MTL - Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant-Chapter 94 did it together

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  Chapter 94 together

  An Feng continued to search for information in this area, and found that there were quite a few, but central Texas was too far away from him, and it was not convenient to go back and forth, so he was placed in the back row. He checked one by one around Austin, and found that there were many gun shops, but he had to consider whether the shop owners were willing to partner.

  As for opening his own shop, An Feng didn’t think about it at all, let’s not talk about nationality, even the federal firearms license has many ways, some can sell automatic weapons, and some can only deal in semi-automatic weapons. An Feng wants to have a gun right away, so investing in a gun store is the wisest way.

When he was screening, he suddenly thought of the problem of hunting. With the wonderful life at Paul’s hunting ground last time, he also fell in love with this sport, but there was still a problem with the rules: California has too many restrictions to play, Texas has fewer restrictions, hunting Sports are also popular, and the land is much cheaper than in California.

  Guns and land combine.

An Feng spent the whole night looking for information. This addiction is getting worse and worse. It is best to invest in a gun shop, and then invest in a hunting ground that is very close to the hunting ground. When you have nothing to do, you can fly here to live for a few days. Playing with guns, hunting and enjoying a completely private domain, why not do it?

   Just do what you say, and now you have nearly 60 million in your pocket. What are you afraid of spending this much? On the second day, his conditions were a little more stringent. There must be a gun shop that sells automatic weapons, and it must be close to a hunting ground with beautiful natural scenery. The single condition may be easier, but it is rare to have both.

   Later, he called his assistant Eve, told her what he thought, and asked her to help him find it. Two people are better than one person. They exclude the ones that are close to the big cities, which means that there are no vast hunting grounds, and they can't be too far away from the city. Otherwise, where should the gun shop open?

  Eventually, Eve recommended a place: Buchanandan in Lano County.

  An Feng turned her laptop screen and carefully looked at the information on it. On the south shore of Lake Buchanan and Ink Lake, there is a vacant lot for sale with the description that it could be used as housing, woodland or hunting grounds. There is a gun store in a town less than two kilometers away, but there is no information on the sale.

  Gun store investment is different from transfer. It is easy to solve the problem by spending money on investment, but the land is a bit large. There are more than 3,500 acres of land for sale, with the longest point being about 8 kilometers and the widest point being 4 kilometers. Because of its good location near the mountains and rivers, the price tag is very high, with an asking price of 21 million US dollars. An Feng looked around again, and the average price was the same.

Even if there is a smaller one, it will cost five or six million, but the location is really not comparable to it, and there are no gun shops nearby. I looked around and looked back at the big land. It is next to Ink Lake. , You can also overlook the Buchanan Dam in the distance, and there is a river passing downstream. The coast is used as an outdoor scenic spot, an excellent leisure place, where you can fish, boat, swim, camp and picnic.

This means that its use is not just as monotonous as playing guns and hunting. Occasionally, you can gather some friends, go boating on the lake, and watch the scenery; come to the river to fish, swim, or have a bonfire party. When you are bored, you can also Chase herds of animals in off-road vehicles.

There are many benefits, but the cost is a bit high. With 20 million US dollars on the border between Texas and Mexico, you can easily get 30,000 acres of land, which is almost ten times larger than it is now, but it is a bit remote, with many mountains, and there is no such thing as around Buchanan. The scenery of green trees and long streams.

Confused in his heart, An Feng made up his mind: Anyway, it's not a problem to keep so much money in the bank. I can't find any investment projects recently, so I just use it to buy land. At most, I will mortgage the land when I have no money. With Roger as a partner and a friend, the mortgage rate of 70% is appropriate.

   Consoling himself in this way, An Feng slapped his thigh: That's it!

   After identifying the target, he told Eve to find a lawyer familiar with the local laws, then call the number left by the intermediary and make an appointment with the other party to meet in the afternoon.

  In the afternoon, Eve looked at the time, then at An Feng who was calmly playing with his mobile phone, and reminded: "Mr. An, it will take about an hour to drive."

  Buchanandan in Llano County is about 100 kilometers away from Austin. In terms of the transportation system in the United States, an hour's drive is not too far.

  But An Feng shook his head: "No hurry, wait until I pass this level."

  Eve raised her hand to look at the time on her watch. The appointment time was not enough, but the boss still looked leisurely. It seemed that she had to drive fast. I hope there are no police on the road.

Ten minutes later, An Feng put away his phone. While Eve was waiting, he stretched leisurely, yawned, picked up his suit jacket and put it on his body, left the office slowly, and walked downstairs in small steps go. Eve breathed a sigh of relief, the boss is really hard to serve!

Just when Eve wanted to hurry up and drive the car out, An Feng stopped her, and he pointed at the top of his head. Eve raised her head in doubt, and listened carefully. There was a roar from a distance. After a while, a plane The Bell 206 helicopter painted in blue landed on the lawn, and An Feng walked towards the helicopter with his head down.

"Come with me!"

  Eve froze for a moment, and quickly followed her boss.

  How does the top black gold card work? Now this scene gave An Feng the answer, that's how it was played! An Feng asked Angela to call him a plane to fly directly to the destination, and at the same time observe the land condescendingly, so that he can have a clearer view, which is much more comfortable than driving!

After getting on the plane, Eve was so impressed that she had nothing to say. Sure enough, the way of thinking of ordinary people and rich people is different. When she was thinking about which way to drive, the rich man was thinking about what model to fly. Helicopter... This person is more than a person, sooner or later it will **** people off!

It took about 20 minutes to fly around Lake Buchanan, 100 kilometers away. An Feng let the helicopter pilot hover over the area he provided. The vacant land is located at the junction of Lano County and Burnett County. South Lake is a huge dam that provides flood control and hydroelectric power. Immediately below the "own land" is Ink Lake, which turns into a river with a beach along the bank and some residents.

  As for the land, looking down, it is lush, with mountains and grasslands. When the helicopter passed by at low altitude, it also alarmed the deer hiding in the woods. There are few people in the west, but there are several roads passing through, and the transportation is convenient, but the south can be north... After some observation, An Feng has an evaluation.

   "If you can round up the contract amount, I will give you a bonus!" An Feng suddenly smiled and said to Eve.

  Eve was taken aback for a moment, and immediately reacted: "Leave it to me, Mr. An."

  The plane chose a place indicated by An Feng to land, which was the place agreed with the manager, in front of an ordinary country bar. The landing of the plane attracted the attention of the crowd. People who had nothing to do in the bar came out and saw a Chinese in a suit and leather shoes jumping down with a black-haired secretary, followed by a secretary who was dressed in the same dress but looked more serious. The guy who looked like an insurance salesman greeted him and shook hands with a smile on his face.

  Finally, the business is discussed in the small bar... There is no way, this place is just a small village of thirty or forty families according to domestic standards.

  Eve was negotiating business with the land agency, while An Feng came to the bar with nothing to do, ordered a glass of whiskey, and then invited several guys dressed in cowboys to drink. A straightforward person, it is easy to make friends anywhere, and the locals are straightforward, so it is easy to chat with An Feng.

Knowing the gun shop that An Feng was talking about, some cowboys said that they opened it: "Everyone knows that place. It is the gun shop opened by Old Mike. It has a long history. The customers are the residents in our neighborhood. Or tourists provide supplies, the business is very mediocre, and you actually want to invest?"

  An Feng smiled and said to the outspoken cowboy: "It's okay, I like guns, hunting and outdoor activities, so I don't care about profit or loss."

  The cowboy shrugged: "That's all right."

The bargain between Eve and the intermediary lasted for half an hour. Since the helicopter had flown several times just now, Eve memorized some thorny points, so the fight was particularly powerful. It may also be the reason for the bonus to help out. She was young The young girl actually has the spirit of a cowgirl drawing a gun.

   As a result, the deal was really sold for 20 million yuan, saving Anfeng 1 million yuan.

Then he asked a cowboy to take him to the gun shop named "Mike Firepower". The red-skinned old man cleaning the gun, the cowboy said hello: "Mike, someone is looking for you!"

  The red-skinned old man looked up, with a beard, a cowboy hat, and a revolver. A typical western cowboy, when he saw An Feng coming, he asked suspiciously, "What's the matter?"

An Feng looked at the slightly shabby storefront, came to Mike, smiled and said: "Hi, Mike! Do you want to have a bigger store with thousands of guns, containers full of bullets, and a wide shooting range? A store where you can vent your firepower to your heart's content and welcome enthusiastic gun fans?"

  Old Mike stopped cleaning his gun and blurted out: "April Fool's Day has come earlier?"

  (end of this chapter)