisi Horoyu was absorbed by Batian Sword Demon.

If you take a closer look at the outer armor of this Batian Sword Demon, you will find that it is not completely covered with Cybertron alloy, but a considerable part is composed of Haisi's hard exoskeleton, especially the face and the cockpit protection layer. The waist at the junction of the upper and lower body is fully covered with this kind of biological armor.

As for the original source of the biological armor... of course it is the blood relative of Hai Si, otherwise, how do you think it became as big as a kitten? It must have been **** by Jogo?

This is Cybertron's carbon-based biotechnology. After all, people on carbon-based Earth are also exploring how to build intelligent machines, so it is reasonable for Cybertronians to study carbon-based biotechnology.

For example, "Transformers: Beastman" tells the story of a group of Cybertronians who fell through time and space to the ancient prehistoric earth. At that time, there were no planes and cars to scan and transform them, and there was no modern finished product energy to supplement them. energy.

So in order to adapt to the environment, they used carbon-based biotechnology to scan various animals as transformations. In addition to greatly reducing the consumption of body activities, animal forms can also be supplemented by eating through the normal carbon-based food chain, just like Doraemon The atomic furnace that can digest food is almost the same.

At this time, the Batian Sword Demon also has this kind of biological engine built in, but it is a special type of Haisi. It can automatically replenish energy only by killing Haisi. When the alloy armor is damaged and there is no repair material package It can even automatically transform into Haisi armor to fill in the gaps.

The more you kill, the more you kill, the stronger you become. In this unparalleled mowing situation, it can be called Hai Si's nightmare perpetual motion machine. The only thing that needs to be actively replenished is probably the driver's small dried fish reserve.

"Your cowardly cry is meaningless, come! Fight me, and I will make you scream even more beautifully, desperately!"


Seeing that Batian Jiandi was cleaving waves and walking towards it step by step, no fear fish and elite fear fish could stop his footsteps, Quintus didn't have the buddhist mentality of the first speaker who would just catch him and wait quietly for death. The survival instinct even surpassed its original fanatical belief at this time.

"@#,%...&##&**¥%[email protected]##¥)&"

(Messenger, please lend me your strength.)

Quintus stretched out a tentacle to tie up the body of the first speaker, and then threw it directly into the bud of one of the filthy flowers on its head, swallowing it.



Haisi's form of power comes from evolution, even low-level dinofish have this function, but evolution does not happen overnight, not to mention that the first speaker still has a level of suppression with the current Quintus.

But Quintus can't control so much anymore, even if this reckless behavior caused it unimaginable pain to ordinary people, it was better than being chopped into octopus skewers and flower sauce by Batian Jiandi on the spot.

"Aha! The fun part is finally about to start, right? I'll give you time to feel the pain, because later, I'm going to let it bloom from the top of your head!"

Quintus's body was rapidly splitting and regenerating in severe pain, and in order to supplement this consumption, it could only frantically use its tentacles to catch and devour all kinds of dino fish passing by, which resulted in a large number of messy genes It also mixed into its body.

So it swelled rapidly like a blood-soaked Jie...cough, a sponge baby that sucked water, but it completely lost the weird beauty of restraint before, completely reduced to a body that seemed to drink nuclear waste water and drink to every part of the body surface. A strange sarcomatous growth, an ugly and bloated monster with small tentacles growing on the sarcomas.

The only thing that still retains its original appearance is probably the two delicate flowers on Quintus' head.

"…That's it?"

The voice of Batian Jiandi sounds very disappointing. In this world of face control, even the enemy will hope to look more beautiful and handsome. Some people want a more legendary and entertaining battle , and some people want to watch the CG of the opponent's defeat. It would be even better if they can take it home after watching it.

Obviously, the former was Skadi's idea, while the latter was the idea of ​​a certain Dr. Jhin Moan who did not want to be named.

If this Quintus evolves into an appearance similar to FGO's Ritiamat, or simply looks like a giant water moon, he, Qiao, and someone will spend so much effort to build a "sea descendant harvester" ?


I'm afraid that Hai Si was raised on the spot like a cherished iron-eating beast, and the cubs were kept to distribute welfare to the people of all Terra.

Chapter 540 After the happiness, I became you

"I...I...I'm going to!"

Quintus, who has completed rapid evolution, has now changed from a "Batian Football" to a "Batian Rocking Car". Although the height probably barely reaches the crotch of the Batian Sword Demon, if Counting the whole pile of rotten meat that lay there, it might be even bigger in size.

But after all, Roshan is only made up of a large amount of fat and tumors, and it can't be compared with the Batian Sword Demon, which is covered with the crystallization of Cybertron technology.

Moreover, Quintus didn't know whether his brain was twisted during the frantic evolution process, or his nerves were damaged by the unspeakable memories of those dino fishes. Although it seems to have re-evolved the language function, the words it speaks are almost as if they were biochemical. The virus made his mind full of paste zombies.

No, zombies don't want to eat hard mechas, so Quintus's current intelligence may not even be able to match the appetite of zombies. There is a high probability that he will not be saved, just wait to die.

"Who do you want to eat? Hahahaha, this is the first time that Haisi dares to talk to me like this. If you haven't recalled anything from those fish oily minds that fear fish, let me remind you by the way.

I am the great hero who once created a myth, the executioner who ended a dynasty, a demon hunter, a **** of killing gods, I am, Si..."

"Ahem, ahem, ahem, restrain yourself, Titi, don't get so involved in the drama that you'll be fooled!"

Just when Skadi almost blew himself up, Dr. AI in Orca Sword quickly interrupted and cut off the external voice. The reason for Skadi's own state.

Probably because the "VR game" is too happy, Skadi is obviously starting to approach the state of explosive acting like Jhin Moaning. You must know that Jogo taught her every line before, but only this line is her own on the spot play.

It was this part of the impromptu performance that caused a big problem. It was so similar to the background story of the dark-born sword demon Aatrox. Even if there was no Jogo's efforts to turn the tide before, Skadi might really go on the same path as Aatrox. Tox's old path of falling from Ascendant to Darkin.

One Kada Jhin made Jhogo unable to talk to people properly for several months. If Skadi was really possessed and became the Darkborn Swordsman, then the voice of the Rhodes Island communicator would be given by her in the future. contracted.

Maggot Bo, answer the phone!

Stupid Bo, look at the new news from the master!

If you don't charge it again, I'll cut your communicator and chop it up... chop it up!

get up! Magbo, Magbo... Magbo, Magbo—!

But the most important thing is that only Jogo knew at the scene that the "creation of the myth" and "the end of the dynasty" mentioned by Skadi actually refer to the fact that he personally killed the sea mother. The grand judge who knew some inside information heard that, I am afraid that the two words of the dynasty will be identified as Iberia in the golden age of the year.

As for Skadi himself, he must be considered as the mastermind behind deliberately causing the "Great Tranquility" to harm Iberia.

If Bernard is really allowed to come to this conclusion and report back, the fanatical punishment army alone will cause a lot of trouble for Rhodes Island, and it is even more unnecessary to think about working with infected people in Iberia in the future. .

Damn, we don't want to take this blame, Baodi!

"Remember, you must call yourself Aatrox!"

"Well, I remember the Doctor...I am, Aatrox!"

Yanfeng City once again resounded with the roar of Batian's sword base, and she immediately swung a sword like a leaping wave from the bottom to the top to attract the tide and countless fish's broken corpses to rush towards Quintus.

This terrifying scene, like a tsunami hitting the shore, has triggered PTSD in many Iberians. Even if you are not an Iberian, your first reaction is definitely to run for your life.

But Quintus couldn't move fast at all, so he could only take the sword forcefully, and was split in half as expected...

"Wait, something is wrong."

That's right, no matter how big it is, a fear fish is still a fear fish. After being cut open by a sword, its death should be bursting, but Quintus directly split into two huge solid pieces of flesh. And it is still slowly creeping in the direction of Batian Sword Demon.

"Chop it a few more times!"

"Okay! Doctor... Do you think I will let you go by becoming this weak? As long as life still exists in this world, as long as time still has meaning, I will, no, let it go!"

I have to say that Titi is becoming more and more proficient. The soft and cute killer whale mode and the Batian Jiandi mode seamlessly switch. Maybe it won’t be long before I can ask Jogo’s second apprentice, Ceylon, to come and recognize a teacher. , making Scatidebo sick.

Now when the scene switches to the outside of the mecha, Quintus has been subjected to a whole set of "Phantom Sword Dance". The entire Yanfeng City was almost torn apart.

However, as far as Qiao Ge and Skadi could see with the naked eye, Quintus was still wriggling, but it was divided into more small pieces, and even without her needing to swing the sword again, those pieces of meat would actively split into smaller parts It poured into the sea water and surrounded Batian Sword Demon.

"...What the hell? Black spirit??"

This kind of scene can't help but make Jogo sound the setting of a powerful monster in "One Punch Man", that is, the "black essence" with the ability to split itself, and its multi-cellular form can split into 1,293,142,261,072 cells Individuals, and its strongest form "Huang Jing" is a fusion of as many as 12 trillion individuals.

This is completely the nemesis of the slashing system, because no matter how you swing the sword, it will only become more and more troublesome. Even the S-level hero atomic warrior who claims to be able to cut atoms, probably can't cut himself to death Defeat it, so the famous scene of Black Spirit and Atomic Warrior will be born.

If Quintus really evolved an ability similar to the black spirit on the spot in order to fight against the Batian Sword Demon, it can only be said that Qiao Ge completely underestimated the evolution potential of Haisi. Stronger and trickier.

Had it not been for the long-standing confrontation between Deep Sea Agor and Hai Si, Hai Si might have become the scourge of the cosmic insect swarm.

Sure enough, these small pieces of meat couldn't be killed with a sword at all, because the special effect of jumping money did not appear after cutting them down, indicating that the biological engine had not absorbed Haisi's biological energy, and in the end he could only watch helplessly as the Batian Sword Demon fell into the sea. The legs are clinging to these small pieces of meat with tentacles.

But fortunately, although the small piece of meat swims very fast, the speed of crawling with its tentacles is still extremely slow.

"I...I...want to eat..."

All the little pieces of meat are whispering, perhaps these are the only words left in Quintus's mind, but now the biological armor on the armor of the Dominant Sword Demon is self-defeating and becomes a weakness, because Quintus failed to evolve to devour The ability of the Cybertron alloy, but it is easy to devour Hai Si, just like he ate the First Speaker and the Dreadfish just now.

"What now, Doctor?"

"...I have a super weapon that can be used to completely solve this scourge, but I am afraid that the entire Saltwind City will be buried with it. Fortunately, the energy of the biological engine is still enough to resist its erosion for the time being. Everyone in it must be evacuated immediately. far away!"

Chapter 541

"Hey! Hey! Can anyone hear me over there?"

When Bernardin had already rushed back to the dam gate of Yanfeng City, his communicator, which should have been affected by the strong magnetism wielded by the death-giving sword energy of the Tyrant Sword Demon, came out. Shark Pepper's voice, without even his consent.

But would Bernard dare to pretend he wasn't there? That must not be dared, he even guessed that the other party can hijack the communication signal at will, who knows if there is any more advanced means to monitor him?

"Yes, General Shark Pepper, I'm Bernadine, what's your order?"

"Huh? Didn't you already get out... Cough, you came just in time, Bernadine. Originally, I was thinking about whether to kill these carbon-based natives altogether, but how can I say that I am also a doctor (scholar) now?" , If you do this kind of thing again, you will be expelled, I don’t want to go back to a place like the Decepticons, where the eyes are dirtier than the tailpipe.”


There were a few drops of cold sweat on Bernard's forehead. As a professional intelligence analyst, he could get a lot of important information from Jogo's words. For example, the Cybertronians are basically controlled by two factions, and the Autobots even In principle, it is more friendly to non-Cybertron forces, while the Decepticons are unscrupulous.

It stands to reason that Shark Pepper should indeed belong to the Decepticons. It sounds like the internal struggles of the Decepticons are too dirty, causing a reckless man like him to always suffer, so he switched to the Autobots.

Although he has been restrained by the rules since then, judging from the fact that the Autobots can allow defectors like him to act alone during the space war, it still gives full trust to Shark Pepper, at least it should not make mistakes on issues of principle.

However, this is also a warning to Bernarding, a legal judge who never trusts humanity. The source of moral restraint on Shark Pepper is only factional disputes, not even the law. Asia suffered a catastrophe, and the consequences of their impulsiveness may just continue to live in another place on Cybertron.

But these humble Iberians are actually belching farts.