MTL - Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant-Chapter 86 Hunting wild boar【Third update】

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  Chapter 86 Wild Boar Hunting【Third update】

As a result, he played around for a day and gained very little. An Feng hid in the tent and took aim with a sniper rifle for a long time, maybe thirty or forty minutes. Boil, but can be in a daze - but found not many, and some are also deer. There are quite a lot of small animals. Birds, rabbits and squirrels can be seen everywhere. These can be killed all year round, but killing squirrels at the door will do. Why come here?

  Everyone wandered around, chatting and laughing, and took turns to climb up to the observation deck for hunting. But to change the environment, being in the forest and walking aimlessly is also considered relaxing.

The two hounds I brought were very excited, and they never stopped jumping up and down. When the two guys came back halfway, their mouths were full of blood. Everyone followed and killed a few dingy wild rabbits. I went back to bake it, but found that everyone was not interested, so I didn't mention it.

  Later, the mothers took their children back home and had enough fun. They also fired a few shots and hit rocks on the way, which is a great harvest for the children. The only ones left are the men who are going to make big moves, and Joanna. With a bow on her back, she checks the pistol bullets, and she does not give in to men.

Paul put down the binoculars, climbed down from the observation deck on the tree, and said to everyone: "Probably there may be animal activities in the northwest direction. There have been a lot of wild boars recently. Be careful when you act, load your shotguns and rifles, and don't let them go." Get closer to the wild boar!"

Don’t think that wild boars are weak if they carry the word “pig”. When this guy is crazy, he might even dare to fight a lion. An Feng once watched a documentary, saying that the wild boars in Australia were flooded, and the government hired hunters to hunt them down. Its back is too hard for even a small-bore shotgun to penetrate.

   Hunting wild boars is not as easy as hunting bears, the level of excitement is comparable, and because of their small size, they are difficult to shoot. So Paul recommends that everyone load the guns first, and then conduct simple grouping. Some excellent hunters are used to being in groups, while others like to be alone, but now that the distance is close, it doesn't matter if they are grouped.

  An Feng and Joanna were together. It was his first time hunting with a gun. He had chased wild boars with adults in his hometown before, but he hadn’t experienced it himself, so he was a little nervous. Joanna has dared to hunt foxes on horseback since she was a child. She has rich experience and is better than An Feng, so An Feng follows her, so everyone can rest assured.

   Everyone scattered, Joanna chose a direction: "Let's go this way!"

   An Feng followed, with a sniper rifle in his hand and a shotgun on his back. It was a bit heavy. Elite hunters generally don’t carry extra items that affect their actions, but there is no place to put them now. Perhaps Pipi and Dandan sensed that the hunt was about to start, so they followed their master obediently without making a sound. Joanna took a few glances and praised: "It really is a pure-blooded hound with an innate instinct!"

   Stop and go, the speed is not very fast, and occasionally come back. Joanna sat on a rock to rest, took a sip of water, and said, "Hunting depends on luck and patience. It's better to stay where you are when you walk around. You can see it from Paul's tent. He knows how to save energy and patience."

An Feng was about to say something, when he saw Joanna stop moving and slowly put down the kettle, her eyes were fixed in one direction. An Feng followed her gaze and looked at the bushes about a hundred meters away. There was movement in the air, which could not be seen clearly with the naked eye. An Feng immediately picked up the sniper rifle to observe.

In the zoomed-in field of view, An Feng saw a faint brown shadow swaying in the grass, but due to the low terrain on his side, his vision was obstructed, so he stared at it for dozens of seconds without blinking, and after confirming that it was a living thing , he whispered to Joanna: "It looks like a wild boar!"

  Joanna looked in that direction, then looked around, and shook her head: "We are in a low place, there is no suitable shooting point, and we need a wide shooting range."

   "Over there!" An Feng pointed to another direction, a low slope, but there was an unobstructed flat land along the way, and it was easy to be exposed when people walked over it.

   "Are you going to climb over?" Joanna guessed what An Feng was thinking.

   "Of course, have you forgotten what my camouflage suit is for?" An Feng took out the camouflage leaf hood from his body, put it on and lay down on the ground, just like a pile of weeds. Joanna admired: "I didn't expect that your clothes would really come in handy."

   "Look at mine!" An Feng proudly took off the shotgun and handed it to Joanna: "Hold it carefully, just in case."

  Joanna took the gun and held down the restless hound, not minding his class making an axe. I saw An Feng lying on the ground, crawling forward with his sniper rifle in his arms. He used to move with his **** up, but Gu Li corrected it. The focus is to use the strength of his inner thighs and elbows, fast and steady.

An Feng tried his best to be careful, implying in his heart that he was a small grass...Crawled to the high point without incident, there was a pile of rocks on the ground, it was uncomfortable to hold the gun while lying on his stomach, An Feng changed to a kneeling position, the barrel of the sniper rifle was a bit long , Maintaining this posture for a long time requires physical strength and endurance, but fortunately, the target has appeared.

Staring at the scope, the distance is about 100 meters, no other adjustments are required, the sniper rifle scope uses the default magnification at this distance, the swaying figure in the grass becomes clear, An Feng moves the crosshairs to it, Seeing this guy rubbing against the tree, he was so happy.

At a distance of about 100 meters, the bullets fired by a 1MOA precision sniper rifle have a dispersion circle no larger than 3.5 cm in diameter. The size of wild boars far exceeds this standard. The "guided weapons" on the vehicle can also easily hit the target.

An Feng held his breath and kept his vision steady. When the wild boar rubbed back for the second time, he pulled the trigger—there was a loud "bang", his ears roared, and the tip of his nose was filled with the smell of gunpowder. In the jumping scope, that The brown figure fell to the ground, but got up and ran wildly after half a second!

As a novice, he was completely affected by the movement of the outside world when shooting, so he didn't have time to continue loading the gun. After the wild boar ran away, An Feng hurriedly pulled the trigger, pushed the bullet into the chamber, and moved his eyes to aim again. When the mirror was turned on, the black shadow in the woods had already run away.

   Then according to the black shadow, the trigger was pulled, and a cloud of dust rose from the ground in the distance, but it missed.

  Joanna heard the sound of gunshots, and when the wild boar was shot, she was experienced and determined that the prey could not run very far, so she pushed the two hounds and pointed forward: "Chasing!"

  After the voice fell, Pipi and Dandan smartly chased in the direction she pointed, and Joanna shouted to An Feng: "Hurry up!"

  An Feng was deaf and couldn't hear clearly, but after seeing the hounds dispatched, he quickly followed. When passing by the position just now, there was a spurt of blood on the ground. The first bullet did hit the wild boar, but the guy had strong vitality and managed to escape. There were bloodstains along the way, and the two hounds ran faster and faster, roaring constantly.

An Feng held his gun and chased after him. The weeds and trees on the road were stained with blood. He followed the sound of hunting dogs and kept chasing forward. After passing a downhill road, surrounded by weeds, the sound was far away, and suddenly a black shadow flashed However, An Feng's eyes lit up, there was no doubt that it was his hound, and the direction was right.

  Being too excited to look at the road carefully, An Feng looked at the large grass in front of him without hesitation, and stepped on it—empty! By the time his brain reacted, he had lost his center of gravity and fell forward, plopping along the slope, pressing down on the weeds and falling to the ground. Fortunately, the terrain is not high.

He spit a mouthful of saliva on the ground, and just got up to look for the gun, and heard rustling voices from above, and just wanted to remind him, he just opened his mouth when he heard a soft cry, Joe Anna, a veteran, also stepped on the air and rolled down the slope.

An Feng rushed over to catch it, and Joanna fell into her arms. The two of them fell to the ground together. An Feng was hit by her and coughed heavily. They all said how beautiful the action of catching a beautiful woman was in the movie. All I felt was abruptness and pain, and I was in no mood to think about anything else.

  The two got up and sat on the ground, An Feng panted and laughed, "Hi, what a coincidence!"

"How embarrassing!" Joanna blushed for her mistake, stood up by herself, and reached out to An Feng. Ahead: "It is estimated to be in this direction, and the voice of the hunting dog can still be heard!"

  They continued to pursue, but they were much more careful now.

When the hounds and wild boars were found, the battle had already started at the bottom of a slope. The wild boars ran all the way, blood splashed all over the ground, and were chased by two tall and mighty hounds. Fighting, two hounds kept trying to attack it around it.

Looking at it from a close distance, this wild boar is really strong, at least weighing more than two hundred catties. The four terrifying fangs are turned outwards, and they keep bumping against the hounds who want to get close to it. However, the wild boar is already at the end of its strength. The hole was bleeding continuously, and a section of intestines was exposed.

  An Feng stopped, there was still a bullet in the chamber, so close enough for him to shoot and kill the wild boar, before he shot, he shouted: "Come back!"

When Pippi and Eggy heard the sound, they hesitated for a moment, gave up attacking the prey and ran back. An Feng shot, and a **** hole was dug in the wild boar's neck again. The huge kinetic energy of the bullet knocked it to the ground. The blood burst out a few meters away, but this guy turned around and jumped up to chase after An Feng.

  Those thick fangs and crazy eyes conveyed its anger.

  The magazine was empty, An Feng retreated quickly, and reached out to touch the bullets. Two hounds surrounded him again, one biting the leg and the other biting the neck, trying to bring the wild boar down.

  The wild boar flew a hound, and flew a few meters in front of An Feng.

At such a close distance, even a gun is useless—just then, Joanna arrived, her eyes were calm, she leaned sideways, drew the bow and stringed it, and shot an arrow at the wild boar, the arrow hit the stomach, screaming Due to excessive bleeding, the wild boar was pierced by a bow and arrow, and fell to the ground after being thrown a few meters.

  The Hound pounced on it.

   After An Feng loaded the bullet and loaded the gun, the wild boar whose neck was bitten by the hound had stopped moving. He stepped forward with his gun and poked the wild boar with the barrel to make sure that it would not jump up again, and the hunt was a complete success. He high-fived Joanna and cheered, "Congratulations! What a big guy!"


  PS: Actually... This chapter is about yesterday's morals... Also ask for a ticket to protect the chrysanthemum! !

  (end of this chapter)