MTL - Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant-Chapter 43 missing a partner

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  Chapter 43 lacks a companion

   Grape picking has been going on in various places in the past few days. The weather is fine, and the vineyards are full of busy scenes. Picking workers, machines are constantly shuttling between the vineyards. The labor cost has risen to a weekly salary of 1,000 US dollars, but the supply is still in short supply. Some people who are impatient simply use machines to pick.

  An Feng was one of them, holding a baton, and went back to sleep with a wave of his hand. Only 20 acres of grapes in the huge vineyard are picked by hand. It took three days. The grapes that look good will be used to make wine. The remaining 200 acres of Cabernet Sauvignon, if the current artificial quantity, I'm afraid that if the grapes are rotten, they won't be able to finish picking them.

  Picking is all handed over to the machine. An Feng stayed in the laboratory to observe the progress of the tissue culture of the transgenic grapes, and said to Old John: "According to my personal prediction, after about ten to fifteen days of cultivation, buds will emerge, and adjustments will be made two to three times during the process. The rest is easy."

  Old John took a pen and recorded the key steps An Feng said in his small notebook. An Feng looked at his records and nodded: "These are the relevant steps. If I happen to be away in the future, or there are other delays, you can follow these steps to take care of the plants."

  Old John accepted the notebook and asked, "Bruce, can these really change the growth pattern of grapes?"

"Of course." An Feng said confidently, "It grows extremely fast, and it will be transplanted into the ground in about one and a half months of tissue culture. By this time next year, it will be able to harvest the first batch of grapes. I believe that by these The wine made from the plant must be excellent."

   "It's unbelievable!" said Old John.

"Let's wait and see." An Feng smiled, and suddenly thought of something: "But I still have a question, can genetically modified wine be accepted here? I remember that France also studied grapes against grape diseases before, but they were criticized by local vineyards. Lord's strong protest."

Old John thought for a while and said: "California allows the research of genetically modified grapes. A few years ago, there was a yeast gene chain that prevented drinking headaches, but the market response was not very good. Of course, as long as it is certified by the food safety regulatory agency , it is no problem for it to face the market.”

   "Sure enough, everyone still has concerns." An Feng muttered. Genetically modified, many people talk about it, partly due to lack of understanding, but also due to its unknown nature, its safety needs two to three generations to verify, but what kind of product can wait for sixty or seventy years?

  An Feng is also one of the diehards. He resists the forced sale of genetically modified food, but it is different now. The technology in the machine brain has been verified for hundreds of years, and more than ten generations of people have been safe and sound. What else can be wrong? Of course, the right to choose is given to the public, and he has nothing to lose anyway, and the right is an experiment.

  Putting these concerns aside, An Feng spent the next few days following the winemaker's addiction to wine making. Firstly, the bunches of grapes that are picked back are destemmed first, then the grapes are pressed, and the juice is fermented. Due to the maturity of modern technology, traditional oak fermentation wine tanks have been gradually replaced by stainless steel wine tanks, but some old wineries, such as Lafite Chateau, still use some traditional craftsmanship to complement tradition and modernity.

  An Feng felt that he didn't think too much about the details. It was a good thing to be able to brew red wine. Anyway, he didn't pin his hopes on this batch of grapes. This time, I want to gain more knowledge, at least do enough superficial skills, don’t tell everyone that I am the owner of the winery, but I don’t even know the process of wine making, right?

  One day at noon, Joanna and Frank visited.

  Joanna is studying in Berkeley. The distance is not too far. It takes only three hours to drive. When she is free, she will occasionally come back to play for a few days.

   Served them a cup of tea, An Feng sat down, and Frank said, "Bruce, I'm here to talk to you about grapes."

   "Please tell me." An Feng said.

"I want to buy grapes from your vineyard, because last year's sales were good, and there are plans to expand the scale of winemaking, but the planting area of ​​the garden is limited, and other vineyards have reservations for wineries. It is not easy to find good quality grapes , I heard from Joanna that you are doing well here."

An Feng listened and nodded: "No problem, the grapes I picked here are all waiting to be sold. The quality seems to be good, but I am not familiar with them. The picking work is handed over to Old John. If you have How about I ask him to come over and talk to you about this intention?"

   "Thank you," Frank said.

An Feng called Old John, and learned from him that there were still some grapes left in the vineyard that had not been sold. Frank came to the door to solve this problem. After a few minutes of discussion, they decided to go to the park to see if the quality was suitable. If so, sign the contract.

   To be honest, these grapes don’t make much money, and if they can cover the expenses in Anfeng, they will be very happy.

  Joanna stayed. She was not very interested in picking grapes, but she knew how to taste wine. An Feng chatted with her about the red wine. Joanna knows a lot about high-quality lifestyles, which may be related to her background. When it comes to high society, she is extremely skilled.

  In the middle, she went to answer the phone, and came back with a sad face.

  An Feng asked concerned: "What's wrong? You look very depressed."

  Joanna glanced at him, and said helplessly: "I have a dance next Saturday, and some seniors from the sorority will attend, but they are required to bring male companions."

   "You mean the fraternity in college?" An Feng asked.

  Joanna nodded: "Yes, the sisterhood has some seniors who work in various fields. They will make an appointment to come back, exchange current affairs with us, and impart experience."

  An Feng didn't come into contact with a fraternity when he was in college, but he did join a club, which is about the same nature. However, fraternities and sororities are more active. They usually gather like birds of a feather and divide into groups. There are high-end and low-end. The high-end is basically an elite club in the university, such as the DKE fraternity at Yale University. Form a network of relationships all over the country, members include many US presidents in history.

  They are looking for a job after graduation. It just so happens that the executives of the company are also members, or friends, and they know each other through banquets and other forms. Do you think they will get special care? This is for sure, especially the brotherhood of high-end elites, the members are in politics and business, and their strength is not bad.

Americans who are good at sociability, as early as in college, they used fraternities to lay the foundation for their future career. After graduation, all parties are friends, and the social circle has been divided. … An Feng looked at the disappointed Joanna and expressed deep regret.

  Joanna suddenly looked at him, and An Feng suddenly felt horrified. She said pitifully, "Can you do me a favor?"

   "You mean..." An Feng asked hesitantly.

   "Yeah." Joanna nodded with a smile.

   "But I..." An Feng just wanted to refuse, but seeing the anticipation in Joanna's eyes, he changed the phrase: "Are there many single girls there?"

  Joanna replied: "The prom requires male (female) companions, in a way to promote the fellowship of fraternities and sororities, to create opportunities."

   "Oh, on the one hand, it's communication, and on the other hand, it's a red line. I understand." An Feng nodded in understanding. "Sounds good!"

  Joanna suddenly asked: "Wait, don't you have a girlfriend?"

   "The past tense." An Feng said, but then asked with a smile: "Are there many beautiful girls who only have temporary male companions, but are not boyfriends?"

  Seeing him repeating it twice, Joanna thought about it seriously, and said, "As far as the ESC sisterhood I belong to, there are quite a few girls who don't have boyfriends."

   "Do you think I'm old?" An Feng asked.

  Joanna shook her head. Yellow people don't look old, at least they are younger than white people of the same age.

   "OK, I promise you." An Feng said with a smile.

  (end of this chapter)