MTL - Morning of Swordsman Tower-Chapter 178

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"Wait a minute, you just said that Skadi's boy..."

"Oh! Captain, when did you become like this? You're a mother-in-law and mother-in-law. You look like a bitch!"


So under the half-force of the ghost shark, Gloria "kidnapped" the ghost shark and left a message note rich in Agor Riddler culture, which was not discovered by Skadi until the next morning.


Looking back at Dosores, Tequila came to the pier of the artificial sea early in the morning, preparing to take a speedboat to the mayor’s yacht in charge of his father Pancho. This is because Candela assigned him the task of receiving business VIPs, It was also to explain to Pan Qiao what happened yesterday.

But before he could think up what to say to his father, he was so frightened by the "VIP" who was going to be on the same boat with him that his ears curled back into the shape of an airplane.

"What's the matter, Ernesto, am I that scary?"

"Where, where, I just really didn't expect that it would be Sister Dubin who received you."

Seeing Tequila's embarrassing look, Dubin raised her head in satisfaction. Although she would not have the opportunity to whip the captives in non-wartime, scaring these young people from time to time is also a delicious appetizer. .

Next, Dubin calmly stepped onto the speedboat and sat next to Tequila, seeing his heart pounding, and finally couldn't help approaching Dubin, and said it carefully.

"Well, if Sister Du Bin wants to persuade my father in person, I advise you to give up the idea. If my father is really the kind of person who can persuade me, how can he still be today?"

"Who said I was going to persuade him? Didn't Ms. Candela tell you? I am a member of Dosores' business VIP, and I just went to the ship to meet my colleagues."

"Oh, oh, that's good..."

"However, if I bump into him accidentally, I can't pretend that I don't know him, right?"

Tequila had a mournful face. As a diplomat, he understood certain people's slang words and implication. Dubin clearly wanted to monitor whether he would fulfill the agreement made last night.

If not, she wouldn't mind going to the court to challenge Pan Qiao in person.

Chapter 501 I Have Your Candela's Good Juice

"Did you rest well last night, Miss Amiya?"

When Amiya came to the reception area of ​​the mayor’s yacht with a poke ball on her waist, she saw Candela sitting at the buffet full of Bolivar-style food and wine. They are gone.

After all, she is also a majestic mayor at the administrative level, not much different from the consul Wei Yanwu, but she personally received Amiya and the others for two days in a row, and even came to have breakfast with her, which shows her commitment to Rhodes Island. The importance of "business".

Even in Longmen, Rhodes Island has never enjoyed this kind of treatment. Of course, no one dares to neglect, and in Bolivar, only Candela has shown respect to Rhodes Island for the time being.

"Thanks to Ms. Tocandela's excellent hospitality, we didn't feel any discomfort, and slept energetically as if we were at home, but you always entertain us in person, don't you have other municipal affairs to be busy? This Don't cities need your work to run?"

Although she seemed to be saying polite words, Amiya unconsciously put on a serious expression of persuasion as she spoke, almost following that "Doctor, you have a lot of work to do, and you haven't done it yet." I can have a rest" in the middle of the night and the hare's cry was exactly the same.

So much so that even Candela, who is used to seeing big scenes, was stunned for a while, and then burst out laughing.

"Hahahaha, Miss Amiya is so cute. I wish I could have such a daughter who is as caring and loving as a housekeeper. Alas, it's a pity..."

Candela suddenly showed an expression of recalling the past. Anyone who knew her past background probably knew what she was recalling without even guessing. However, Candela returned to normal after only a few seconds.

"Sorry, I almost brought up an inappropriate topic again, but I can answer Miss Amiya's question. This is not Longmen, and I don't need to be as busy as Brother Wei. Of course, you understand that Dosores has no It doesn't matter that Longmen is so important, after all, it is a fact."

Candela casually summoned a dog waiter to give instructions, and she continued to talk after the waiter left.

"It is not me, the mayor, who keeps Dossoles running, but money, a lot of money. In theory, as long as there is enough money, anyone can become the owner of this place! But in reality...he has to first Learn how to drive the power of money like I do, and then take this city from me."

Candela's high-spirited remarks seem to have some meaning at this juncture, but looking at her rather smug and proud expression, it seems that she is simply boasting about her abilities that ordinary people cannot achieve.

At this time, the waiter also brought a tray full of goblet cocktails to Candela's side. Candela didn't reach for it, but pouted her mouth to signal the dog to entertain her guests first.

"This is my favorite exclusive recipe, and it is also the cocktail that I recommend every VIP who comes to Dossoles to try. It can only be drunk on this ship. I named it 'Sunrise', but This time it is a little bit special, because I modified the recipe to make it more unique, please taste it.”

The waiter came to Amiya with a tray, but she declined without hesitation, even Hong beside her.

"Sorry, Hong and I are underage, so we can't drink alcohol."

"Oh! Although I have heard of it a little bit, but I didn't expect that the high-level people in Rhodes Island are generally so young? Even this cute little red guard..."

"The red is not small, the red is very powerful!"

Hong, who has always been reticent to outsiders, and who always has a sharp knife, suddenly started to refute Candela for some reason. Even Amiya couldn't understand why, and she had never seen Hong care about her age, and she liked to let her Kelsey and the doctor touched her head.

In fact, Hong was not angry because she was called Xiaohong, but what Candela said earlier that Rhode Island's top executives were generally young... Hong's basic duty is to act as the personal guard of a certain big lynx. How can Hong bear such remarks of "slandering" the big lynx?

It's just that Kelsey told Hong not to mention her identity, so Hong can only use herself as an example to refute. Judging from the live effect, it is very unconvincing and will only make Candela cute.

"Okay, okay, Miss Hong is not young at all, come here, come over and make two new glasses of non-alcoholic 'Sunrise'... Then, there should be no taboos at Chen Shi's age, right?"

"…I do not mind."

Although according to Taila's general age norms, she must be an adult if she is three years old, but if you insist on converting according to the theoretical lifespan of the Dragon Clan, Chen Huijie might be younger than Amiya.

But it was meaningless, and Chen Huijie was not in the mood to play this kind of trick, so she picked one of the cocktails with a blank expression, and then drank it down with her head raised like a farmer in the countryside.

She graduated from Victoria University, of course, she doesn't know the so-called upper-class etiquette, but she just doesn't bother to put on airs. Besides, putting on a look of incomprehension can also make a certain lady on her alert list consciously stop harassing her.

It's just that when Chen Huijie took the cocktail into her mouth, an unusually familiar flavor but an exceptionally novel taste filled her mouth in an instant, and the refreshing icy wave gushed out, sweeping away the last trace of laziness after getting up in the morning null.

"...Could it be that Rhode Island's tree fruit juice is added to this?"

"That's right, it's your products that give this exclusive formula an unparalleled new life. I prepare every flavor myself, but my favorite flavors are Guaxiguo and Longhuoguo."

While speaking, Candela picked up a glass and took a big sip, then her whole body seemed to be floating like grass, Chen Huijie frowned at such an unaffected, even slutty look. Jump, it seems that her plan to draw a clear line with the other party is doomed to fail.

"To tell you the truth, I sent people crazy to search for the secrets of the Rhodes Island fruit before, and even used a little bit of commercial means, hehe, but found nothing. No fruit can replace this kind of fruit. The wonderful taste called tree fruit, even if it can be prepared to have a similar taste, it actually tastes very different."

The "commercial means" in Candela's mouth is undoubtedly a commercial espionage. There is a high probability that she will be involved in the moth at the Casimir Business Federation. I don't know if I was drunk or something else.

"Even people like me who regard money and pleasure as political tools will be addicted to it, not to mention those high-ranking old men. In my opinion, the magical crop of tree fruit will definitely become the key to changing the entire Bolivar. holy thing!

So the luxury negotiation with your company is just a smoke bomb for other chambers of commerce. What I really want to discuss with Ms. Amiya is the exclusive planting agent of the tree fruit. Bolivar has excellent natural conditions like a gift from God. There is never a better place to grow fruit on a large scale than here.

But first of all, of course I have to apologize to everyone for my previous offensive actions. Your company can ask for as much compensation as you want, even if it is... offering the entire Dosores. "

Chapter 502 Magic Joe Stole Suiyue's Important Things

Candela was able to give away the city she ruled as the mayor so casually. It really surprised everyone present who was unprepared. Even the people who had investigated Candela in advance Amiya didn't think about this at all.

After all, judging from Candela's performance in front of Chen Huijie's opening and closing of Big Brother Wei, everyone would think that she is following Wei Yanwu, and Dosores is equivalent to the "Dragon Gate" in her mind.

Can you imagine what it would be like to let Wei Lao Er hand over Longmen to someone else?

"Ms. Candela, are you drunk? Please don't make such jokes."

"Hey hey, of course not, thanks to these berry juices, I have never been more awake than now, as I said just now, Dosores is not a dragon gate, it is not the economic lifeline of Terra, but It's just a city built on the path of money circulation. As long as I want, I can make several copies at any time.

So it’s okay to treat it as a big gift that’s just a little troublesome to pack, wouldn’t it show my sincerity better? "


At this time, Amiya finally understood why Wei Yanwu didn't want to come to Kandela to reminisce about the past even though he was hated by the doctor, because she was completely different from Mrs. Wenyue who had the same outstanding political talent but was willing to be a supporter behind the scenes , Candela's political goal level is at least to become a competitor of Wei's second child!

Even if Dosores is not irreplaceable as Candela said, it is still a "cornucopia" that accumulates countless wealth and will bring more wealth in the future. It is also the starting point of Candela's career .

You just pull out all the big shots in Terra, who can casually cut off their original "arm" like her to show their sincerity, and then lightly put on a "prosthetic leg" for themselves, absolutely not More than a slap count.

Moreover, even if others have the courage and determination of Candela, they may not have her ability to control capital, because the two are almost contradictory, otherwise you can search all over Beicheng City, where can you see such a generous and careless person? Wealthy capitalist?

So put yourself in Wei's shoes, a princess of the Eastern Kingdom who always thinks of you and is willing to make sacrifices for your career, and a princess who keeps calling you Big Brother Wei, but expresses her emotions in a way that wants to overwhelm you. In order to prove that she has the best "genetic" ambitious man-in-law.

This...Unless it is shaking M, men with a little autonomy will know how to choose, right?

"I understand Ms. Candela's determination, but this is too far from the charter we have drawn up before. Please give us time to discuss internally."

"No problem, anyway, Bolivar has always been like this bird, and has never been changed. I am afraid that the most left is time."

-------------------------------------------------- ---

"I... where is this?"

Shuiyue, who had been unconscious all night by Qiao Maomao and Gouzi, just woke up from the bed at this time, but when he looked around in a daze and found that this was a luxurious hotel room, Shuiyue's complexion suddenly changed , Hastily stretched the tentacles into the quilt to check the front and rear sides under the body.

Phew, fortunately, although she was not wearing any clothes, she was not teased or stabbed. She almost thought she was picked up by a hungry rich woman or a perverted alchemist.

Shuiyue finally breathed a sigh of relief, and when her mind was almost clear, she began to recall what happened yesterday, so her face turned red again, and she couldn't help covering her lower body.

But after thinking about it, I felt that something was not right, so I slowly touched the top of my head with my hand...


There was a loud scream that almost knocked off the roof in the room, and immediately a figure with two wheels under his feet broke open the door and rushed in.

"What, what happened, Shuiyue boy?"

Thinking that there was an emergency in Shuiyue, Qiao Maomao rushed to the scene like flying, and Shuiyue could also hear whose voice it was, but when he turned his head to ask Qiao Maomao for help, his face turned red again. It became a big red persimmon.

"You, why are you not wearing clothes!?"

"Ah? I'm in the room, why do I have to wear clothes?"

Clothes are more of a professional symbol for Tom Cat, just like lifeguards need to wear swimming trunks, construction workers need to wear hard hats, and pianists need to wear tuxedos. When it comes to cats, then of course there is no need to wear clothes.

However, before Shuiyue had time to complain, a group of dog security guards from the hotel rushed in, obviously attracted by the screams just now. Although Dosores has many sins, the rich Treatment remains the same.

Courtyard Hotel is a high-end hotel with a facade level in Dosoles. The occupants are either rich or expensive, and the safety of the guests will naturally be guaranteed to the highest degree.

However, when Captain Security Dog rushed to the front and took the lead, he saw Jogo's furry cat's buttocks and Shuiyue half-sitting on the bed with his upper body exposed, he suddenly jumped back and slammed on his heels, and then... He was rear-ended in a row by the dog team behind him.

Zizizizizizizizizi~~ Bang ping ding ding ding bang!

"Why are you breaking in suddenly? Everything is normal here, and there is no need for security!"

A group of arhats and dogs laying on the ground heard Qiao Maomao's sullen reprimand, and immediately showed their professionalism to the extreme. They got up almost instantly and returned to the original formation, and then followed their dog captain. Smiling and taking off his hat to apologize, he exited the room in an orderly manner.

"Ah, I understand the guests, you guys, get out now, please take your time, and no one will disturb you again."

At the end, he also kindly helped Qiao Maomao to close the open door gently, without taking away a cloud. Well, this is called professionalism.


Qiao Maomao and Shuiyue were left to look at each other in blank dismay, not understanding for a while why they should take it easy?

"Hey, the reason for making such a big fuss was to find your hat. Is it necessary? Although it's really pretty, it still has a cool and transparent feeling. It must be cool to wear in summer."

Qiao Maomao fiddled with Shuiyue's soft hat with her cat pad, unaware that Shuiyue beside her had already heated the kettle in her little head to scalding heat.

"So what's so special about it that it's worth sounding the air raid sirens in the morning?"

"In short, in short, it is very important! Return it to me soon!"

Chapter 503 Reasonably and Legally Stabbing Wei's Second Brother in the Eye

Jogo is actually not very clear about what this hat specifically represents, he can only understand a little bit of meaning from Shuiyue's expression that is more shameful than being naked, probably guessing that it is something very private to him .

Because after all, this is just a beautiful hat that feels smooth and moist to the touch, and it is not a biological organ. It will neither lose a piece of flesh nor lose its virginity when you touch it. of pleasure.

So this is the happiness of a rich woman?

So he became more and more aggressive, showing a sinister Tom-like smirk on his face, and put the hat on his head as a gesture, so anxious that Shuiyue waved his small fist and beat him on the chest.

"Hehehe~hahahaha~, I don't know if it will be cool to go out with it?"

"You!? Bad guy, you know how to bully people, give it back to me!"

Seeing that Qiao Maomao was about to succeed, the sound of the door lock turning suddenly came from behind him. This time, of course, it was not the unwitting security guard, but Kyle who put the M3 Maomao's tail into the keyhole and directly transformed into a key. hope.

"You can fight with your own tail when you're bored. There's no need to tease others. Hurry up and return the hat to little brother Shuiyue, and then come to my room to talk."

Qiao Maomao was first electrified and its tail burst into fur, then suddenly disappeared, leaving only the dark blue soft hat with four small circles circling in mid-air, and finally followed Like a feather, it floated back to Shuiyue's little head, whose eyes were wide open and he didn't know what happened.

And beside Kelsey, as a gust of wind passed by, Qiao Maomao, wearing a Victorian tuxedo waiter's jacket, appeared there like a javelin, holding a snack tray with one hand and hanging a Wearing a towel, with his chest up and his head up, his eyes slightly closed, his posture is extremely professional and classy.

Still no pants, of course.

"I'm always the first to rush to your invitation, my lady, other lady, but before that, do you need a little snack?"

Qiao Maomao gracefully and skillfully moved the tray aside, and immediately a round, black cat paw snatched away a piece of cupcake on top.


The Mon3tr "lady" who calmly asked Qiao Maomao to wipe the cake crumbs from her mouth put up a pair of cat paw pads to express her satisfaction with his service. Step into each other's "tender trap".

After all, the current Mon3tr is also fully in line with the "female cat" Tom's strategy prerequisites, isn't it?


"What! Candela originally wanted to plant Pokémon berries in Bolivar?"

It wasn't until he was mysteriously pulled into the room by Kelsey and locked the door that Jogo didn't know the whole story of Amiya's negotiation and the sincerity proposed by Candela.

Bolivar's unique climatic conditions are indeed suitable for planting most tree fruit varieties, just like most Latin American countries in the other world.

But tree fruit is not an ordinary economic crop. Frankly speaking, if Candela is really made, the short-term profit may not be as much as that of Solace, but the long-term benefits in all aspects can definitely completely overwhelm pressure.