MTL - Monument of Life and Death-Chapter 1040 living off limits

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   Chapter 1040 The Living Restricted Area

  The man's eyes were closed, and he didn't look like a living person.

   "This person..."

   Luo Jiutian turned his head in confusion, and when he saw Li Muyuan's expression, he immediately closed his mouth.

   The clear moonlight in Li Muyuan's pupils was shaking violently, and the pale face gradually overlapped with the full moon, which looked like ripples on the water reflecting the moon.

  Luo Jiutian slapped his father next to him with his elbow, and Lao Luo said dissatisfiedly, "I saw it."

   "Muyuan, are you..." Luo Jiutian's eyes went back and forth between Li Muyuan and that face, "Do you really know this person?"

  “…Senior Brother…”

   Li Muyuan let out a whimper-like cry from the depths of his throat.

   "What?" Luo Jiutian didn't hear clearly.

  Xia Hua frowned and stared at that face with pursed lips.

   " this person senior brother," Lao Luo's expression was somewhat similar to Xia Hua's, "but I have seen all the people in Shuangyu, but I have never met this person."

   "Senior...Senior brother," Li Muyuan's voice increased a little, he called hoarsely and took a step forward, "Senior brother, is that you?"

   The Taoist priest looked at Luo Jiutian and raised his eyebrows to show his doubts. Luo Jiutian shrugged, indicating that he didn't understand either.

   As if he heard Li Muyuan's voice, the pale face actually moved.

   The man's eyelashes twitched slightly, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

   "Senior Brother!" Li Muyuan shouted loudly and stretched out his hand directly towards the face, "It's me! Muyuan! Senior brother, it's me!..."

   One second before Li Muyuan's hand touched the face, suddenly, those eyes suddenly opened.

   Several other people gasped, and even Li Muyuan's movements were delayed for a while.

   It was a pair of blood red eyes.

   Those eyes stared in horror, as if they were about to fall out of their sockets in the next second. It can be said that they were no longer a pair of eyes, but something made of blood coagulation.

  Li Muyuan's hand stagnated in place, he and the pair of **** eyes looked at each other for a long time.

   After a long while, that cracked mouth finally opened a **** gap.

   "Muyuan..." There was a rustling wind in the man's voice, almost like a voice traversing through hell, "Muyuan, is that you?..."

   "It's me!" Li Muyuan cried out, "Senior brother! It's me! Senior brother, why are you here? How can you..."

   "Muyuan, listen to me..." The man interrupted Li Muyuan and continued, "I am here, please... Please don't tell anyone else, please don't..."

"Brother! What the **** happened to you?!" Li Muyuan hugged the terrifying head, "Where did you go five years ago? Why did you suddenly disappear? I can't find you... How can you change? to make…"

   "Muyuan, I'm sorry..." Two tears of blood flowed from the man's eyes, "It was my fault..."

   "Senior Brother!"

   "You...don't become like a senior..." The man's face seemed to be blurred, "Mu Yuan, senior... senior is dead, I'm already dead here..."

   "No, he will disappear too," Lao Luo said nervously, "Look at his face."

   The appearance of that face was different from the one just now, as if there were two faces that were constantly overlapping—separating—recombining.

   Looking carefully, this other face seems to be a bit like Zhou Ye.

   "I see." Luo Jiutian suddenly realized.

   The corpse that was swallowed by the corpse worm attached to Zhou Ye was Li Muyuan's senior brother. Now, the host is about to disperse, and Zhou Ye will be back soon.

   The question is, how could Li Muyuan's senior brother die here and be eaten by the corpse worms?

   It seems that even Li Muyuan, his own junior and senior brother, doesn't know this.

   "Senior Brother! Senior Brother!..."

   "Muyuan, calm down first," Xia Hua grabbed Li Muyuan's shoulder, looked at the face, and asked, "You died here?"

   The man glanced at Xia Hua and said nothing.

   "Then can you tell us how to escape from here?" Luo Jiutian stepped forward and asked, "We are trapped here too!"

  "If I knew how to escape, I wouldn't die here..." The man's voice was full of sadness, "But careful...Muyuan, you can't die here..."

   "Then do you have any clues?" Luo Jiutian stomped his feet anxiously, "Even if... even if you don't care about us, you must at least take care of your junior brother..."

"I only know... the way out, in a place that the living can't reach..." The face has almost completely changed back to Zhou Ye's appearance, and the voice of speaking also switched back and forth between Senior Brother and Zhou Ye, "Mu Yuan... tell Master... I... I was wrong... Mu Yuan was wrong..."

   In Li Muyuan's painful cry, those blood-red eyes closed tiredly, and a few seconds later, when those eyes opened again, this face had completely turned into Zhou Ye.

   Zhou Ye looked ignorantly at Li Muyuan in front of him. Li Muyuan was crying and rubbing Zhou Ye's face. Zhou Ye blinked and took a long time to react.

   "I...ah!" Zhou Ye was about to move, only to realize that his legs had been numb for a while, and he almost collapsed to the ground, "Thank...Thank you..."

   Everyone hurriedly helped Zhou Ye, Zhou Ye's body was still very hot, as if he had just run out of the oven.

   "That's great, you're fine," Xia Hua said with a heartfelt sigh, and then took Li Muyuan to the side of the room, "Muyuan, are you alright? Can you hear my voice?"

   "He may need to rest," the Taoist leader supported Li Muyuan's other arm with one hand and Zhou Ye's upper body with the other, "Let's go in and talk about it."

   Everyone stumbled into the hut. Fortunately, Miaozhen and Zhuge Shou were still lying on the bed. They temporarily settled Zhou Ye and Li Muyuan. Next, it was time to reveal the secret.

   "What the **** happened?" Zhou Ye hammered his leg, still bewildered, "I... I'm really still alive, right?"

   "You don't have to worry about that," Xia Hua said, "You're not dead."

   Zhou Ye took a long sigh of relief.

   "At least it's not dead yet." Xia Hua added.

   "Then what happened to him?" Zhou Ye pointed at Li Muyuan and asked, "Is he poisoned? Isn't he not poisoned?"

   "He's just... a little surprised," the Taoist priest said, "Mu Yuan, are you better?"

  Li Muyuan hugged his arms and fought a cold war.

   "I...I'm fine."

   (end of this chapter)