MTL - Monster Pet Evolution-v2 Chapter 820 9 first dragons

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"Gao Yueyue, you shouldn't say this sentence." Da Zi muttered to himself.

"Da Zi, what are you talking about? What Gao Peng said is wrong!" Xiao Huangyi said eloquently.

Do n’t forget to say, “Yes, Gaopeng.”

"Well, you're right." Gaopeng nodded in satisfaction.

"How do you become a yellow licking dog, stand in front of it to serve as a meat shield." Xiao Yan said coldly.

"Hey." Silent Lion smirked as they stood behind.

Xiao Huang's brow frowned, and she felt a bit unable to hold her voice down, and clenched her fists: "Xiao, let me tell you! If you don't tell me, I'll stand in front of you obediently!"

After talking about it, Xiao Huang Ang strode to the beast tide.

The silent lion groaned. Is this the most ferocious tone in the legend?

[Monster Name] Nine Dragons

[Monster Level] High Deity

[Law of control] 44.9% of disaster law 31% of shock law

[Monster Quality] Myth Quality / Myth Quality

[Monster Features]

Tianlong (Into the sky is Tianlong, into the ground is Earth Dragon, Qianlong is in the abyss, the ground is overturned.

Effect ① Passive effect: When Nine Dragons get off the ground, they will gain the ability to float and increase their elemental resistance during this period.

Effect ② Passive effect: When the nine dragons have completely penetrated the ground, they will have the ability to slay the ground, and during this period, the power of the shock law will be increased. )

Nine Concentric (Effective ① Passive effect: Nine Dragons cannot truly die before their heads are completely severed, and their strength will not be affected. After losing their heads, Nine Dragons can slowly grow their heads.

Effect ② Passive effect: Every time Nine Dragons cut off a head, it will increase the hardness of its scales. )

Calamity Demon Dragon (Nine Dragons are the legendary Calamity Demon Dragon, controlling disasters and natural disasters.

Effect ① Passive effect: Increase the speed of the nine dragons to understand the law of calamity.

Effect ② Active effect: After activating this ability, the nine dragons will increase their degree of control over the disaster law in a short time. )

[Introduction to the monster] Initially, it is a calamity monster dragon. When the plane is about to enter dusk, it is selected by the will of the plane to activate the power of the calamity law hidden in the body, and finally evolves into nine dragons.

"This guy is the gold medalist selected by the plane." Gao Peng said slowly. "But it doesn't matter. The plane has its gold medalist. I also have my gold medalist."

Hearing Gao Peng's words, Xiao Huang looked up and stood up.

Da Zi stood a little straight.

Silent Lion coughed and shook the mane on his neck.

A stupid put his tentacles in his mouth for a while, and then took out the juice and drank happily. It must have nothing to do with me!

The fat sea slowly stood up, "Well, Gao Peng, don't brag about me, I know I can't hide it anymore, after all, the light on my body is so dazzling."

Da Zi, Xiao Huang, Silent Lion: "?????"

The fat sea leaped forward, and the fish jumped to the sky, "You protect your master here, and return when I go to the sea!"

"The Law of Devour-Devour!"

The fat sea completely disappeared in place, leaving only a rolling black hole in the sky and crashing into the nine dragons.

Bang! !! !!

The nine necks of Jiushou Tianlong went straight into the clouds and submerged into the sea of ​​clouds, as if the nine pillars supported Tianshenzhu to suppress this world.

哐 Dang.

The black hole containing the power of horrible devour hit a neck stiffly and broke it.

Blood poured down like rain, and most of the blood rain was swallowed by black holes.

"In the ancient times, Zhu Rong couldn't hit Zhoushan, and now there is a fat sea ..." Seeing this great scene, the small streamer couldn't help but want to chant a poem.

"That's co-work, let you read more books." Xiao Huang buttoned her nostrils.

Streamer squatted in place, silent.

"Xiao Huang, help the fat sea." Gao Peng issued instructions.

The long-awaited Xiao Huang said nothing and stepped on the ground with his toes.

The remaining eight heads of a nine-headed Denon with a broken head screamed angrily.

The body surface flashed magic light, and the next moment of terrible calamity eroded and shrouded Xiao Huang and the fat sea.

The power of disaster is a general concept. It includes not only natural disasters, but also human disasters!

The void in front of Xiaohuang suddenly twisted, and then let Xiaohuang's long-awaited punch fall into the air.

Then the transparent ripples came out from the body of the nine dragons, and the shock power was completely absorbed into Xiaohuang's body. Through its body surface, all the internal organs penetrated into the internal organs. If it was replaced by other monsters, it might be a big loss, but for Xiaohuang, Say ... it's the same everywhere.

The subtlety of the power of shock is its permeability. Xiaohuang's body shakes. The force of the shock doesn't go from the toes to the top of his head. He hits a refreshing excitement, and Xiaohuang lifts his head with a grimace on his face.

What just happened?

At the same time, beast tides in the other three directions have rushed over.

The eyes of the lonely lion, Xiaoyu, and Dazi met in the air, and they rang their fingers tacitly.

Of course, the ringing finger here is actually a ringing finger in a broad sense. Two steel needle-like claws are quickly rubbed in the air from the lion's small meat pad. Da Zi is the learned posture of Gaopeng's ringing finger. The feet are still inconvenient to lift the legs, so I used the bird's beak to imitate it.

The lightning storm destroyed everything, the dense chain of lightning flashed violently, and the west turned into a sea of ​​thunder. Many monsters were split into coke without sending out screams.

The super-cold cold current swept the south ~ ~ The hurricane rule and the frost rule formed a perfect match. The ice-blue cold current blew through, leaving only countless glittering ice sculptures on the plain.

To the east is a sea of ​​fire. The sea of ​​fire is constantly burning, and the terrible high temperature burns and boils the earth, turning it into a mass of magma.

Whether it is a normal or quasi-god monster, it has not been able to persist for even one second in the three major element disaster areas.


The nine dragons who had been hit with six heads finally felt fear. The physical destructive power of the two guys in front of them did not know why it was very scary, and a rule of engulfing had both offense and defense. Hitting it by yourself was like a hedgehog.

"The Law of Oscillations-The Gorge Collapses."

The trick of the strongest shock rule that he currently controls is displayed, and the dazzling white light envelopes this nasty yellow duck.

The long-awaited Nine Dragons finally desperately discovered that the chest of the yellow duck who had eaten his strongest move cracked only three tiny cracks.

"I have stacked more than a thousand layers passively and can actually penetrate my defense!" Xiao Huang was extremely shocked, this guy's attack power was so high.

After hearing this sentence, the nine dragons felt that something was wrong. Is this a compliment to me?

"Roar!" Although Nine Dragons is a high-level **** created by the origins of the planes of this world, it did not sign anything like a master-slave contract with this world.

Even this shot was because the plane's origin gave it a copy of its power as a reward.

"No, these guys are too weird. They are just the median **** but they are so perverted. Now there are only two shots ... if a little more ..." meaning.

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