MTL - Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant-Chapter 47 help

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  Chapter 47 Help

   Actually encountered robbery.

But... the two black buddies who robbed didn't seem to be familiar with it. The guy holding the gun was holding the gun with his body crooked. Sure to knock them out—provided there aren't two ladies.

  Joanna took out her wallet. Americans generally don’t bring much cash when they go out. They usually use cards. The cash is also tens of dollars in change, mostly used to pay tips. So in European and American countries, black people like to rob people of yellow race the most—because they always bring a lot of cash with them.

Obviously, An Feng meets the standards of a yellow race, and then he took two young girls, typical winners in life, indicating that he has a little money. These two guys have bright eyes, and they hid in the dark in advance, and jumped out when they came over. Seeing that both Joanna and Daisy were pulling out money, the black buddy with the knife threatened: "Keep the mobile phone and jewelry too!"

  An Feng is not happy anymore, he can just take the money, and there is no need to take risks for dozens of dollars, but his mobile phone has a lot of important information, and the watch on his wrist is also worth forty to fifty thousand dollars. An Feng's eyes signaled the two girls to back off. Since they wanted to die, in line with the fine tradition of the Chinese nation - the beauty of adults, they had no choice but to fight.

  At this time, a person came from the other side of the parking lot. The black man with a gun turned his head vigilantly. The man with the knife stared at An Feng, seeming to be a little alert.

   Walking was a big man, he couldn’t see clearly in the dark, but he wasn’t invisible, he should be a white man, and the black buddy with a gun shouted: “Who the **** are you? Get out of here!”

  The big man stopped, as if confirming something.

   "Give-me-scroll-off!" The black buddies used classic lines, pointing their guns at the big man. The big man hesitated, turned and left.

   "Coward!" The black man with the gun smiled and turned his head, shouting, "Hurry up! Keep everything valuable!"

  An Feng's pupils suddenly contracted—the big man who turned and left turned back without warning and started running wildly. The target was the black man with the gun. His speed was so fast that the two guys who were holding the money and the phone didn't notice. This scene was slowed down by the machine brain: the big white man rushed to the back of the aware black man with the gun and grabbed it with one hand. The gun, strangled the neck with one hand and pulled it back.

An Feng also moved at the same time. He flew out and kicked the black man with the knife in the stomach. This kick was so powerful that he kicked him four or five meters away, and then turned around like lightning—the sound of the "bang" shot scared him He jumped! The black man who was knocked down pulled the trigger in a hurry, and the bullet flew out against his forehead, and the rolled up airflow scratched his cheek sorely.

  An Feng's biological brain was unable to react in time, but the robotic brain had already made him make body movements.

Jumping forward, grabbing the opponent's gun-holding wrist with his left hand, and clapping his right hand from bottom to top. The two movements were made together, and with a sound of "gaba", the black man's index finger holding the trigger was broken, and followed by An Feng, he pulled the pistol back violently. Then he pulled it into his hand and quickly turned the gun - but the black man on the ground rolled his eyes and was already strangled unconscious by the big man.

"Be careful!"

Daisy suddenly yelled, and An Feng looked back. The black man who had been knocked down by his foot just now got up crookedly, picked up the sharp knife on the ground, and before An Feng could react, Joanna kicked off her high heels to greet him. He got up and kicked the **** man between the legs. I don't know if it's a hallucination or what, An Feng seemed to hear the sound of the egg breaking, and then the **** man knelt down to protect the *** with both hands like a conditioned reflex.

  Joanna took a step back, kicked him in the face twisted in pain with a whip kick, and the big man fell to the ground. Daisy exclaimed, An Feng admired.

  Joanna turned around and came back, An Feng gave her a look of admiration, and then said to the big man who got up from the ground: "Thank you!"

  The big man patted the dust off his body, and was about to speak when the siren sounded.

The big man's face changed, and before An Feng could ask any more questions, he ran away. An Feng was stunned to see that after he ran more than ten meters, the police car chased him to the side of the road, stopped abruptly, and two policemen jumped out of the car. Hiding behind the car door, pointed the gun at An Feng and the big man who was running away, and shouted: "San Francisco police! Stop!"

   "Drop your weapon! Hands up!"

  An Feng threw away the pistol and raised his hand. Joanna and Daisy did the same. They explained, "We are the victims!"

  The police came towards them vigilantly with guns, and the fleeing big man continued to run, but he stopped after the police fired their guns into the sky.

  A policeman stared at An Feng vigilantly, while the two girls explained the process of the matter. Another policeman chased after him, pointed the gun at the big man, made him kneel on the ground with his back turned to him, handcuffed him from behind, and escorted him back. After a while, two more supporting police cars came.

  After explaining what happened to An Feng, the police cleared up the misunderstanding and knew that the three of them were victims. As for the big man who helped, he was suspected and failed to release the handcuffs. The police took them all into the car and sent them to the police station for investigation. An Feng and the two ladies took notes separately.

  An Feng immediately asked Lei to help him find a local lawyer, in case the two black men wanted to bite back, or if the big man had any involvement in the case, a good lawyer would at least restrain the police. While waiting for the lawyers, the police did not rush to deal with them.

  Joanna and Daisy, as ladies, get the privilege of two glasses of water.

  An Feng said to Joanna: "You were so brave just now!"

  Daisy said with lingering fear: "The moment she walked up, I was so scared that my heart stopped beating. I thought she was stimulated to do crazy things."

  Joanna raised her right hand to show them, "Actually, I was also very nervous, and my hand is still shaking."

   An Feng comforted: "It's okay, no one can hurt you."

  Joanna nodded, and her face gradually eased.

   At this time, the lawyer came. An Feng had never seen him, but the other party had his simple information in his hand. The lawyer came to the scene, and the police also came to work and take notes.

  Basically nothing happened. One of them was transferred to the hospital shortly after being sent to the police station. The black man who robbed originally wanted to sue Joanna for being too defensive, but the lawyer here made him deflated after a few words. To really fight, the blacks need to face public prosecution, as well as civil lawsuits on Anfeng's side. In a lawsuit with a rich person, the final result is a complete defeat, and maybe a few more charges will be added.

An Feng was relaxed, and the lawyer helped to speak, but the situation of the big white man was not very good. The police could not find out what case he had, but there was one thing that involved the Immigration Bureau: he did not have any documents that could prove his identity , no driver's license, no passport, nationality unknown.

At the request of the lawyer, the police disclosed some not-confidential information: People from the Immigration Bureau will come to deal with it, but judging from the accent, this person is probably Russian, and this kind of illegal smuggling is not the first time I have seen Yes, basically they will be forced to repatriate after identifying fingerprints and accents.

  An Feng asked his lawyer: "Is there any way to help him?"

  He didn't want to interfere with the immigration affairs, but the other party helped them. Although he was sure to handle the situation at that time, he couldn't guarantee that there would be no accidents. There are some things he doesn't want to owe, especially after the other party is deported this time, it is estimated that he will never meet again for the rest of his life.

  Joanna and Daisy clearly shared the same sympathy.

  The lawyer thought for a while and said, "Depending on the situation, the most effective way is to help him apply for political asylum."

   "Political asylum?" An Feng thought for a while, "I need to see him."

  Since the big man has no case and is guaranteed by a lawyer, it is easy to arrange a meeting. But there was not much time, so he cut to the chase and said, "Hi, hello, can you understand English?"

  The big man raised his head, with a beard all over his face, with hair on his arms and body, light gray eyes, and a high nose bridge, he looked very aggressive.

   "I can understand a little bit." He said. No wonder the police are so sure that he is from Russia. Can the police not recognize this full-mouthed Russian accent?

   "My name is Bruce, what's your name?"

  He looked at An Feng for a few seconds, and said in a low voice, "Gu Li."

   "Thank you very much for helping us in the parking lot, Guli. I already know the situation. You are likely to be forcibly deported by the immigration bureau. Are you willing to go back?"

  Guri shook his head: "I can't go back, I can't go back." He repeated, looking a little nervous, he resisted the word deportation.

   "Don't be nervous, relax, maybe I can help you." An Feng said.

  Guri raised his head, staring at people with those wide eyes, a little scary, he said: "As long as you don't send me back, I am willing to do things for you!"

   "Ahem, pay attention to what you say!" the lawyer reminded.

  Guri grinned: "I was just joking."

  An Feng shook his head: "I don't need you to do anything. How long have you been here? Forget it, let's talk to my lawyer, don't hide anything, he will help you."

  Guri nodded heavily: "Thank you!"

  An Feng said to the lawyer: "Please, please do your best. Money is no problem."

   "It will satisfy you, Mr. An." The lawyer said with a smile.

  After An Feng finished taking notes that night, he went back with his two girls. They also cared about what happened to Gu Li. No matter what he did before, being able to lend a helping hand to strangers who have never met before is admirable. An Feng told them not to worry, he would try his best to help him.

  The next day, the lawyer informed him to go to the police station.

  I saw Gu Li in the police station. He looked a little tired and smelled of sweat, but he looked good, and he took the initiative to say hello to An Feng.

The lawyer said to An Feng: "The application materials for political asylum have been submitted, and he will go to the immigration office for an interview in about a month. However, during this month, if he wants to move freely, he must have a guarantor and pay 100,000 yuan. Guarantee fee in US dollars. Mr. An?"

   "Need me to guarantee?" An Feng said.

   "Yes." The lawyer said, "He has stayed for too long, this is the best way, otherwise he will be temporarily detained."

  An Feng glanced at Gu Li, who was nervously listening to them, and wanted to help people to the end, so he agreed: "Okay, what do you want to sign?"

  An Feng signed a guarantor agreement and paid a guarantee fee of US$100,000. Guli also signed it in both American and Russian languages. The English transliteration of the name is quite long. An Feng spelled it out in his mind, Guli Savvadievich Korotayev. It seems that he did not lie last night.

  After signing, An Feng asked the lawyer: "What if he fails the interview?"

The lawyer said: "Nowadays, the chance of passing the immigration interview is very small, basically it will not pass. So you need to prepare in advance to go to court and let the immigration judge decide. Don't worry, the lawyers in the same firm as me have been arguing in court for so many years , never fails."

  After the matter was dealt with, An Feng left, but there was one more person—Gu Li. An Feng was very puzzled why he still followed him: "There is still a month before the defense."

  Guri scratched his head and said with a smile: "I said that as long as you help me, I will do things for you!"

  (end of this chapter)