MTL - Monster Paradise-Chapter 9 Luxury life

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After seeing the courtyard of Anding District, Lin Huang felt that the owner of this hotel should be similar to Li Wei, whom he had seen before. He is a serious person. But when I saw the owner of the store, he found that it was far from what he imagined.

The shop owner is a very ordinary middle-aged man. He is not tall, his body is slightly fat, his head is glazed with no hair, and his appearance is the kind that is unremarkable. The age is not obvious, he belongs to the kind of 40 to 60 possible looks, the skin is white, and there are not many wrinkles.

His clothes are also very casual, and the bright yellow short-sleeved shirt is obviously bigger than his body, like a short robe. The lower body was wearing a loose sea-blue trousers, and it was quickly covered under the knees. It seemed to have bought a big one.

"Hello guests, are you going to stay in Room 302 today?" The bald middle-aged man stood behind the counter with a very comfortable smile on his face, slightly revealing his upper teeth, and his teeth were white and neat.

"Well, are you the hotel owner?" Lin Huang took out the room card and handed him the registration, and praised it casually. "The yard is beautifully designed!"

"Thank you, I usually like this hobby. They are all playing with fun." The store owner smiled humbly.

Lin Huang listened a little surprised. He originally looked at the store owner's unspoken appearance. He thought that the garden outside was designed by him. However, it was the hotel owner who had not trimmed the front.

"Guest, your room is on the right hand side of the third floor, and you have to go all the way to the head." After the store owner registered, he handed back the room card and reached for the stairs on the right hand side.

Lin Huang took over the room card and was preparing to turn to the building, but was shouted by the store owner.

"Right, guest, you have a bad habit of the guest in room 301. You have to go to the yard to practice the knife every morning. If you make any noise, you need to bear more."

"Okay, I understand." Lin Huang did not think much. He nodded and turned and walked upstairs.

The stairs are mahogany, which rotates upwards, and the right handrails and railings are engraved with delicate patterns. The pattern is dominated by rattan, mixed with branches and flowers of different sizes, and looks like real in the distance.

Lin Huang stepped on the wooden board of the stairs, and there was a very slight creaking sound from the foot. On the third floor, he walked to the right hand according to the instructions of the store owner and went to the end.

At the door of Room 302, he couldn't help but glance at the door of Room 301 in the door. He was secretly curious about what kind of person he lived in. After a while, he shook his head and laughed. "I do what others do, and the most urgent task is to prepare for the reserve hunter's assessment!"

Insert the room card into the door of Room 302 and push the door in. As he stepped into the room, he stood still, and his face was full of surprise. “Is the welfare of the coalition government so good?”

This room is a deluxe suite. There are hundreds of square meters in the living room, and the interior decoration is quite stylish. The large chandelier in the center of the living room, in addition to the light source that is wrapped, other materials are made of pure gold, the lights are beautiful, it seems that the price is not cheap.

The decor of the entire room is luxurious but not high-profile. Except for the chandelier, the other decorations in the house are very low-key, but can be seen from the details. Even the carpet under the feet is smashed with gold rims. If you don't look at it, you might think that it is just the effect of ordinary golden silk weaving.

"The shop owner is really rich, even the carpet is inlaid with gold..." Lin Huang squatted and rolled up the carpet, carefully observed it, "wipe, still real gold!"

In this world, gold is also a rare metal. Its main function is to make luxury decorations. The price is still very high. One gram will cost 300 credits. Although this carpet does not know what the monster's fur is made, it is probably worth hundreds of thousands of credits.

Lin Huang couldn't help but looked up and looked at the chandelier on the top of her head. She couldn't help but swear. "This light should not be pure gold. If it is true, I am afraid that it will be worth millions of credits..."

After walking around the room, Lin Huang fully felt the luxury of this hotel and couldn't help but sigh. "It's no wonder that the cheapest room in this hotel has thousands of credits to stay for one night."

This suite is two bedrooms and one living room. Not only the living room area is large, but the room area is not small. Even the bathroom has two.

Lin Huang chose to live in a slightly larger room on the left side, and the balcony was facing the downstairs garden. Open the curtains and push open the window door. There is a set of rattan outdoor tables and chairs on the balcony, and a rattan hammock next to it.

Lin Huang walked to the edge of the balcony and looked down. The entire courtyard was covered. From this perspective, the garden was more beautiful.

"When I have money later, I also buy a house with such a yard. When I find a boss to help me design it." Lin Huang couldn't help but twitch.

In the afternoon, Lin Huang was lying in a hammock and sunning.

After Lin Xin’s school, she went straight to Anding, and she couldn’t wait to see what the hotel room in Andingu was.

Arriving at the entrance of the hotel yard, she still didn't dare to step in. Instead, she dialed the number of Lin Huang with the emperor's heart, and the tail ring was quickly connected. The voice of Lin Huang came. "Are you out of school?"

"I have already arrived at the hotel door..." Lin Xin whispered.

"Then come in, room 302." Lin Huang said, starting from the hammock, standing on the edge of the balcony, rushing to the bottom of Lin Xin beckoning.

Seeing Lin Huang waving to himself, Lin Xin believed that Lin Huang was not joking with himself. After waving at him, he walked into the hotel yard.

Crossing the yard and arriving at the hotel lobby, Lin Xin saw the hotel owner look at himself and quickly explained, "I came to my brother, he is called Lin Huang."

"Oh, the little brother just now, he was at 302, the right hand side of the third floor." The hotel owner nodded.

"Thank you." Lin Xin spit out her tongue and climbed up the stairs.

When I arrived at the door of the room, the door was open. Lin Xin glanced at the house number and was afraid that she had made a mistake. "302, it should be right."

After confirming, this is the only way to push in.

"Wow!" Lin Xin couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw the layout in the room.

“Beautiful?” Lin Huang walked slowly and handed over a juice drink.

“Yeah!” Lin Xin nodded hard and then hesitated to look at the glass of juice. “Do you want money for juice?”

"No, the room rate is all-inclusive, all the food and drinks in the room don't need money. I asked the hotel owner." Lin Huang explained with a smile.

Lin Xin took the drink with confidence. After a shallow drink, she tasted the taste and her eyes lit up. She quickly sipped a drink and said, "It’s so good, brother, what is this drink?"

"I don't know, the hotel owner said that he is his own homemade drink, called Jingxin Tea. The main raw material is the root juice of a plant monster. I also feel very good." Lin Huang has already had a few drinks this day. The cup, he has never liked sweets, but the taste of this drink made it difficult for him to refuse.

"He is also very delicious here. You are hungry. If you are hungry, we will have dinner." Lin Huang’s lunch was also eaten at the hotel. The food made him a bit full of praise.

Lin Xin was not too hungry, but I heard that Lin Huang said that the restaurant's food was delicious, and some of it was moving.

The two immediately went straight to the restaurant on the second floor of the hotel.

When the two arrived at the restaurant, there were already a few guests in the restaurant. It seems that they are all hunters. It is estimated that they participated in the monster clean-up yesterday and have not left.

The food in the restaurant is a buffet, which is placed in a small plate and a small plate. I don't know what kind of means to keep warm, so that the dish can always maintain the taste of the pan.

Lin Huang and Lin Xin took up a small table and put a plate of their favorite foods up, put a table, until they could not let go. Later, the two began to eat.

There are not many guests in the restaurant. They chatted freely in twos and threes, and Lin Huang and Lin Xin were very focused.

But all of a sudden, the sound of all the chats almost stopped at the same time, and the entire restaurant suddenly quieted down.

All the guests looked up at the doorway. Lin Huang and Lin Xin saw each other and couldn’t help but look up in that direction.


[Or let me talk about it. Some readers who used to read my old book may have used to see the fast-paced book that I wrote to upgrade the Daguai. The world structure is basically a one-off, so it is slow. In fact, before the book was opened, I said that there would be changes in the writing. I hope that I can show it to everyone is a brand new, interesting world, not just to blame the upgrade and grab the equipment to force that little content. However, readers who are familiar with me should also know that I don't have to worry about seeing my book. The cool place, I will make you cool to stop ~~(Hey, this sentence seems a bit ambiguous)