MTL - Morning of Swordsman Tower-Chapter 18

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"Ah, wouldn't it be good for her to join Rhodes Island?"

Jogo had thought about similar issues before, but since the incident had already happened, she didn't think much about the rationality of it, and the possibility that Rhodes Island rejected her application, because...

Isn't Shi Huaiya originally an operator in the game? There is also a nickname for the mascot.

"We didn't have anything for the Swire Group to gain from here. To have such a network of people from Longmenbu to Victoria join us. If it was before, it would be a wishful thing, but it's different now."

"Where is it different, isn't it still Rhodes Island?"

Kelsey rolled her eyes, then sat back on her seat, crossed her legs, and looked over with the eyes of a mentally retarded person.

"Didn't you tell Shi Huaiya that you are a doctor? And the other image you met her that day was also you? She definitely didn't come for Rhodes Island, but you, a flirtatious fellow."


Some things really cannot be understood in a non-emotional state. Bronya's combat mode is only used to judge the current situation, and it is even full of the CPU's own unique brain circuit, and this kind of thing that has nothing to do with combat has to be solved by Jogo. do it yourself.

So it wasn't until now that Kelsey made it clear that Jogo finally figured out the reason.

"So what are you going to tell her? All she is looking for is actually your strange skills, which shouldn't exist in this world. If she insists on getting something, I'm afraid you are the only one who will join the Swire Group."

"No, it's impossible!"

Jogo, who was bent forward in frustration, suddenly jumped up excitedly, and subconsciously beat his own small chest with his fist. It wasn't until Kelsey narrowed his eyes that he realized that something was wrong.

Even though this was Jogo's body, the actions just now looked like he was molesting himself.

"Hey, what I mean is, don't worry, Dr. Kelsey, I will never leave Rhodes Island to get married! At most, she will come here with a dowry!"


Do you want peaches? Given a chopstick, can you really climb up and push your nose on your face?

Kelsey took a deep breath, closed her eyes, put her elbows on the table, and rubbed her temples vigorously with her index and middle fingers, trying to separate the two completely different impressions of doctors that were gradually getting confused in her mind. It took a while to realize that it was useless.

"In short, Rhodes Island can accept her as an operator according to the normal procedures, but you have to deal with other things yourself, as soon as possible! Don't be coy and make the night long and dreamy."

Qiao Ge, who was wronged, was reprimanded by Kelsey and shrank his neck like a helpless idiot.

"Then, at least wait until tomorrow to have a look. I'll go when I get a proper image."

"Well, it's decided like this. You come to the medical department in the afternoon and wait for Warfarin to give you a physical examination, but Lucille will also check your mechanical parts under my supervision. Be careful not to talk to them on any other occasions. After this contact, I am very clear about the virtues of the Gorefiend, and corporal punishment cannot last forever.”

Just when Jogo thought that Kelsey had finished explaining, she took out two documents from the drawer and threw them on the table, motioning for Jogo to take them by herself.

"Although you haven't taken up the post yet, most of these two contract images are related to the content of the War Department, and you are still required to review and sign."

"this is…!?"

Before Jogo even turned the page, he saw the very familiar logo on the cover of the document. One looked like a large capsule on a round plate, and the other was the simple and clear bold letters BS.

Penguin Logistics and Black Steel International Security Consultants.

I am familiar with this! Qiao Ge's eyes lit up, as if there was another rich woman in his pocket.

"The current situation is not the same as before. We are forced to set up a group of enemies in the dark. It is definitely not enough to rely on the current manpower to defend against it. We also need more professional security personnel. Take a closer look and see if there is any objection. Come find me again."

How can there be objections? I hold up my Star Destroyer 19C, Starbreaker Vikrant, 5th relic in agreement, let Apple Pie and Maomao head smash me to death!

Of course, Kelsey was puzzled by Jhogo's inexplicable enthusiasm, but since the matter at hand was already disturbing enough, she didn't pursue it further.


Qiao Ge took two contracts and was flying back to her room in exoskeleton floating mode. Besides thinking about hiring manpower, she suddenly remembered something about her transformation, but she hadn't had time to verify it. Go back to your room and deal with it with electronic equipment.

When he was about to reach the corner of the door, the reloading rabbit suddenly issued an early warning, as if something unexpected was waiting for him ahead.

"Really, what do you all think of my room? You have to teach her a lesson."

She probably thought it was Warfarin or Kluthil, who had been taught repeatedly, but when the perspective officially turned around, the first thing that caught her eyes were two long red tentacles...

Ah no, it's the red highlights on the white hair.

Who else has this hairstyle in Rhodes Island besides W. To be honest, Jogo's biggest impression of W after joining the game card pool is that he is not revealing at all but unexpectedly astringent.

After all, the broad mind is too solid, and the black stockings that completely wrap the legs will inexplicably give people more room for imagination, such as...

Oh my god, just after waking up today, W bombed me!

Wait, what is that rectangular object she is fiddling with! ? Don't think I'm ignorant, that's obviously W's second skill, a broadsword mine named "Scare Box".

"Stop it hey! What are you doing!?"


When W heard this, she raised her head in surprise and looked at the girl in front of her who was pointing at her with her palm. She might be thinking why this person walked without footsteps.

"Ah, I'm sorry if I got in your way, I'll just move away."

W hangs the broadsword landmine in his hand to the doorknob of Jogo's room, sets the explosion trigger mode with a few clicks, and then "intimately" raises his hand back, indicating that she can rest assured.

Don't worry about the night knife!

"Reload the bunny, enter the battle mode!"

Chapter 45 Adding the largest chicken leg to the reloading rabbit

'Match degree 60%'

"Reload the bunny to the limit! Switch the armor and break through the boundary of the dimension!"

Obviously different from the driver outfit Yamabuki that belonged to the support mode before, this set of costumes called "Dimensional Boundary Breakthrough" is obviously more technological and irrelevant, but more like a fairy tale-style game character costume.

Double-layer bell sleeves with amethyst radiance, a childlike hoodie, fairy-tale fairy wing decorations, and crown shoulder armor on the shoulders that symbolize the absolute power of kingship.

"How many Jiawens do I have to kill? Are they already the fourth Jiawen?"

Sorry, not that crown on the chin.

This outfit is actually the appearance of the character controlled by Bronya Zajcek in her favorite game, the online name is Metal Gear Bulk Fang, and it is also the strongest form conceived for herself in her pure heart .

Although in reality, there is also the core of the Herrscher of Reason that makes Bronya and the reloaded rabbit evolve into the ideal form, but it is the power from Houkai after all. If she changes into the form of the Herrscher of Reason for a long time, her body will It will also become dilapidated.

In any case, the fantasy world is better.

It was the first time for W to see someone transforming into a beautiful girl in front of her. For a while, she even became confused. The operators in Rhodes Island still have magical girls? No wonder the doctor turned into that kind of ghost that was completely out of her cognition.

But when the reloading rabbit 19C seemed to poke out that mocking little head and the huge mechanical arm like a claw from the void, W's experienced mercenary qualities made W wake up immediately, and then he was fully alert.

"Reload the bunny, recharge the laser, and prepare to launch the program."


But when the mecha in front of him began to slowly raise a gun barrel and make a terrifying charging sound, W couldn't help but laugh.

‘After all, she’s just a child. The terrifying machine is probably just a strategic weapon used to match her Originium skills. It’s a pity that this dark world doesn’t use the naive turn-based system like in the animation. '

W doesn't even need to use any weapons. With her physical fitness as Sarkaz, she can rush to the opponent in the blink of an eye from such a short distance, and then stun him with a skillful hand knife.

This is exactly the tactic W is planning to adopt now. After all, she is only here to trouble the doctor who forcibly robbed her, and she can't hurt other people here, otherwise Kelsey will tear her apart.

However, when she stomped on her body, W's keen eyesight found something unusual. It seemed that there was something sizzling hidden in the other party's wide and flamboyant cuffs, and the state of emotional suppression was perfectly hidden. Jhogo's intentions, until she saw a tiny bolt of lightning strike.

Sponsored by Shi Huaiya, anti-Luper electric shock device.

Of course, this is not a police item, it is just bought in the market, so although W is surprised by the fighting quality of this girl, she actually uses the seemingly threatening attack to deceive others to get close, and then reveals the real method, the most powerful The best part is that she never showed any flaws from the beginning to the end.

But W still didn't take it seriously.

Isn't it just an electric shocker? Even the Taser gun used by the Guards Bureau would at most make her move sluggishly after hitting it. The strong resistance of the Sarkaz clan's natural physique should not be underestimated, let alone a ruthless character like W.

Just as she expected, the electric shock device only brought her a slight numbness, probably to the extent that the muscles in the body were slightly tightened. It was conceivable that this girl did not want to hurt her.

W thought this way, although the movement of the knife in his hand was fast and unabated, but the strength was unconsciously a little bit weaker.

However, at this moment, the heavy-loaded Bunny 19C behind Jogo suddenly clenched its mechanical arm upwards, as if giving a cheering gesture.

"Reload the bunny QTE launch, endless dimensions!"


At the moment when W was about to subdue the opponent, she suddenly felt her whole body froze, a mass of black mist-like substance wrapped her up and lifted her into the air, she completely lost control of her body, unable to even move, she could only stare helplessly The pair of immature eyes with no wave in the ancient well below can't resist.

To make matters worse, the temperature inside the mist suddenly soared, and a flame ignited out of thin air and began to burn her body. The fiery pain was transmitted to the brain along with the nerve endings, but W couldn't cry out at all.

Fortunately, because of the lift-off, the position of W was very close to the ceiling, and the smoke from the burning clothes quickly triggered the smoke alarm. With the spray of the umbrella sprayed by the fire-fighting device, the flame was extinguished, and the reloading rabbit also loosened. opened its fist.

The lifting force of lifting W suddenly disappeared, and the fog disappeared. W immediately regained control of his body, adjusted his posture and landed smoothly. Although it seemed that he had lost 17 cards in the confrontation, the flames that were extinguished in time did not affect him. Sarkaz's body surface caused substantial damage, that is, the skin was burned red.

But the biggest problem was that her clothes were scorched to the point where only a few thin strips remained, and they were drenched through.

The "Endless Dimension" in the setting is a QTE skill that breaks through the armor at the boundary of the dimension. It is launched when the enemy is paralyzed, and the target enemy is suspended in the air and locked in time and space, and causes fire damage to it. Obviously, it is exactly the same as W's situation.

"Bronya hopes that Ms. W can earnestly abide by Rhode Island's safety regulations and not place dangerous items anywhere, of course including in front of Bronya's room. In addition, don't underestimate Bronya and Heavy Equipment Bunny."

Seeing that Qiao Ge said "sarcasm" to her calmly, and even stretched out a small hand to make a V letter, W was trembling with anger. This was the first time she was being teased like this, but the other party just A little kid.

If W knew that the reloading rabbit was turning on the battlefield camera mode, it would probably be even more broken.

"...wait a minute, whose room do you think this is?"

Before Jogo could answer W's question, hurried footsteps suddenly sounded in the corridor, W's face changed dramatically, but the only way out was blocked by the heavy armored rabbit, unless she directly detonated the broadsword mine hanging on the door and rushed in. In the room, otherwise it would definitely be too late to hide.

But if that's the case, who knows if the girl will fix herself again?

Huang, who was the most physically fit, rushed over first, holding the fire extinguisher, she rushed across the corner with a body, and then... froze on the spot.

The second person was Lin Guang, who also suddenly stood behind Huang in a daze, and even dropped the fire extinguisher to the ground with a bang.

"Miss Huang, Miss Linguang! How is the fire ahead? Is the doctor inside?"

ACE's urgent inquiry came from not far from the corner, and it sounded like he was coming this way. Standing at the corner, Linguang suddenly woke up with widened eyes. In desperation, she could only turn around and face ACE. The direction of rushing is a punch.



Others could only hear ACE's muffled screams full of confusion from an invisible angle, and the piercing sound of sliding out as it wiped the floor.

Chapter 46 Kelsey: Despite the backstab, I am optimistic about you

"I'm going to kill him."

Wearing a loose hospital gown, W has a gloomy face. In Kelsey's medical room, Kelsey treats her burns and scalds. Although there is probably nothing special about it, she still has to fulfill her doctor's obligations after all. Otherwise, there are so many people in the Rhode Island Medical Department who can't just watch the show.

That's right, although the male protagonist "disappeared" from the beginning to the end, there have been rumors of a relapse between an unidentified Sarkaz woman and the doctor in Rhodes Island. You really can't blame these unknowns The operators of the truth were thinking wildly.

After all, W came back from Chernobog at the beginning. At that time, many people saw her talking to Kelsey, which frightened the faces of young operators, and even a new operator dared to refute her. Queen Kay's mouth?

So they can only take it for granted that W and Kelsey are old acquaintances. Anyway, it is difficult for Sarkaz to tell the age. As the elder of Rhodes Island, it is reasonable for the doctor to know each other, right?

But the really decisive scene, of course, was the fire that was a false alarm just now. Many operators who were undergoing daily training in the combat department rushed to put out the fire with various tools as soon as they heard the fire alarm. It was a very exciting scene.

When W, who had almost no clothes on his body, was wrapped in a blanket and was escorted out of the doctor's room by Linguang and Huang, everyone's eyes widened unconsciously for the first time, and then Linguang used it severely. His eyes stared back.

What's the matter? The fire alarm area seems to be the doctor's room too, right? And looking at it like this, it should have been directly extinguished by the automatic sprinkler device, so this is not a fire, it can only be said to be a little flame.

How on earth did the clothes get burned?

Or... ummmmmmmmm? ? ? ?

Young ignorant operators can only be at a loss, but many people who have reached a certain age can't help but marvel as long as they recall the majestic body of Dr. Superman back then. .

"Doctor, he... Has he reached the realm where he can start a fire?"

It is conceivable that when such rumors were reported to Kelsey in front of her by the part-time discipline supervisor Dubin instructor with a strange expression, W could be regarded as blackened on the spot.

Her own reputation can be left out, anyway, a mercenary like her has never had a good reputation, but W only doesn't want to have such a relationship with the doctor, if she is an ordinary woman, I'm afraid she would have burst into tears.

But W wouldn't, she felt that her tears had already been shed, and what was replaced was a declaration of killing with gritted teeth.

Because Kelsey had told her the truth about the doctor's amnesia and awakening strange skills, W knew that the girl who got herself into trouble was the doctor she hated.

At this moment, like a psychiatrist, Kelsey moved a chair to face W. She looked very strange. Of course, she didn't care about the rumors. After all, the doctor didn't even have chickens today. Where did he get the tools to commit crimes?

But this did not prevent her from expressing surprise at the doctor's ability to make things happen. Ever since Amiya was sent to Chernobog, Rhode Island hadn't seen so many things happen in the past few days in the past year.

"If you want to kill, go for it, I won't do anything anyway."

W raised his head and took a deep look at Kelsey, but couldn't tell what the other person was thinking.

"Why? I told you this specifically for the sake of my former colleagues to prepare you. It doesn't matter if I lose my mind. Terra has never lacked a crazy Sarkaz, but you can't."

Even though she was humiliated to such an extent, W still missed the mantle that Kelsey inherited from Theresia. She didn't want Rhodes Island to disappear, otherwise the only trace left by Theresia in this world would be Kazdel's remains.

"First of all, with all due respect, this is the dispute you provoked first, and I think it is self-inflicted. Besides, why do you think I should tell you the truth about the doctor, an outsider who does not belong to Rhodes Island? Because I think you Not yet a fool."
