MTL - Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant-Chapter 406 Education issues

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  Chapter 406 Educational Issues

Low-cost rocket technology is currently the main business of Starspace Exploration Company. According to calculations, it costs about US$5 million to US$6 million per ton of weight, which is much lower than other competitors and countries, and the technology is mature enough to launch The success rate is very high, so it is very popular.

But the cost of rocket launch is still expensive. If it is replaced by a space elevator, the launch cost per ton is only about 50,000 US dollars. , the difficulty can be imagined.

The space elevator is a country that does not necessarily have the conditions to build it. An Feng does not think about it. His next step is an aerospace plane. Both the speed and the cost will be reduced, but the key is the design of the engine. Simply consuming fuel is not enough. Yes, the engine must be combined, preferably a combination of turbojet engine + ramjet engine + rocket engine, so the technology of the engine is difficult for everyone.

The design of the engine is currently being developed by An’s Industry in conjunction with the Starry Sky Exploration Company. The process is very slow. They need stronger engines than the current aerospace aircraft of several major countries. An Feng hopes to send the robot up. Soil on the moon dug back.

The plan is divided into two parts. The aerospace plane of the Star Exploration Company is mainly aimed at commercial use, and does not pursue the ultimate goal. The aerospace plane secretly developed by the robotics company is the application of complete technology—that is, it can bring robots up and go to Moon mining and then shipped back.


  In late April, An Feng went to Dezhou on business.

The official business is mainly about the hunting ground. A long time ago, the hunting ground had an area of ​​more than 30,000 acres. With the land changing hands and buying and selling over the years, its area has expanded to 45,000 acres. It may not seem like a lot, but it is connected together. If it continues to develop, it will engulf the surrounding cities.

  So it is currently unable to expand, and with the completion of the robot base, a road has been built around it, and there is also an airport. It is not a commercial airport. It only has a super long runway that is big enough to take off and land the Airbus A380. It has a total investment of 350 million US dollars and a lot of mechanical automation.

   It took many years, and now the airport has been built, and An Feng took people to check and accept it.

  The most direct way is to let a plane go up and down. A large number of equipment in the airport are intelligent and can accept the control of artificial intelligence. The efficiency of taking off and landing is much higher than that of humans. After professional testing, airport delivery. An Feng also sent the final payment.

   If necessary in the future, it will be convenient for the transport plane to land, and the drone can also be tested.

   After the inspection at the airport, he made an appointment with his brother-in-law to meet in San Antonio for the purpose of watching the NBA. The first round of this year's playoffs is the Spurs VS Mavericks. An Feng has been in charge of the Spurs for five years and has ample funds. However, unlike the Premier League, the team's performance is good, but it has been missed the championship.

  The team's attention in China is very high, because of the Chinese players. There are two discovered Chinese in the team, professional managers and coaches can be regarded as discerning talents, Chinese players have played for the Spurs for several years, performed very well, received attention and enthusiasm, and the marketing strategy was very successful.

  An Feng came to watch the game to reminisce about his youth.

The young fans back then are estimated to have become old fans in their 30s and 40s, and the younger generation is also emerging. An Feng, who is almost 40, feels that he can't keep up with the rhythm of young people. He occasionally comes to the game to get to know everyone I can talk about the direction of the wind, and I can talk about it in the future.

  My brother-in-law has strong basketball blood, and even caught a ball that flew off the field.

  An Feng said with a smile: "The reaction ability is not bad, do you want to play?"

   "Don't bury me!" said the brother-in-law, "I can't even say I'm making a fool of myself in front of these giants, but it's okay to go back and bully some old classmates."

  An Feng said: "I think in the future you have to recruit a son-in-law who understands football, one-on-one, one-on-one, if you can't win, don't talk about your daughter."

  Brother-in-law smiled: "Boys have to love sports and be healthy, otherwise I'm really worried."

   Watching the game live has a bonus: watching the cheerleading squad. In the past, those who watched live TV broadcasted advertisements at this point, or several hosts would scramble to say something. The fans in front of the TV are all complaining, c'mon c'mon, we want to see girls, who the **** wants to read your comments!

  The half-time break was spent in the performance of the cheerleaders, and the game continued.

Compared with football, this basketball is much more exciting to enter the hole. After a 90-minute game of football, it means that one or two goals are scored. Maybe you don’t shoot for 90 minutes... But basketball, shooting and slam dunk Crazy, the Spurs scored more than 100 points in the fourth quarter. Over a hundred in the playoffs is not bad.

A Chinese player on the Spurs side grabbed a rebound and fell to the ground due to a body collision. The coach asked for a substitution. The player returned to the dugout without any serious problems. An Feng reached out and gave him a high-five: " Well done!" The other party also smiled and said, "Just a little bit!"

   "Give me a chance next time!" An Feng smiled, and the surrounding cameras clicked to record.

An Feng's character determines that he can be friendly with anyone. Although he doesn't appear many times, he is very popular among the players. Including the end of the playoffs last time, he gave generous gifts, which really let the Spurs players experience the Premier League firsthand. The money-burning style of a wealthy boss.

At the end of the game, the Spurs won in the end, and the score became 3-1. If they win another game, they will be able to advance to the division semifinals. This year's performance is not bad, and they can continue to shout the slogan of competing for the championship. As for whether they can Do it, mainly depends on God's will.


  The end of April.

   There are guests at An Feng's house, usually Wang Le and Matthew. They each brought their children to visit, and the children rode ponies on the lawn. The oldest of the three children was William, who was seven years old, Alice, who was six, and Harry, who was five, but Alice was the most active when playing.

She is wearing a full set of equestrian equipment, a helmet with shoulder pads and knee pads, and she is riding a simple and honest pony on the grass. There are also obstacle courses specially designed for pony size. For safety reasons, the obstacles are plastic or soft Inflatable objects, even bumps will not hurt.

Children at this age are still a little scared. Don’t look at the pony’s short legs and round body. It runs at a speed of more than 30 kilometers per hour. The bumps when crossing obstacles are also a challenge for children. Even the oldest William dare not Go through obstacles one after another like Alice.

   Several of them sat on the lawn to watch the performance. Matthew said: "Alice's equestrian talent is really good. I think she will be like her mother in the future."

  An Feng said: "If your children are pestered to ride ponies every day, I believe they will be talented."

  Matthew laughed: "It is conceivable that last time she went to my place to play, she also shouted to ride William's pony, and then to race against Diego."

   "Too lively!" An Feng shook his head, but there was pride in his words.

   "Come on, Harry!" Matthew said to the children on the field, "Over that hurdle, you are the best!"

   "You can do it!" Wang Le said.

   "Come on!" An Feng applauded.

  Alice rode a pony and turned around in front: "Come over to me, Harry!"

Harry gained courage, and urged the pony to run forward. When encountering an inflatable obstacle, the pony jumped up instinctively, stepped over, and landed steadily. Although the horse's back would be bumpy, Harry held on tight Reins and saddles, it is another scene after opening your eyes.

   "Good job!" An Feng applauded. For a five-year-old child, it takes a lot of courage to do this.

  Little Harry looked back at everyone and smiled.

  Wang Le said with a smile: "This kid is cheerful when he comes here, and he is not usually so lively."

  An Feng said: "You might as well send your children here to study and let them have a companion."

  Wang Le said: "The main consideration is the child's intention."

  Matthew also said: "I also think Bruce's opinion is good."

An Feng’s education concept is very open-minded, he didn’t specify what the children must do when they grow up, but the issue of education cannot be neglected, American education is too loose, British education is too boring, so he invested in a primary school in Santa Barbara, Build according to your own wishes.

Matthew's child also attends this elementary school, and he is also a shareholder of the school. The school invested by the two super-rich people seems to be the same as an ordinary elementary school, but the number of students is smaller, the curriculum is more targeted, and there are special schools. classes, which take the government-mandated curriculum as a minimum for a more comprehensive education.

  In fact, it has content that other schools do not have, learning from private schools in the UK. As we all know, private schools in the UK are among the top in the world. Apart from basic courses, they also have many things that other schools cannot learn, such as etiquette and speech, standard British accent, etc.

  For example, in order to take care of English pronunciation problems, An Feng directly poached the corner of the school in the UK.

An Feng doesn't mind the child's accent problem, but the child's mother is a baroness with social status, and the parents and housekeeper at home speak a standard accent. If the family speaks English and goes to school and speaks American, the accent will become nondescript. Consolidate a set of British pronunciation.

But Joanna prefers British schools. When it comes to aristocratic education, Britain is indeed outstanding. Apart from regular courses, students are exposed to high society. The way they talk and behave at banquets, and the interests and hobbies of high-ranking students... There are also many rich people in the United States. Send your children to private schools in the UK.

  When it comes to the starting line of education, the same is true in Western countries. Public schools are for ordinary families, and all kinds of private schools are chosen by the children of rich people. The facilities and conditions of public schools are very average, while private schools have more funds and better conditions in all aspects.

  At present, Alice is staying in the United States. One is An Feng’s work problem, which is easy to coordinate. The other is that she is too young, and her parents are reluctant to send her to boarding school. Joanna Middle School used to be a private public school for girls, boarding system, all of them were girls, and she called it a "lady manufacturing area".

  Wang Le said: "If the child likes it, I am happy for him to come here."

   "Then you have to consider finding a good house nearby." An Feng said, watching the field and a few children having fun, the result is obvious.

  Wang Le also understood after looking at it, he said: "I tend to rely on the sea, but unfortunately it is monopolized by you rich people, and it is difficult to find at present."

  Matthew said: "There may be some further north, and there is development there."

  During the conversation, three steeds came running in the distance, and on the horses were women who were unyielding, Joanna, Lisa and Christina. Joanna, who was running in front, reined in her horse and stopped. She dismounted heroically and patted the horse's neck. It left automatically and went to the side to graze grass.

  After the two of them got off their horses, Lisa took off her helmet and came over to Wang Le and said, "Maybe I also have hope to participate in this year's horse racing festival."

   "Are you going to participate in a professional competition?" Wang Le asked.

   "Isn't it okay?" Lisa said, "I didn't intend to compete for the ranking, it was just my performance."

   "Then I have another opponent." Matthew joked.

  The biennial horse racing festival at the Blue Sky Racecourse, the main event is equestrian triathlon, a three-day race. The past few sessions have been very successful, because the rewards of the competition are very high. The prize money for the first place is as high as 5 million US dollars, and the second and third can also share 5 million, which shows that the money is not bad.

Although the event is not at the international level, the contestants are all top-notch. One is for the high rewards, and the other is that it attracts a lot of attention and is sponsored by big businesses. Bida, who specializes in high-end beverage consumption, likes it very much, and the harness company also likes it. Frequent sponsorship, magazines will mention.

  After coming and going, it has become a popular event that can attract riders from all over the world.

  (end of this chapter)