MTL - Morning of Swordsman Tower-Chapter 175

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But when she passed by the beach, she accidentally found a black square object drifting with the tide and stranded on the shore in front. Lin Yuxia was sure that it was not abandoned garbage, because she saw the precious stones and gold patterns embedded on it. Reflected rays.

It wasn't until she got a little closer and took a closer look that she realized that it seemed to be a huge black "chopper", so the question arose, why is the blade made of wood on such a beautifully decorated "chopper board"?

Don't ask her how she knew, if it wasn't made of wood, how could this "kitchen knife" float on the water without sinking to the bottom?

What's even more outrageous is why there is a device that looks like a mousetrap on it! ?

This made Lin Yuxia, who was a Zalak mouse species, tremble with anger, her hands and feet were cold.

However, when she got closer to observe with curiosity, there was a strange sweet smell under the tip of her nose, mixed with a slight sourness that just rightly stimulated the appetite. Lin Yuxia, who is a foodie, has never smelled such a mouth-watering delicacy.

Lin Yuxia couldn't help but took a deep breath, and then looked around for the source of the scent, and finally locked it on the piece of porous cheese that was sticking to the trigger of the mousetrap, and the color was yellow and orange, as delicate as a cabinet sample.

"What the hell? Is this a despicable insult and a low-level joke to the Zarak people? How could someone fall into such a trap that a three-year-old child can see, it's just..."



Qiao Maomao has already found the other accessories of the Hawkeye suit, except for the "Black Knife".

He thought that the "Black Knife" was the first to find it, because he just used Domineering Coke to blacken the wooden base of a giant mousetrap, and then added a sword grid, a black wooden board floating on the water It should be easy to find.

Looking at it now, it probably floated to the shore with the tide, and then someone found the precious gold sword case inlaid with gems, so it was stolen and wanted to sell, right?

Qiao Maomao returned to the beach with a black kitten face, and the cat's fur was dripping down. Although the gold and precious stones were nothing to him, how could it make people feel so simple? Taking advantage of his master Jogo?

So after Qiao Maomao shook the fur off his body and wrung out the clothes with the cat's claws, he set off along the beach to find clues to the black knife, but even Qiao Ge himself did not expect that the answer would be Come so fast.

"Yeah! Yeh! Huh, **** it! If it's Dad, I'm sure I can break free easily, am I really not strong enough... No, I don't believe it! You must break free before anyone sees it ah ah ah ah Ahhh!"

I saw a pink-haired mouse girl in a beach swimsuit being caught in the "Black Knife" mousetrap and doing upper body push-ups crazily. It's a pity that no matter how red-faced she was, she tried her best angrily, and her waist was tightly held by the clamp bar. Always unable to move.

With such distinctive features and speaking Longmen Yanguo dialect, Qiao Ge immediately confirmed her identity.

What made Lin Yuxia even more discouraged was that even if she used her skills to turn the surrounding sand into sharp and hard crystallized knives, she still couldn't do anything to the mousetrap, not even a scratch.

Just kidding, this is created by "Carpenter Tom" himself, the black knife "Night" of the supreme sword twelve crafts... the cartoon version! Don't think that the black on it is just dyed with ink, it is a real domineering armed color.

"Miss, it seems that you are in trouble, do you need my help?"


Lin Yuxia was taken aback by Qiao Maomao who suddenly appeared behind her. The thought of being so embarrassed by others made her feel even more ashamed, so she quickly denied it.

"Many, thank you, I don't need help, ahaha, I really don't, I'm just playing games with my friends."

Seeing that Lin Yuxia had beaten her to death and refused to admit it, Qiao Ge's black-bellied mood immediately turned sharp, and then he began to care about this "strange" lady like a real gentleman. In fact, he just wanted to embarrass her a little bit more.

"Oh, is that so? But I see that you look very painful. Is there really such an excessive game? Where is your friend now? Do you want me to call someone over?"

"Ah, no! Heck, I mean, don't bother, she's shopping there, soon..."

Lin Yuxia was just pointing in a random direction to fool Qiao Maomao away, but she didn't expect that when she glanced in that direction naturally, she suddenly found a man with blond hair and a large yellow and black stripe behind him. The familiar figure of Whiptail is running towards this side.

That is naturally Shi Huaiya Cerebellar Axe who came to Dosores for vacation, and the reason why she appeared here has nothing to do with Lin Yuxia, she should have followed Qiao Maomao's trail, but Shi Huaiya It is indeed Lin Yuxia's friend, but it is just a girlfriend and a friend.

Lin Yuxia, who had made a prophecy, did not have the slightest joy, and even her eyes completely lost their brilliance.

"...It's over, my rat."

Chapter 493 Fast forward to the year 4011 of cat martial arts

"Hey, you...puchi...hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

As expected, when Shi Huaiya rushed here in a hurry and was about to question Qiao Maomao, she was suddenly stunned by the scene in front of her. It took more than ten seconds of running alive before he understood the situation in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, there was her continuous barbell-like grunt, occasionally bumping into the bottom of the wall and continuing to roll and play in another direction.

However, her exaggerated appearance also managed to bring back the expression on Lin Yuxia's gray face, and even puffed up a few well characters on her forehead. As the successor of the Dragon Gate Mouse King, she was determined to go with her father Lin Yuxia, who has a different path, certainly cannot compare with ordinary women in her willpower.

It's just that in this short ten seconds, Lin Yuxia must have thought of dozens of ways to tie Shi Huaiya up until she lost her memory. In the end, considering all aspects, although she has the ability to subdue Shi Huaiya, but Afterwards, no matter what, it can't end.

After all, she is a rich woman, and she is backed by the increasingly famous Rhodes Island. How could a professional doctor fail to notice the injury of amnesia caused by the blow?

Then there is only one answer left!

"Laughing fart, you yellow-haired loser! Hurry up and help me out...ah no, help me out... Anyway, save me!"

Lin Yuxia couldn't care about her face anymore, at least there were only two people present at the scene, but if she was delayed for a while, she might be surrounded and made a scene in the news newspaper of her hometown Longmen, that would be a real tragedy among rats.

"Hahahahahahaha, I will save, of course I will, but you have to let me laugh for a while hahahaha... Ouch, I can hardly breathe, how did you get caught in it, are you really a mouse that came out to look for food? ? Then we have to wait until night... Puchi hahahaha!"

It is said that only bad friends with the best relationship are qualified to come to the scene to laugh at you when you make a fool of yourself, but when she has enough laughing with her belly in her arms, she will definitely be the first to come up to rescue you. Although Shi Huaiya is not It wasn't intentional to bump into Lin Yuxia's appearance, but who can make sense of such things as fate?

"...Shut up, you char siew bitch!"

"Okay, okay, I don't puff hahaha...cough cough, it's not funny at all, I've laughed enough, I shouldn't be looking for things like saving you, right? Isn't it faster to find him?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Shi Huaiya is naturally referring to Qiao Maomao, because the "mousetrap" in Lin Yuxia's eyes is obviously something he carried behind his back during the Smash Bros. match, and the right master is by his side, so why do you need her help?

But Lin Yuxia didn't pay attention to any Smash Bros. matches, and she didn't even have much contact with Dr. Rhodes Island. If she insisted, she just met the doctor's "sister" Bu Langya in the teahouse, so In the eyes of Mouse Girl, Qiao Maomao is just a "good-hearted" cat passing by by chance.

"Of course it's him. In my opinion, it's useless to find me for something that you can't even get rid of. I'm afraid there is only Bo..."

As Qiao Ge's secretary, Shi Huaiya naturally knows the novelties of the war department very well. At this time, she probably has seen the reason why Lin Yuxia can't break free. As an agile mouse girl, Lin Yuxia's attack skills are helpless. , the strength is even more insufficient.

If it is a powerful mouse king, don't look at him with white beards, he will always be strong. Even if skills can't destroy domineering, even brute force should be enough to trigger the mechanism.

Shi Huaiya's strength is also not enough, and she has not yet learned domineering, so the only person around who can help Lin Yuxia get out of trouble is indeed Dr. Qiao himself, but before she can say the word "doctor", the tail of Cerebellar Axe suddenly He was held tightly by Jogo.


Cerebellar Axe screamed involuntarily, but was immediately soothed by the "Maomao Electric Wave" sent by Qiao Maomao.

'Don't reveal my identity for the time being, she is already very embarrassed to meet an acquaintance of yours, and then find out that there is another person in the Longmen circle at the scene, do you want to live? '

'...You really are a doctor, bad guy! Obviously you skipped my date, but you came here to care about this dead mouse... Eh, wait? ? Doctor, how do you use your eyebrows... why can I also use my eyebrows to talk? Hey! ? '

'Don't pay attention to these details, this mission is related to Amiya's safety, I also have to travel secretly, I will definitely compensate you for the date. '

'Hmph, Hoshiguma with a man's mouth is deceiving, last time I made it clear that I would give me a portrait when I invited you to dinner, but in the end I just threw a painting for me to perfunctory, do you think I will do it again this time? Do you believe me? '

Shi Huaiya, who had already been sent pigeons by Qiao Ge twice, could not be comforted any longer. Lin Yuxia, who was lying on the ground over there, also cast a puzzled look at this side. Immediately walked towards Lin Yuxia.

His arms instantly became extremely black, and he quickly returned the mousetrap to its original position with two or three movements, but then unexpectedly, Qiao Maomao suddenly hugged the unprepared Lin Yuxia by the waist. Very ambiguous.

It's just that when the mouse girl herself was still in a daze and didn't realize what was going on, Shi Huaiya had already started to jump around in a hurry.

"You, you! What are you doing! Put this stinky mouse down!"

From Lin Yuxia's point of view, Shi Huaiya seems to be protecting her from being taken advantage of by strange men, but in fact, she just doesn't want to share some too private things with her girlfriends. After all, Dr. Rhodes Island's fan girl has Enough is enough.

"Ah, I'm sorry, because I was in a hurry to go back to deal with the competition, so I was a little impatient and rough, please forgive me if I offended, I will leave her to you, I hope you, as a friend of this lady, can take good care of her , don’t make this mistake again.”

As Qiao Maomao said, she handed Lin Yuxia in her arms to Shi Huaiya. Before she had time to think about it, Cerebral Ax subconsciously stretched out her hands to take it. The moment of contact, a sudden change occurred.

In Shi Huaiya's field of vision, a miniature Sakota Joe cat appeared out of thin air above the doctor's head. It has a Sakota-like fluorescent lamp ring on its head, but the white swan wings behind it are more technological than Sakota's. The wings of light are more holy.

I saw Sakota Joe Maomao took out a feathered arrow with a pink heart-shaped arrow, and shot it towards Shi Huaiya's heart without hesitation. The fighting instinct drove her to dodge, but the female But your intuition shouted in your heart to tell her not to hide, otherwise you will regret it for the rest of your life.

Perhaps because of the sense of security that the doctor is right in front of her, Shi Huaiya made a decision in an instant, and the love feather arrow drew a romantic trajectory with peach petals floating in the air, and finally hit it precisely The heart of Cerebellar Axe.

Behind Shi Huaiya, a huge pink peach heart swelled like a gust of soap bubbles, and then burst open to emit an incomparably pink sweet breath, rendering the entire Terra world into a pink background at this moment The canvas, and the protagonists in the canvas are only two people, Cerebellar Axe with a peachy face and rippling eyes, and Qiao Maomao with a tangled expression.

"Hey! The aborigines in Bolivar are all Pello, but how long are you two going to stuff dog food into my mouth!? I can't hold it anymore, can you let me down first and then get angry Ahhh!"

Chapter 494 Joe Sea King, Are You Still Sea King?

Lin Yuxia's complaint directly punctured the "two-person world" in the special effects of "Loving Tom", and the entire pink background suddenly turned into white feathers and disappeared with the wind, which made Shi Huaiya's affectionate eyes stare at her. Qiao Maomao, who was so tense all over, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But on Cerebellar Axe's side, he's not happy at all.

I'm Diu Leilou, hello! The subtle romantic atmosphere just now, before my wife even had time to say a word, was disturbed by you, a stinky rat?

Well well!

"When you're full, just shut up and rest for a while. If you don't talk, no one will treat you like a dead mouse! Shit, Lin Yuxia!"

I saw Shi Huaiya calling out to that roguish thieves, using two arms like temple pillars to catch him, then lowered his hips and raised his head, and then took advantage of the waist, and actually took the green willow with its roots Pull... Oh no, it threw Lin Yuxia who was lying in the arms of the two of them backwards.

Although there is a beach behind, it is not a big deal to land directly, but Lin Yuxia still fell steadily into the arms of Xingxiong who had finally rushed over with Shi Huaiya.

"Hey? Aren't you Chief Lin? How did you fly from Longmen to Dosores and still aim right at me?"

Although Lin Yuxia doesn't work in the Guard Bureau, she is a military officer directly under Wei Yanwu, and Wei Yanwu is the de facto supreme commander of the Guard Bureau, so it's not bad for Hoshiguma to call her the chief, but the one behind... is really outrageous, just Even Lin Yuxia couldn't stand it anymore.

"Officer Hoshiguma, have you been under a lot of work pressure lately? It's really time for you to take a vacation and take a good rest."

"Can Chief Lin even see this? I just want to come here and ask Lao Chen to scold me like before, otherwise I will feel bad and I won't be able to get back to work."


Behind Lin Yuxia's slender tail twisted a big "?", her young and beautiful face wrinkled into a daisy involuntarily, her eyes dared to leave a slit, as if she was looking at something with hot eyes.

Xing Xiong, you seem to be sicker than that char siew cat, do you know it?


Cerebellar Ax even turned back to take a closer look at how far he had left Mouse Girl, so that he could be sure that she would not come back for revenge in a short time. All these inhumane behaviors of the opposite **** were just for the sake of being alone with Qiao Maomao for a while.

Rather than saying that this is the power of love, it is better to say that this is the power of love in the cat and mouse world. In short, it is a little bit unnatural, but definitely like a "normal" cat.

"Okay! The guy who got in the way has finally left, I...uh!"

But when she turned her head and looked at Qiao Maomao happily, thinking that she finally got her wish, her cheek was suddenly pinched by Qiao Ge with the cat's claws that retracted her nails, and the two faces were almost nose to nose. Lean together.

Then he put a finger between their mouths.

"Shh, now is not the time to say it, my dear lady, your emotions have been covered with a veil of falsehood, if I despicably use this opportunity to get you, I will never be able to witness your heart It's real."

LSP does not mean playing hooligans. Shi Huaiya has proved through many actions that she is a reliable operator in Rhodes Island, and Qiao Ge, as a doctor of Rhodes Island, has to take care of the operators, and Not Aquaman playing with the feelings of the female operators...or some of the male operators on the catwalk.

Of course, this does not mean that he will refuse directly. If he is Yoshikage Kira today, he might already be dating a rich woman Cerebellar Axe, because "humanoid catnip" will only make cats feel bad. He makes a good first impression, neither affecting the alignment nor the subsequent emotional development.

But "Sacred Tom" is an unreasonable entertainment model, and its effect is as brainwashing as Bugs Bunny's "mentally retarded halo". Such despicable methods must never be used on one's own people. bottom line.

Of course, it is not despicable to use it on the enemy, it is resourceful, resourceful, farsighted, strategizing, clever calculations, Zhuge Liang is alive, Teresa pole vaulting!

Collectively... funny.

So all Qiao Maomao can do now is to slightly satisfy the little bourgeois romantic complex in Shi Huaiya's head. I can't find another brain ax like this, but she is still a young lady after all.

The eldest lady almost has a common problem, that is, she likes to fantasize about things full of romanticism, such as Ceylon, Jogo's second apprentice, she wants to be a heroine who is as full of style as Zorro, It would be best for her to be the guard and black as the nurse, and the two would fight openly and escape the law.

As for Shi Huaiya, in addition to her ideal of common people in Terra, it is probably also a romance about love.

"For me, no matter how much beauty and wealth you have, they are not as precious as the real you, so please wait a little bit patiently? When I win this competition, I will go to you and uncover the truth that blinds you. veil, and grant your...any wish."

As soon as these words came out, not to mention Shi Huaiya whose eyes were almost full of love, even Qiao Maomao himself was so stunned that he stretched out the cat's neck and swallowed a big mouthful of saliva, he didn't know it was Why did such a word come out of nowhere? After thinking about it, it must be the fault of "Love Saint Tom"!

After all, talking about love is also a professional skill.

"Okay! I will wait for you, you must come to me, at the place we agreed upon!"


No, Cerebellar Axe, don't you think that what you said is a bit too dangerous? No matter how you think about it, there are only two endings left, either the man died heroically, or the woman left a tombstone erected at the agreed place and waited for the man to return. You don’t like this kind of tragic romance, right?

Fortunately, the female cat buffed by "Love Tom" will also have the characteristics of entertainment mode, otherwise Jogo would not dare to leave.

"Then, before your friend comes back, I shall take my leave, my dear lady."

Qiao Maomao put the swordsman top hat back on her head with one hand, then turned around and shook the cloak, only leaving Shi Huaiya with a proud figure as she walked farther and farther away, if it wasn't for the one that swings from side to side and curls a heart from time to time The tail of the cat obviously has its own thoughts, and the back of Qiao Maomao can probably be a little more "solitary testicle".

"Hey! Miss, I have received Chief Lin. Isn't Chief Lin your friend? What a coincidence!"

For some reason, Xingxiong, who came late, still hugged Lin Yuxia to his chest. Maybe the mouse girl was too full to move around by herself.

"It's a coincidence. Let's find a place to eat first. Just throw her into the sea. Remember to throw her farther away with a little strength."

"Oh, ok, I'm just... eh!??"

Chapter 495 Lynx, isn't it amazing?

Today's Smash Bros. audition has come to a successful conclusion. Both Qiao Maomao and Shuiyue have well-deservedly qualified for the Summer Grand Prix with their strength. The number of votes for him has already qualified.

However, compared to the cute boy Suigetsu who is welcomed and coveted by female audiences, "Cat's Eye Johawk" has attracted more attention from various forces in Dosoles.

Although his fighting style is so eclectic that it can make many serious swordsmen and guards blood pressure soar, it is like an old game player who has worked hard for several years and finally achieved the achievement of passing the level with one life. Rubbing like a washboard can miraculously pass the level without injury, like cerebral hemorrhage.

But no matter the insider or the layman, no one can question the strength he has shown, and that is enough.

Ever since, someone took targeted actions immediately after the Smash Bros. audition ended.

"Miss Catpaw, we have a deal to discuss with you and your boyfriend, please let me know."